108 Maidens of Destiny

Chapter 11 – Chaotic Tail Escape Technique

Chapter 11 – Chaotic Tail Escape Technique

- TL: AmeryEdge

- ED: Azusky, No1Fan

There were over a hundred families residing in Song Clan Village. It gave Shu Jing the impression of an ordinary village, with barking dogs, crowing roosters and kitchen chimney smoke in the air. Song Lu went to look for the sole physician in the village to heal Shu Jing, who applied a medicine called “Exhaustive Tendons Powder” on his wounds. He was told that he would completely recover after resting for three to four days. The physician also praised Shu Jing’s resilient body. If a normal person was bit by a Blossom Steel Tiger, their bones would have been shattered to pieces, and some would even be disabled for the rest of their life. Instead, Shu Jing survived with a mere flesh wound.

News of Shu Jing’s slaying of the Blossom Steel Tiger quickly spread throughout the village. It seemed like this beast had previously caused no small amount of damage to this village. All the young men and women of the village came to asked about Shu Jing. If not for Lin Yingmei’s cold and intimidating figure, Song Lu’s house would have already collapsed.

Song Lu suggested that Shu Jing should stay here and rest until he completely recovered. Yingmei felt partially responsible for this matter, so she did not object.

Shu Jing could only go with the flow and settled in.

“Young Master, do you need anything? My body belong is yours to command. Just treat me like cattle.” Song Lu blinked while smiling flirtatiously.

Hearing her words, Lin Yingmei furrowed her eyebrows. She did not like the way Song Lu talked one bit.

“Are there any books here? It would be great if you could find me a couple of books about the Liangshan Continent.” Shu Jing asked, ignoring not to hear her. Currently, there were too many mysteries in this Liangshan Continent. Lin Yingmei did not carry any such text on her body, and she was not suitable for teaching him. Know your enemy and yourself and you shall be invincible, how could he not understand this simple principle from Sun Tzu’s Art of War?

“Let me go ask for you.” In the blink of an eye, Song Lu had already skipped out of the room.

“Master, you must not let your guard down!” Waiting for her to finally leave, Lin Yingmei unreservedly remind Shu Jing.

“Do you think she is a Star Knight?” Shu jing asked.

“This servant cannot sense any trace of Star Energy coming from her. There’s a possibility that she has an extremely high cultivation and is able to conceal her strength. Of course, she could also be a normal person.” Lin Yingmei shook her head. She did not possess extraordinary observing abilities. The only way for her to tell if someone was a Star Knight or not is to fight against them.

“I think she has many similarities to Star Knights.” Shu Jing smile and said.

Lin Yingmei was puzzled: “Why does Master say so?”

“Basically, she has this strange leisurely aura to her.” Shu Jing thought about how, ever since he met her, she has never for one moment seemed ordinary. Unlike normal people, she seems to have training and experience, even if she could not take care of the Blossoming Steel Tiger, she seemed to be sure she would be able to escape safely in the end. Being a soldier himself, Shu Jing intuition’s was very sensitive about these matters. Nine out of ten times his suspicions were always correct.

Lin Yingmei seemed to be deep in thought, with a cold voice she said, “Should we get rid of her?”

“She has no bloodthirst.” Shu Jing has pondered about the reason why the girl was able to approach him so closely without causing him alarm. The reason was she did not seem to be hiding a trace of killing intent. No matter who they were, while harboring ill thoughts they will not be able to completely conceal their killing intent, and Shu Jing was the type who could read his opponents well. She did not have ill intents, so he did not hesitate to catch the falling Song Lu.

“This time, this servant really messed up.”

“No need to worry, a man who can withstand pain is a true man.” Shu jing waved his hand. “I also cannot always be protected by you, this was a good opportunity for me to train.”

Lin Yingmei did not disagree. As the Majestic Star Panther Head, she thought the words spoken by Shu Jing were truly worthy of the rightful master of Lin Chong.

In a moment, Song Lu came back into the room, carrying with her several bags. Looking at her dragging so many heavy bags, Shu Jing laughed: “Song Lu, don’t tell me you have taken every single book in the entire village here!”

“That’s right! These are all books that have been in our village since ancient times, some of them were even given by the village chief, and all of these are for Young Master to peruse.” Song Lu’s cheeks revealed shining dimples as she smiled.

“You didn’t steal all of these right?”

“Of course not, hearing that Young Master wishes to read books, everybody in the village all gathered what they could. You are this village’s savior, so it is only natural.” Song Lu laughed. “I heard there are even some ancient hidden manuals in here, but many people in our village have already tried and failed to comprehend them.”


Hearing this, Shu Jing’s eyes brighten. Currently, his biggest problem was that he lacked cultivation manuals. One must know, if a Star Cultivator had the help of a powerful Soul Technique or Martial Art, their strength would greatly increase.

But when Shu Jing thought about how Song Lu casually said she had found some cultivation manuals, a suspicion grew in his heart. How could he be so lucky to randomly run into some top-notch cultivation manual?

Finished reading the “cultivation manuals” Song Lu has brought him, Shu Jing felt like a bucket of cold water was splashed all over his head. What kind of legendary cultivation manual is this? What the heck are “Traversing the Heavens and Earth Lone Supreme Technique”, “Annihilating Brainless Palm” or “Overturning Oceans and Rivers Wave Unleashing Tactics”? The names were crude enough, but the contents themselves were even worse. In order to practice the Lone Supreme Technique, one must first castrate themselves, the Annihilating Brainless Palm requires one to annihilate their own brain first, while the Wave Unleashing Tactics is just a damn lecher technique. What’s more, there was one called Nine Revolution Indestructible Golden Body, which requires one to die first to cultivate it.


But he did found something that interested him. The Chaotic Tail Escape Technique, whose author is the Golden Toad Spiritual Master. The name sounds quite mysterious, but more importantly, the manual was comprehensive and clearly explained the training process step by step.

At a glance one could tell this manual was very useful, it was ordered logically in a standardised format. Especially important is that it lists Star Energy as a requirement for cultivating it. Furthermore, according to the manual, this escape technique was truly powerful. It could make even gods and demons weep in vain.

This was a technique against the heavens. Even if the user’s body was incomplete and they are barely hanging on to life, as long as one still has a glimmer of consciousness, they will be able to escape. Even a powerful enemy can only stand back and sigh.

This escape technique requires strong willpower to completely resist the surrounding interference, or it will be all for naught.

Shu Jing found this manual to be very suitable, so he asked Lin Yingmei and Song Lu about the Golden Toad Spiritual Master. Song Lu was not clear on who he was, and even after half a day of thinking, Yingmei could only say that it seems the Spiritual Master was most likely a wandering expert who had recorded down his findings for the later generations. This was enough to reassure Shu Jing, no matter what, he will just give it a try first.

According to the book, one’s body must be injured in order to train this technique. If the body is completely unharmed, it will always fail. Shu Jing was still determined to try it out. Luckily, his legs were still wounded.

Next Shu Jing began to train following the Chaotic Tail Escape Technique manual. First, he must gather all his Star Energy and use it to attack his injuries. Being wounded is the most major requirement of this move, and once he had gathered all his power at the right place, he must then force it to ravage his body from inside and out. The Star Energy in his body began to sharpen as they head towards his leg and attacking it ceaselessly, causing him to experience unimaginable pain.

“Goddamn, it hurts!”

Shu Jing’s eyes widened. He gasped and swallowed a mouthful of cold air.

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