6 Times a Day

Chapter 1005 Amy X Katherine [ReaperCrew Sponsored]

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Katherine was so excited to hear Amy say that that she hugged her tight and kissed her mouth to mouth for a good while.

However, in mid-kiss, a new worry hit her, so she broke off the kiss to ask, "Wait a minute. Are you saying that because you figure that's how it already is, so we'd better get used to it, or are you saying that because you LIKE it that way? Aims, I totally love how easy-going you are, but sometimes that makes it hard to know what you REALLY want."

Amy paused to consider that. "Well... It's complicated. I don't just go along with the rest of you because it's the easy way. I feel happy seeing the people I love happy. It's that simple. You and your mom and Brenda totally get off on the master and slave thing, and Alan pretty obviously loves it, even if he can't quite admit it yet. My mom kind of doesn't count, because she has mixed feelings, so that makes me love it with the rest of you."

Katherine pressed, "I understand that, and I love you for it, but what do YOU really feel? Independent of everyone else. Let's say it was just you and Brother as a couple, so it was totally up to you to be his slave or whatever you want to be. What then?"

"In that case, I wouldn't be his slave. I'd just be his regular girlfriend, I guess."

"A-ha! So that means you don't like it after all."

"Not even! Look, if I were having just a normal one-on-one boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with him, things would probably be more normal in general. But we're part of a harem, so that means things are generally gonna be weird. It's pretty obvious to me that a harem-y situation works much better with a master-slave-y thing. So that's not a fair question to ask."

Amy continued, "Here's the thing. A month ago, if you'da asked me, I would have said, 'Nah, I'm not into that.' But seeing you and your mom in action, and now Brenda too, I find myself getting into it. It's fun! It creates a sexy vibe that leads to more boners, more sex, more excitement, more sharing, more fun, and hopefully ultimately more love. And it cuts down on the fighting, a lot. This way, Alan's our master and we serve him. It's simple and easy. I'm totally cool with that. I even told him as much when I was with him earlier."

"You did? Great!"

Amy held up a hand with a stop gesture. "But wait. Like I said, it's complicated. One reason I'm cool with it is because I know that Brother is just, well, himself. He's not a superman with magical powers. We don't call him 'Master' because he's superior and the rest of us are all less than him somehow. He's Master because he's the only guy, the only one of us with a penis, so it just makes sense. If we were on an airplane and only one person knew how to fly the plane, we'd make that person the pilot. That doesn't make the pilot a god. In another situation the same group could find themselves in a medical emergency, and then if it turns out one of the passengers is a doctor, then we'd have that person take charge. You see what I mean?"


"So, to me, it's kind of like we're all just role-playing, like we've done on our fashion nights. That's why I don't take it too seriously. But I worry that you, your mom, and Brenda DO take it too seriously. Like, you hype him up so much about being some kind of naturally superior guy that you start to believe the hype, and he does too. That worries me. I mean, you know all his faults as well as I do. We basically grew up together since diapers, and he pooped in his diapers just as much as you or me!"

ƥandasnovel.com Katherine said, "Maybe more so." They both chuckled at that.

"Sure, now it turns out that he's developed some special sexual skills, and that's a super cool bonus. But all people are equal on some basic level, you know what I mean?"

"I do," Katherine replied earnestly. However, she could tell that she and Amy weren't looking at the relationship in the same way. "I understand on some basic level that we're all equal, sure. But I also think that Alan IS superior somehow. Is that a contradiction? Obviously. But it's also love. Because I love him so much, I want to pamper him and treat him extra special, because he's extra special to me, and he always has been. It turns out I'm a submissive kind of person, so I get off on treating him like he's superior. I'm sure I can speak for Mom in saying that she feels the same way. And although I can't speak for Brenda 'cos I don't know her well enough yet, I'll bet dollars to donuts it's the same for her."

Amy's face showed that she wasn't happy.

Katherine tried to mollify her. "I know it seems weird. But people are complicated. I know Brother is just an ordinary guy who picks his nose and pooped in his diapers, but I also get off on imagining that he's some kind of sexually unstoppable super stud. The key is not to get so carried away with that latter viewpoint that you lose sight of the former."

Amy furrowed her brows. "And can you do that? That's not a problem for me, like, at all. I guess that shows I'm not a true submissive or whatever, 'cos I can tell I don't get turned on by that kinda thing as much as you do. But what about you? Or your mom? Or Brenda?"

Katherine replied confidently, "You don't need to ever worry about me. That's because I grew up with him, so I saw all of his faults as well as his good points. I mean, how could I think anyone is 'naturally superior' who sucks at playing board games so badly? Has he EVER won a game of Monopoly against any of us, in his life?"

Amy giggled a lot. "Nope!"

"So you see? And of course Mom knows even better than us that he's just flesh and blood with the same kind of flaws as other people. Don't be deceived. Sure, she gets carried away at times, but if he were to come home with a bad report card, you know how all over him she'd be."

Amy nodded. She was well aware that Susan had a knack for "laying down the law" without getting mean about it. "M'kay. I can see that. But what about Brenda? Or, more importantly, Brother himself? My other big concern is that HE'LL start to believe the hype. We know what a naturally modest guy he is, but if you keep telling any eighteen-year-old boy that he really does have a harem of beautiful, busty sex slaves, how could he not be affected?"

Katherine said, "First, about Brenda, like I said, I can't speak for her. But if she has unrealistic ideas about how great he is, so what? That's harmless enough, and it seems to make her really happy. The main thing is, we shouldn't let that affect what WE think. And especially what he thinks. But also, that means it should be our duty, all of us, to help keep her tethered at least lightly to reality. Right now, she's only seeing his 'super stud' side. But over time she's gonna see his flaws. And that's healthy. We should help guide that process."

Amy nodded.

"And that dovetails nicely into your second concern. If you ask me, I think Brother is pretty damn unflappable. I don't think I'm saying that just because I'm moony over him. I mean, not only does he have our family harem, but he's also fucking the entire cheerleading squad, and his history teacher, and quite a few other hotties besides! He's even necked with Ice Queen Christine! Hell, he's just fucked his own MOTHER! But he's still the same ol' Alan, right? Sure, he smiles a hell of a lot more than before, and his cock is almost always hard, but that's to be expected. He doesn't strut around like a peacock with a 'do this, do that' attitude."

Amy nodded again.I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

"And if he does, we're not going to take that lightly! We might be his sex slaves, but we're UPPITY sex slaves! That's gonna make all the difference. It's like you said; this is like a big role-play. And when shit gets real, we've gotta step out of our roles and tell him, 'Hey, cut it out.' If we were ALL like Brenda, that would be bad, and things might go to his head pretty fast. But he knows us, and he LOVES us, and he's determined not to disappoint us. Sure, he's gonna make mistakes from time to time, but I trust him to find a way to make this crazy harem thing work out for everyone involved. With help from all of us, of course."

Amy hugged Katherine's naked body. "Thanks for saying that. That makes me feel a lot better. But at the same time, I think it's best if we kinda keep it cool, if you know what I mean."

"Not exactly."

"I mean, we don't have to go around saying 'Master this' and 'Master that' all the time. Especially since my mom isn't so comfortable with it, and even Brother has trouble with it. Sure, it thrills him, deep down, but it also troubles him too. He needs time to adjust."

"Good point." Katherine nodded.

"And we should be even more sparing with the 'S' word. To be honest, that one bothers me. 'Master' is cool, but why does the flip of that have to be 'slave?'"

"Can you think of a more fitting word?"

"Well, no."

"There you go."

Amy said, "Even so, we should try to think of a better one. 'Cos it's not just us. What if people on the outside hear one of us say that?"

"That's a good point." Katherine frowned. "In fact, I was going to ask you that. You say this is just like a role-play, but if that's the case, it's a role-play without any end. I don't know about you, but I plan to be one of Brother's love slaves for the rest of my life!"

"Me too!" Amy stiffened proudly.

"I love to hear that, 'cos I want to be your fellow sister-slave forever and ever. But think about the implications. This is going to affect everything we do, forever! We'll never be 'normal.' Society will never be cool with our lifestyle. Can you handle that?!"

Amy said, "As if I have a choice! This isn't just about me and him, or you and him, or even us and him - this is about FAMILY! You know how us Pestridges got split. This is my real family now, and it's been that way for years and years. These are the people I love! I don't give a patootie about anyone outside of our harem. So who cares what a bunch of strangers say or think?"

Amy added, "I love being in the harem soooo much! At first, I was thinking just about us five. But I'm totally getting to know and really like some new people. Like Brenda. Or Xania. Or Kim, even. I feel like we share a bond. Because we all love Brother and have sex with each other, it's like our friendships naturally zoom to a super intimate, special level, right away."

Now it was Katherine's turn to nod in understanding.

"Heck, even someone like Ms. Rhymer. I don't really know her, but when I see her walking around school, I feel this special connection, like she's one of us. She's been fucked by him. She's grown to love his cock, to love sucking it. He's fucked her so good that he's rocked her whole world, I'm sure. I mean, he fucked my ass so incredibly tonight that I cried tears of pain at first, but later they turned into tears of joy! It's so intense! And she's gone through that, or something pretty close to it. It's like, there are two kinds of women: those who have been fucked by him, and those who haven't yet received that blessing. Anyone who has, I feel like we're part of a secret sisterhood or something. I'm totally hoping the harem will grow by at least a couple more, so I'll have that many more special friends and lovers."

Katherine hugged and kissed Amy again. "I'm so glad to hear you say that, because I feel the same way! Like with Ms. Rhymer, I totally think the same kinds of things when I see her. Maybe I'm a little more jealous, thinking about what fun they're having during lunch that I can't take part in, but the basic idea is the same. I know how long Brother has crushed on her, and I get the feeling that it's not just a crush anymore - it's real love. I find myself imagining that she'll be part of the harem someday, and I'll be licking his cock with her."

"Oh, totally!" Amy agreed. "I already find myself thinking, like, how we'd do it together. Like, would we take turns bobbing-"

A new thought hit Katherine, causing her to interrupt. "Hey! I completely agree again. But if you feel that way, with the 'secret sisterhood' and everything, how do you reconcile that with saying Brother really isn't that special after all?"

Amy replied, "I did say he's got an obvious natural talent for sex. But more than that, it's the HAREM that's super special! Ya know? To be honest, it would be a pretty darn cool thing even if Alan wasn't a part of it. It's like... sex and friendship and love, all tied together... It's just really cool! Oh! And the nudity! Did I mention how much I love that we can all be naked?"

Katherine just smiled at that, since Amy didn't need any more encouragement when it came to nudity.

Amy continued with her usual exuberance, "Now that I've experienced harem life, I couldn't ever imagine going back to being 'normal.' And of course Brother is the glue that holds it all together, and he's really good at that. Sure, I believe that he's just a regular kind of person, not superhuman, but at the same time, if anyone has deserved being a master of a harem, it's him, with the way he's super careful not to play favorites, and how he says just the right things and all that. He makes us all so happy to be a part of it!"

"Amen to that!"

The two beautiful girls celebrated their agreement with many more kisses and lots of fun playing around.

Katherine was relieved overall to hear confirmation that Amy was on board with calling Alan 'Master' and treating him as such. But she remained slightly concerned, because she realized that Amy's stance was not exactly the same as her own. She knew that Amy was right, that it ultimately wasn't healthy to think of Alan as somehow superior, because that implied that everyone else, including herself, was somehow inferior. Yet she had a submissive mindset that made it easy to slip into that way of thinking. And she knew it was the same for Susan and Brenda.

She resolved to try harder not to get carried away, and not let anyone else in the harem get carried away.

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