6 Times a Day

Chapter 201 Kissing Ms.Rhymers

Finally, Alan's school day ended. He was looking forward to his after-school meeting with Ms. Rhymer, if only to find out what he'd done to upset her. Plus, he was buoyed by the fact that no matter what happened with that, it would be followed by another sexually-charged appointment with Akami.

As everyone else left the school grounds, he went back to his fourth-period classroom, full of curiosity at what his favorite teacher wanted to talk about.

He knew that the sexual tension between them had been building and building, and it seemed like things were reaching some kind of breaking point. He figured that she must have gotten cold feet at the last minute, and that's why she'd cancelled the plans they'd had for lunch. He guessed that she was less upset with him than upset at herself for letting things go so far.

But that was not the case at all. In truth, her mind was a jumble of mixed emotions. She kept wavering between different plans, which led to very different futures for her relationship with him. She'd cancelled her lunch plans with him mostly because she still hadn't made up her mind on what to do. Even now she remained uncertain, but she'd told him to meet her after school, so she had to tell him something. She decided to go with her gut feelings when the time came.

When he got there, she sat alone behind her desk and looked extremely angry. "Come in, young man!" she said sternly.

He walked in, suddenly meek. He was far too anxious to be aroused.

"Young man, I had hoped to discuss how I could possibly help you with the orgasmic urges you have during the school day. But a more urgent and distressing problem has come up. Mr. Jackson told me all about how he caught you in the supply room yesterday."

Now Alan knew he was in deep trouble. Her earlier anger at him suddenly made sense.

"I'm shocked! Shocked to hear that you were in that room with some little hussy." She shot her words at him like bullets. "That cheerleader Kim, I gather."

He didn't confirm or deny it, but just stood still.

Her tone softened a bit. "I'm hurt too, that you didn't even tell me that you had a girlfriend. I thought that you considered me a friend you could confide in, even though I'm also your teacher."

He thought he saw her wipe away a tear, but he wasn't sure.

"You are a friend!" he quickly interjected. "You're my favorite, best teacher I've ever had!"

"Well, some kind of friend you are, then," she continued, now bitter. "What kind of friend would steal my key, make a copy of it and then use that copy to fornicate in a completely forbidden area? I cannot tell you how utterly disappointed I am in you, young man!"

Her upset feelings grew. "This is completely deplorable! Not so much because of what you did in there. I understand that you've been driven to such behavior by your ... medical treatment. But to betray my trust like that! That was completely unnecessary! Why couldn't you have just told me? We could have worked something out. Didn't I show you how far I'm willing to go to help you after school on Wednesday?! How many teachers would let you do something like that?"

She was definitely crying now, feeling both sad and angry.

He felt so bad that he wanted to cry as well. He was too stunned to come up with a good response.

He still tried to figure out what she meant by "worked something out" when she prodded him again, "What do you have to say for yourself, young man?"

"Um, I'm really, really sorry! I never meant to hurt you! It wasn't that I wanted to betray your trust; it's just that I thought you would never understand, that no one would understand. What you did to help me on Wednesday was awesome, but it just goes to show much how strong this need to cum every few hours has gotten for me!" That wasn't completely true, but he was trying to minimize the damage.

He continued, "This medical treatment is driving me crazy! It's like my body chemistry has changed. I get horny all the time, and I've gotten used to getting quick relief. Yesterday, I thought that if I didn't get some relief in the middle of the day during school, I would literally lose my mind. So I did something drastic, and stupid." There was some truth to what he said, but he continued to exaggerate for emotional effect.

"You sure did," she agreed, glaring angrily at him again. "You're just lucky that it was Mr. Jackson who caught you, or you could have gotten in real trouble. You could even have been expelled! I understand that you needed relief, but why did you have to turn to some slutty cheerleader? I'm sure that Kim is a slut who's ready to spread her legs for any guy, or girl more likely, I hear! Do you know enough about sexual diseases? Do you realize the risks you're taking?"

Suddenly her voice changed and became loving and caring. "Why didn't you come to me, your favorite teacher? Especially after what I did for you on Wednesday? I could help you like she did. Don't you like me? Don't you find me attractive?"

He didn't know what to say to that. The implications were astounding. "I could help you like she did?!" Holy fuck! Does that mean what I think it means?

In fact, she didn't know what she meant; she was going with her gut and letting her emotions take control. She was hot for Alan even more than she was angry or jealous. Curiously, the anger and jealousy seemed to only fuel her arousal even more, although she was struggling not to show it.

"I'll tell you one thing, young man," her voice angry again. "That cheerleader is no match for me! I could show her things that would make her blush!"

His mind boggled. What is she saying? I'm so confused; she's changing her mood every few seconds. Is she offering to replace Kim, so I can do things with her sexually? With my super sexy teacher? The one I've been dreaming about for three years? Even after what happened the day before yesterday, I don't believe it. No friggin' way! This is exactly like what Sis was joking about just yesterday!

He answered, "I find you VERY attractive, Ms. Rhymer! Please don't be mad at me! You're the greatest! I've had a crush on you forever!"

"Hrrmph!" she huffed. "You're just saying that to make me feel better! You've always had a cunning tongue. Anyway, having a crush on your teacher is wrong! Very wrong! It's not allowed. And you can't blame that on your medical treatment, either. I know you've felt this way about me almost since the time you first met me, at least if your constantly erect member is any indication! I think you've been bad. Very bad! Luckily, Mr. Jackson was smart enough to come to me and explain the situation. Since you stole my key, he thought it fitting that I give you the punishment for your misdeeds, and a punishment you will get!"

Alan was already a bit surprised by her appearance, since her blouse was open and underneath it she wore a sporty top that had a lower cut than anything he'd seen her wear before. He doubted she wore a bra. She'd never worn anything like that while teaching class, and yet school had just ended a few minutes earlier.

But now she got up, and he noticed that she wasn't wearing any pants, but merely bathing suit bottoms. That was even stranger. However, he was in no position at the moment to ask why.

She didn't know what she was going to do until she started to do it (although the clothes she'd just changed into were a big clue as to her true intentions, deep down). She walked to the door and locked it. She picked up something off her desk and held it behind her back. Then she came back to him, bent over him with her hands behind her back and got even angrier.

"Since you act like a child, I'm going to treat you like a child!" she raved. "I'm going to give you a spanking, just like a little boy!"

Her tone momentarily changed yet again and grew hesitant. "Now, strictly speaking, this kind of thing is not allowed. Do you plan to complain, or are you man enough to take your proper punishment with dignity and keep your mouth shut?"

"I'll uh, take my proper punishment." His mind spun crazily. Could this be for real? Kind, amazingly nice Ms. Rhymer, "Surfer Girl" Ms. Rhymer, is going to spank me like a little boy? Of all the people in the world!

"Good! At least you're not a complete baby!" she yelled, tough again. "Now take off your shorts and underwear - if you're wearing any - and bend over the desk."

Wait. What?! Oh no! I'll have to get naked in front of her! True, he'd exposed himself to her two days ago, but this felt very different. He stood three feet in front of her, where she now sat on the edge of her desk. His face was blushing red.

He took a step or two back, and then slowly slid his shorts down. He felt like he was the main event in a completely coerced strip show. He would have been just as humiliated if a whole crowd watched him. Yet, in spite of that, he'd just grown an erection because he was feeling a sexy vibe from his teacher as well as the intimidating one. Her mysterious comments about wanting to help him like Kim had really got him going.

He began to remove his underwear watching her apparently angry eyes as they bore into his crotch. His dick sprang free, revealing its completely erect state. He quickly removed his underwear and used his hands to cover his boner.

"Young man, you are completely incorrigible! You stand in front of your teacher with a hard-on! No, don't try to hide it!"

He sheepishly pulled his hands away.

"Is that how you repay all my kindness, with your perverted crush and your uncontrollable erections? That's what you've been doing all this week and last, having blatantly obvious hard-ons all through my class. I won't stand for it! You even had the audacity to masturbate right in front of me! Now come over here and take your punishment!"

He noticed that Ms. Rhymer now held her ruler, and was unconsciously stroking it in the same way he'd spied her doing a few days earlier. God, what the hell does she want? First I thought she's coming on to me, but then she's humiliating me, and now she's stroking that ruler. What the hell? I've never seen her act like this, like... at all!

He nervously walked over to the desk and bent over it. He was tall enough so that his feet still touched the floor, and he was able to push his genitals up and over the desk to give them some cover.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She crouched down behind him so she could have a good look at him between his legs. Dammit! Why does he have to have such a fucking big dick? Nerdy straight-A students aren't supposed to be well-hung too! How am I supposed to resist that?!

"No, that position is too good for you," she finally concluded. "I won't have your disgusting genitals all over my desk."

He suddenly felt terrible for defiling her desk in that way.

She grabbed a chair that had no armrests. "Here, lie down over this and keep your head down."

He did. He knelt on the floor on one side of the chair, pressed his stomach down on the seat, and let his forearms fall to the floor on the other side. His genitals, including his engorged dick, hung down next to the seat. With his head down, it was impossible for him to look up and see what she was doing.

"That's more like it," she said. "Now, get ready to take your punishment. I think ten smacks will be a good start." She still wasn't sure what her plan was, but spanking his bare bottom seemed like a good start.

He felt a smack on his bottom, and realized it must be from the ruler she had just been stroking. It really hurt. Four more times the ruler came down in quick succession. He was already in real agony after the first one and the pain only got worse. He didn't expect it to hurt so much, but it did.

"Now how does that make you feel?" his teacher said through clenched teeth. "That'll teach you to fuck that little tramp! I'll bet that finally cured you of your erection."

To his amazement, he felt her reach under his legs and cup his erection in her hands. If anything, it was harder than before.

She had told herself that she was just checking on the state of his penis, since she was coming from the side and couldn't see it due to his leg being in the way. But when she felt its fullness, it was like her willpower snapped. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! I really, really shouldn't be doing this! But this damn thing is twice the size of Garth's. This is the raging beast that makes even the goddess Suzanne Pestridge scream in ecstasy!

Once she had a hold of his hot pole, it was as if she was incapable of letting go. In fact, her fingers curled around it and held it tightly.

She yelled at him, "I can't believe it! You're still hard! Are you so perverted that spanking actually turns you on? Well, we'll see with a few more smacks."

To his ever-increasing surprise, he found that, indeed, the spanking had only gotten him more aroused. That was helped along more than a little bit by the fact that she was still firmly grasping his boner. Dang! This is just TOO WEIRD! Gloria Rhymer is touching my dick! How can I not be hard when the woman of my dreams is holding onto me there?! Now that it's happening, it's almost too scary. Doesn't she know she could get in all kinds of trouble for that?!

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "However," she went on with a bit more softness in her voice, "I see that I may have been too hard with the ruler. It's not my intention to hurt you so badly. For the rest of your punishment I'll use my hand so it won't leave marks."

She swatted his naked butt with the palm of her hand. The ass-slaps had become much less painful. Between each swat her hand lingered on his butt and caressed where her hand had just hit.

Meanwhile, he felt her other hand begin to move against his erection, as if she was purposely rubbing it. However, she appeared so angry that he figured it was just his imagination at first.

By the tenth and hopefully last swat, it was clear that there was a lot more stroking of his butt and rubbing and stroking of his hard-on than any spanking going on. In fact, it couldn't be denied that she was giving him a full-on handjob!

But to his surprise, even the painful spanking had aroused him. He felt like he would shoot his load onto the floor at any second, and only fiercely held back because he was afraid of what her reaction would be. If it hadn't been for his PC muscle training, he would have lost it long before.

She stared at her hand sliding up and down his shaft, but it was like she couldn't believe her own eyes. I'll fucking show him! He goes to some fucking cheerleader for help instead of me?! After all I did for him?! Putting my career on the line, just to help him?! Well, I'll show him what a real woman can do to a cock! Even the mighty Suzanne Pestridge might learn a trick or two from me!

Although she was jacking him off, she still didn't have an overall plan. But her anger and lust were merging together, making her truly incapable of controlling her own burning hot body.

"Turn over," she said. She slapped his boner and then let go of it.

He turned over and maneuvered himself so he ended up sitting in the chair. He looked into her eyes at last.

She appeared to be panting heavily, and wantonly stared with excitement at his long, thick prick. "Sit down on the edge of the desk and face me," she commanded.

He obeyed. His boner poked up away from his body and into the air. He actually felt the blood pulsing into it, which made him light-headed.

The pace of her breathing slowed. "Good. You're not ashamed of your manhood. Now we can have that discussion of what to do about your medical treatment."

Her voice was much kinder now. "Alan, I didn't actually want to spank you. I've never spanked anyone before in my life. But I've just been so very angry at you! And I didn't realize it until this very instant, but it was as much getting over my mental resistance to touching you as anything else. I could pretend to do it as part of a punishment - you see what I mean?"

She purred, "But now here we are." She reached out and held his balls with one hand and his shaft with her other. Her fingertips ran up and down his erection in a delicate tease. FUCK IT! Fuck, fuck, fuck it! I don't care if I lose my job. I'll get a new one somewhere else if I have to. And I don't care about being true to Garth. He and I are history anyway. I'm going to get completely selfish for once, and completely give in to my lust and my desire! And what I want right now is this god damned thick cock!

Both of them stared at her sliding fingers. Even the thin pretense of the spanking was gone. It was clear their relationship had just taken a dramatic turn, and both of them were literally as well as figuratively breathless about it.

Finally, after a minute of squishing and sliding as the pre-cum flowed down her fingers, she spoke in a knowing, sultry voice. "The question is, what am I going to do with you? What am I going to do to THIS?" She squeezed his shaft somewhat painfully, but then, as if to make up for it, she leaned forward and briefly kissed the top of his cockhead.

She thought, Oh no! I've done it now! It won't be long before this damn thing is crammed deep in my mouth, I can tell! I'm about to become a slut for my favorite student! This is so WRONG! But so fucking right!

He just groaned in response to her kiss. He was greatly relieved that her anger wasn't entirely real, though the pain in his ass was real enough. Now he was so turned on that he couldn't think. He had to devote all his energy and concentration to flexing his PC muscle, because he didn't want to spoil the mood by cumming unexpectedly. He still was in a "pinch me, I'm dreaming" mode, because it didn't seem possible that what was happening really was happening to him.

She continued a little more heatedly, while her fingers kept on slipping and sliding up and down his stiff pole, "Mind you, my anger wasn't all fake. The fact is, what gets me upset is that you haven't asked me to directly help you find relief with your ejaculations! What is it that you need? A handjob? A blowjob? A titfuck? Lots of them, and more?! I can give you anything that little cheerleader can give you, and twice as well! I'm sure I can do some things for you that even your busty 'auntie' can't do!"

He was pretty sure he'd stopped breathing. He wouldn't have been any more shocked if she'd confessed that she was an alien from another planet.

She was getting so worked up that her fingers were practically flying up and down his boner, and her other hand was fondling his balls like she was trying to coax all of his cum out of them. But then she caught herself and slowed way down, because she didn't want him to cum just yet.

She went on, tenderly, "I've had feelings for you too, you know, and for some time. But I've just been too shy and maybe ashamed to act on them. You've changed! You've become such a, such a... sexy young man! I still don't know what to say or do now. That spanking and anger was a way to step outside of myself to get past that barrier, but now I don't know what to do."

"Kiss me," he said. He surprised himself with his confidence, a confidence greatly fueled by lust and his long-standing desire for her. He stood up, forcing her to stand up too. Then he kissed her on the lips.


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