6 Times a Day

Chapter 401 Passionate Times. [DD Sponsored]

Drunk Dargon Special [ 3 / 5 ]


Alan's alarm clock woke him up. He automatically reached over to hit the snooze button as he usually did, but then noticed that it was still pitch dark. Looking at the clock, he realized it was three o'clock in the morning. It slowly came back to him that he'd set his clock that way on purpose with the hopes of sexually satisfying his sister, if his body was up for it.

He sat up in bed and thought about sneaking into her bedroom in the middle of the night, waking her up with a good fucking. He pictured her toned, tanned body writhing in pleasure beneath his own.

Well, looks like I don't have to worry about getting aroused. Boooiiiing! I am already. And my dick feels pretty good, I must say. I don't even feel that tired at the moment. All systems are go.

He'd been sleeping in the nude lately, so he decided to just go to her room that way. It felt deliciously naughty to sneak across the hallway in the dark dressed in just his birthday suit, holding his stiff erection against his lower abdomen to prevent it from bouncing around too wildly.

He wasn't a big fan of having sex in the dark. There are some women who look better clothed, but all the women he'd been with so far looked great naked. Cutting out the visuals also removed a large part of the experience, so when he found himself inside Katherine's room, he fumbled around until he found a desk lamp and turned it on. That provided some light, but it was still dark enough to be a bit mysterious and exciting, like a thief or rapist sneaking through the house with a flashlight.

Next, he turned his attention to Katherine as she lay sleeping in her bed. She too had taken to sleeping in the nude lately, but with the way she was cuddled up in her bed sheets he couldn't see much more than her head.

He still wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do with her exactly, but he decided that first he wanted to see her in her full naked glory while he made up his mind. He pulled the sheets down, slowly exposing her ripe young body. She squirmed a bit as the blankets came away, but didn't wake up.

Man! What a sister! Am I the luckiest guy on Earth or what? And she has this weird 'fuck toy' idea that I certainly don't want to disabuse her of. If I wasn't feeling so tired all the time, I'd sneak in here every night! Or better, have her sneak into my room instead.

He pondered what to do next. He liked the idea of just going for regular intercourse and giving her a good, hard fucking, but he'd made a vow not to do that in the house, for Susan's sake. That could easily become a dangerous habit. Getting caught in the middle of the night by Susan was very possible, especially if Katherine really started screaming. He figured Susan would probably get over it eventually, but it would set things back with her for quite a while, and that wasn't worth the risk. Her opposition to incestuous fucking was very strong, despite all the other sexual things she was doing with Alan, since Suzanne had managed to convince her that "real incest" only applied to actual intercourse.

While he was thinking, Katherine started to shift in the bed. Her hands seemed to flail about a bit as she shifted her body around, leading him to guess that she was feeling a chill because of the missing sheets and trying to pull them close.

Instead, one of her hands found its way down to her pussy. He realized that she was dreaming, and from the way she was starting to moan it must be a very pleasant erotic dream. He looked closely at her eyelids and saw them fluttering a bit. I remember reading about that somewhere - REM sleep while dreaming, meaning Rapid Eye Movement.

He watched with fascination since he'd never really examined someone dreaming before (and the fact that she was buck naked and gorgeous certainly didn't hurt). Her fingers lingered near her slit but she didn't seem to have the coordination to put them in. Then her moans started to become a bit more coherent. "Alan! ... Oh Alan! ... Big... Big, big, big... Big, BIG Brother! ... Oh!"

He chuckled, very pleased. That's pretty cool. What are the odds of me being here to hear that? Unless she mentions me in her sleep all the time, which would be even more amazing, actually. She must really like me if she dreams about me like that. It just makes me want to fuck her good and long. But I really shouldn't. I just know we'll get carried away. However, what if I try something else...

He crawled up on the bed and put his face in her crotch. After all the blowjobs I've been getting, it's only fair for some payback. Also, she's smooth-shaven, so this is the ideal time to try out some pussy licking. If I totally hate it I can stop before she wakes up and no one will be the wiser. This is as risk free as it gets.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Her hand was still lazily lingering around her pussy, so he gently pushed it away. Then he had a better idea and carefully licked the fingers on that hand, one by one.

That increased the intensity of her moans. They'd been incoherent for a while but now she started saying, "Too big! Too big! ... Soooo big..."

He chuckled some more at that. If my dick were only half as big as all the hype about it around this house, it would be like two feet long! I wouldn't be able to fit through a door. Not that I'm going to discourage the hype, heh-heh.

Then he turned his attention to her pussy. Her hand was safely out of the way, so in the dim light he bent his head further down, thinking, Well, here goes nothing.

No sooner did he put his tongue on her gash (already nice and moist from her dream) and lick his way up it when he sensed a tremor running through her whole body, like someone had lifted her up an inch or two, then dropped her back down. Two hands suddenly appeared at his head and clenched at his hair, pulling on it hard.

Then her scream began. "Aaaeeeii-"

Not wanting to get caught, he acted fast. He quickly scooted his way up her body, taking her hands on his head with him. He was going to put a hand over her mouth, but when his head rose high enough for her to see his face, her scream died in her throat.

He slowed down until his eyes were just a foot or so in front of hers. Her eyes were wide open with fear, but also adjusting to the dim light.

"Alan?! My baby? Is that really you?!"

He puzzled at the "my baby" but nodded. He brought a finger to his mouth in a "be quiet" gesture and whispered "Shhhh!" for good measure.

It was a good thing he did too, because it took all of Katherine's willpower not to scream even louder than before, but this time from joy instead of from fear. Instead, she stretched out her body and threw her fists in the air. "YES! YES!" she scream-whispered. "My dream man is here in the flesh!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

But her celebration was short lived because then she threw herself at him, covering his mouth with hers in a deep, passionate soul kiss. She tackled him so exuberantly that within seconds she wound up on top of him. Her hands seemed to be everywhere at once.

Their kiss went on for about a minute or so until one hand found his erection. Then her other hand quickly joined in the discovery. She broke the kiss and gasped for air. "Oooh! Is all this magnificent, powerful cock for me?!"

"Yep!" He said that despite not knowing why his dick was frequently called "powerful" by the women in the house. He didn't understand that at all.

She started to scoot down his body, but he said, "Wait. Remember what I was doing when I woke you up? I was just starting to lick you down there. Don't you want me to do some more of that?"

"Please do!"


"Please do!" she repeated, a lot quieter this time. "But let's make it a sixty-nine. I've never done that before, unless you count doing it with a girl." She giggled. "You explore down there, and I'll just pop this lovely babymaker in my mouth. Oh boy! What a great surprise! You're the best brother ever!"

So they repositioned, with Katherine still on top.

Alan tried his best to get back to his aborted pussy licking, but didn't have much success. At least from his point of view he thought he didn't, though she seemed to love everything he was doing. It was too dark for him to see what he was licking most of the time, so he just licked whatever happened to be there in front of him.

His biggest "problem" was that she was sucking on his erection like she was possessed. She was so into it that he couldn't concentrate or find his bearing to really know what he was doing.

He'd heard of the "alphabet technique" where one makes the shapes of a letter of the alphabet to vary up the pussy licking, but there was no chance for him to try that out. Mostly, he just stuck his tongue out and sometimes came into contact with her writhing body, and sometimes didn't. He concentrated on squeezing his PC muscle so he wouldn't shoot his load after only a minute or two, but it wasn't easy, given the way she was giving the blowjob her absolute all.

He hung in there until he felt her body tremble in a great orgasm, then let go his restraints and shot a load right into her mouth. He was intrigued to notice how much pussy juice gushed out and wetted his face while he was also spraying her tonsils with his cum.

But all too soon their orgasms were over. Katherine switched from being a boundless ball of energy to barely having the strength to roll off him. She became clingy and cuddly, which suited his returning exhaustion just fine.

As they lay side by side, she whispered, "Big Brother, that was the best surprise ever! I was having this dream about you really nailing my cunt with your massive pussy pleaser, just like I do most every night, and then all of a sudden I woke up and it was really happening! Well, close enough, anyway. In fact, the fact that you went down on me was even better than regular fucking! That was so unexpected!"

He grinned. "I know. For me too. I wasn't really planning on doing that, but I just figured, 'Why not?' I haven't had many opportunities to go down on a woman so far. You were my first when we were in the closet with Kim. I hope I didn't suck too bad."

"Your first?!" she whispered excitedly. "Wow! That's totally cool! You make me feel so loved. Ohmigod! ME! I was your first!" She practically crushed his rib cage with the force of her hug.

"Shhhh!" he warned.

"Sorry," she replied quietly. "It's just that I'm so excited! I wish I could tell Mom. She'd be totally thrilled, if it weren't for her reservations about us being together." She sat up some and looked at him with renewed excitement. "But you know what the coolest thing of all is?"

"What's that?"

"That you could just come in my room in the middle of the night and take me at any time, in any way you like! I've never felt so totally, well, fuck toy-ish! Sleeping in this bed is never gonna be the same, knowing that at any given moment you could burst in and take me any way you like, ravage me, and fill any of my holes with your precious little babymakers!"

"Does that bother you?"

"BOTHER me?!" Realizing she was getting too loud, she lowered her voice again. "Bother me? Are you kidding? I don't know how I'll get to sleep ever again, 'cos I'll be too excited thinking about all the things you could do to me at any moment!"

He was very pleased. He'd had an extremely sexually satisfying time, even though it was rather brief, but more importantly he knew Katherine didn't feel neglected anymore, at least for the moment.

After a few more minutes of post-orgasmic cuddling and kissing he snuck back into the hallway. On a whim, he went to his mother's bedroom instead of his own, opened the door and peered inside. He saw her lying on her side, breathing loudly, obviously deeply asleep. Even though her body was mostly covered by sheets and blankets, her face still looked startlingly beautiful where it was faintly lit by the light he'd just turned on in the hallway.

As he stared at her, he thought, Sis is right. Things have really been opening up around here. Now that Ron is gone, not only can I sneak into Sis's room at any time, but what's to stop me from sneaking in here and having my way with Mom any time I like? Well, okay, I couldn't just up and fuck her without unleashing a shit-storm of trouble, but a midnight blowjob would be pretty sweet! It's almost a bummer than I'm such a deep sleeper. But what's a real drag is that I need so much sleep or else I'd make a midnight crawl to one bed or another every single night!

Closing the door, he went back to his bed and immediately fell into a really sound sleep.

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