6 Times a Day

Chapter 405 Harem Harem..[Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Susan eventually finished telling several extremely arousing stories, based on true recent events. She'd completely gotten over her initial reluctance of getting emotional and overtly horny about such topics with Brenda. At times like this, she wondered why she was so reluctant being good friends with her, since they did have so much in common.

But after a while, she wanted to take a break from talking so much, so she asked, "This is nice, sharing like this, isn't it?"

"Definitely!" Brenda agreed.

"Okay, now it's your turn. I've told you some Alan stories, but I want you to tell me at least one Alan story of your own."

"But you know I can't do that." Brenda whined petulantly, "I've hardly seen him much at all. The only interesting times I could tell you about were when you were there too. But... I suppose I could tell you one of my dreams or fantasies?"

"Oh, yes! Please tell!" Susan couldn't get enough of such talk, because it helped pass the time while Alan was off at school.

"Well, it's kind of embarrassing..."

"Brenda, so were the stories I just told you. They're even more embarrassing, especially because they actually happened. He's my son! A lot of people would consider this kind of thing incest. I mean, I even told you the humiliating story of the way he totally tamed me on the tennis court the other day. If I can share that, you can share your fantasies."

"Okay. True enough." Brenda considered what to say. She worried that some of her fantasies would be too wild even for Susan. Luckily, an idea she figured would be acceptable quickly came to her, and she thought up a twist to help make sure. "I had an interesting and highly arousing Alan-centric dream last night that comes to mind, and I could tell you that. But I have a better idea to make it more interesting for you. What if I change it somewhat to include you in it too?"

Susan was excited, but cautious. "I don't know. That might be... nice. What's the dream about, exactly?"

Brenda replied, "It was a historical dream. It took place during the Crusades, back in the Middle Ages. I was a noble lady from somewhere in Europe - England, I guess - and I was on a religious pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Specifically Jerusalem and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. But along the way, my traveling party was robbed. I was kidnapped and taken back to a sultan's palace to see if I was worthy of joining his harem. Mind you, a sultan who looked and acted EXACTLY like Alan! In my dream, it was him!"

Susan had been skeptical, but her enthusiasm shot through the roof when she heard those last details. "Oooh! Count me in!"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Brenda chuckled. "Okay! I'll change it so that you and I are kidnapped together. We're taken to the sultan's tent out in the desert where-"

Susan cut in, "Wait. What happened to the people we were traveling with? What country does this take place in? What year? What are our names? What's the sultan's name? What are we wearing? And that's just for starters. I have so many questions!"

Brenda laughed. "Who cares? Don't sweat the small stuff. Let's cut to the chase where we have to perform for the sultan!" But then she reconsidered, and said, "Wait. I suppose I should answer a couple of those first. As far as names go, you're Lady Susan and I'm Lady Brenda, naturally. And since 'Alan' isn't a very exotic name, we'll just call him 'The Sultan.' How does that sound?"

"Great!" Susan was getting into it. She closed her eyes, ready to be mentally transported to Brenda's fantasy world.

Brenda said, "Oh, and as for clothes, we're wearing long white robes, from head to toe, and with lots of undergarments, just like good religious ladies did in those days. But that changes fast, because we get to the sultan's tent out in the desert, as I said, and there he is, standing out in the open with all his guards and assistants and slaves, practicing flying his falcons. He's wearing a long white robe much like ours, since those are handy in a desert climate."

Susan cut in. "Wait. Are some of his guards and such male?"

"Of course."

"Can we change that, please? I presume we're going to get naked and do all kinds of naughty things to Alan, er, I mean the Sultan, and I'm okay with that. But I can't stand the thought of that happening in front of other men!"

Brenda smiled tolerantly. "Very well. It's a fantasy, so we can change whatever we want. Let's say he surrounds himself with beautiful women only, because he doesn't trust men and fears assassination and whatnot. Plus, he likes the eye candy. Even his female guards are beautiful, but deadly, and scantily clad. How does that sound?"

"Excellent! Please continue."

Brenda chuckled again. She was pleased at how well this was going over, because she was very keen to get closer to Susan, both to get close to Alan and because it seemed they could bond over many things. "Okay. He sees the two of us coming from a ways off, with some of his female guards leading us along, so he retires from his falconry and returns to his throne. It's a big chair inside the tent, which is huge. There are many people in there, most of them guards... female guards."

Susan muttered contritely, "Thanks."

Brenda continued, "We find ourselves standing there in the tent, with guards carrying spears and curved scimitars prodding us forward. We take a closer look around and realize that in addition to the sexy and buxom guards standing stiff and tall, there are many beautiful women sprawled around on pillows here and there in various states of undress. Many of them are only a few necklaces and bracelets and such from being completely naked! We both realize at the same time that this has to be his harem!"

Susan smacked a hand against her face, she was so shocked. "Oh my goodness! How many are there?!"

"Many! About two dozen, I'd guess. And they're all INCREDIBLY GORGEOUS! Almost unbelievably so. We come from dreary England, where the two of us are heads and shoulders more beautiful than pretty much any other women in the land. But the Sultan has collected the very most impressive women he could find. Clearly, they're from all over the world, with different skin colors. Most of them are rather dark and dusky, since they're most frequently from various places in the Middle East, though some are very black. And without exception, they're all very curvy and well endowed, if you know what I mean."

"Big tits!" Susan enthused.

"Exactly." Brenda chuckled. "Huge tits, actually! Most of them are as stacked as we are!"

"Just like the real Alan," Susan sighed blissfully, briefly cupping her own breasts. "If he had a harem like that, he'd want all of them to be very busty."

"Indeed. But we don't have much time to look around, because the Sultan looks you and me over for a few moments, and then barks at us, 'Strip!' Now!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan asked, "He speaks English?"

Brenda groaned impatiently. "It's a fantasy, okay? Make up your own back story. Maybe he lived in one of the Crusader kingdoms for a while or had a teacher who was English or something. Can I continue?"

"Sorry. Yes, please."

Brenda said, "Since I know you're shy, I speak up and confront him. 'How dare you?! Do you know who we are? Back, in England, we're members of the royal class! This is an outrage! You're going to be in so much trouble when...' But my voice stumbles and fades, and then comes to a stop altogether, because while I'm talking, The Sultan easily shucks off his robe, revealing that he's completely naked underneath! And he's MAGNIFICENT!"

Susan sucked in her breath in awe.

Brenda continued, "He looks just like Alan, because he is, but he's in great shape to get to be the sultan and stay on top. He's more muscular and filled out everywhere. His face is even MORE handsome than the real Alan. And, best of all, somehow, his cock is even LARGER! Thicker AND longer!"

"NO!" Susan gasped, both shocked and delighted.


"No!" Susan insisted. She could scarcely imagine how one could improve on what she considered perfection.

"YES, already!" Brenda replied, slightly frustrated. "Look, this is my fantasy, our fantasy, and that's how it is, okay? So you can see why I'm too stunned to speak. But that's not all! As soon as his robe is off, a whole bunch of his harem women get up and head towards him. He waves most of them off, leaving them disappointed, but he lets three proceed. Without being told what to do, one of his beauties crawls up onto his lap and starts kissing him and generally rubbing her naked body all of him, with an emphasis on rubbing her enormous bare breasts against his chest. Meanwhile, the other two drop to their knees between his legs and start taking turns bobbing on his enormous cock!"

"NO!" Susan gasped again.

Brenda laughed. "Not this again! Yes, okay? Why don't you believe me?"

"I do. It's just that... it's so shocking! He can't do that, what with all the guards and harem girls and others watching. It's a scandal and an outrage!"

Brenda replied, "It would be, back in stodgy England where we're from. But Alan is the Sultan. He's the ruler of his own lands and he can do whatever he wants. All of his guards are his sex slaves! Everyone in the tent is except us, and we're next, so who is going to object?"

Brenda looked around the large lawn she was sitting on and felt the grass tickling her inner thighs. Jesus! Ever since Alan came into my life, I've become a total slut! I would never have masturbated out in the open like this before. Not for anybody; not even for my husband! And yet this kid, whom I barely even know, makes me hotter than I've ever been in my LIFE, just from dreaming about him! FUCK! That's fucked up. But there's no way I can go back. This kind of erotic ecstasy is too addictive!

Susan considered Brenda's "sex slave" comments. "My goodness! That sounds so... debauched! Extreme!"

"But that's how it often was in the world back then," Brenda pointed out. "How many wives and concubines did King Solomon have?"

Susan replied, "Let's see. I think it was 700 wives and 300 concubines."

Brenda knew that Susan believed in the literal truth of the Bible, and she took advantage of that. "A-ha! So you see? That kind of thing really did happen! In my dream, there were only about twenty of his sex slaves in or around the tent. That's absolutely nothing compared to Solomon's harem! I'm actually being pretty reasonable in comparison."

Susan carefully pondered that. "Good point. You know, in all my religious learning, nobody ever talked about Solomon's harem. But it was there all along, written clear as day in the Good Book. And he wasn't the only one in the Bible to have one. It kind of proves that harems are approved by God, don't you think?"

"Exactly. So let's get back to what happens to us. There we are, just standing there, gaping in total shock and disbelief as his three nude slaves are all over him. Two of them take turns bobbing down his shaft like it's nothing! I mean, his cock is enormous! If you say our Alan's is ten inches long, this must be twelve, and it's considerably thicker too! But despite all that, they take turns deep throating it like it's no trouble at all!"

Susan clutched at her chest, amazed. "Deep throating it?! Really?!"


"All the way?"

Brenda said excitedly, "Every fat, fucking, throat widening inch of him!"


Brenda laughed at Susan's incredulity. "Yes!"


"Yes really! All the way to his big slowly churning balls! Meanwhile, remember that the only thing the Sultan has said to us is 'Strip, now.' I made some feeble protest, which he ignored, of course. But we're too shocked at all the hot oral action taking place right before us to even think about disrobing. So the Sultan snaps his fingers and nods to a couple of his sexy guards."Brenda went on, "Remember, we're wearing way too many layers, especially considering the desert heat. There's a struggle, but not much because we're both in shock, feeling totally defeated already. So just a couple of minutes later, we stand completely naked before him. Before Sultan Alan! And I do mean buck naked! We try to cover our privates as best we can, but it's no use. The guards hold sharp swords and seem keen on using them. So we reluctantly drop our hands to our sides."

Susan was totally into the story. She exclaimed with great distress, "Goodness gracious! I would be blushing something fierce!"

"You ARE! So am I! Remember, we're total virgins from puritanical lands. Nobody has seen our naked bodies before, not even other women! Even so, we're in great shape. Flawless! Even the other slaves in the tent are jealous when they see us fully exposed."

Brenda continued, "Then the Sultan, who is still looking us over, snaps his fingers at us. 'Come closer. Crawl on our fours. And no complaining! You are my property now. My sex slaves!"

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