6 Times a Day

Chapter 407 Brenda...[Iveyflame Sponsored]

Iveyflame Special [ 4 / 5 ] Bonus Chapter


Brenda laughed. She hadn't had this much fun in ages. She said, "Me too. Me too." Then she added, "But for you, at least, it doesn't really have to end. Yeah, there are some exaggerations here and there, but you really ARE living a life similar to that. You're living the dream!"

Susan just sighed blissfully. "I suppose that's pretty accurate. I'm blessed. I thank the Lord above every day for putting me on this path since late September. It almost makes all my years of loneliness worth it."

Now that Brenda was coming down from her orgasmic high and only lightly fondling herself, she grew serious. "Susan, I've got a question. Honestly, is Alan anything like the man I'm fantasizing about? I know I'm projecting some sort of wildly exaggerated, idealized fantasy man onto him. But the reason all my fantasies star Alan now is because I got the sense that he really IS kinda like that. Maybe not totally, granted, but... I mean, look what he does to you, AND Katherine, AND even Suzanne! AND he has even more women of that caliber, I understand!"

Susan tried her best to answer that sincerely for once, instead of just hyping up Alan. "To be honest, he is exactly like that, but he's also... not. It's complicated. I have a fantasy version of him too, and I have to admit that the real one isn't as aggressive or domineering as he is in my dreams. The real one is kinder, nicer. Most importantly, he's more loving. I know that he loves me as much as he humanly can, and he'd never, ever hurt me. I'd trust him with my life. The real Alan would never do some of the things Sultan Alan did. For instance, he wouldn't completely humiliate me or anyone else in front of a bunch of strangers like that."

She quickly added, "However! However, he sure as heck would 'molest' or humiliate me in private, or in front of the people who already understand, like Suzanne or Katherine. Because he knows that would get me all horny, and that we'd both get off on that. You hear about how women go for the typical 'bad boy,' which is the type of guy women know they should avoid but they end up getting involved with, because the guy's exciting and even dangerous. And then there's the 'nice guy,' who they should want, but they don't because he's boring. Well, with my Tiger, I have the best of both worlds! He's so nice and loving that it makes my heart swell with joy all day long. But he's also got a lot of 'bad boy' in him that likes to come out and play, driving me wild. So, no, he's not like the fantasy man of your dreams. He's better! Way better!"

Brenda sighed longingly. "That sounds nice. Really nice."

Susan thought she was done with sexual arousal for a while, and her body was definitely sexually satiated after her big orgasm. But then one other thing occurred to her. "It is. Oh yeah. You know how in your dream you were completely going out of your mind with arousal and excitement?"

"Both of us were," Brenda pointed out.

"True. But my point is, he sure does that part! In fact, he makes me feel that way practically on a daily basis! All of us! I don't know what it is, but somehow, around him, amazing sexual things just keep on happening! And you must know what I mean, since you've seen and felt it when you've visited our house, not to mention all the true stories you've been told."

Brenda was very impressed with that answer. Ironically, by being completely honest, Susan ended up hyping Alan more effectively than if she'd been deliberately trying to do so.

Brenda finally let go of her boobs and sighed wistfully. "You're so lucky. I can see why you're willing to share a special man like that. After all, he's so virile, it takes a team of sexy and buxom women to keep him satisfied, right?"

Susan spoke emphatically, "That's so true! He's no normal teenage boy, that's for sure. And that should give you hope, because we do need lots of help taking care of his perpetually stiff cock."

Brenda said, "Thanks for saying that. It means a lot to me. I hope you know you should have nothing to fear from me. I know you feel envious about my larger breasts, but you have no idea how jealous I am of you. I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat! You get to be with him and have all kinds of sexy fun every single day, for hours! I've only gotten to see him a few times, and he's just not that into me. It's driving me crazy!"

Susan asked, "What about your son Adrian?"

Brenda hastened to clarify, "Of course when I say I'd trade places I don't mean I'd leave Aidy. I'd never do that! He means the world to me! What I mean is, what I wouldn't give to be in a situation like yours, to have a son who... who..." She faltered, not sure how to refer to Susan's and Alan's sexual relationship.

Susan said helpfully, "Who's turned his own mother into one of his personal cocksuckers."

Brenda let out a sigh of relief. "Yes! Yes! Exactly like that! Sweet Jesus, just the phrase 'personal cocksucker' gets me all horny all over again! And then you say 'one of,' indicating he has so many more. Incredible!"

Susan was tempted to ask more about Adrian, and in particular about the potential for Brenda to have a similar incestuous relationship with him, but she decided she didn't know Brenda well enough for that. Still, she was very curious. She was coming to believe that her sexual relationship with Alan was what was normal and right - that non-sexual mother-son relationships were the odd ones.

Brenda asked, "Sorry if this is rude to ask, but I just have to know... Are YOU his personal cocksucker? Not just as a sexy name to call yourself for fun, but for real, as an official title? Is that how you see yourself? Is that how you WANT to see yourself?"

Susan seriously pondered that question. She recalled two weeks ago, when Suzanne first told her to repeat the lines: "I'm my son's personal cocksucker. I live to suck his fat cock! I'm proud to be my Tiger's big-titted mommy slut." At the time, that had just seemed like words to say to get herself fully aroused and psyched about being there for her son with his "special problem." But things had changed dramatically since then.

She surprised herself by telling Brenda, with conviction, "You know what? I AM! And furthermore, it embarrasses and even humiliates me to say that, but at the same time, I'm strangely proud of that fact. I consider it an official title and a privileged status. What's more, as I just said, I'm not just 'his personal cocksucker,' I'm 'ONE OF his personal cockSUCKERS.' That's a very important distinction. That shows what a well-hung stud he is."

Brenda's heart raced wildly. Her desire for him increased even more. She asked, breathlessly, "'Personal cocksucker.' What does that phrase mean, exactly?!"

Susan spoke with obvious pride in her voice. "Naturally, I have to be ready and willing to suck his big, fat cock at the drop of a hat. Any time, anywhere, and for any reason, including no reason at all! And of course it goes without saying that I belong to him and him alone, even though he can have as many other women as he can handle. I'm not allowed to so much as kiss another man, not even my husband!"

Brenda squealed with delight. "Oh my Lord! That's so amazing! So SEXY!"

"I know! Isn't it? Some people say it's unfair like it's a bad thing, but I say it's unfair like it's a great thing!" She giggled.

Brenda giggled too. "Oh, I totally agree!"

"But it's more than JUST cocksucking, although that is my favorite! Being stripped naked, or wearing revealing outfits, dancing, titfucking, striking sexy poses, handjobs, kissing, getting spanked, fondling, swallowing his load, taking his cum on my tits... there's just so much to do! I'm discovering that it's like a full time job. Whatever it takes to keep his cock stiff and happy, that's what I need to do! It's like... it's like... I'm just one of his many sex pets!"

Brenda screamed, "OH GOD! NO!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"YES!" Susan squeezed her huge breasts together, fondly recalling her first titfuck the previous night.

"NO!" Brenda had thought she was all done with masturbating for a while. But her arousal level skyrocketed through the roof, forcing her to resume fingering her suddenly burning hot pussy. She was more convinced than ever that Alan was the only one would could possibly be her master.

"I'm telling you, YES!" Susan elaborated, "I know some people would object to having to share him, but somehow... I don't know... it actually seems better that way. More thrilling. More naughty. And it's the same with being his sex pet or sex toy. I don't have to worry about right and wrong. I can just totally focus on keeping him hard and happy. And, in turn, I've never been so happy, and so aroused, in my entire life!"

She went on, "In fact, and I can't believe I'm admitting this to myself or to you, but getting down on my knees and taking the thick inches of his cock into my mouth and throat, well… there isn't anywhere I'd rather be. You asked me earlier if that felt like 'home' to me, and I honestly hadn't thought of it like that, but you're right. Sucking on my son's cock like that makes me feel more 'at home' and at peace than anything else in the world now!"

Brenda was so thrilled that she couldn't breathe. She pulled on a nipple while fingering her slit. No way! That's like my... dream! My every fantasy, come to life! It's really happening to her!

Susan grew doubtful when all she heard was heavy breathing on the line. She asked, "Does that sound... wrong to you? Am I... am I... misguided?"

Brenda exclaimed, "Oh, heavens NO! Susan, you go, girl! I'm so jealous that I can't even stand it! I can't even breathe!" Sure enough, she was panting and gasping for air. "That's the hottest thing I've ever heard!"

Susan breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "Are you sure? Because now that I put it into words-"

"I've never been more sure of anything! Susan, listen to me: seize the day! Fortune has smiled on you. Enjoy this to the fullest!" Out of the blue, she shrieked, "AAAAIIIIEEE!"

Susan asked with concern, "Why did you just suddenly scream there?!"

Brenda admitted, between extra labored breaths, "I just had this vision... of Alan coming home from school today... And... and... you're right there! ... Wearing... high heels, and... little else! Just... just... sexy, UGH! Something sexy! To arouse! ... To make his cock so stiff! UNGH! HNNRG!"

She was frantically pumping her fingers in and out of her hot cunt. "And you, you... kneeling... Take his... in your mouth! HNGRH! Stretching your lips around his... Oh GOD! Oh God! Can't... can't... breathe!"

Hearing that aroused Susan, but not nearly as much as it did Brenda, since Brenda's sexy vision was Susan's daily reality. She wasn't masturbating at all, and just said with concern, "Take your time. No need to speak. Just breathe. Relax..."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ But Brenda was anything but relaxed. She was working herself up into a lusty frenzy as she mentally pictured Susan kneeling and sucking Alan off while wearing nothing but a red bodice and dark stockings. The bodice had a special cut that lifted her breasts from below while keeping them nearly totally exposed. Then the daydream changed, and it became Brenda instead of Susan, and was taking place in her mansion instead of in Susan's house.

Brenda's arousal was already sky-high, but that change made it skyrocket clear out of orbit. As she rapidly fingered herself towards another climax, she thought, Oh God! Dear God! That could be ME! Susan says he has many personal cocksuckers! Many! Why can't I be one of them?! It's so wrong! A married woman like me... an older woman... I shouldn't even think it! He's just a kid! He's in high school, for fuck's sake!

But... It's not really about him, it's about me. It's about living out my fantasies! Who cares what other people think? I'm rich; I can do what I want! And... if he were standing there, towering over me, fully clothed, hands on his hips... expecting - nay, demanding! - top quality personal cocksucker service... I would have to engulf his fat knob, and... with all my might, all my skill... to serve him... over and over, like a SLAVE! Just like in my sultan dream, only for REAL!

Cum, everywhere! On my face! On my tits! Down my throat! Leaking from my cunt! OH DEAR LORD! Help me! I'm gonna burst into flames! His, his... sex pet! One of many! HNNRG! Forever! UNGH! Too hot! Too hot!

Brenda pulled herself together just enough to get off the phone without being rude about it. "I've gotta to go! I'm so hot right now, that, well... you can guess what I've got to do! Let's talk again soon! Bye!"

She hung up and let her fantasy totally consume her.

"Okay!" Susan sometimes still had doubts about what she was doing, but hearing such hearty approval from a relative stranger like Brenda went a long way to convincing her that her new lifestyle wasn't sinful or wrong.

Susan found herself listening to a dial tone. She looked around and re-familiarized herself with her surroundings. It was disconcerting for her to realize that she was still sitting outside by the edge of her pool. It was a good thing she'd chosen a spot in the shade or she might have gotten severely sunburned.

Brenda was even more disconcerted. Once her latest orgasm finished washing over her and through her, she also tried to take stock of where she was. She consoled herself that, because she lived on a large estate and was home alone, the chances were infinitesimal that anyone could have seen her or heard her. She quickly slipped her clothes back on and rushed inside her mansion to take a shower.

That phone call marked a significant change in Susan's attitude towards Brenda. A few minutes later, when she was also taking a shower (in a shower room built in the backyard near the pool), she thought, That Brenda. She's all right! So what if her boobs are a bit bigger than mine? She gets it! She definitely has the right attitude! She's hardly done ANYTHING with Tiger yet. Heck, she barely knows him, but even so she knows instinctively that her natural role is to serve him! Frankly, I'm impressed. And she's definitely Alan-worthy! Soon, he'll be taming her for real. Heck, I'm even kinda looking forward to seeing him fuck those mammoth tits of hers!

Although... I can't wait until he titfucks mine again. A lot! Last night was the best! Mmmm... She still wasn't up for more masturbation, but she playfully squeezed her breasts together and imagined her son's erection plowing between them.

However, her thoughts soon returned to Brenda. I have to admit, I was unhappy when Suzanne told me she wanted me to befriend Brenda and talk to her frequently. But now I already know that when Brenda and I talk tomorrow, it'll be one of the highlights of my day! Between my true stories and her fantasies, we'll have a grand old time. I can't wait to tell Suzanne how well this phone call went. I'm sure she'll be pleased.

I still don't want Brenda to come around that often. Once or twice a week is fine. But Suzanne is right that if Tiger needs some extra variety, Brenda is ideal. And even though I don't want her to see him and monopolize his time all that much, I sure do like the idea of talking to her more often, and especially of sharing our surprisingly similar Alan fantasies. Maybe she can be fully satisfied with that? I hope so.

Had Alan been aware of how Susan and Brenda were fantasizing about him when he wasn't around, he would have been completely staggered. Had he known the details of their fantasies, he would have found them absurd and comical, especially coming from such ridiculously beautiful women. Although he was rapidly gaining sexual confidence and skill, Susan was right that he wasn't nearly as aggressive or impressive as they liked to make him out to be.

But the reality didn't matter so much as what they believed, or at least wanted to believe. Remarkably, he was slowly "taming" them without lifting a finger, simply via the way they were sharing stories, both real and imaginary, with each other. And with Susan in particular, the way that she was constantly encouraging him in various ways to be more domineering was successfully increasing his aggressiveness and making him more into the kind of sexual man she, and apparently Brenda, most desired.

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