6 Times a Day

Chapter 409 At School [DD SPONSORED]

Drunk Dargon Special 🐉 [ 1 / 10 ]


Glory sat up. She looked at the clock and confirmed they were running out of time. She'd been hoping to have another, bigger orgasm, but she could see that wasn't going to happen. "Don't worry about it. It was a lot of fun." She thought, What he thinks is cumming too soon would be some kind of endurance record for Garth. Poor old Garth. We had some good times together, but he just can't compete with Alan in any way.

She stood up and put her hands on her bare hips. "We should start cleaning up in here. We scattered papers all over the floor earlier. It's a complete mess."

He looked at her standing there, naked from head to toe except for her stockings. Hooo boy! I know I've been thinking and feeling this a lot lately, but I can't believe my eyes! My sexy Surfer Girl teacher is standing there, in the middle of her classroom, wearing nothing at all! And with cum trickling down her thighs, no less! And she wants ME! She's cheating on her boyfriend to be with me! She's smiling and posing a little bit, just because she sees I'm checking her out.

Holy fuck, as if all this isn't enough, just moments ago she was just licking the cum off my dick and balls! I swear, I've gotta be the luckiest guy alive. I'd better savor every last moment, 'cos how long can this last?!

Overcome by emotion, he exclaimed, "Glory, you're such a stone fox!" He stepped close and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Don't you dare get started again, young man!" She glanced at the clock with worry.

He French kissed her anyway.

She melted in his arms, and passionately kissed him back. God dammit! Alan makes me feel so alive. It's like I can't resist him! And he's getting to be a really good kisser.

However, she soon pushed him away, once she felt his fingers starting to probe around her wet slit. She wagged a finger at him. "Behave!"

He chuckled. "Okay." He knew time was running low.

She took out the air freshener and sprayed it around the room. They did this every day in an effort to get rid of the smell of sex before the next class began. She didn't bother to dress just yet. She liked to delay putting her clothes back on as long as possible because she knew that it pleased him.

He did the same for her as he walked around cleaning up, dressed only in his T-shirt.

He thought to himself, I wish I could be half as aggressive in real life as I act in these little dramas. Here Glory all but offers up her pussy to me, and I don't have one-hundredth the balls of the bank customer I just played. I'm just too fucking respectful of people's wishes. Grrr.

Out loud, he said to her, "I love these role-plays. We've been doing one just about every day this past week, but I'm not getting tired of them at all."

"Me neither. I say we keep doing them. Did you just come up with that banker idea off the cuff, or was that something you'd thought out beforehand?"

"Off the cuff. Because of your clothes, I guess."

"That was very creative. Channel those creative energies into your class writing some more, young man! ... Wouldn't that be strange if banks were really like that and all the tellers were complete sluts? I wonder about the male tellers. In that world, would they fuck me to get my business?"

He pointed out, "The problem with that is that in this world or that world, they'd fuck you at the drop of a hat just 'cos you look so good. So the role-play doesn't really work in reverse."

She grinned, but pretended to complain. "Flatterer. By the way, I was confused there for a bit. I was surprised at the way you ran with that premise, because, you know, in real life if you ask for a big loan it's not like they bend over backward for you. If you're reputable and deposit a lot of money, maybe, but not for a loan."

"Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to open an account with a lot of money, then. Because I've eyed some cute females in some banks around here, and I'd like to see one or two of them 'bend over backward' for me, as you put it."

Glory laughed. "You're too much! Talk about sex on the brain! The trouble is, knowing how you're exuding sexuality lately, they just might." The two of them bent down and started to collect all the books and papers that they'd scattered on the floor.

As he ogled her fantastic ass while she bent over to pick something up, he thought, It really boggles the mind that she'd risk her job and a major scandal just to be with me like this. Certainly none of this would have happened if my libido and confidence hadn't been super-charged thanks to events at home. But the bottom line is, with her being this great for me, I've gotta rise to the occasion and be equally great for her too. Glory, I'm not gonna let you down!

In a remarkable coincidence, Glory also was thinking about the danger of getting caught. She found herself wiggling her ass seductively, knowing Alan's eyes were on her. But she forced herself to stop, and thought, Crap! I've gotta stop this already. It would be sooooo easy to inspire him to get aroused again, and then we'd be role-playing, and kissing, and fondling, and so much more. I kinda promised we'd get back to more deep throating, and wouldn't that be great?!

She sighed quietly to herself. Listen to me. I'm getting carried away! I have to TEACH! Why does he get me so horny and excited every time I'm with him? It's gotten to the point where I can hardly wait to deep throat him some more, and deep throating is rather an ordeal. I was never keen on doing it with Garth, and hardly ever did. Poor guy. But for Alan, I'm risking my job, my reputation... everything! Maybe even jail time! I have to turn off my libido somehow and get back into teaching mode. NOW!

She sighed again, out loud this time. God, this sucks. How much of my thrill from being with Alan is due to the danger and the taboo, and how much would be there regardless? Does it even matter? 'Cos I seem to be totally hooked on him. The way things are going, I'll be lucky to make it to the end of the year without losing my job, or worse!

They managed to finish cleaning up and getting themselves presentable just in time. Alan snuck out just before the first students to her next class started coming in.

Glory somehow managed to rally her mental energies and get herself in the mood to teach her fifth-period class. But it was a trying experience for her.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

As Alan's fifth-period calculus class started, he realized that he felt completely okay and rested for the first time that day. Strange. I had an orgasm and everything, but I'm still riding that erotic energy train. Maybe I'll be able to get through the last day of the tennis tournament after all.

Everybody should get to dry hump and deep throat their foxy history teacher for a mid-day energy boost! He chuckled to himself. But only I am. Wow! I wish I could boast to Sean or somebody, but of course I can't. Ever!

But then something surprising happened. Only a few minutes into the class, a student aide entered the classroom and handed the teacher, Mrs. Metzger, a note. Mrs. Metzger said, "Alan, there's a note here for you. Looks like it's another one of these counselor things."

That was a reference to the periodic meetings school counselors scheduled with students. Every so often, students would be called in to discuss their academic prospects for college and their career plans. Alan was a bit surprised that his name had been called, because normally students were told in advance when their next counselor meeting was to occur.

Nevertheless, he picked up the permission slip and left the classroom. Meeting with his counselor was just about the last thing he wanted to do at the moment, given the way that his studies had been suffering lately. However, he was glad for an excuse to get out of calculus. After what had just happened with Glory, he wasn't paying much attention anyway.

But then he had another surprise. He hadn't gone far down the hall when Heather's best friend Simone rounded a corner and came right up to him. "Hi, Alan," she said quietly, and then handed him another note. She waited for him to read it. It said:


Scratch your supposed counselor meeting. That was just a ruse to get you to meet me, since you've ignored all my other messages. I really need to meet you right now. It's very urgent. I have something important to tell you. Please meet me in the upper parking lot. I'm waiting for you.


Simone waited until Alan pocketed the note, then asked him, "So. Are you going to meet her?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Alan grumbled, "Yeah. I guess." He was upset at Heather for a number of reasons, and it showed.

Simone looked at him sympathetically. "I know what you mean. She can be infuriating at times. But once you get to know her, she's really not that bad. She's more bluster than bite. Anyway, see you around."

So Alan made his way to the upper parking lot after stopping by the bathroom and carefully flushing Heather's note down the toilet. He found her leaning up against a red Mustang. It was a nineteen-sixties era model but it looked as if it were brand new. He knew from seeing her around the school that this was her own personal car.

He noticed that she was wearing a San Diego Chargers tank top, a black skirt, and high heels. He thought to himself, DAMN, she's looking fuckable today. Then again, she looks pretty damn fuckable every day. Is she wearing a bra? I don't think so. How can she get away with wearing that at school?

No way can I have any fun with her now though. I just had sex with Glory! But she won't try anything in such an open space, so I don't have to worry.

He walked up to her and said, "Hi, Heather. Hey, where's your cheerleader uniform? Aren't you supposed to wear that on Friday?"

She waved her hand. "Whatever. Like I care about any rules." In fact, she was rather miffed that that was all he had to say about what she was wearing, because she'd just found out that Alan was a big Chargers fan, and she'd worn this outfit just for him.

He asked impatiently, "What's so important? Please make it quick, 'cos I have to get back to class."

"No you don't," she countered, smiling and acting on her best behavior. "Those counselor sessions last a good fifteen minutes, if not twenty, so if you get back any quicker than that it'll make your teacher suspicious."

He conceded the point by not arguing with her. Instead he asked, "How is it that you can get permission slips like that? We could be in big trouble if anyone sees us out here, skipping class."

"PUH-lease! This whole school administration is so malleable. You just have to know how to handle people. Believe me, if some administrator catches us here, by the time I'm through talking, he or she will actually THANK us for missing class. And as for how I get the slips, don't you worry your pretty head about that. Let's just say that a lot of people owe me favors."

He didn't like her condescending tone, but let it slide in the interest of time. "Fine. Let's cut to the chase. What's so important that you had to drag me out of class?"

She replied, "You and I have things to talk about and things to do, but you've been ignoring all the notes I sent you. I sent you a note on Wednesday apologizing for what I did at your house on Tuesday. I thought that was being really lady-like and courteous, sending a written apology. But you didn't even have the courtesy to reply. Then yesterday I sent you one inviting you to my house for a little fun. But you didn't crawl in through my window last evening. Earlier today I sent you one telling you where to meet me during lunch, but you didn't show. So I've been forced to take more severe measures. You did get all of my notes, didn't you?"

He nodded, but said, "I didn't respond 'cos I wanted you to contact me directly. If you want to talk to me so badly, why not just say something in the hall between classes? I must have passed by you a bunch of times in the past few days, yet you won't even make eye contact with me. So screw you and the notes that you have your minions deliver. I have nothing to say to you if you're too ashamed to even be seen with me."

She was surprisingly contrite. "I'm really sorry. I can understand how you feel. I'd like to talk to you in school; I really would. It's frustrating for me too, because I feel that you and I have something special going between us. You're not like all the other guys, not by a long shot. But you have to understand my position. This is a very delicate time for me. As you probably know, our class chooses the school's homecoming queen before the end of the semester. True, I'm currently the frontrunner, but Donna's breathing down my neck. If I'm seen consorting with a full-on nerd, well, that's just the kind of thing to give her the edge."

He growled. "Dammit, there you go with the nerd thing again. You make it seem like I'm a leper or something. What's so shameful about being a good student and having a certain taste in popular entertainment? Why should I be socially condemned because I like Star Wars and Star Trek? That's fucking excellent entertainment."

She didn't reply, so he went on, "I've been doing some thinking since Tuesday. Yes, the fucking was a lot of fun, but you really annoy me. Both times after we've had sex I ended up feeling like I'd been used by you. I don't need that kind of grief. I have lots of other women at least as beautiful as you that I'd much rather be with. Go find some other victim to trick and tease and torment."

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