6 Times a Day

Chapter 417 You Could Never Be Anybody's Slave.[DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 9 / 10 ]


Susan had greatly enjoyed her phone call with Brenda earlier, so much so that she had to admit that she considered Brenda a friend and someone she wanted to talk to a lot more, despite her lingering jealousy over Brenda's larger breast size.

However, after the sexual euphoria from the multiple orgasms she'd enjoyed during phone call faded, Susan began to worry that perhaps she'd enjoyed the call too much, because Brenda's fantasies went further than Susan normally went with her fantasies.

Suzanne came by to visit after lunch, and found Susan in a strange mood. However, Susan was also being unusually tight-lipped about her feelings. When Suzanne asked her what was wrong, she just said, "I don't know. A bad day, I guess."

Hoping it would get Susan out of her funk, Suzanne suggested that the two of them play tennis. She figured that Susan looked listless, and the physical exercise might put her in a better mood.

Susan went along with the idea, though she didn't show any enthusiasm. Susan put on her tennis outfit and got her racquet, then they went next door so Suzanne could change too. After that, they went to the tennis court in Suzanne's backyard.

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|,сòМ Merely being at that spot made Susan very emotional, because it reminded her of when she'd played tennis with Alan on the same spot six days earlier, and how he'd humiliated her and got her to suck his cock right in the middle of the court. She tried to put that out of her mind and focus on playing tennis. She and Suzanne hit the ball back and forth, but she was so distracted by her general worries plus the memory of her last time on the court with Alan that she played much worse than usual.

Before long, Suzanne paused the playing and walked to the net so she could talk to Susan. She said, "Girl, we're about equally matched, but today I'm running circles around you. Let me guess: you can't get your mind off what happened here with your Tiger last time."

Susan just frowned and nodded.

Suzanne said, "I don't know what to say or do except that you should just play through it. We don't want you to avoid this court from now until doomsday just because it brings back intense feelings and memories for you. Trust me, you'll get over it soon enough."

So far, she and Susan had only been warming up. But she had them start playing a competitive set to force Susan to get more physical and concentrate on the game.

The two played a vigorous set, but Susan was still highly distracted, so she lost six games to two. Then Suzanne had them play another one. Susan did somewhat better, losing six games to four. By the time they were done, both of them were sweaty and tired.

They headed back to the dining room of Susan's house.

Despite the fact that they were both in need of a shower and dressed in their tennis outfits, Suzanne had Susan sit in the love seat and pulled up a chair from the dining table so she could question her. "Okay, enough with the moody silence. Lately, you've had a big smile on your face nearly all the time. But today you've been moody and silent, and all that vigorous tennis didn't help much. It's time you spill the beans."

Susan just frowned. "Oh dear. I was afraid it would come to this. The thing is... I can't! It's too embarrassing."

Suzanne cocked an eyebrow. "Really? Was it something Alan did to you lately? What could possibly be more embarrassing than the things I already know about, like the tennis incident?"

Susan blushed. "It's not him. Well, not directly. It's that call I had with Brenda earlier, the one you forced me make."

"Oh, right. How'd that go? I wanted to ask you about that, but I figured we had to solve the mystery of your gloomy mood first."

Susan said, reluctantly, "Well... the mood has to do with that call. I said some things... and Brenda said some other things... that are just so terribly improper! I can't even bear to think about it, much less talk to you about it! I'm sorry."

Suzanne wasn't about to give up that easily. It took her a few more minutes, but she finally got Susan to open up. She told her to start at the beginning, and describe the call in detail. If anything got too embarrassing, then Susan could just close her eyes, or perhaps even stop talking altogether.

That got Susan started, and before she knew it, she described the phone call in full, lurid detail, including the parts she considered the most embarrassing. Once she got going, it was like she couldn't stop.

What neither Susan nor Suzanne realized was that while Susan was in the middle of her story, Katherine came home from cheerleading for the football team, still dressed in her cheerleader outfit. She wasn't trying to sneak around, but she hadn't made any noticeable noise coming into the house. When she overheard the two MILFs talking in such hushed and serious tones, she didn't know what they were talking about. She definitely wanted to find out, and she was fairly sure they would cut their conversation short if she openly walked in on them, so she decided a little eavesdropping was in order.

She was already in the living room by the time she came to this realization. She was in danger of being seen through the large gap between the dining room and living room if she continued to walk forward. But instead she quietly slipped deeper into the living room, and then snuck as close to the dining room as she could get without being seen or heard.

Susan kept on with her detailed description of Brenda's "Sultan Alan" fantasy. When it was over, Susan's face was redder than ever, and she was squirming in embarrassment.

However, Suzanne was puzzled. "Well? That's it? I don't understand what's bothering you so much. For one thing, that was just talking. You do all sorts of actual sexual physical acts every day."

Susan reluctantly explained, "I know, but... Brenda's fantasy about the Sultan got me thinking... All that talk about being a sex slave in a harem... it was so hot! I mean, it got me really, really worked up! As I told you, I couldn't resist playing with myself, and I just kept cumming and cumming. But... it's got me wondering: what's wrong with me?!"

Suzanne was genuinely puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Why am I so submissive?! It's scary! I feel like I'm losing control over everything! My family. My life. My sanity, almost! Ever since I've started to help Tiger with his orgasms, I feel like I've lost all perspective. All I can think about is his big thick cock and how good it feels to suck on it!"

"And what's wrong with that?" Suzanne asked.

"Nothing, I guess. You've helped me understand that I shouldn't be so hung up on what society at large thinks, and helping him out doesn't conflict with anything in the Bible. But still... when Brenda shared that sex-slave fantasy, it sounded so fun and exciting to me. Then I realized I was actually getting aroused from sex slave talk! I purposely haven't let my mind go there, but Brenda had no such limitations. She clearly got off on it too. It was her dream after all."

She looked up at Suzanne plaintively. "I know it was just a fantasy, but at what point does a fantasy go too far?! I don't mind being sexually submissive, which I suppose I am. It's helped bring Tiger and me a lot of pleasure, allowing me to help him with his medical treatment. But at what point could a person become TOO submissive?! I mean, could this sex slave thing, well... could it ever..." Her voice trailed off with worry.

Suzanne finished for her, "Become a reality?"

The red-faced Susan shyly nodded.

Suzanne carefully considered that. She wanted Susan to sexually loosen up to the point that daily family orgies could take place. But she had no intention of ever being Alan's sex slave herself, and she didn't want to see anyone else go that far either. She decided to walk a careful line of reassuring Susan that things wouldn't go too far while still encouraging her to explore the horizons of her newly discovered submissive side.

She said, "I understand how you feel. At times, your submissive feelings for your son have gotten pretty strong lately, haven't they? It gives you such pleasure to serve him, to bow your head down low and service his cock, doesn't it? To kneel between his legs in just your high heels and look up at his face and see him straining hard not to cum, to hear him moaning lustily and gripping the sides of your head with both hands as he fights hard to hold out! Don't you love it?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan bit her lip and shyly admitted, "So much! I worry that I get too obsessed."

Suzanne went on as if she didn't hear that, "And then there are the more quiet and tender times, when you're just nursing on his cock while he lovingly runs his hands through your hair. Or when you sit naked in his lap, his hard cock poking dangerously underneath while he kisses you and freely plays with your big breasts and the rest of your body."

"Yes!" Susan agreed with a new fire in her eyes.

Suzanne continued, "And what about the times when he just humiliates you? He snaps his fingers and orders you to take all your clothes off, which of course you do, or he even makes you crawl on your hands and knees, which you also do because you're so eager to suck his cock some more that you can hardly stand it."

Susan exclaimed, "Yes! Yes to all of that! And that points to the problem. I mean, it's one thing that I suck his cock whenever he needs it. That's just being a caring and loving mother. You've pointed out that I shouldn't feel bad getting aroused while helping him. But I actually seem to get MORE aroused when he treats me badly!"

Suzanne said, "Correction: when he treats you firmly, not badly. When he dominates you. That's not a bad thing, if it arouses both you and him. It's teaching him confidence. Just look at how he's having more and more success with other women."

Susan asked with a concerned frown, "Yes, but where is it all leading, including that? He already has a few personal cocksuckers, including me. Before long, we'll be calling it a full-blown harem, if it's not one already! And if it's a harem, doesn't that sort of make him a 'master?' And that in turn kind of implies that we're his sex slaves! I know we don't talk about that because he doesn't like using those sorts of words, but maybe we should."

Suzanne held a hand up. "Wait a second here. Let's not get carried away. I'd admit that things are moving into a, well, a harem-y direction. But that's perfectly okay. That doesn't make him a 'master' or you a 'slave.' That's just what you call it when a man has multiple lovers who are all aware of each other."

She went on confidently, "I wouldn't get too worried about Brenda's fantasy or your reaction to it. Yes, you're naturally submissive, so of course you get turned on by that sort of language. But that's all it is: language. Words are just words. They can't hurt you. Don't forget that you're not alone. He's just not into things getting any more extreme. He doesn't even like the word 'master.' Can you imagine him somehow leapfrogging over that and suddenly wanting to call you 'slave?'"

"Well, no," Susan admitted.

"Plus, don't forget that I'm here too. Do you think that I'd ever let him call ME his 'slave?'"

Susan chuckled knowingly. "No, of course not. You could never be anybody's slave. You're the strongest woman I know. Nobody pushes YOU around."

"Right. So you see, you have nothing to worry about. There's nothing wrong with sex talk and letting your ideas run wild in fantasies. I encourage that sort of thing. It's cathartic. You know what that means?"

"I think so. You express some feelings in a pretend way so you don't feel like doing it in reality."

"Exactly." Suzanne gave her an encouraging smile. "So don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild. Remember, Akami says the most important thing is that we help our man with both the duration and intensity of his sex sessions. If you're happily slurping and stroking away on his huge pole and you start to get tired, then you think of yourself as his 'big-titted mommy slut,' as well as one of his proud personal cocksuckers, and that gives you a second wind, what's the harm with that? It's a good thing! Right?"

Susan smiled at that. "I agree. I've been doing that a lot already and it does help." But that smiled turned to a frown. "But what about, you know, slave talk? I think that goes a bit too far, even just for sexy talk. It makes me uncomfortable. I am his mother, after all. I need a certain amount of dignity and authority to tell him 'no' when he needs to hear 'no.'"

Suzanne shrugged and sat back in her chair. "Suit yourself. Personally, that sort of talk wouldn't get my motor running in the first place, since I'm different than you. The key is to do and say what you enjoy with the man you love. I think you've come a long way already. To be blunt, I'm proud of how you've managed to overcome so many misguided, prudish notions so you can better tend to your son's needs. It'll only get better and easier from here, trust me."

Susan beamed with happiness and relief. She stood up and held her arms out, causing Suzanne to stand up too. Then the two of them shared a loving hug. "Thanks, so much! Once again, you know just what to say to put my mind at ease. Where would I be without you?"

Suzanne deflected that by asking, "And where would I be without YOU? You mean so much to me. Just knowing that you're happy makes me happy."

"Mmmm!" Susan squeezed Suzanne even tighter, their huge racks pressing together

After they broke away, Susan said, "Well, I guess I'd better go take a shower. We must smell something awful."

Suzanne wished she could take a shower with Susan, but she realized Susan wasn't ready for that yet. She said with a tinge of regret, "Yeah, I guess I should go home and shower and change. I've got some things to do there anyway."

Susan nodded, then said, "One last thing though. Regarding Brenda... I enjoy talking to her. I must admit that you're right, she and I do get along. I like her."


"But I do worry. If anything, she seems even more into submissiveness than I am. We haven't been talking confidentially for long, and already she shared such an extreme fantasy with me. What should I do about that? I mean, I enjoyed it at the time, sure, but afterwards I felt... troubled."

Suzanne said, "That's no problem. Just let her know how you really feel. If you two are trading sexy stories again, as I'm sure you will, just make it clear that she's getting into an uncomfortable area. She really, really wants to be your friend, I can tell. For one, she sees you as a key link to Alan. But also, you're sort of her ideal women, believe it or not. She wishes she could be living your life. If you tell her, 'Hey, please tone it down with the sex slave talk,' I'm sure she'll be very glad to do that if you ask her to. All you have to do is make your feelings clear."

Susan beamed again. "I can do that, no problem. When you put it that way, I don't have anything to worry about."

"No, you don't."

Susan and Suzanne were still oblivious that Katherine had been listening in to their entire conversation.

However, Katherine could tell they were wrapping things up and about to leave the room, so she'd already been quietly and carefully moving across the living room and then up the stairs towards her bedroom. She safely made it away without even Suzanne noticing.

Once she was in her room, Katherine pondered what she'd learned. I knew Mom was submissive already. Who couldn't see that from a mile away? But I didn't know just how deep that streak runs. And for Brenda too! Wow. Those two are either going to end up as enemies or close friends, since they have so much in common. Luckily, it looks like they're heading in the friends direction.

As usual, Aunt Suzy's got everything under control, so I'm not going to worry about Mom going too far with her fantasies. "Sex slave" talk is a bit much even for me, and I proudly consider myself my brother's number one fuck toy!

No, the question is, how can I have fun with what I've learned? Brother has ALL the fun with Mom! Why can't I join in more too? Clearly, Mom gets off in a big way on being dominated and even humiliated by our guy. And I know just how she feels, 'cos I love it when he treats me like that too. It's true I'm not naturally controlling like he is, but I'm plenty "uppity." I could have a lot of fun getting saucy with Mom!

Of course, I'll have to be careful. I don't want to push her too far into a bisexual direction, because I don't want her to have another prudish backlash. But I can kind of help things along there bit by bit if I get more aggressive. Oooh! This is going to be great!

She sat down and opened up her diary. She decided to make notes on what she'd learned from overhearing that discussion, then make further notes on the times she'd seen Alan dominate Susan, so she could come up with strategies on when and how to be more aggressive with Susan herself.

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