6 Times a Day

Chapter 419 I Guess I'm Not As Moral As You.

Extra Long Chap.


"Good. Now, stop trying to change the subject." Suzanne leaned forward in her chair again. "Who hyped you to Heather already?!"

He couldn't meet her eyes, and turned his head sadly. "I'm sorry. I can't tell you that."

"Why the hell not?! You told me about Heather the other day. I promise I won't tell anyone else, not even Susan." Seeing he still wasn't budging, she added, "Am I not your auntie? I'm practically your second mother. I thought we love each other and tell each other everything."

He looked at her plaintively. "We do! We do! But I can't!"

She sat back. "Aaaaah. I get it. It's Katherine, isn't it? Angel started blabbing, and then-"

He interrupted, "No, it's not her. I swear! And it's not Amy either. I swear that too!"

Suzanne stood up due to her frustration. She stared down at him with clenched fists. "Then who? Who?! May I remind you, this is really 'need to know' stuff. It's all fine and dandy that you're living this wild sexual lifestyle, but somebody's gotta watch your back and protect you when things go wrong and you're in over your head, and that's me! And I can't do that if I don't even know what you're doing. Or WHO you're doing. We can't muck around anymore. You need to finally come clean to me about ALL of your lovers!"

Realizing that she probably looked intimidating standing above him like that, she knelt down between his legs and took a softer tone. "Need I remind you about the danger of things like STD's? I know you have your 'don't kiss and tell' policy, and that's admirable, but you have to make an exception for me. It's not just about you. What happens with one of your lovers could affect everyone else."

He sighed wearily. "If I tell you, then someone important to me is going to get in trouble."

"I promise you, nobody will get in trouble, no matter what you say. Learning the truth is more important for me right now. I get the feeling that there's something important here that you're not telling me, something that you're embarrassed about. Which means there's something that could mean trouble, which means there's something I may need to fix!"

He sighed again. "Okay, fine. You win. But I'm holding you to that promise. You can't punish me or anyone else about this, right?"

She nodded impatiently.

"The person who hyped me to Heather was Kim."

Suzanne was puzzled. "Kim? The cheerleader Kim? Kim Fields, right?"


"What's the big secret about that? Why could you tell me about Heather but not Kim?"

He sighed yet again. "The problem isn't Kim, per se. You see, Kim is basically lesbian, and everyone knows that. She's dated some guys and fooled around with them a bit, but she was thoroughly unimpressed and stuck with the other team, so to speak. Then, to make a long story short, she got sexually involved with me, and enjoyed it so much that she bragged about my skills to the other cheerleaders."

"So wait. You're telling me that you're so sexually impressive that you managed to 'turn' a lesbian, just like that?" Suzanne snapped her fingers.

"No, not at all. It was a lucky 'in the right place at the right time' thing. Weirdly enough, I don't think she has a problem with the sex part of men; it's all the other stuff. The dating, the romance, guys being guys - you know, the emotionally clueless, macho caveman stereotype. She prefers the company of girls for all sorts of reasons. So I'm kind of the ideal sexual guinea pig for her. She can have fun with my private parts without having any worries whatsoever about commitments or falling in love or any of that."

"I see," Suzanne said thoughtfully.

He continued, "Anyway, that's how Heather got interested in me, from Kim. She figured that if I fucked an avowed lesbian so well that she started singing my praises, it would be worth giving me a try herself. Without anyone knowing, though, so it wouldn't hurt her social standing."

Still on her knees, Suzanne asked, "So you've fucked Kim?"

He tried to be evasive. "I don't want to kiss and tell."


He laughed. "You have to be more convincing than that!"

She turned on the charm. "Sweetie, seriously, I'm practically your second moether and you mean the world to me. Is really important than I know these things. I want to love and protect you, but how can I do that when you won't tell me anything?" She gave him her best pleading and loving look.

"Uh, um... yeah. I did." His evasive attempt crumbled because he found it so hard to lie to her. He felt embarrassed about how easily he broke his rule against kissing and telling, but he also guessed it was probably for the best.

Suzanne pondered that revelation intently. She realized it explained quite a few things. For instance, a big reason his sexual skills were improving by leaps and bounds was because he was getting a lot of "outside" practice. It also drove her crazy with frustration because she was dying to get fucked by him, but she felt she couldn't get started until Susan reached a certain point in her sexual transformation.

However, she kept such thoughts to herself, and merely said, "I see. But I still don't see what the big secret is."

"I'm getting to that... saving the worst for last. You see, the reason I was intimate with Kim was, well, it's a long story, involving painted panties and other things, but the gist is she found out I was intimate with Sis too, and she kind of got interested from there."

"WHAT?!" Suzanne was truly shocked. "WHAT?! So Kim knows our incest secret too?!"

He nodded sadly. "Just about me and Sis though."

Suzanne stood up and started pacing around. "That's bad! Very bad! That's worse than what I thought, which was Angel creating suspicion by boasting about you. That I might fix, if it's just suspicion. But with this, there can be no doubt about the incest at all!"

He stood up too and held his hands out in a pleading gesture. "Don't worry! It's under control! It turns out that Kim is really nice. She understands our concerns about that secret and she's not going to tell anyone. I promise!"

Suzanne stopped her pacing and glared at him. "And how do you know for sure?"

"Lots of reasons. One, she's really nice, like I said. She actually started to blackmail us, but that only lasted about five minutes before she realized she just isn't that kind of person. Then she started having fun having sex with me, and Sis too. We've had a number of threesomes at her house, where it's safe. You know, just fooling around, lots of blowjobs and titfucks and such."

He added that comment even though it was a lie of omission, because he wasn't ready yet to confess to Suzanne that he and Katherine were fucking.

He went on, "That explains a lot of the mysterious check marks on my orgasm chart. And now Kim's hooked on the sexual fun, just like what we're trying to do to Brenda. And she's become our friend. She's on our side, really!"

Suzanne kept on glaring, with her hands on her hips to boot. "I am NOT happy about this! Why didn't you tell me about this right away?!"

He sheepishly explained, "At the time, you didn't know I'd gotten intimate with Sis, and I didn't know how you'd react to that. This was pretty early on, but still after you and I had gotten involved. How could I tell you about the problem with Kim without telling you about the sister incest too?!"

"So you've been intimate with Angel practically from the beginning? From the time I started giving you handjobs?! Using Kim's house and her help so nobody would know?"

"Not that far back. Sis saw what was happening between you and me, and me and Mom, and figured I was fair game. She first touched my dick a few days after that first big Tuesday with Mom. Then Kim got involved a few days after that. I know it's bad, but Sis was so enthusiastic in those early days that Kim picked up on it and figured things out on her own. But she was the only one! We've settled down and we're a lot smarter now."

"Hrrumph!" Suzanne crossed her arms. "You disappoint me. I think of you as mature beyond your years, but sometimes you still act like a foolish kid. You really should have told me! This is as big a problem as the Brenda problem! Now we've got to permanently hook Kim on you too!"

He replied, "No we don't. And we can't. She really IS mostly lesbian. Sure, she and I have played around some, but she'd never want me as a boyfriend or anything like that. She's simply not that into me or impressed by me, and I don't see that changing. This is a totally different situation than Brenda. Kim's not submissive like Brenda either. And, to be brutally honest, I'm not that much into her either. I was at first, but, Jesus Christ! Since then, all my sexual dreams have come true."

He pictured Kim in his mind, from a time when he'd seen her looking particularly good while formally dressed. "Kim is a girl and you're a woman; you know what I mean? She's pretty and she's cute, but quite skinny. Whereas you're... va va voom! You're like a living sex goddess! I love your type, the voluptuous type."

He looked Suzanne over with lusty eyes until she almost got embarrassed from the attention. Then he continued, "How can Kim compete? So she and I are more like friends with benefits. What's been binding us together lately are threesomes with Sis. She's probably more interested in Sis than in me."

Suzanne grunted and rolled her eyes. "UNGH! If what you're saying is true, we MIGHT be okay, relatively speaking. But even then, you were flirting with disaster all along! What if Kim hadn't turned out to be so nice? What if she'd been more like Heather?"

"Then I guess I would have been totally screwed," he admitted.

"Yes, and not just you, but everybody. UGH!" She glared at him. "So who else are you intimate with? No, wait, let me guess: me, Susan, Angel, Kim, Heather, and I think we can already safely include Brenda, given the way you fondled her naked body all over at the last poker party. Oh, and Akami. Am I missing anybody?"

"You know about Akami?"

Suzanne griped, "I can guess well enough, based on Susan's accounts of your appointments. What happened with her today?"

"I fucked her." He winced and closed his eyes tightly, like he was expected to get punched.


"Really." He opened his eyes, relieved at her relatively mild reaction.

"GRRR! Dammit!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He looked at her with unusual nervousness. "What?! Is that really bad too?"

Mostly, Suzanne was upset that so many other women were fucking Alan and she had yet to fuck him even once. It really was driving her batty, and confirming Akami fucked him too was just more fuel to the fire.

She didn't want to admit that to him, but it sort of slipped out as she kept talking. "No, it's not so bad. Although we have to be very careful about her since she knows about the incest too. Hell, is there anybody who DOESN'T know about that so-called secret?! UGH! No, what pisses me off about what you said is that it seems that everyone is fucking you but me! Kim, Heather, Akami... ARRRGH! And how many more that I don't know amount yet or are still to come?!"

He carefully treated that as a rhetorical question.

She went on, "I have to hold back because Susan and I are practically joined at the hip. If and when you and I do fuck, she'll know before long, and that'll be a big, big step back in her sexual awakening if she's not mentally open to the idea yet."

He said, "I'm sorry, I really am. You don't know how much I want to fuck you! Sis is one thing. There's no way I can stop having fun with her now; I love her too much. But I'd gladly never see the other three girls again for the chance to fuck you just once. I'd love to fuck you every single God-damned day! Multiple times! I just know it's going to be epic!"

Suzanne groaned. "Don't say that! It just makes things more frustrating for me!" She pointed at his face aggressively. "You're damn right it's going to be epic! I'll blow your fucking mind, and you'll blow mine! But unfortunately... not today."

He repeated sadly, "Not today."

She was looking glum, but then she leaned towards him with more aggression. "So is there anyone else I'm missing that you've been fucking or just intimate with? Or any other nasty surprises, like someone else knowing about the incest?"

There was one name that he was resolutely determined not to reveal, even if he confessed everything else: Glory's. Due to the danger of her losing her job, he felt the safest thing was to have as few people as possible know, even Suzanne. He figured if there was one woman so exemplary that Suzanne wouldn't need to vet her, it was Glory. And there was one other name, so he tried to deflect his highly perceptive aunt away from Glory by mentioning that name.

He said, "Well, there's one name we're both forgetting: Amy."

Suzanne winced and groaned unhappily again.

"So far, I haven't done that much with her, relatively speaking. But I have done some things with her that involve my dick. And she definitely knows about what we're all doing with each other; there's no doubt about that! Furthermore, I can tell you now that things between her and me are going to develop more and more until we end up fucking. It's just a matter of time."

He went on, "Think about it. She's over here nearly as much as you. She's Sis's best friend, and they talk about everything, just like you and Mom. She's totally fun and easy-going and sexually eager. She's busty and beautiful. She's into me and I'm into her. Most importantly, we both love each other, and have for a long time. So how can it NOT happen?"

There was a long silence as Suzanne took that all in. Then she said, "Why do you have to remind me of all that? In my mind, she's still twelve. Still an innocent girl!"

"But she's not!"

"I know! I know! And I know you're right. I don't see how she won't get involved. Why does she have to grow up so fast? She's not in my vision of the sexual utopia that's forming here."

He said firmly, "Then you need to update your vision."

Trying to throw her off before she could ask if there were any names he'd failed to mention, he said, "Oh, and there's something else you should know, since it's been a while since we had a talk like this. I told you already that I fucked Heather that one time, after she kind of shanghaied me. Well, since then, we've fucked two more times. I've tried to be aloof with her because I really want to be aloof with her! But there's that playing-hard-to-get thing working again. My lack of interest in a repeat performance made her extra eager for one, and once she came onto me, I couldn't resist. So now we've gotta deal with her some more."

Suzanne threw up her hands. "Oh, Sweetie, Sweetie, Sweetie. You should just keep your rampant cock well-tended here at home. You're getting into all kinds of trouble with these other grils."

"I know. It's kind of a problem. But look on the bright side. It could be worse, a lot worse. For one thing, I haven't done any bragging or boasting at all. I've been very tight-lipped."

"A lot of good that does if people like Kim are talking instead!" She sat back down near him. "Okay, you've given me the very short versions of a lot of things. Now, I want to hear the full stories. It may take a while, but it's important. What happened with you and Kim and Angel, for starters? What's going on with Akami? What's been happening with Heather?"

He asked tentatively, "And what's happening with Amy as well? You want to hear that too?"

She face-palmed herself. "Maybe not tonight. I can only handle so much at one time. I'm having particular trouble with that one, as you can tell."

So Alan revealed all that had happened with Katherine and Kim, Heather, and Akami, minus the actual fucking between him and Katherine. The accounts of his sexual adventures could have been highly arousing, but he wasn't horny anymore and Suzanne was still upset, so he told them like any other story. Suzanne asked a lot of questions with a "just the facts, ma'am" attitude.

Suzanne was highly suspicious that he was fucking Katherine too. She noticed he dodged discussing in detail what exactly Kim, Katherine, and him in their threesomes at Kim's house, and it was easy for her to figure that if he was fucking Kim with Katherine watching, it wouldn't take much for Katherine to want to experience the same thing. But she kept quiet about it and didn't ask any probing questions in that direction. She understood it was probably something he felt he couldn't reveal without making a mutual decision with Katherine first.

He felt wrung out by the time he was done with all his explanations. He concluded, "Phew! So there you have it. So many sexual secrets." Minus Glory, that is. And that one vital fact about Sis and me, he added to himself.

He asked her, "Are you satisfied now?"

"I wouldn't exactly say satisfied. But thank you for sharing and being honest with me. At least now I know the truth about the 'big-titted cheerleaders' that Susan keeps raving about, eh?" Suzanne grinned at that.

"Yeah, it turns out to be more like 'big-titted cheerleader,' singular. Kim isn't what I would call busty. But I still feel I've been honest with the plural because in my mind I've been including Sis and Amy in that too."

Suzanne groaned in misery, her grin gone. "Please don't remind me of Amy any more tonight. Yes, I'm in denial, and yes it's immature, but I need some time to adjust."

"Understood." Trying to wrap up the discussion, he asked, "So, now that you know all about that, what are you going to do about it?"

She shrugged. "What can I do? There are some things I wish you wouldn't have done, but I can't undo the past. I guess it's not so bad, overall. As the saying goes, you're 'young, dumb, and full of cum,' so you're going to do dumb things like fuck Heather in the middle of a school parking lot!"

He admitted ruefully, "Yeah, that wasn't my brightest moment."

"More important is what you do moving forward. If there's any big development, please let me know, okay? I know you want to be your own man, but if you're so secretive then I can't help you, and sometimes you may need help. Don't let your sexual success go to your head. You still have a lot to learn. Okay?"

"Okay. Thanks. Hug?" He held his arms open wide.

"Hug!" She gave him a firm hug, and then a very enjoyable kiss on the lips. It was brief though, since neither of them were in the mood for serious hanky-panky.

Then she started to go, but stopped and said, "Oh, one last thing."

"What's that?"

"You know those great naked pictures of Brenda? There are a lot more of those. A LOT more. Since you know it's Brenda, are you interested in seeing them all? We might even be able to arrange a 'special viewing' where I suck your cock while your mom tells a rousing story about what she and Brenda were talking about when the pictures were taken. Trust me, it's a VERY rousing story!"

"Oh, man! That sounds triple arousing. But I don't know. It doesn't feel right. I don't think Brenda would be happy about that."

With her hands on her hips, she asked, "So let me get this straight. You're part of a scheme to turn her into your sex pet, forever, and you're okay with that, but you have a problem with seeing some nude pictures of her that she gave to us?"

"Hmmm. If you put it that way, it does seem silly. But there's a difference. We're scheming because exploring her submissive side will make her very happy as well as me. That falls under your moral 'good scheme' rule. Whereas if I see the photos, there's no real point to it except I'd be getting my jollies. That doesn't seem so moral."

"Damn. Good point. I guess I'm not as moral as you, but at least I'm still kind of moral-ish." She winked.

He chuckled, and joked, "Emphasis on '-ish.'"

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Once she was alone, she thought, So he's got seven lovers now? Plus, I have a strong feeling there's a bit more that he's still not telling me. I could have tried to squeeze that out of him, but I've learned enough for one day. So he might have even MORE than seven lovers!

Hrm. I must say, I underestimated him again. I didn't think he could seduce any women without my behind-the-scenes scheming, but he's fucked Kim AND Heather without my involvement. True, that was due to a series of fairly bizarre events, but it did happen. We'll have to see where he goes from here, I suppose.

I'm worried that he's totally ruled by his dick, and I'm probably partly to blame for that by letting him enjoy so much success so fast. But then again, he declined my offer to see the uncropped Brenda photos. At least he has some self-restraint.

— — —

Alan was in bed by nine o'clock, not long after Suzanne left. He was tired after another eventful and successful sexual day.

Susan came in to give him another goodnight kiss and tuck-in. Her earlier worried mood had been effectively banished by her talk with Suzanne, so she was ready to have some "cocky" fun.

Unfortunately, Alan wasn't up for very much. She'd dressed in a see-through nightgown that was open in the front down to her belly button. She explained with a wink, "I want to make sure nothing will come between your dick and my big tits, if you know what I mean. My nipples have been like two bullets all day, thinking about how you fucked my tits last night and really showed me that they completely belong to you."

She made it extremely clear that nothing would make her happier than another titfuck, but despite more sexy words and thrusting her chest so far forward that she nearly fell over, he just wasn't feeling up to it.

They just French kissed for a while, and his "tuck-in" was actually just that this time: little more than her tucking him in.

But after she left, he thought, Last night was a lot of fun when I sneaked into Sis's room and had a nice sixty-nine with her. I felt pretty crappy when I went to sleep, but when I woke up in the middle of the night I sure felt rarin' to go. Not only that, but I've only cum four times today, five if you count the middle of the night adventure. I have to do better. It's still way early. What if I set my alarm clock for two hours from now and see how I feel?

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