6 Times a Day

Chapter 428 Brenda, Just What Are You Suggesting? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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After Susan left his room a short time later, Alan made an effort to return to a more normal day. His prolonged sex sessions with Amy and Katherine, then Suzanne, and then Susan, had taken up a good part of his morning, and he knew it would take a while for his penis to recover. He read the newspaper for a while and then surfed the Internet.

Suzanne went home to take care of some errands of her own, still without a commitment on the beach idea from Alan, because Susan had been underfoot the whole time, inhibiting any chance for Alan to talk to his Aunt Suzy in private.

Susan also took chare of some chores at home. But once she was done, she rewarded herself by giving Brenda another call. She had their phone call from the day before on her mind, with Brenda's wild fantasy of them being sex slaves in the Middle Eastern harem of "Sultan Alan" at the forefront of her mind. She had been worried after that call ended that the fantasy went too far with its submissive themes. However, because Suzanne had given her reassurances that such fantasies were harmless, she didn't worry about it much.

Even so, she planned to start out with a warning that Brenda shouldn't go too far with the sex slave theme when they shared additional fantasies - and it was taken as a given that there would be such sharing, since they'd enjoyed their last call so much. However, Susan didn't know how to politely bring it up, and before long she got so swept up in the conversation that she forgot all about her intended warning.

Susan boldly started things off with a detailed description of the very real blowjob fun she'd just had with Alan. It wasn't long before they were both naked and freely masturbating, although they tried hard not to let the other know about the masturbation aspect, at least.

Then Brenda described a detailed fantasy about Alan. She pointed out truthfully that although it didn't happen to her in real life, it was based on an actual dream she'd had the night before.

Also, her dream actually started out with a very real event. She began telling Susan about her pivotal conversation with Alan in which he uttered the "lord and master" quote that had affected Brenda so deeply both then and ever since. During the real conversation, she was so turned on that she had to resist the urge to drop to her knees and suck him off right then and there. In her dream, he more directly goaded her with dominating comments, causing her to lose all control. Reality veered into fantasy as she described to Susan how Alan "forced" her to strip down to just her high heels before he vigorously face fucked her. Susan, Suzanne, and Katherine then came over from the kitchen and watched the oral action in shock, heightening Brenda's total humiliation even more.

Both Susan and Brenda had nice orgasms when Brenda got to the climax of her story, describing how Alan shot a creamy load all over her face and very ample chest. But in real life, both MILFs worked hard to stay quiet, thinking there was still a chance the other didn't know how they were masturbating.

As time passed and they started to come down from their sexual euphoria a sighing Brenda said blissfully, "Ahhhhh, I'm so ready for Sultan Alan to totally dominate me."

Unfortunately for Brenda, her mention of yesterday's fantasy reminded Susan of her brief anal sex mention. "Brenda I have a question… Um it's kind of embarrassing, but yesterday you said something about, er, the anus… and... um... I'm wondering..."

Brenda winced when she realized what Susan was trying to say, but decided to try and play it cool. She said shyly, "By any chance, are you talking about my mention of anal sex?"

After a long pause a perplexed and embarrassed Susan finally asked, "Anal... sex?"

Based on Susan's baffled tone of voice, it dawned on Brenda that Susan must know next to nothing about anal sex. She found that hard to believe, but then she remembered that Susan had lived an extremely sheltered sexual life until very recently. So, with caution, she replied, "Yes, anal sex. What do you know about that?"

"Um... This is an awkward thing to talk about, to say the least, but, uh... I know a lot about 'sodomy' from the Bible, but I don't really understand the details. Isn't that how gay men pretend to have sex, since neither of them have vaginas? Right up... right up the dirty hole you poo out of! Ugh! It sounds awful!"

Brenda had to suppress the urge to groan in frustration over Susan's ignorance, since she wanted to be very careful not to offend or mock Susan over this sensitive issue. "Ah, that's... partially correct, but only partially. Yes, that is something gay men do, but it's not pretend. I'm sure they enjoy it a great deal. Plenty of men do it to women too. It can be very enjoyable for both partners."

"Really?! How can that be?! It's unnatural, for starters. And disgusting! Have YOU done that? Don't tell me you've done it!"

Brenda had been avoiding mentioning anal sex in her stories out of consideration of Susan's feelings. But since she'd slipped in a moment of passion during her Sultan fantasy, she decided this was a good occastion to give Susan more of an explanation, in hopes that she would eventually change her attitude.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) "Well, no, but..." Brenda was going to explain how she'd put a dildo up her ass, but not an actual penis. However, she decided on a different approach. "Let me ask you this. Has Alan ever put his finger in your anus? Or have you ever put your finger in his?"

"Oh, gosh! This is terribly embarrassing. The truth is, yes to both! I'm so bad! You must think I'm a fallen woman."

Brenda had known that Susan would give that reply, since she'd shared that information previously. "No! Why would I think that? You weren't being perverse. You had a good reason for doing that, didn't you?"

Susan reluctantly replied, "Well... I must admit, when he's poked me there... it feels pretty darn good. I've discovered he really enjoys it too. So when I've got him buzzing with erotic joy and I want to take him to the next level, but I've already got his fat cock in my mouth and I'm licking and sucking and stroking and doing absolutely everything I can and it's still not enough to make him see stars, that's kind of a little trick I use. You should see his reaction! It gets him practically screaming every single time!" She giggled in fond memory, her initial reluctance forgotten.

Then she added, "The downside is that I have to use a glove or wash that hand clean before I can touch him anywhere else, since I just put it in such a vile, nasty hole. Yuck! Another problem is that it's so effective that it can practically make him cum all by itself. So I don't do it that often. It's like my ace in the hole."

Brenda responded in a confidential tone, "Very good. There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of that. But think about it: that obviously feels very good for him, and it feels very good for you too. And that's just with a finger. Why do you think that is?"

"I have no idea," Susan admitted. "I try not to think about yucky things like that."

Brenda patiently explained, "The fact is, everyone's anus has a tremendous number of nerve endings. That's true for men and women. Think how it would feel if instead of Alan putting just one solitary finger up your ass, he stuffed his whole cock up there! Even though women don't have a prostate gland, wouldn't the pleasure be many times greater?"

Susan was horrified. "NO! Dear Lord, no! For one thing, that's too big! Way too big! A finger up there is an extremely tight fit. There's no possible way to get anything bigger up there. It would tear me in two! Besides, it's too disgusting to even contemplate!"

Brenda was frustrated, but patient. "Let's put aside the size issue for the moment. Why is it okay for him to put a finger in, but not his cock?"

Susan took a deep breath, then responded passionately, "His cock isn't just another body part. It's very special to me. I can't allow it be defiled like that! It goes in my mouth... a lot! And other mouths. Besides, the further something goes in there, the yuckier things get! When I do it to him, he's always clean for the first couple of inches, probably since he knows I like to finger him, and his other lovers might do so too, but beyond that... UGH! Don't even make me think about it or I'm going to empty my stomach!"

Brenda realized she had a long way to go to get Susan to understand very much about anal sex. So, for the next fifteen minutes or so, she patiently explained what she knew about the subject in the most clinical and factual manner she could manage.

To call it an eye-opener for Susan was an understatement. Back in her prudish days not so long ago, Susan had virtually no knowledge of sexual matters except what Suzanne had told her, and Suzanne had deliberately avoided mentioning anal sex, titfucking, and some other sexual acts that Susan would probably consider perverse.

More recently, since Susan's sexual awakening, Suzanne had still been careful not to mention anal sex. She had a variety of reasons for not doing so, a chief one being that she didn't want Susan to get the idea that anal sex would be an acceptable substitute for vaginal sex, which would take some of the pressure off Susan from going all the way with Alan.

It so happened that Brenda knew a great deal about anal sex, due to what she'd learned through pornography. It was true that she'd never directly experienced it herself with another person, because her interest in pornography had come into being only after the decline of her second marriage. By the time she was seriously intrigued about trying anal sex, she wasn't interested in sex of any kind with her husband, let alone that kind. However, even though most of her knowledge of anal sex came from biased and exaggerated pornographic accounts, those did allow her to learn most of the important facets of the act more-or-less accurately. Plus, she had experimented with anal dildos, though not very extensively or often.

After passing her knowledge on to Susan in a relatively even-handed manner, Brenda concluded with a more emotional appeal. "So, that's what I know about anal sex. But there's one more thing I do know."

"What's that?" Susan asked.

"It's a crying shame that you won't let Alan fuck your pussy. Now, I understand your reasons, even though I don't fully agree with them. But, as long as that's the case, don't you think that doubles the importance of letting him fuck you in your ass?"

Susan gasped. "My ASS?! Brenda, just what are you suggesting?!" She actually clenched her ass cheeks together, as if she was in danger of being anally penetrated at any moment.

"What do you think? Why did I just give you this long explanation if there wasn't a reason for it, to get you ready?"

Susan held both hands up to cover her wide-open, shocked mouth, actually dropping the phone in the process. After she picked it back up, she said, "I couldn't! I just couldn't!"

Brenda spoke challengingly. "Why not? Seriously, why not? Are you or are you not your son's big-titted mommy slut?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Of course I am!"

"Are you not one of his personal cocksuckers?"

"You know I am! And darn proud of it, too!"

"That's good to hear. But we both know that being those things encompass much more than mere cocksucking. For instance, serving him with your tits is a vital part of the process. In fact, you keep telling me that now that he's the man of the house, your entire body essentially belongs to him, to do with as he sees fit!"

"That's true too." Then Susan added shyly, "Well, except for that one very important exception."

Brenda spoke passionately. "Exactly! He can't fuck your pussy. Don't tell me there's an ass exception too, because there isn't! That wasn't on your list!"

Susan had a triumphant "gotcha" moment. "True, I suppose there's no exception like that, but it's a moot point, because Tiger doesn't have ANY interest in anal sex at all! He's never even broached the idea with me! So there! I'm safe!"

But Brenda quickly replied, "Not so fast! Recall that you've told me all about his special way of getting your attention. He LOVES to fondle your ass, doesn't he? And Susan, let's be honest: you have an awesome ass! It's wonderfully fit and firm and nicely rounded."

Susan had a sudden sinking feeling. "He does, but that's a whole different thing. I love it when he 'gets my attention' in that special way. Once he starts fondling and even kneading me back there, I simply melt! Usually, it's not long before he's got all my clothes off, after which he's kissing the back of my neck while caressing my tits from behind as well. And then, not long after that, I'm on my knees with his cock halfway down my throat! Now, that's what I call good, clean, family fun. There's nothing wrong or immoral about that!"

"That's true," Brenda replied. "And I envy you about that more than you can imagine, particularly because he reasserts his ownership of your ass, and all the rest of you, every single day! But think about it. He IS a 'tit man'; there's no doubt about that. But he's clearly an ass man too! He's already started probing INSIDE your ass with a finger. Do you think he's going to stop there?"

"Well... yes."

"NO! He's not! Susan, the fact is, you're his personal slut! It may not be my place to say this, but I'll say it anyway: he WILL fuck your ass AND your pussy someday, and probably someday soon!"

Susan gasped, clutching at her chest with her free hand. "NO! He won't!"

"Yes he will! He's a good kid, and a loyal, loving son. Everyone can see that. He's giving you time, because he doesn't want to push you into doing something that makes you unhappy. But your body belongs to him! All of it, forever! Your new role in life is to sexually serve him! Blowjobs and titfucks are all well and good, but you can't expect him to be satisfied with that forever. No way! He's going to fuck your cunt AND your ass, and do any other damn thing he wants to do with you! He's probably just waiting impatiently for you to see the light. He'll probably eventually spank you regularly too, just because he can!"

Predictably, Susan gasped again. But that time she really was holding her breath - in awe, lust, and fear.

Brenda said, "So that's why it's important that I tell you what anal sex is all about. Frankly, I don't understand why Suzanne hasn't told you all about it already. You're going to need to take your submission to him to the next level before long. First, it was handjobs, then blowjobs, then titfucks. Since you seem so dead-set against vaginal sex, for now, that leaves anal sex as the next logical step."

Her voice grew excited as she elaborated, "If that means bending over, spreading your round ass cheeks for him, and begging for him to bury his cock in-"

"But I can't do that!" Susan interrupted with a distraught wail.

"Why not?"

"It's... it's just... it's just not done!"

"Yes it is!" Brenda exclaimed in exasperation. "Get out of the Middle Ages already. Like I was telling you, it's done by millions of people, including lots of straight couples! It's way more common than you think."

Figuring that the best defense was a good offense, Susan shot back, "Well, what about you, then? If you're so big on it, why don't you let Alan fuck YOUR ass?!"

Brenda grunted. "First off, I never said I'm 'so big on it.' Like I told you, I've never had anal sex myself, so it's daunting for me too."


"Hey, I'm being honest. And with Alan's cock being extra thick and extra-long, that makes it even more daunting for me, or anybody. The anal dildo I used that I told you about was much smaller than a penis, much less HIS big cock. However, if he and I can manage it, I'll bet his size will make the whole experience that much more pleasurable for both of us!"

Brenda went on, "But that's not the issue here. My status with him is extremely tenuous. I haven't so much as touched his hot, stiff cock yet! So isn't talk about him fucking his beefy cock all the way into my ass more than a little premature?"

Susan grumbled, "I guess."

Brenda said, "Like I was telling you earlier, anal sex is much more of a challenge than regular sex. It requires a lot of trust and patience to do it right. He can't just stick it in. It'll take a while before he develops a trusting relationship with me, if that ever even happens. Whereas, is there anyone he is more trusting and comfortable with than you? No! So, clearly, this is something that could happen to you, and soon. You need to prepare yourself!"

Susan was nearly panicky. "Oh, Brenda! I'm not ready! No matter what you tell me, it still sounds way too gross, and wrong, to even contemplate!"

Brenda realized that Susan could only handle so much at any one time. "Don't worry. It's not like he's going to fuck your ass tomorrow. Like you said, he hasn't even suggested it. But you need to ready yourself. Think how happy he'll be if he does broach the idea and discovers that you're already ready and willing!"

Susan asked in distress, "What do I do?! How do I get ready?!"

"Don't worry. I'll help you out. I'm sure Suzanne will help too. She's a woman of the world. She may not have talked to you about it, due to your... sensibilities... but I would be shocked if she hasn't had anal sex herself, lots of times. You'll realize that it's not such a scary thing."

Brenda comforted and reassured Susan awhile longer. Mostly, she emphasized that there was no imminent rush to have anal sex yet, so Susan had time to get ahead of the issue.

At the same time though, the way Brenda discussed the prospect made it abundantly clear that she expected it was entirely a matter of "when" rather than "if" it would happen. She also couched it in terms of having Susan submit and "surrender" her ass to her son, instead of it being something she did to him of her own accord.

Despite Brenda generally trying to encourage her and assuage her fears, Susan ended the phone call feeling very shaken. Woe is me! I wish being a big-titted momy was just about endless cocksucking and titfucking. But deep down, I've got a feeling that Brenda is right and it's just a matter of time before my Tiger fucks me, one way or another. Since fucking my pussy is so morally problematic, how can I refuse him my ass too?! If and when he gets interested in anal sex, how can I be his sexual servant and deny him that?! And he probably will get interested eventually, especially if he can't fuck me the other way.

It was such a troubling issue for her that she resolved to put it out of her mind for as long as she could.

Even though she was a bit rattled from the conversation, Susan enjoyed talking to Brenda so much that she knew this would become a daily tradition. Susan and Suzanne already shared detailed accounts of the sexual adventures they had had with Alan, usually while working out together in the morning. But Susan now had a chance to tell some of the same exact stories to Brenda, sometimes with even more detail. They got her just as hot and bothered even with the second telling.

One difference had started to emerge in these exchanges. With Suzanne, Susan felt a bit abashed by her more submissive tendencies, so she tried to downplay them. But Suzanne usually saw right through her and got her to confess to them just the same. That embarrassed Susan, because she didn't see Suzanne as another sexual submissive who could fully empathize with those things.

Also, Susan and Suzanne always had many arousing recent real-life adventures with Alan to talk about, and Susan's dreams often featured the type of submissive fantasies she was reluctant to share with Suzanne. As a result, Susan and Brenda started having fun confessing that type of Alan-related dream to each other, allowing them to reaffirm and strengthen their more submissive tendencies.

It was becoming increasingly clear that Brenda was at least as submissive as Susan, if not more so. Thus Susan could revel in telling Brenda the very things that she didn't want to confess to Suzanne, expecting to receive hearty approval rather than discouragement. After all, Brenda had already shown a willingness to go even further than Susan was willing to go with her sex slave story involving the two of them willingly joining the harem of "Sultan Alan."

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