6 Times a Day

Chapter 448 Don't Make My Dick Fall Off. [Iveyflame Sponsored]

Iveyflame Special [ 3 / 15 ]


He was going to complain, but he looked down at his flaccid penis and realized that she had a good point.

She went on, "I'm actually late, because it takes ages to get you to cum. Kid, you realize how long you fucked my tits just now?"

"Not long enough!"

She grinned. "I like your attitude, not to mention your stamina. Tomorrow you can have a pussy-fest, but right now I have some hot lesbian action waiting for me."

"Well, okay. But good Lord, Aunt Suzy! You're insatiable!"

"I'm insatiable? What about you? How many times is that for you already today?"


"Eight? Wow! I've had a lot of other lovers over the years, but I never knew one who could cum eight times in one day. And your day still isn't over. I'll bet you're not even done yet."

"No, that's it. I'm definitely done. That was my target for today, to make up for some sub-par days, and now I've reached it. I'm totally wiped out. I'm just going to watch TV, and who knows, maybe even do some homework." With a quick thought and a wry grin, he added, "The traditional kind, not Akami's."

"That's what you think. I'll leave you alone if you like, but I doubt you'll be able to keep Angel's or Susan's hands or lips off you. They're so revved up from what we did by the pool that you haven't seen the last of them. I'll take care of your sister, but you'll have to take care of your mother. By the way, personally, I think you and Angel have gone much farther than you're letting on, but luckily your mother isn't as perceptive as I am."

Alan was noticeably silent. He failed to confirm or deny her suspicions and just shrugged.

She said, "I know you're trying to be a gentleman and not kiss and tell. That's good. But not a lot gets past me, and I see how you two look at each other these days. There's a special bond between man and woman that only happens after a good long fucking, and that's what I see. You two have always been exceptionally close siblings, but now you're even closer than before."

Again, his silence was notable.

She wasn't going to give up that easily though. "If you're doing it with her, why not tell me? You know I won't have a problem with it. In fact, I'll consider that very good news. And remember the other day when you told me the full truth of your sexual situation? I said then that it's important for me to know about things like Kim discovering the incest secret so I can do possible damage control. That's still true."

He felt bad, because he knew he hadn't told her the "full truth." He'd only given her that impression. In addition to not admitting that he was fucking Katherine, he didn't mention a word about his intimacy with Glory. He felt that was one case where he truly couldn't bend, since her job was at stake.

Suzanne continued, "Successfully handling multiple relationships is NOT easy. It's much like juggling a bunch of balls in the air. With each new ball you add, it almost becomes exponentially more difficult. You're a smart guy, sure, but you're young too. You've had ZERO experience with sex or relationships prior to all of this starting. It's no shame if you lean on me for advice and feedback from time to time. Think of me as Obi-Wan Kenobi, but with much better breasts."

He chuckled at that, but still was mum.

"So it would be good if you could clue me in with some basic facts about what you and your sister are up to. Just knowing that you're 'intimate' with her leaves me mostly blind."

She was going to say more, but he finally couldn't stay silent. He looked at her imploringly. "Don't you think I'd love to tell you everything? If nothing else, it's pretty cool for my ego to be able to boast and share sexy stories. But... there are a couple of cases where I feel I'm not at liberty to say."

Suzanne raised an intrigued eyebrow at his phrase "a couple of cases." She realized that was a deliberate hint that he had a least one more secret relationship he felt unable to talk about.

He continued, carefully, "When it comes to Sis... there are details I'd like to tell you, but... God, I feel stupid. The truth is that since our last talk when I told you all about Akami, Kim, and Heather,, I decided I wanted to tell you more stuff about Sis and me, I want to be totally forthcoming with you, but I also thought I should talk to her about it first. And this is the stupid part: I just plain forgot to do that! I'm such an idiot!"

Suzanne grinned knowingly. "No you're not. All that shows is that you're still young and human, and you make mistakes like everyone else. Don't let all this sexual success go to you head, okay?"

He nodded.

"Plus, in your defense, you've been highly, highly distracted. In the last couple of days, every time I see you, it seems you're either getting your cock sucked, or stroked, or I'm the one doing the sucking or stroking!" She chuckled at that. "So yeah, I'm suprised you still remember your own name, much less a mental note to talk to someone about something."

He sighed. "That's true. I love every last second of my new life, there's no doubt about it. But I get what you're saying about juggling all those balls in the air at once. I frequently find myself thinking that I'm way over my head. I really do appreciate your help, but..." He made an impulsive decision. "Oh, fuck it! Let's just say, hypothetically speaking, that Sis and me have, you know... gone all the way. Would you really be okay with that?"

Suzanne's grin widened. A-HA! I knew it! I totally knew it! That's a clear confession, especially with the look on his face. But if he wants to keep a fig leaf to pretend that it's not, I can roll with that.

She said, "Let me be completely honest with you, since you're being completely honest with me. Well, you're being mostly honest, anyway." She winked playfully. "I well and truly am okay with you fucking your sister! In fact, I've anticipated that and even planned for that for a long time now. I have a grand vision that... well, I don't want to say too much or it'll spoil the fun as things evolve. But let's just say I see a family forming, a family that was already there since way back, but with the bonds between us growing stronger and stronger because we're bound by sex AND love, and those two things mutually reinforce each other."

He nodded. "I can see that. And I don't really have a 'grand vision' because I spend most of my mental energies just rolling with the punches every day. But I do feel instinctively that I'm groping in the darkness towards something like that. It's so obvious that it's kind of a no-brainer."

She nodded back. "Indeed. So you can see why I'm so approving of this 'hypothetical development.'" She made quote marks in the air and gave him a knowing smirk. "You do realize that you've confessed that you're fucking her, don't you? What else would you need to ask her permission about before telling me?"

He sighed. "That's true. I want to tell you everything. I really like the idea of you being some kind of guardian angel to help me manage all these relationships without fucking things up. Plus, I love you, and I love how this could bring us even closer together and increase the bond of trust between us. But at the same time, when I have sex with someone like, say, Heather or Akami, there's the presumption of secrecy, that I'm not going to go home and tell someone else everything that happened. They'd probably be pissed off, in the same way that I would be pissed if I found they were sharing the whole story with someone else. So it's a real moral dilemna."

He went on, "That's doubly so with someone like Sis. I want to have a bond of trust that's just as strong with her as with you. But sometimes these things come into conflict."

Suzanne nodded again. "I understand. I really do. But here's my take. When it comes to anyone outside the family, remember the saying that 'all's fair in love and war.' Remember my metaphor of you juggling a bunch of balls in the air, with the challenge getting exponentially more difficult. In that case, I think you need a secret weapon: me! Not only do I have vastly more experience to draw upon than you do, but I have access to reserouces you don't, plus scheming is kind of my think." She grinned impishly at that.

He nodded.

She went on, "That said, within our family, total trust is the way to go. To solve your problem, you should have talked to Angel before talking to me. I'm sure she would have given her permission, so then there would have been no problem. We're all basically on the same page, with the partial exception of Susan, but she's changing her prudish ways fast. Soon, we won't need to keep any secrets within the family, I hope. But... outside the family, sometimes you have to be a little more conniving. Such as not telling anyone about the incest secret. Agreed?"

"Yeah." He sighed. "Of course you're right. I don't want to feel like I'm using anybody though."

"You're not. It's just that relationships evolve, and you have to hold back things until you know someone better. Look at your mom. What would have happened if she knew everything she knows not right from the start?"

"She would have totally freaked out!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Right. It's worked out for the best for everyone, including her, to only let her in on the truth bit by bit. Even know, there are things she's not realy for yet. But she will, in time. Maybe with some of your other lovers they can eventually learn the full truth. But take it step by step, and not without consulting me first, please. Okay?"

"Okay. But, getting back to Sis, are you REALLY okay that I'm fucking her?"

"I am. I really do want to see that happen. It's a vital part of our shared future. The only downside is that she's getting all the fun that I wish I could be getting. As I've explained to you before, I've been holding out doing that with you, because once I start, I won't be able to control myself very well. It's better that Susan reaches a certain stage in her sexual development, before she catches us fucking like bunnies in every room in the house!"

His smile was a mile wide. "No way! You and me?! I can't even imagine. You so far out of my league!"

Her smirk only grew. "So says the guy who is fucking his sexy nurse, the head cheerleader, another cheerleader, his sister, and who know else besides. I've got a strong feeling you're still keeping something or someone from me, but I suppose you have your reasons. We'll come back to that later, because I can only wiggle one secret out of you at a time." She gave him another playful wink.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ He moaned, but with a smile on his face, "Aunt Suzzzzzy!"

She snickered. "Anyway, it if was up to me, I would have had you two get started only after Susan reached a critical threshold. You do realize that when you're fucking your sister, DO NOT let Susan catch you! Okay? She's got big issues with fucking now, so if she catches you and me fucking, it would be really bad. But she's got much, much bigger issues with incest, so if she catches you two fucking, it would be... Well, I shudder to even think about it!"

He nodded.

"As we all know, she's got a lot of prudish beliefs to overcome, and it's often two step forward and one step back. If she were to catch you two, I can't even imagine how many steps back it would be. There would be lots of stressing out and heavy emotional discussions."

He said, "I know, believe me, I know. I know that sometimes I've let my lust get the best of me-"

She cut in, snickering. "'Sometimes.'" She made mocking air quotes.

He grinned impishly. "Okay ,a lot of the time. But can you blame me? As the saying goes, I'm young, dumb, and full of cum! But when it comes to fucking Sis, we've been VERY careful. We have a general rule to NEVER do that in this house, but only at a very safe space. Namely, Kim's house. We don't want to upset Mom any more than you do."

"Good." But Suzanne couldn't help but add with a smirk, "If you two are fucking, that is."

"Right. 'If.'" He grinned widely.

"Please don't fuck this up for all of us by being too rash. If you're having sex with your sister, do it somewhere away from this house where Susan will never find out! I know you said you're doing that already, but I'm just emphasizing to ALWAYS stick to that rule. Be super careful. And use protection!"

He nodded again.

She continued, "And speaking of perceptive, there's one thing you've failed to notice today. I was wondering what you'd think when you put your fingers deep into my pussy and found this."

Suzanne holding up her egg-shaped pussy vibrator, dripping with her cum

She reached into her pussy and dragged out her small egg vibrator, which was still buzzing away. It came out simply drenched in pussy juice. She put it to her nose and smelled the delightful aroma of her own pussy. She playfully licked it along its entire length, enjoying both the taste and smell of her own juices.

He'd been feeling a bit languid after his climax, but he sprang back to life. "Holy shit! I can't believe you just did that! And that vibrator! Wow!"

He was totally surprised, and his eyes went wide, like a kid who'd just seen an impressive magic trick. "I didn't even know they made them like that! Like, what's to stop you from just keeping that in you all day?"

"Nothing," she replied, with a grin on her face that was actually wider than his. "In fact, I put it in just before you jumped into the pool naked earlier, and I've kept it in ever since. I haven't worn it much in the past, but maybe I will now. It doesn't actually bring me to orgasm, or I'd be a quivering wreck, but it gives me a satisfying feeling of fullness and keeps me happy all the time, sort of like being tipsy. It's kind of like if you imagine your penis was being lightly sucked all day long."

She paused for dramatic effect. "Wait a minute. You don't have to imagine too hard about that one, do you?"

They both laughed.

Something suddenly dawned on him. "Hey! How was I supposed to find out about the vibrator if you won't let me touch your pussy, much less feel inside it?"

She grinned triumphantly. "You weren't." Then referring to the vibrator, she asked, "Do you like it?"

He said, "Yeah, it's kind of ... I don't know how to explain it, but I imagine one day you might just be sitting having dinner with us acting all calm, when in fact you're secretly on the verge of orgasm. That's pretty sexy."

"You're right. I think I have a new gift idea for Susan and Angel. Wouldn't it be fun if all three of us women were stimulated by these vibrators 24 hours a day? We'd be naked and stuffed all day long, and only take the vibrators out whenever your big, fat dick was ready to give one of us an even better stuffing. Would you like that, hmmm?"

She drew her face to within an inch of his and examined his eyes intently. Her erect nipples bored into his chest.

He tried to remain impassive, but the thought of keeping all three of them well fucked made him crazy with desire.

She could easily read it in his face. Finally she broke into another smile and pulled back. "I have a feeling you'd like that. You'd like that very much, wouldn't you, Mr. Mute? Wouldn't you like to take turns fucking the three of us, one after another, all day long? Maybe do a couple of us at once? Hmmm?"

She gave him another playful shove, but again he didn't confirm or deny.

She grabbed his penis. "Does that thought make you hard?" In fact he was still flaccid, but his penis was already beginning to show signs of life because of her arousing talk and the smell of her juices.

He realized it was somehow possible for him to get hard again, but he knew he'd regret it later. He cried out, "No! Please! You just said you'd leave me alone. Don't make my dick fall off. And, and - you're late!"

She pondered that, then let go. She was amused at how he actually got a bit scared at her ability to arouse him so consistently. "Damn. I did, and I am. Oh well. I'll just have to fuck your sister instead. While you stay in here, aaaaall alone."

She slipped her robe back on. "By the way, can you open the door and see if the coast is clear?" She whispered, "I wouldn't be surprised if your mom is out there trying to listen."

He got up, not bothering to put on clothes first, and stuck his head out into the hallway. No one was there, and he told her so. He went back to bed. He was ready to nap some more, but he realized he'd have to change the sheets first because a new big puddle had collected there, caused by their latest fun.

Suzanne blew him a kiss, closed the door and walked the very short distance across the hallway to Katherine's room. Before that day the two women had never done anything more than kiss. But now both were ready and eager to go all the way.

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