6 Times a Day

Chapter 464 This Is What My Body Needs! [DD SPONSORED]

Drunk Dargon Special 🐉 [ 4 / 10 ] Extra Long Chapter.


The two of them took off their high heels and waded into the pool. Brenda was pleased that getting in the water did reduce her arousal somewhat, but that also left her frustrated, with engorged labia, because entering the pool also quenched her need for an orgasm that would have provided some more significant relief.

Brenda found herself thinking, I'm standing in the water with Suzanne while fully naked. This is so exciting, and yet also terrifying! I can't even remember what my life was like before. I'm obsessed with everything and everyone in the Plummer house. That house is just non-stop sex. Even when Alan isn't here, you can think about him, talk about him, and improve yourself for him. And just look at her: it's all so arousing that I can hardly breathe. But that's the problem: I'm too obsessed! And, I'm too aroused. There have to be limits.

As they stood side by side, working their way deeper into the water, Suzanne said, "Okay, what's on your mind?"

"Boy, I don't know what to say, after all that. Was that really necessary?"

"Yes. Brenda, don't ever question me about things like that."

"Sorry." She dropped her head in embarrassment.

Then the statuesque goddess explained, "You need the training, for both your mind and your body. It's like I told you last time you were here: you've been coasting on your looks and especially the size of your breasts. But when it comes to Alan, he's got lots of other busty women at his command who are at least as gorgeous as you. You're in the big leagues now! So you have to step up your game. You do want to please him, sexually and otherwise, don't you?"

Brenda's heart skipped a beat as she thought, It's true: I'm in the big leagues now! Soon, I could become one of his personal cocksuckers, just like Susan! But she had some big concerns, so she focused on those. "Well, yes, but... that's one of the things I want to talk to you about. I mean, when we discussed it last time, it sounded pretty good, but where is it leading up to, exactly? It's just that... we've talked about me getting a man, a good man. But how can I do that, and get sexually involved with Alan at the same time?"

"You can't," Suzanne said frankly. "But first things first. First you have to discover who you are sexually, all the way down to the very core of your being. From what you told me, you've been living a lie your entire life when it comes to sex. I'm sure your two husbands found you sexy as hell; that's a big reason why they married you."

Brenda wasn't about to deny that, since it was hardly a secret that she'd been a stereotypical trophy wife, even though she had lots of money of her own from her family.

"You completely hid your true submissive nature from them throughout your relationships with them. In fact, I'll bet you even went overboard, lashing out if anyone so much as ordered you to do anything."

Brenda looked to Suzanne with surprise, as she hadn't even realized that connection until just that moment. "I did! How'd you know that?!"

"Brenda, I know almost everything. Remember, I was just like you, at least in certain aspects. What I don't know I can easily guess. It just makes sense, especially since you're known for having a temper. Lots of people are like that. Did you know that MOST bullies are actually very insecure on the inside? Fear is a big motivator. So, for instance, people who are gay but in denial about it even to themselves often act the most homophobic when around others. You're messed up. You're not whole. You need to let your true self surface, which will let you be unbelievably happy for the first time in your life."

Brenda exclaimed, "But it's so scary! For instance, what you made me do just now, with all that nude posing, I was so nervous and ashamed at first, I thought I was gonna die!"

Suzanne smiled while idly playing with her long tassel of curly hair. "But you didn't. You were grooving there by the end, weren't you? I could tell!"

Brenda smiled too. "I was, wasn't I?"

"And look at you now. You're standing in the middle of a pool in the middle of someone's backyard in the middle of nowhere. That should be frightening. But you're not that frightened, because it pales in comparison to what I had you do before. See how that works? I know what I'm doing."

"That's for sure," Brenda agreed, awed. "But I'm still feeling a little frightened and a whole lot embarrassed. My heart is still pounding so hard and fast that it feels like I should call 9-1-1!"

Suzanne said with a knowing smile. "Believe me, you'll get used to the feeling that you're on the verge of having a heart attack. It's pretty common around here." She winked.

Brenda panted, "But I can't take it, especially all the fear and shame!"

"That's good though," Suzanne said. "I don't want you to lose that feeling completely; it keeps you on your toes. Sexually pleasuring Alan can be a pretty embarrassing thing to do in general. There's no room for dignity when you're naked on your knees with a face full of cum, wantonly begging him to let you suck his fat cock some more! And then, as if that isn't enough, imagine someone like Susan or me watching all the while."

Brenda gasped, reflexively covering her long nipples. If nothing else, she didn't want Suzanne to see just how erect they were. "Is that... Will that really...?"

Suzanne pressed on, "In fact, serving Alan involves at least a low level of embarrassment a lot of the time." She raised her hand between her face and Brenda's and pretended to be jacking off a penis. From the position of her hand she was mimicking it being halfway down her throat, even though her mouth wasn't open that wide.

She explained, "You'll find yourself frequently thinking, often while doing this very thing, 'It isn't fair! Why is he treating me like some kind of sexual servant? Like I'm just his personal cocksucker? Worse, not even his primary personal cocksucker, but just one of many! What about women's lib? What about just plain fairness and equality?'"

"Exactly!" Brenda said emphatically. "That's another thing I've been wanting to discuss with you today. What about fairness and equality?!"

Suzanne turned to Brenda and looked her directly in the eyes, dropping her hand in the process. "What fairness? What equality? This is not an inherently equitable situation. Alan is your natural master."

Brenda felt chills run down her spine, even as her pussy and nipples tingled upon hearing that stated so matter-of-factly. Thinking about the word "master" in particular hit her like an electric kiss that left her breathless. "Wow!"

"Wow, indeed. If you want to be with him then you have to accept that, and everything that implies. Now, get out of the water and stretch your body upwards. Reach for the sky, as high as you can."


"Don't ask why! Just do it!"

Brenda wasn't happy about it, but she did it. She reached as high as she could. She was grateful that, at least at that moment, she wasn't wearing high heels, but she shivered after coming out of the water, even though the temperature was in the high 70s (about 25° C).

Suzanne didn't offer her a towel. Instead, while Brenda was distracted following those orders, Suzanne smiled and waved at Alan once more. She was tickled pink that she was having Brenda put on a sexy show for him without her even realizing it.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Good," Suzanne said. She got out of the pool to stand next to Brenda. She dried herself off with a towel while still not letting Brenda do so. She made sure to move her nude body in an extra sexy manner, knowing that Alan was watching.

She said, "Maintain that pose while we talk, until I say otherwise. You'll understand why in a minute. The heat of the sun will dry you. Forget everything you thought you knew about relationships. To be frank, both of your husbands were weak losers. I'm insulting them, not you. Despite all their money and success, or maybe because of it, they didn't know how to handle a hot woman like you. Alan knows! He can see right through all your pretenses."

"He really can!" Brenda said, stunned. "Remember the poker party? When he talked to me one on one, it was like he could read my mind! Kind of like you, actually, except maybe even more so. He saw through me and saw my submissive nature right away, at a time when I hadn't even admitted it fully to myself."

Suzanne nodded. "There you go. Alpha men like that are the masters of the world. Women like you and Susan, it's your natural role to be drawn to serve such a man." She didn't believe that for a second, but she expected that Brenda would eat it up. She made a deliberate point of using words like "master" and "serve," knowing how much that would push Brenda's buttons. She'd gotten quite skilled at indoctrinating Susan and she was doing the same to Brenda, only even more brazenly, since Brenda apparently was even more submissive.

Sure enough, those words hit Brenda almost like punches to the gut. WOW! Suzanne is so wise. She sees through me like I'm made of glass! It just makes so much sense! It's like I always knew that to be true, but I was afraid to admit it except in my fantasies!

Brenda knew that she got wildly excited talking to Susan about sex and Alan, but even with Susan she remained afraid to talk directly about her ideas and fantasies of having a "master" like him. It was almost too exciting for her to think about, and at this point much too embarrassing to discuss. Yet here was Suzanne casually mentioning it as if it were already an established fact. Brenda felt that her heart was going to leap right out of her chest.

Suzanne went on, "Now, that doesn't sound fair, because it's not. But that's true only in one way. If you look at it in another way, who gets more out of this relationship, you or him? Naturally, you both get a lot out of it. If that wasn't true, you wouldn't keep coming back for more, and neither would he. Whether one person enjoys it a little more is essentially meaningless, since nothing is ever 100 percent even, but it could very well be that you will get much more out of it than he does. After all, you have deep-seated submissive needs, whereas he has plenty of other gorgeous, stacked babes to have fun with, so he doesn't need you as much as you need him."

"I hadn't thought of it like that," Brenda said, considering that seriously while also panting heavily with arousal. She was having a very difficult time maintaining her "reach for the sky" pose for such a long time. To make matters worse, she was having no success in calming her racing heart when such thrilling words were being spoken. It was all she could do to look and sound somewhat normal. "I guess I need to rethink the fairness issue."

After a long pause where she tried to bring her burning-hot body under control, she asked, "But what about you? Does all that apply to you?"

"Well... somewhat." In truth, Suzanne put herself in an entirely different category than Brenda. So she gave an answer which she felt was truthful as far as it went, but which also was not the complete story as she saw it. "That's how I feel sometimes. I burn with frustration at the inherently unfair situation. I burn with embarrassment as he just sits there smugly, kicking back and enjoying the hell out of yet another blowjob I'm giving him while I do all the work. And it IS a hell of a lot of work! Nearly jaw-busting work. God damn!"

Suzanne was really hyping Alan up now, even though there was a lot of truth in what she was saying. "Sometimes, I wonder how I can even fit his hot, fat, throbbing rod in my mouth, much less keep it in there for so long with my lips sliding and my tongue roaming, until I feel nearly too tired to go on. You'll feel that kind of emotional burn all the time. I don't think it ever goes away completely, just like the lust to serve never completely goes away."

Brenda frowned, even as she found that fact strangely arousing. "That's distressing. But that leads to my previous question of where this is all going. I worry that my feelings for him are already growing too strong. These poker parties have been the best nights of my life! They're all I can think about lately. HE'S all I can think about! Where is my relationship with him going to go, and what happens if I get in too deep? How do I transition from that to getting the man of my dreams, if he's someone other than Alan?"

Suzanne replied carefully. "Remember what I said about how you need to get in touch with your true self, your submissive self? You can and should fall as deeply in lust and love with your master as you want. Let yourself go! Completely!"

"I can't do that!" Brenda wailed. "It's bad enough already. I'll get hopelessly hooked!" Her pussy was tingling and gushing. Suzanne was suggesting she dive into the deep end of her greatest fantasies.

"Maybe so," Suzanne replied nonchalantly while moving her hips in a sexy manner, figuring that Alan was probably watching. "But this is the safest situation imaginable for you to experiment in. Remember, you have Susan and me. We won't let you fall flat on your face."

"But Suzanne! You don't understand!" Her fear wasn't that she wouldn't like it, but that she'd love it too much. She feared she'd get completely hooked on Alan, yet he was already "taken," and several times over.

Suzanne stated firmly, her voice quiet yet powerful, "No, I DO understand. You fear success more than failure."

"I do! How did you know that?"

Suzanne just gave her a disdainful look, as if she was irked that her insight into Brenda was being questioned. "And that brings me back to why I'm having you maintain such a ludicrous pose. You're feeling pretty silly, standing there like that, aren't you?"

Brenda nodded. "You'd better believe it. And my arms are killing me! Can I please stand at ease already?"

"No. I'm teaching you a lesson in fairness. It's not fair for you to stand like that. There's no justice in it. There's no purpose in it, even. You asked 'Why?' The answer is that there is no 'why' other than I felt like making you do it. That's how Alan may treat you at times. That's the life of a submissive. You serve your natural superiors, period."

Brenda felt shivers race down her spine. The shivers somehow made it to her pussy, nearly making her cum on the spot.

Suzanne stepped forward and cupped Brenda's pussy mound. "You hate having to stand like this, don't you? I can see it in the way you're blushing. But you love it too. Look at how wet you are. You're gushing like a river!"

She slid her fingers through some of the rivulets that were running down Brenda's inner thighs. Then she trailed a fingertip up one of them to the source, sliding her finger up and down Brenda's soaked and sensitive pussy lips.

Brenda gritted her teeth. She was so aroused that she was sure she wouldn't be able to maintain her stretched-out pose even another second. She was fighting with all her might not to cum from another woman's fingers. Somehow she held on without dropping her arms or cumming, although her arm and shoulder muscles were now feeling pain. She complained, "That's... that's the water from the pool?" Her lie was so weak that she couldn't help but phrase it as a question.

"Right." Suzanne laughed. "Are you lying to me? Is that some kind of joke? Do you want to be punished?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Brenda said, defeated, "I'm sorry."

"That's better. I'll forgive you... this time."

Brenda breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She admitted, "It's me. That wetness you're touching... it's all me. I'm too horny to stand it!"

Suzanne continued to finger Brenda's labia as she talked, and then added playing with her clit, deliberately making it almost impossible for Brenda to hold her pose or refrain from cumming. Every time she touched Brenda's clit, Brenda's body trembled from head to toe. "So you can see fairness is a moot point. If it pleases Alan for you to stand like this, then you'll stand like this for as long as HE likes. And the longer you do it, the more you'll love it, because that's the kind of woman you are, deep down inside."

Brenda thought, Shit! She's right! Screw fairness! Screw everything; I don't care anymore. This IS who I am! This is what my body needs! Oh God! She finally couldn't hold out any longer. Her body finally shook with an immense climax. Even so, she still struggled to keep her arms up high.

When Suzanne saw that, implying that Brenda had made a real mental breakthrough, she withdrew her probing fingers and stepped back. "Very good. You can stand at ease now."

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