6 Times a Day

Chapter 481 What's The Deal With The Male Attraction To Breasts? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

Iveyflame Special [ 3 / 12 ]


But much to his relief, the two of them had a nice meal and enjoyable conversation at the restaurant. They had a great many "nerdy" and intellectual interests in common. It was true that Christine wasn't into popular culture to the extent that Alan was, since she spent so much time with her schoolwork, martial arts practice and such, but her favorite movies and TV shows were almost exactly the same as his. The only area where they didn't find much common ground was music, since Alan loved rock and roll and Christine was more into classical.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ They laughed, gossiped and bonded.

Alan couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a fun (not to mention delicious) meal.

The only problem Alan had was that Christine looked so gorgeous. His erection was almost continuously hard, which became a problem because the meal lasted three hours. Every now and then he would get distracted and start to lose his erection, but then he'd really look at her and find himself not only painfully aroused, but on the verge of falling in love with her all over again.

It was difficult enough that she had such an impressive and sizable chest, enticingly displayed by her stunning dress. But when he tried not to stare at all of that cleavage on display he'd find himself staring at her face and her hair, and that was just as impressive and arousing in its own way. There was no denying that she was a real head turner.

At one point, Alan said, "Okay, forgive me if I'm being nosy, but I just have to ask. Your dress is amaaaazing! So very, very sexy! But you mentioned that you borrowed it. From who? How? There must be a story there."

She blushed slightly as she explained, "Ah, you see... I have this aunt, named Kirsten. Even though she's my aunt, she's not that much older than me, so I think of her more like a cousin, or even kind of the sister I never had. Anyway, she lives in the area, and she runs her own modeling agency; she actually used to be a model herself. So she's got all kinds of clothes. To be brutally frank, I don't know a thing about fashion, so I kind of turn to her for help. This actually is one of hers."

Alan replied, "Ah. I see."

On the surface, there was nothing particularly embarrassing about that, so he didn't understand why she had blushed. He decided it wouldn't be polite to ask.

The reason Christine blushed was because that wasn't the full story. When she'd told Kirsten that she wanted some very sexy clothes, as well as advice, Kirsten was glad to help, but she'd also playfully teased Christine quite a lot. She knew Christine had never been on a date before, "practice" or not, and thus this had to be a very big deal for her. As a result, she'd asked all kinds of questions about Alan and Christine's feelings for him.

Furthermore, the truth was, Kirsten had a great many dresses. Christine had selected one of the most outrageous ones, with a scandalously low neckline, because she'd caught Alan staring at her breasts so often and wanted to please him. She was also well aware that he was involved with at least Amy and Kim, and she felt like she had to outdo the competition. Recalling her dress selection, and the way Kirsten had razzed her about it, embarrassed her.

Instead of prying further about that, Alan said, "If Kirsten is your aunt, and she used to be a model, and she fits into that dress you're wearing, then she must be a total stunner! But I'm not surprised, because great beauty obviously runs in your family."

Christine's blush deepened at the obvious compliment. She turned her head and mumbled, "I don't know about that."

He asked, "If you two are close, how come I've never heard about her?"

Christine was able to recover and resume eye contact, since that put her back on solid ground. "No reason, except that she doesn't go to our school, and it seems we've always just talked about school-related stuff. To be honest, there's a lot of things about me you don't know."

"I'm sure that's true, and probably ditto with me. But that's why dinners like this are so good: we can get to know each other better, beyond all that school stuff."

Following that, they asked each other questions about their respective families and childhoods, and other matters they'd never talked much about previously, all the while keeping their mood light and fun.

They were more open and inquisitive about each other than ever before. For instance, at one point, Alan asked, "Okay, truth time. I've got a question I've been meaning to ask you since forever."

"What's that?"

He thought, What did your parents feed you growing up that put all your weight in your breasts and other curvy spots?! But instead he settled on asking something else he'd long wanted to know: "What's the story with your hair? I mean, it's pretty obvious that you dress and act to minimize attention. You certainly aren't looking for random yahoos to shout come-ons at you. But your curly locks down your front and your very long hair down back, that draws attention like nobody's business. Especially because you have such gorgeous blonde hair. Is there a story behind that?"

She replied honestly, "As a matter of fact there is, although I wouldn't call it much of a story. It's a long family tradition on my mother's side. My mother Olga has these curly locks and long straight hair in back, and her mother in Norway did, and her mother did, and so on, as far back as anyone can remember. I'm not crazy about it, to be honest, because you're right, I don't like the attention it brings me. But at the same time, I'm kind of proud to be carrying on a family tradition."

He nodded. "Ah. Cool. That's pretty neat, actually. Who knows? Maybe if you go enough generations back, there's an axe-wielding Viking berserker named Kristina rushing into battle with blonde, curly locks. Didn't Viking women fight along with the men?"

She smiled. "They did. And you know what else? Berserkers had a habit of going into battle naked to shock and intimidate their enemies." She winked playfully.

"Whoa!" He sat back with wide eyes, overcome with a vision of Christine as a nude Viking warrior. "Man. You shouldn't have said that. Now, I'm never going to think of the Vikings in the same way again." He shook himself from his reverie, and said playfully, "Hey you know all those historical re-enacter types, who reenact Civil War battles and such?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Yeah? Somehow, I think I know where you're going with this, but please proceed." She was smiling and having lots of fun.

"You should totally get involved with that! If you did, participation would shoot up a thousand percent!"

She chuckled. "Actually, that could be kind of fun. I'd have a plastic axe and use it to wound rather than kill, so any guy who looked at my bare breasts in a lusty manner would get thwacked to the ground! I could release years of pent-up frustration from all the leering and cat-calls I've had to endure. Right in the neck!" She pretended to swing an axe.

He sat back, as if getting out of range of her axe, and dropped his smile. "Um, on second thought, maybe that's not such a good idea." Trying to change the subject slightly, he asked, "By the way, do you feel any affinity with your Viking ancestry? Or your Norwegian background in general?"

"Nah. Not really. The Vikings were a thousand years ago, anyway. My parents do, but I've been heavily Americanized, to their regret. I don't usually read or write the language, though we do speak it at home sometimes. I've been to Norway, but it's only been for a couple of short trips to visit relatives. It didn't feel like home to me at all. This is home."

She was going to ask him about his affinity for his background, but at the last second she remembered that he was adopted and didn't know what his background was. So instead, she said, "Since we're asking questions we never felt we could ask until now, I've got one for you."


"This isn't just for you, but for men in general. Although it's especially for you. What's the deal with the male attraction to breasts?!"

"What do you mean?"

"What's so fascinating about them? I know they give me a certain power over guys. I could move in a certain way that'll make a guy turn into a blithering idiot. It's a blessing and a curse. But you're basically my one male friend, and it's not something I could ask my dad. You're a self-confessed 'tit man.' What exactly is going on in your head at times like that?"

He searched his feelings, trying to give a sincere and serious answer. After a long pause, he said, "I don't know. It arouses me in a big way, but I don't know why. I wish I knew, because it's frustrating not being able to explain or control it. It must be a hard-wired, biological thing. Totally speaking out of my ass, since I've never looked into this, I'm guessing that anything that makes a woman different than a man becomes a turn-on, and vice versa. For instance, a male hairy body can be a positive, but it's a huge turn-off to see a hairy-bodied woman. Part of it is cultural, I'd guess. I'd bet that if most women shaved their heads bald in a certain culture, that would be a huge turn-on for guys. And the more the difference is, the more arousing it is. So, big breasts are more arousing than small ones." He shrugged.

"I've never looked into the research either," she replied. "But that makes sense. But is that all there is? For instance, asses don't really look that different. If you took a photo of just a person's ass and it wasn't hairy, you'd be hard pressed to tell if it belonged to a man or a woman. But that's a turn-on too, isn't it? Or is there something extra-special about the breasts?"

"I think there is something special about the breasts that's hard-wired," he replied. "Maybe it has to do with wanting to see if the mother would be able to lactate for her babies? Could it be a sign of fertility and good health?"

"Probably. That makes sense to me."

He nodded. "But who knows for sure? Again, speaking of asses, all my ideas on this are coming straight out of mine. But also, and this is something I'm glad I can finally tell you face to face... There's one very important reason I joke with you a lot about your breasts: it's safe!"

She raised a curious eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"Meaning... there are other body parts... the vagina, for instance... that are SO taboo that, well, they're really taboo. Maybe other guys would be cruder and tease you about that, and your ass for that matter, but that's not me. That seems over the line to me. Heck, it's weird for me to even say that 'V' word to you. But breasts are relatively tame, I guess." He frowned with uncertainty. "I don't know. Maybe I'm way off. But I've long felt that, with you, I could joke about your breasts and it doesn't mean I'm a total perv. Just a partial perv."

She grinned at that. "The jury's still out. I think you're leaning towards 'total perv.'"

He grinned back, knowing she was just teasing him. "There's also the fact that they're so very prominent on you, and big breasts are overwhelmingly considered a desirable thing to have. It's like gently teasing a really tall guy about his tallness. That's all in good fun if done in the right way, but doing the same about how short a short guy is wouldn't be nice at all." He asked anxiously, "But AM I way off? IS that something that bothers you? Geez, I should have asked you this a year ago, at least!"

She carefully considered her answer. "To be honest, when you started joking about that, way back when, it did kind of annoy me at times. But I grew to like it, and to even look forward to it. You amuse me, and it is flattering in a weird kind of way, with the way you do it. Mind you, if someone else were to joke like that with me, it would totally bug me. And I see what you mean about it being relatively safe. For instance, you've joked a thousand times about wanting to touch them, but you've never actually tried to, not even once. I trust you. And I guess that's what a lot of humor is, poking at something that's a little taboo, a little risqué, but not too much. It helps to have that slight sense of danger."

He smiled with relief. Then he joked, "Yeah, but after a while that sense of taboo or danger wears off, so one has to raise things up a notch. I propose that in the future, when I make a joke about your breasts, that I actually fondle them at the same time."

She snorted with laughter. "Yeah, right! You wish!"

He held his hands up defensively. "Mind you, it would be purely for humorous effect only. It wouldn't be like I'd enjoy that at all. I'd just be doing it... extensively... for a laugh. Very extensively. Some jokes require a loooong set up."

She laughed some more. "You're a crazy nut!" In truth, she loved this kind of banter, and she hoped it would eventually lead to more.

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