6 Times a Day

Chapter 504 Christine, In A Bikini? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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After about fifteen minutes, they decided to take a break. They sat down in the shade next to each other.

They made some more small talk. Alan managed to work in another dumb-blonde joke, except he changed it slightly in light of their earlier joking around: "So what did the freakily talented, sexy, space-alien babe wearing a blonde wig say when the pizza man asked if she wanted her pizza cut into six or twelve pieces?"

She laughed just from his description of her. "What? No, wait, I know this one. She said, 'Six, please. I could never eat twelve.' But I'll have you know that was a different 'freakily talented, sexy, space-alien babe wearing a blond wig.' She's a friend of a friend."

He chuckled at that.

After a while, Christine switched to a serious topic. She asked, "So, did you talk to the college counselor on Friday?"

Alan had a sinking feeling that he was in danger of getting caught in a lie, because he didn't remember anything about seeing a counselor. "Wait. What? When?"

Christine reminded him, "You know, fifth period on Friday. You were excused from class early with a note. Remember?"

He said, "Oh yeah, that." But while he pretended to understand, he scrambled to recall what the heck she was referring to. Then it hit him. Oh yeah! Heather! Fucking Heather in the parking lot! Literally fucking her! Fuck!

Luckily, they were sitting side by side, and Christine happened to be staring straight ahead into the distance. So she didn't see the brief look of panic on his face.

He quickly added, "It turned out it wasn't a college counselor thing, just a boring bureaucratic thing." Before she could poke a hole in that flimsy lie, he asked her a question to distract her. "So... have you started your college applications yet?"

"Started them? I've pretty much finished them. I'm just waiting for a few things. How 'bout you?"

He thought, She's finished them?! Shit! Man, I haven't even started yet, except for the essays I wrote last summer. But that's just another example of why Christine is so kick-ass. I'm sure most everyone else is procrastinating like me. Still, I need to get my act together and not just lose myself all the time in a haze of sexual pleasure. Damn!

He lied, "Um, yeah... I'm working on it. I haven't gotten very far yet though."

She nodded. "Do you have your three recommendations lined up yet?"

He thought, Shit! I forgot all about that, too. Oh no, what an ethical dilemma. If I weren't having sex with Glory, she'd be my first choice. She'd give me a glowing recommendation, for sure. But if I pick her now, it might seem like I'm fucking her for a good recommendation. Damn! Maybe I should just find three other teachers.

He answered, "Uh, no. I'm still thinking that over."

Christine chided him, "Well, don't put it off until the last minute."

He nodded. Wanting to get off that difficult topic, he asked, "So... ready for some more grounders?"

"Actually, I'm good. I did what I wanted to do. It wasn't that much longer, was it? I don't see why those girls got all in a huff. By the way, what's up with you? I noticed you kind of dodged my question earlier about where you were going."

Since then, Alan had been able to think up an excuse, since he obviously couldn't tell her about his panty-painting task. He said, "Well, it's just kinda stupid, 'cos it's like I'm my sister's personal go-fer. So I was hoping not to talk about it. It turns out the cheerleading squad is still having a practice today."

"Really? That's kind of unusual."

"Yeah, well, I didn't ask why. I guess maybe they need the extra practice, like you wanted with the ground balls. But anyway, Katherine forgot some stuff, since she forgot she couldn't get to her hall locker, so she called me and had me bring some spares from home."

Christine nodded with understanding. She had no reason to think he'd lie about this, and if she did get suspicious, she could easily find out whether there had been an extra practice, and even whether he stopped by.

Alan added, "So you can see it's not exactly something to boast about. But the plus-side is, I got to see you and we got to hang out."

Christine smiled at that. "Yeah. Cool." She wanted to hold his hand, but she chickened out. "Don't worry about not having much to boast about today. It's kind of silly that I'm here today too. I spend waaaay too much time at school, and doing school-related stuff. Those girls are basically right that I don't have much of a social life."

He put a hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture. "Hey, you're changing, right? And I'm happy to help you change. Like our practice dates. And we don't have to stop there. We can practice other stuff."

Her face lit up hopefully. "Like what?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He shrugged. "I don't know..." He looked around, trying to think of something. "It's a nice day. What about... going to the beach?"

She snickered. "We don't need to practice doing that."

"Not true. A good friend of mine once said, 'practice makes perfect.' In fact, those words are practically still ringing in my ears, for some reason."

She chuckled, because she remembered saying that not long after he'd showed up.

He went on, "There's a fine art to lying on the sand and hanging out. Most people flop down any old way without knowing the subtle nuances."

She laughed at his obvious bullshit. "Okay, funny guy. But I know what this is about: you just want to see me in a bikini."

"Well... yeah!" He opened his eyes wide to express surprise. "Actually, I'm totally pleasantly surprised to hear you're gonna wear a bikini! Cool!"

"Hey, I didn't say that. I didn't even say I'd go. I've got a lot of things to do."

He'd suggested going to the beach on a whim, not thinking she'd actually agree. But now he was starting to get really excited about the idea, especially at the prospect of seeing her in a bikini, or even just a one-piece bathing suit. He practically drooled as he pictured her in a shockingly revealing red bikini. Man, this could be totally historic! Christine, in a bikini?! "Pristine Christine?" The notorious "Ice Queen?" Nobody would believe me! I just KNOW that she's totally smoking hot, from head to toe! But to see it with my own eyes... Especially if she wears a really skimpy one... Oh MAN! Not like THAT is ever gonna happen, but still, a guy can dream!

He forced himself to remain outwardly calm as he replied. "I know you do, but you always have a lot of things to do. You need to make time to have fun. Remember how you were just bemoaning how you don't have a social life? Surely you could spare an hour or two at least."

She thought it over. He's got a good point. I do need to make time. Actually, I'd totally love to go, but I don't know about wearing a bikini in front of him! Did I really promise to do that? Heck, any kind of bathing suit would be daunting!

She said carefully, "Well... maybe. Although we get school off today, I have some things later in the afternoon, like my martial arts practice, that are still on my schedule. But... I suppose... between one and three today would be good."

"Excellent!" He held out his hand and clasped hers. "It's a plan, then."

She was still looking and feeling reluctant. "The only thing is... could we go somewhere other than White Sands Beach? That's where everybody from school goes. And on a beautiful day like this, with the holiday and all, practically everyone we know is gonna be there."

He nodded. "I get it. You'd be feeling self-conscious wearing a bikini in front of all those people you know. I must say, I'm really impressed that you're going to wear one. I know you're self-conscious about that kind of thing, but this shows you're making a serious effort to change and not let that stuff bother you."

She groaned quietly, because she felt locked into having to wear a bikini after he'd said that.

He patted himself on the back for cleverly making her bikini a fait accompli. But he softened the blow by saying, "Don't worry; we can go to another beach. I don't care. The main thing is that you and I can hang out together. It's not exactly a practice date, but it'll still be a lot of fun."

They made their plans, picking a different beach that was still nearby but not frequented much by kids from their school.

Alan had to hurry home, because he only had his bike at school and he needed a car. The beach Christine wanted to go to was farther away than the White Sands Beach, so it was much quicker to get there by car.

Susan and Suzanne were there when he got home, although Katherine was out. However, Alan made clear that there was no time for hanky-panky, since he didn't have much time until his scheduled rendezvous with Christine at the beach. He still hadn't eaten lunch, so Susan quickly prepared him a veggie-burger sandwich and pineapple juice.

Although he kept to a strict no-touching policy while eating his lunch, he took the time to get the two loving women caught up on recent events of which they were unaware. He told them about the panty painting with the cheerleaders (without naming specific names), and about his discussion with Christine and the plans they'd made to go together to the beach. However, he held back about his encounter with Heather just outside their front door. Susan still didn't know he'd gotten sexually intimate with Heather, and he was reluctant to tell her, mostly because Heather was well known by all the cheerleaders and their mothers as being a total bitch.

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ Nonetheless, Susan had to struggle to keep her clothes on just from hearing about the panty painting and his plans to go to the beach with Christine. She was half-convinced already that he would have both Christine and the entire cheerleading squad completely tamed before long. But she didn't say that to him, and she generally kept her cool, because she knew that he had to eat quickly and go. Suzanne's presence was also a help at keeping her in check.

Alan and Christine arrived at the beach in different cars. It was a short beach that was more like a cove, only about 100 yards long. As a result, there usually weren't many people there, and it certainly wasn't a hip place to see and be seen, like the nearby popular White Sands Beach. This particular beach segment was surrounded by rocky cliffs, which gave it a lot of privacy.

There was only one stairway down the cliffs to the sand, so Alan and Christine had agreed to meet on the sand near the bottom of the stairs. Christine had gotten there just before Alan. As a result, Alan was able to see her from the top of the stairs, and he noticed that she was wearing a one-piece bathing suit instead of a bikini. He was disappointed, especially since he thought he'd cleverly talked her into wearing a bikini. But because he had first seen her from a distance, he was able to conceal his disappointment by the time they were face-to-face.

Christine got up and stood as she saw him coming down the stairs. He was holding a bag and wearing just his swimsuit. When he reached her, just after they'd briefly greeted each other, he gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek. That was no different than what they'd done on their date the night before, but it was still a special thrill for each of them. Even though Alan kept the hug brief so he wouldn't come across as too insensitive, he thrilled at getting to feel her huge breasts pressing against his chest, especially since this time he was bare-chested. Despite the fact that he was practically drowning in big tits lately, Christine's remarkable rack continued to have a unique hold on him.

When they parted after their hug, Christine looked down at herself with a disappointed expression. "As you can see, I didn't go with the bikini after all. Sorry about that. It's not you. After all, remember what I wore on our practice date last night? But I don't like the idea of just anybody seeing me walk around showing that much skin." She looked around the beach unhappily.

Alan looked around too. He was glad to notice that there were only about a dozen people scattered along the short beach. Crucially, it looked like none of them were near their age. That was very important to Christine, because she didn't want any gossip getting back to her schoolmates. Just having people know she'd been seen in a bathing suit on a beach with a male friend was more gossip than she wanted.


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