6 Times a Day

Chapter 535 Christine In Bikini? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Alan knew that Heather was going to be trouble pretty much from the minute he arrived at school. As he was walking alone across a field to get to his locker and then his first-period class, she swung into step alongside him and asked point blank, "So, where's my reward? Am I going to get my reward today?"

He knew exactly what she meant: she felt like he needed to fuck her right away as a reward for her passing her STD test and giving him the results so quickly. But he played dumb, asking, "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. My reward. My fucking reward. Literally!" She stopped, forcing him to stop too. "Look around. There's no one within 50 yards of us, so I'm going to talk frankly. You gave me three demands. I fulfilled them all, right away. I even went to great lengths to secure a private room right here at school. So are we gonna use it today, or what?"

"Lunch? I'm busy." While he thought about adding to his response, he gave her a good looking over. She was wearing a black miniskirt and a short, tight top that showed off her belly button and lots of cleavage. It was just shy of being scandalous, and not for the first time he wondered how she got away with wearing such outfits at school.

He said, "I've gotta speak to Ms. Rhymer about a few things, and I've got to do more of that special painting task."

"Pussy painting."

He slapped his forehead. "Could you be a little more discreet? Sheesh. You never know who could be listening in a place like this." He resumed walking. "Anyway, lunch is out. I'm busy after school too. Maybe tomorrow."

She hurried to catch up to him. "'Maybe tomorrow?' What kind of fucking ingrate are you? I did all that for you, and I even paid extra to get the test results back immediately, and you blow me off like that? Who do you think I am? And even more to the point, who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Sorry." He again was distracted by her sexy clothes. Is she wearing a bra? Hard to tell. But dang, her boobs sure are bouncing around freely when she walks! He attempted to focus and follow Suzanne's advice about playing hard to get with Heather. "Look. It's cool, the things you did. And getting the room. Cool. But the whole world doesn't stop rotating on its axis just so you can get what you want right away. Things take time. Lots of other things are going on. I said tomorrow, maybe."


He shrugged. He wondered if he was overdoing it by acting so indifferent. The prospect of fucking her sounded really, really good, and he had to admit that she did deserve some kind of reward.

Heather stopped and huffed, letting him walk ahead. Fucking... fucker! I hate him! Who does he think he is, treating ME like that? I oughta crush him like a grape, just to remind him who he's dealing with. I'm so fucking MAD!

She stomped her foot in the grass several times, venting her frustration. But then she told herself, No. Don't get mad; get even. Which in this case means I'm gonna get royally fucked! Where there's a will, there's a way. That's what I always say.

She put on her thinking cap and started to scheme on how to get what she wanted, today - none of this "tomorrow" crap.

When Alan sat down in his first-period class, in his regular seat at the front of the room, Christine was standing by the desk next to his, as usual. There were still a few minutes before the bell rang.

His first thought upon seeing her was, The fates or the gods must really like me. Dang! Today must be my lucky day, again! It's a Wonder Woman T-shirt day!

Sure enough, Christine was wearing her Wonder Woman T-shirt. Alan liked it because it was the most revealing thing she wore at school. She had worn and washed it so frequently that he could see the outline of her bra when the lighting was just right. It also fit her really snugly, unlike most of her clothing which was far more concealing, allowing him to appreciate the size and shape of her fantastic breasts.

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|,сòМ What he didn't realize was that she had long noticed his extra interest whenever she wore that particular T-shirt. After their beach trip the day before and their most recent practice date, her desire to capture his interest had escalated markedly. Thus her wearing that shirt the next day was hardly a coincidence.

He didn't comment about the shirt, since he didn't want to deter her from wearing it often. Instead, they just made small talk as they waited for the other students to file in.

Naturally, their beach trip of the day before was on both their minds. Alan started things off by saying, "Hey, I just wanted to say I had a really nice time with you at the beach yesterday."

"Me too," she replied happily. "Since then, I've been thinking about what you said: about how I'm too driven."

"Hold on. I never said that. I think it's great that you're so driven. You seriously inspire me to try harder myself. I was just making the point that it's good to sometimes take the time to 'waste time' as well. Happiness is a good thing in and of itself, and it prevents you from burning out."

She nodded. "I agree completely. I need to spend more time on my social life. Luckily, I have you to help me out."

He made a playful little bow in his seat. "At your service, my lady."

She smiled widely at that. "So... when are we going to go to the beach again?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Again?" That surprised him.

"Sure. After all, I did kind of promise you I'd wear a bikini, and I chickened out on that. So I'm definitely going to have to wear one next time. I guess I'll have to go out and buy a new one, to be fashionable. Or maybe something more exotic. Any suggestions?"

He was temporarily speechless as he pictured Christine in a sexy, revealing bikini. Then her "something more exotic" comment registered fully and his imagination went into overdrive. He thought back to Susan's slingshot-styled bathing suit when she'd role-played being Christine a day earlier, and then he pictured the real Christine in that same suit. Since it was his fantasy, he inflated her breasts to an even larger, Brenda-esque size. He stared into space with wide eyes.

Christine was so delighted by his wowed expression that she had to suppress the urge to chuckle out loud. She teased, "Someone seems to like the bikini idea!"

"Too much!" he exclaimed quietly.

That was actually more accurate than she realized. He had resolved to keep their relationship platonic, and seeing her at the beach in a bikini would be a severe test of his willpower, especially after the way they'd gotten so touchy-feely applying suntan lotion on each other their prior time at the beach. He made a snap decision to avoid another beach trip with her, at least for the time being, so as to not put himself in such a risky situation.

Sensing that their limited time before the bell was running out, she abruptly switched topics so she could discuss something that was nagging at her. "So. I saw you talking to Heather in the hall recently. And then today, just a few minutes ago, I saw you talking to her again. Are you becoming friends with her or something?"

He scoffed, "Hardly."

He sighed inwardly. Jesus H. Christ. Christine is like a bloodhound. She sniffs out everything. What am I gonna tell her?

Christine asked, "She seemed kind of upset about something. What was that all about?"

He thought quickly. "Yeah. I know this isn't exactly going to shock you, but she can be a real bitch sometimes. All of a sudden she wants my help to do a bunch of volunteer stuff for the cheerleading squad. She acts like it's my responsibility just because my sister's on the squad. She's just looking for suckers. I told her 'No', and she's not too happy about that."

That satisfied Christine, since it fit in so well with her understanding of Heather's personality. She even smiled to hear that he was standing up to Heather. Then the bell rang, cutting off any further questions she might have had, giving her only time to say, "Good luck dealing with her."

Alan thought he might be out of the woods with Heather, at least for a while. But as soon as he reached his second-period classroom, Heather was there to intercept him, before he could even get through the door.

Christine happened to be with him, since they walked to most of their classes together. Alan just sighed and gave her a look, as if to say, "Heather won't stop or leave me alone."

Christine gave him a sympathetic nod of understanding and walked on into the classroom. Yet she lingered by the door so she could still hear him when he asked Heather in an exasperated tone, "What now?"

Heather was no fool; she certainly didn't want Christine snooping around and eavesdropping on her business. Once Christine was out of hearing range and out of sight, Heather said quietly, "Come with me."

Alan stood his ground. "I'm not just coming with you. Tell me what this is about first."

"Come with me," she insisted. "Trust me."

Sighing, he started to follow her through the hallway crowd. He muttered to himself, "Trust me." Yeah, right. I'd trust her as far as I can throw her. She's up to something, for sure. I'll bet it has to do with her so-called "reward." Which I never promised, even if she seems to think I somehow did.

It soon became clear to him that they were heading to the theater room. It was out of the way, in a little-used part of the school, so there was no other reason to be headed in that direction.

Heather walked ahead with a purpose. Her very revealing miniskirt showed more leg than even the skirt of the cheerleader uniform. She was determined to get Alan to fuck her today, and her clothes were a part of that plan. She walked in front of him, swaying from side to side, knowing full well that his eyes would be glued to her undulating ass and smartly stepping legs.

She was right about that. He was annoyed at his response. He didn't want to get aroused, but his dick couldn't help but rise in response to the sight of Heather's fantastic, firm ass, and her tanned, muscular legs strutting right in front of him. Despite himself, and as she'd planned, he couldn't stop thinking about how good it would feel to spread her fantastic tanned legs and drill her hard.

Alan didn't wear a watch, but he had a good sense of the time between classes from having lived with that five-minute inter-class interval for so many years. As they walked further from the main school building, he said, "We might as well stop here. I've got like a minute at best before I have to head back to class. So say your spiel and fast, since this is private enough for whatever it is you've got to say to me."

She just kept on walking. "Trust me. I'm not going to make you late. Trust me."

He groused, "Would you stop saying that? I know you're taking me to the theater room, but I don't have time to go in there."

But Heather still kept walking. They were almost to the theater room, and her first goal was simply to get him inside by any means necessary. Once he was alone in there with her, she was sure she'd get the vigorous fucking she so craved.

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