6 Times a Day

Chapter 548 What A Day![Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Heather took control of the group. "Okay, everyone, let's focus. Today we're going to do some warm-up exercises, and then some running outside. But first, Amy, what are you doing wrong?"

Amy was the cheerleader now standing closest to Joy. She shrugged cluelessly.

Heather chided, "You're forgetting something. Since you're next to Joy, please continue with her punishment."

Amy casually reached under Joy's skirt and began frigging her as if it were no big deal.

Joy didn't say a word, but she didn't seem happy about it either.

A couple of them were amazed at how easily the supposedly innocent and naïve Amy took on the task. Even Heather exercised some degree of sexual restraint with the other cheerleaders when Amy was present, in an effort not to corrupt her too much. Only Katherine really understood, because she had first-hand experience of Amy's skill at fingering pussies.

Joy continued to acquiesce to the treatment, even as she squirmed and blushed.

Janice however, was only further shocked and appalled. She was shocked at Joy's apparent enjoyment, and appalled that Heather was corrupting Amy. They all followed an unwritten rule that Amy was to be protected from all things sexual, and Heather was violating it.

But no one else seemed to be concerned at all, not even Katherine.

Janice looked from face to face and thought for sure she'd entered the Twilight Zone, where no one was acting normally.

Every moment of the practice, as long as they were in the theater room and not jumping about doing a routine, Heather made sure that one or another of the cheerleaders was keeping their fingers active in Joy's pussy. Even if they only stood around for a few seconds between routines, someone was required to plunge their fingers into Joy.

The fact was, everyone else in the squad was at least somewhat bisexual, so this activity was making them all horny. Even Joy was quite aroused.

Heather was triumphant. In addition to getting back at Joy for Alan's earlier fuck and blowjob, she sensed that she'd reached a turning point in getting the squad to go along with her sexual schemes. She looked forward to a lot of lesbian fun with all of them before the year ended.

Halfway through practice, during a longer break in their routines, Joy whispered, "Janice, please make it stop."

Janice could hardly believe her ears, since Joy's body certainly seemed to be reacting favorably. Joy was panting heavily, and her thighs were sticky with her juices. "What?" Janice asked, uncomprehendingly. She'd had a finger in her friend's vagina at the time, but quickly took it out.

"Yes, I'm wet," Joy grudgingly conceded, "'cos I'm really horny. But that doesn't mean I'm enjoying this. My body may be aroused, but I just don't swing this way. Not only that, but where's the love? I need romance and there's nothing romantic about this. Sex should be fun and loving, but with Heather there's none of that here. I know that I'm to blame for telling Jenny, but I just want it to stop."

Janice was very upset to hear that. It occurred to her, This means... This means that I... she... Oh no! I've been a willing participant in all of this! Worse, I've been enjoying it. How horrible. I'm totally getting into this lesbian stuff, and I just assumed that Joy was too. I thought that she and I... Oh no! Disaster! Is our friendship over? She doesn't seem that upset, but what if she realizes that I wasn't just acting before? I must really have a dark side. ... I've got to DO something!

Janice stood up, straightened out her cheerleading uniform, and went over to the head cheerleader. "Heather, this has to stop. This has gone too far! Don't you see that Joy isn't enjoying herself?"

Heather laughed, snorting, "What, we're all here for her enjoyment? She got her enjoyment earlier today, while I just had to sit by and watch. That was unnecessary, and now she has to pay."

Janice didn't know what that was all about, but needed to help her friend anyway. "Let me make you a deal, right here, right now, in front of everyone. Let me take over Joy's punishment. I'll do whatever you want her to do, and double. I'll do anything you want. Just leave Joy alone!"

Heather looked Janice over intently while she considered the idea. "But Joy was the one who blabbed about the painting," she pointed out. "She should be the one to pay."

"I'll take care of Joy. She'll never do something like that again, I promise." Janice was very insistent and pleading.

Heather pretended to waver, then finally concede. "Okay. Don't ever say that I have no heart. Fine. Go ahead." She wasn't really being kind though. Her real motive all along had been to maneuver the other cheerleaders into more and more sexual situations so she could take advantage of a completely sexually-uninhibited squad. Joy and Janice had been the last holdouts, so this was a chance to correct that.

Janice jumped up and down, saying "Thanks! I won't forget it."

Joy leapt up from where she was sitting, hugging and thanking Janice profusely as Janice hugged her back.

"Hey, hey," Heather eventually butted in. "It's not all wine and roses here. Don't get so excited."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

The two paused and looked at Heather to see what she would say.

"First off, you two, what I say goes. And rule number one is that neither of you gets to fuck Alan. Period. The more you fuck him the less I can, and I don't like that."

Janice was puzzled, since she was behind on what had been happening with Alan. However, Heather's comment was quite telling, helping Janice to start to figure things out.

"But wait-" Joy began.

Heather cut her off. "No buts. That's the deal. Second, Janice, you'll take over Joy's spot. Shave your pussy tonight, and tomorrow we'll bring Alan back in here to paint you. But your punishment won't end on Friday, since you've missed some of the week already. I'll think of more to do with you later. Joy, you'll keep your paint job and go to the game like that, but nobody's going to touch you from now on if you don't want to be touched, okay? But you're not going to complain or say a word to anyone else when the rest of us are enjoying ourselves. Especially your sister! And we're going to be doing a lot of that from now on."

"Okay," Joy agreed. It isn't much of a deal, really. But the important thing is that Heather's gonna stop abusing me. I can live with painted panties at the game, as long as she quits trying to drag me into her weird sex games. But what about Janice? Now she's gonna have to pay, and for who knows how long! What have I done, agreeing to this? Maybe I should say no, before Janice has to...

Janice saw the look of concern come over her friend's face and could guess her thoughts. "Don't worry, Joy. Don't mind me. The thing is, I'm kind of getting into this. I think I might even enjoy some of Heather's punishments. I hope you don't think less of me, but that's how it is."

Heather spoke up, "We'll see. I'm not here for your amusement either; I'm here for my own. I see that look in your eye, Janice. If you agree to this, you have to swear that you're not going to try to get back at me in any way. You're agreeing here of your own free will. And you're not going to tell a soul about any of this. Especially not Alan!"

Kim, Katherine, and Amy were all watching intently from nearby.

Heather now spoke to them also. "That goes for the rest of you. None of you say anything to anyone. And Katherine, you are NOT going to tell your brother about this. Is that clear? You saw how I found out about Joy telling secrets. If you tell Alan, he's gonna start behaving differently, and I'll pick it up right away. Then it'll be YOUR ass."

"Okay, fine," Katherine agreed. "If that's what makes Joy and Janice happy."

Katherine turned to Joy and said, "I'm so sorry, Joy. I didn't realize. I thought you were enjoying it."

Heather glared at Amy. "And I know you're his next door neighbor and close friend. Mum's the word. Got it?"

"M'kay," Amy nearly whispered. She seemed really intimidated by Heather, especially when Heather was like this.

The others all joined in with profuse apologies to Joy. Amy seemed especially sad about the whole thing.

While that was going on, Janice quietly whispered to Joy, "What's all this about Alan? Did he fuck you?"

Joy muttered back, "Tell you later." Then she spoke to the whole group. "Listen. I'm not traumatized or anything. No need to apologize. It's just that everyone was assuming that I could be bisexual, but I'm can't. Sure, I get aroused physically if someone stimulates me, but I'm not REALLY aroused, if you know what I mean. So, no offense, but I'll just sit this kind of stuff out, if that's okay with all of you. And thanks again, Janice. You're a real friend."

Janice didn't feel much like a good friend though. She thought, If only you knew how much I was getting into calling you names and stuff, you wouldn't call me a friend! That fucking Heather really opened a Pandora's Box. I've had romantic feelings toward you, and now it turns out that you're not bisexual in the slightest! What a fucking horrible day, and it's all Heather's fault!

And now I'm under her thumb, the bitch, and I can't even get back at her for all of this. And I can't fuck Alan either. I was so looking forward to that after all I've heard. AND she'll humiliate me at the football game on Friday, and beyond. How can this get any worse?! At least I've redeemed myself a bit in Joy's eyes. But it's going to take a long time before I can redeem myself in my own eyes. What a fucking disaster!

Joy seemed happy that her humiliation had ended and didn't realize how troubled Janice was. She asked Heather, "About this no fucking Alan rule - doesn't that depend on Alan? What if he comes in here tomorrow and wants to fuck me or Janice? How are you going to stop him?" Joy was still thinking about her incredible earlier fuck with him, and she was determined to get a repeat performance.

"You're right that I can't stop him," Heather conceded. "But if he wants to do that, the two of you will politely turn him down. You both have boyfriends, so just tell him that you don't want to cheat on them. Alan is such a gentleman that he's not going to go against that. And he's not much of a liar either, so I'll know if you told him something behind my back. The mighty Heather sees all!"

She cackled dramatically, in a semi-parody of her bitchy image amongst the cheerleaders. Almost everyone else in the school knew her as elitist and aloof, but didn't realize just how self-serving she really was.

After more discussion, they all went back to cheerleading practice. Whatever sexual mood there had been was broken, so the rest of the practice passed without incident.

Janice and Joy furtively discussed the fact that Joy had had sex with Alan during lunch. Janice was not that upset to hear about it, but she was shocked to hear from Joy that Alan had also had sex with Heather.

Heather felt a bit bad about her treatment of Joy. She'd assumed from the way Joy was acting around Alan that she was randy as a goat, very sexual all around. But though that had been proven wrong and she felt apologetic about her mistake, she was just too proud to apologize.

Janice put on an untroubled face, but after all the other cheerleaders left she stayed behind. Sitting on the floor, she pondered her situation.

I don't regret that I made that deal with Heather. But I DO regret acting like such a fool earlier. What on Earth came over me? This is like the worst day of my life, and I can't even tell Joy all about it like I usually do. I have to keep my feelings a secret or I'll lose her for sure.

This is all Heather's fault. My feelings for Joy would never have come out in public if it hadn't been for Heather's cruelty. I don't know how or when, but some day I'm gonna give her her comeuppance. Unfortunately, at the moment I'm basically her bitch. What a bitch! That fucking she-devil! I don't know how I'm gonna stand it, but I'll have to be tough, for Joy's sake. I can take whatever Heather can dish out. I gotta keep my end of the deal or she'll take it out on Joy.

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