6 Times a Day

Chapter 564 Brenda And Susan 4K

But he was wrong about that. Susan's body was absolutely wiped out, but her mind was still racing with excitement from being truly spanked by her son for the first time. She did rest for about five minutes, but she was thinking intently all the while. Then she turned on the lamp next to Alan's bed, and picked up the phone extension on his bed stand.

She dialed Brenda's number. She couldn't wait to share what happened with her new good friend. "Hello, Brenda? It's me, Susan!"

Brenda's pulse started to race. She'd learned over the last few days that virtually any phone call with Susan ended up making her extremely aroused. But she tried to keep her cool. "Oh, hi. What's up?"

"Guess what? You won't believe it! Tiger just SPANKED me! And I'm not talking about a little playful slapping of my ass cheek during a blowjob, like he did yesterday. I'm talking about an honest-to-God, official, naked mommy across the lap, proper spanking!"

Brenda's effort to keep cool was shattered. She practically fainted, because that was about the hottest thing she'd ever heard. She screamed incredulously, "NO!"



Susan chuckled, because this was the kind of reaction she'd been hoping for. "I'm telling you, yes! I'm calling you while lying buck naked in my son's bed. He's gone, probably to play with his sister or auntie, while I'm lying here completely and utterly DESTROYED from some of the biggest orgasms humanly possible! He really put me in my place!"

Brenda's eyes bugged out wider and wider. She was rendered speechless, and her heart pounded so hard it was downright dangerous. Getting spanked was her great secret fetish, due to her peculiar history of getting spanked frequently by her mother as she was growing up. She'd already heard from Susan that Alan had spanked Katherine a couple of days ago. The fact that he spanked Susan meant that he'd surely spank all of his women. Brenda realized that meant that as long as she continued to grow closer to him, he'd be spanking her soon as well.

She shouted even more emphatically. "NOOOO!" She fell into the nearest chair, because her legs gave way under her. She was huffing and puffing like a freight train with uncontrollable arousal.

Susan chuckled some more. "Yes, I'm telling you. Yes! Let me tell you all about it!"

Brenda thought, Oh God, dear God, NO! Susan you can't do that, or you'll kill me from an overdose of pure lust! Holy shit! The implications of this are staggering! If I had ANY doubt I want to be one of Alan's personal cocksuckers - and I don't! - this puts that issue to rest, for good! Alan, you've won me!

She exhaled several times, trying just to breathe. "Okay, Susan. Tell me! Tell me everything!"

Susan bubbled with excitement as she began her story from the moment she'd entered her son's room. Her post-orgasmic exhaustion was fading fast as she delighted in sharing her experience with Brenda.

By the time Susan finished her account, both she and Brenda were secretly masturbating - although what they were doing was so obvious with their heavy breathing that it was more like an open secret that they simply failed to admit to each other.

Susan went through her story with unusual haste, because she was eager to hear Brenda talk. She loved the stories that she and Brenda had shared on the phone earlier in the day, and in particular the dream Brenda had told her of Alan "molesting" her on a Japanese train. She couldn't wait to hear the sequel dream story that Brenda had promised.

Thus, as soon as her story was done, Susan said, "Okay, fair's fair. I got you caught up on all of Tiger's latest sexy pillagings and plunderings. Now it's your turn. Tell me some sexy stories please! I especially loved that Japanese train adventure you described last time. Didn't you say there would be a sequel to that?"

Brenda smiled widely as she let her imagination run wild. "Sure, I can do that. But I warn you, I'm just going to dive deep into a pretty extreme story. After all, you want the sequel to the train story, and you remember how that one ended?"

"Of course! How could I forget?! Tiger had just finished totally taming and humiliating you right in a crowded train in Japan! He'd stripped you of all your clothes and cum on your face, leaving you 'wearing' nothing but his spermy seed and your high heels with all those people standing around you! If you ask me, that was seriously HOT!"

Brenda practically glowed with delight, both from recalling the fantasy and getting to share it with her new friend. "Exactly. Now, close your eyes and imagine that you're back there on the train. Even though I'll be talking about me, we both know you'll be dreaming about it happening to you."

Susan grunted approvingly and closed her eyes. She sat back and began masturbating. She was still hot and bothered from before and she knew the story would soon have her feeling much hotter.

Brenda continued, "So there I was, standing next to a fully dressed Alan while I had to wipe my eyes just so I could see through his cum. I felt so naked! So ashamed! Now that he'd zipped up and tucked his penis away, and I was starting to come down from my own orgasms, I became much more aware of where I was. And who I was: clearly, I'd become his personal sex pet, and we both knew it! Heck, everyone in the whole train car knew it!"

Susan proudly spoke up. "Correction. ONE OF his personal sex pets. Because we both know he has many!"

Brenda said, "I happily stand corrected. I know that should make me jealous, and it often does, but isn't it totally hot just knowing that he's tamed so many women? And such busty and beautiful women! Like you!"

Susan was beaming with delight. She modestly protested, "Oh, I don't know about that. But I get what you mean. Please continue!"

"Right. As I think I told you last time, I looked around for my clothes, but I couldn't find ANY of them! Not even my jacket! Just then, I could feel the train coming to a stop, and I somehow knew that this was our destination. So I gathered my courage to look Alan in the face, and said, 'Uh-oh! What am I going to do?! We have to get off the train now, and I have no clothes!' But he didn't look bothered in the slightest. Calm and cool, he just asked, 'Do you remember what I just told you? Repeat the words for me.' So I slumped in place, lowered my head, and shamefully recited, 'You don't need clothes. Not anymore. You belong to me now. I'm your lord and master and you're my slut, my big-titted slut!'"

Susan groaned lustily. "Gaawwwd! That's just as hot as when you said it last time! Except you've got a serious problem. It's not just a matter between you and him. What about all the other people?! What about the police?! You're in a foreign country. You could get in serious trouble."

"I know! But the way he stared at me brooked no dissent. Clearly, he'd made up his mind and I had to obey! So that's exactly what happened. When everyone started to get off the train, we did too. My one saving grace was that the others were all so freaked out about my nudity and cummy face that they steered clear of me. Wherever we went, it was like there was a little bubble of protection for a couple of feet in every direction. Crowds would part and people would gawk and stare."

"Wow! Amazing!" Already, Susan was swept up in the story, just as if it was happening to her. "What did they say?!"

"Not much. Some different things were muttered and even shouted, but mostly it was in Japanese so I didn't know what it meant. I guess most people were too stunned to say much. The busy train station was dead silent at times! I did hear a few cries of 'Whore' or 'Slut,' and of course that only made my red face even redder. There was a lot of pointing and muttering about the size of my breasts in particular."

"I'll bet!" Susan said. "You're ridiculously endowed in America, but in Japan your curves would be even more extreme."

"Definitely. I felt like a circus freak! Thankfully, Alan held my hand tightly, and I drew strength from him. And when he sensed I was about to have a total freak out, he whispered in my ear, 'Don't worry, I own you now. You're my sex pet. If there's a problem, they blame the owner, not the pet. So relax, you're in good hands. My hands. Trust me, I'll be a responsible owner.'"

Susan sighed contentedly. "Aaaah. That's just like him. Sure, he takes full control and leaves us totally humiliated for his sexual pleasure, but somehow he never stops being loving and considerate at the same time. It really makes all the difference."

Brenda went on, "Yeah, well, it helped me some, but only some. At one point, we passed a shiny metal sign, and I was able to look at my face in the reflection. Between my fire engine red blush and the streaks of cum everywhere, I just about passed out!"

"I'll bet!" Susan said emotively. "Phew! I can't even imagine how scary that was for you! But what about the guards?! If you're moving through a train station, there has to be security of some kind, right?"

Brenda shrugged, then realized Susan couldn't see that through the phone line. "I don't know. Remember, this was a dream, so reality didn't have to be that real. I suppose we did pass some, but they just didn't care. Everyone was too stunned to do anything except get out of the way. Imagine if we were green space aliens strolling through the train station. Do you think any security guard would have had the gumption to do something to us? No! It was pretty much just like that."

Susan was bummed by the reminder that this was just a dream, but didn't mention it. "So... what happened next?!"

Brenda proceeded to detail much more of her dream. In short, after Alan walked her through the crowded train station, he simply unzipped his fly and had her hold and stroke his erection as they walked along. Whenever they came to a stop, such as a street corner, she got down on all fours and licked or even sucked his cock for a little while. Sometimes, he'd wait through several changes of traffic before telling her to stop and moving on. He didn't stay in any one spot for more than a few minutes though, because crowds would start to form.

Eventually, a Japanese police officer came along and confronted them. But instead of arresting them, he simply chided Alan for "walking a sex pet without a leash." So Alan walked her to a pet store and bought her a leash and collar.

Susan absolutely adored every detail. She appreciated Brenda's vivid imagination, which went places she still hadn't dared to go. She was flying high jilling herself when she asked, "So, after that, you just walked down the street beside him, attached to his leash?! Just like that?!"

Brenda already had a hard time talking due to her masturbatory fervor. But she managed to reply, "Of course not! Not JUST like that. For one thing, I wasn't walking down the street like we were out for a stroll together. No, HE was walking ME, his sex pet, much as if he'd been walking a dog. Which means I was on all fours!"




"I tell you, YES! I was crawling on my hands and knees the whole time! He'd thoughtfully bought black latex gloves for me that went up past my elbows, and also thigh-high high-heel boots. That way I didn't get scuffed up crawling down the rough sidewalk. He does the same for all of his busty sex pets."

Susan exclaimed, "NO! It can't be! That's SO HOT! Too hot!"

Brenda giggled with glee. "Yes, it can be! It's my fantasy, remember? It can be anything I want it to be!"

"I know, but that's so... so... out there! So very naughty! Oh my goodness! 'Busty sex pets!' Brenda! UNGH! HNNRG! How... how did you feel?!"

"You mean having to walk on all fours all the time?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m


"Well, it had its pluses and minuses. I couldn't really stroke his cock as we walked. But whenever we stopped - and we did more stopping than walking - it was very easy for me to get into position and suck."

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "OH MY! How humiliating!"

"Of course! My shame was never ending! He'd totally defeated me, totally tamed me! But that turned out to be a good thing. After a while, I completely gave up any resistance and totally devoted myself to serving him. I sort of went into a special zone where pleasuring and serving my master was my entire world. And let me tell you, it was BLISS! Pure bliss!"

"OH! OH!" Susan panted. That was one of her biggest real life desires, to get into that special zone while sucking his cock. It had happened a few times to her already, and it was pure bliss, just as Brenda said.


Susan had another thrilling thought. "If he treats YOU like that, what's to stop him from treating ME like that?!"

Brenda gleefully responded, "Nothing! Absolutely nothing!"

Susan shrieked. She could vividly imagine herself sucking her son's cock while naked and on all fours on some random Japanese street corner, while many strangers stood and stared. She was getting carried away by her lusty desires, as well as her frantic fingering. "I think... I think... I'm... I'm going to cum again!"

Brenda screamed, "Me too! Let's cum together!"

And so it went.

Eventually, Alan led Brenda back to his Japanese apartment so he could fuck her in the ass. Brenda explained that while it obviously would have been more thrilling to get fucked in public, when it comes to anal sex there are important sanitation and safety considerations that need to be taken into account. It would be reckless to do it without the proper preparation.

Brenda kept the description of that very short, due to her previous anal sex discussions with Susan in which Susan found it highly disgusting. Instead, she skipped over the sex act almost entirely and focused on describing her orgasm at its conclusion instead.

As their phone call seemed to be winding down, with both of them feeling sexually satiated and satisfied, Susan shyly said, "Before we go, I've got a question for you."

"Go ahead."

She panted loudly on the line before asking tentatively," You were talking about him taking you back to his home to... to..."


Susan screwed up her courage and blurted out suddenly, "To fuck you in your ass!"

Brenda just smiled, hearing the difficulty Susan was having saying what she was obviously dying to know more about. "That's true. What about it?"

There was a long pause as Susan gathered her resolve to bring up an embarrassing issue. "I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to up and say it: in recent days... I don't know why... maybe it's because of talks I've had with you, or with Suzanne... but, well... my thoughts are turning more and more to anal sex. There, I said it! I know that it's so very wrong and depraved, even... but how can I be a good big-titted mommy for my son and not give him my ass? I'm feeling all conflicted about it."

Brenda said confidently, "The truth is, you can't. You're one of his official personal cocksuckers. As we've discussed before, that not JUST about blowjobs. You have to be great at titfucks too, and generally let him play with your voluptuous body whenever he wants to. Yes?"


"So why should that exclude your ass? Not just fondling and some anal fingering, but the whole thing! I'm talking about deep penetration!"

"My Lord! Brenda, what's that feel like?! I know you don't totally know yourself, but you have experienced anal dildos, and you have a great imagination. I noticed you skipped over the description of Alan fucking your ass when you two got back to the apartment, no doubt out of consideration for my feelings on the subject. But I'm asking you to give it to me straight! The whole story. I can handle it!"

Brenda replied, "Okaaaay... You asked for it. If you ever want me to stop, just say so and I'll stop."

"Thanks, but I'm a big girl. Hit me with it!"

Brenda then led Susan through a prolonged description of an anal sex session, with the Japanese apartment as the setting. She could easily draw upon her extensive years of watching pornography to provide Susan with a very vivid and inspiring telling. Plus, she had experimented enough with anal dildos to give an honest account of how she remembered anal penetration felt.

Susan would have asked a lot of questions, but she was usually either cumming or on the verge of cumming. She was having a grand time imagining that she was the one getting fucked in the ass, especially after she'd gotten as hot and bothered as humanly possible from being walked through strange Japanese streets as an actual human sex pet.

At first, Susan had a hard time imagining what it would feel like to have her ass fucked. But she had been fucked vaginally by Ron from time to time. She thought, I'll just recall what that was like, and multiply it by a hundred. No, by a thousand! Of course, that wasn't really the same as anal sex, but it was enough for her to have a couple more big climaxes during the account.

As the two of them started to come down from their erotic highs, Susan was in a more thoughtful mood. "Thanks, Brenda. You really do have a special talent for stories like that. But... is it really okay to let ourselves go like this?"

"What do you mean?" Brenda asked.

"Oh, you know, going so wild. I mean… crawling naked on all fours down some street in Japan! On a LEASH! It just seems... improper."

Brenda knew what Susan meant, and deep down she had similar concerns. But she just chuckled, pretending not to know. "Whatever do you mean? Wasn't that fun? It's just a dream."

"I know. But it IS demeaning. And if we dream about this sort of thing, isn't that kind of a sign that it's what we really want, at least on some level? And if that's true, isn't that disturbing? I mean, we could end up taking this whole submissive lifestyle too far!"

Brenda sighed heavily, deciding she couldn't simply pretend that wasn't an issue any longer. "I suppose you have a point. But it's just that it's SO MUCH FUN! Isn't it?"

"It is. But I worry. The problem is, things have been getting so wild around here that I worry things could actually turn out like that, but for real! Maybe not in every detail; we're not in Japan, after all. But I think of myself as his 'sex pet' and his 'sex toy' the like sometimes. Heck, a lot of the time. And I like it! So just how far can things go?!"

Brenda wasn't certain. She was just starting to get to know Alan and the others, after all. But she sensed that Susan wanted reassurance, so she said, "Don't worry. You're in a very lucky situation. Alan has a good head on his shoulders. He's not going to get carried away on a power trip, I can tell. And if he ever does start to head in that direction a little bit, Suzanne and others will help set him straight. Don't you trust Suzanne to take care of this, to make sure you don't get too submissive?"

Susan replied, "I suppose so. Wait, what am I saying? Of course I trust her! Suzanne is solid as a rock. She's never let me down about anything. You're right, I'm surrounded by love and care. So I shouldn't worry. But sometimes I still do."

"Well, that's only natural. But that's no reason not to share more fun stories and fantasies like this, right?"

"Right. Phew. Thanks. I feel a lot better!"

After the phone call ended, Brenda told herself, Susan had a valid point. We do get carried away sometimes. I do, especially. I had dreams just like that one for years now. But they used to be harmless because they were so wildly unrealistic. But now that my dream master has the face of someone I actually know, things ARE getting kind of... worrisome.

Look. Alan's a nice guy. A great guy even, probably. But he's JUST A GUY! A kid! In fact, he's not much older than Aidy. Of course, he is the most sexually impressive guy I've ever come across in my life, and he's practically turned his immediate family AND the Pestridge women into his personal harem already. Gaawwwd, the things Susan just told me are about the most arousing stories I've ever heard! And unlike my Japan dream, that actually happened!

But he is NOT my master, nor will he ever be. Obviously he loves having sex with lots of gorgeous, big-breasted women, but he's just not into all this domination and submission stuff. Not like I am, at any rate. He's a tad too nice. I'm sure I can have fun with him, and even have sex with him if I want, but within reason. I'm going to turn all these disturbing fantasy thoughts OFF, right now!

There. I feel better already. What I need to be is like Susan. She's submissive like me, but she doesn't let it get too far. She knows when to worry. She's living a dream every day, a wonderful sexually submissive dream, and yet she has good friends like Suzanne to keep things in balance. She knows when to step back and seek help, so she doesn't lose herself along the way. I can do that too: I can have lots of fun with Alan. I just need to keep my weirder fantasies to myself!

Susan also had some second thoughts after the phone call ended. Most any time I talk to Brenda at length, I get caught up in a sort of submissive euphoria in which being a sex pet or even a sex slave sounds unbelievably great. And it just happened again, big time! I need to remind myself that we're only talking about fantasies. End of story!

That said... a growing part of me wants to live that way for real. I can't deny my feelings! I want to be the perfect naked big-titted mommy slut for my son! I want that so much! Even if it includes vaginal sex, anal sex, spanking, and who knows what else! Anything else he wants! No limits! Total submission!

But I can't think that way. There always has to be limits, of course. That's reality. Maybe I should have fewer of these phone calls with Brenda, until my feelings settle down.

She searched her heart and realized, Okay, that's not going to happen. But I'll just have to tell her to tone it down some. This Japanese fantasy was great, but it went too far. It's putting all sorts of naughty thoughts in my head.

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