6 Times a Day

Chapter 569 Yep! That Was One Loooouud Scream.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Suzanne kicked off her heels and hopped back on the bed. In fact she did go back to jacking him off, but her face still wore a heavy frown.

Alan was much more composed. He was actually amused at the extent of her frustration, and so wore a stupid smile. It was amusing for him because, for once, the tables were turned and she felt intensely frustrated, the way he'd grown used to feeling nearly every day. Weeks of such constant frustration had given him some immunity to situations like this. Experiencing the excruciatingly frustrating inability to fuck the women he loved most, except for his occasional opportunities with Katherine, was now such a commonplace thing for him that, once the initial anger at being stymied once again wore off, he could deal with it.

He knew that Susan had looked far too antsy when they'd left her, so he'd assumed that she would snoop on them. He was surprised that Suzanne, who was normally extremely astute and observant, hadn't picked up on that as well.

He didn't realize that, in this case, Suzanne's senses and skills were dulled by her overwhelming need to fuck, which was getting more urgent every day. First there had been her "Elle" experience, and then her few precious seconds of fucking in the ocean on Sunday. Together they had brought her so close that she could taste it. Alan at least had other women to fuck, including his fantastic sister, which made the constant torment of being unable to fuck Suzanne and his mother and his teacher Glory somewhat bearable. But Suzanne had no other male sex partners but Alan. (She didn't even consider having sex with her husband, as they hadn't even shared a romantic kiss in years.) So, as her desire kept increasing, her actions were also becoming increasingly rash.

Back on the bed, with Alan's thick, wet erection sliding through her hands and giving her some consolation, she pondered what they could do to take the edge off her raging need. She went over the possibilities. Let's see. More blowjobs? Nah. Titfuck? Nah. Anal sex? ... Ah, that's a good one. But he's so resistant to that. Now's not the time to talk him into it, with Susan listening in and time running out. Besides, if I had time to get him into that hole, I'd have time to get him into the other one.

Cunnilingus? YES! That's what will do the trick. I've got this massive orgasm still welling up in me despite Susan's rude interruption, and he can release it with his tongue. Yes! Maybe that'll allow me to endure another day.

Alan leaned forward and whispered, "I'm really sorry, Aunt Suzy, I want to fuck you so terribly badly, but when it comes to doing stuff in the house, I have-"

She cut him off, whispering back, "Never mind. Let's talk about it later. Just shut up and lick me. Go down on me. Please! I beg you! I need release so bad. Right now!"

Sitting on her heels, she arched backwards until her head hit the bed. She was presenting her pussy to him as if on a platter. She joked, "Remember what I said about the cookies?"

He replied, "'Hot and fresh and served on a platter.' Just the way I like to see them."

He licked his lips and eagerly moved into position to accept her offering. He'd done this a couple of times and was getting to like it a little more each time.

He thought, I'm going to fuck Aunt Suzy soon. If she wants it, she makes it happen. But in the meantime, I've got to make do. I think going down is going to be a lot of fun, if I'm doing it with her. Knowing her, she's got some secret sex tricks that'll make it twice as orgasmic for both of us as doing it with anyone else.

As he moved his head between her legs, she spoke from her bent-back position in a voice low enough that she hoped Susan couldn't overhear. "Let's be really quiet so your mom doesn't know what we're doing. That'll drive her crazy."

He nodded, then placed his head right above her pussy. "Aunt Suzy, you're so very, very wet. I don't think I've ever seen you quite so wet, and that's saying something."

"Who always makes me that way? My cute, lovable Sweetie! For the love of God, please stop talking and do me already!"

He dove in with his tongue. She was radiating such an aching need that he felt he had to do his very best to give her the satisfaction she craved and deserved.

In fact his task was easy, because she was so worked up already. After only a minute or two after his tongue found its way into her inner lips and his fingers found her clit, she threw her upper body forward and, while still sitting on her heels, grabbed any parts of him she could reach and held on as if her life depended on it. Then she let out a piercing scream as the climax that had been building for the past half hour finally found its desperate release.

Her fingernails tore into his back as she continued to scream and cum.

He found his face drenched with her juices. Her fluids came out with such force that he wondered if she would have squirted them out like a man, if his tongue and face hadn't been in the way.

She collapsed as if dead, lying sprawled out on his bed.

He was in better shape though, and in fact he hadn't yet come close to cumming.

Curiosity got the best of him, so he hopped up and went to his door to see if he could hear the sounds of his mother panting. To his surprise, just as he put his ear to the door, he heard her talking. Her voice grew louder and he realized she was walking down the hallway towards his door.

He couldn't clearly hear her question, but he heard Katherine answer. "I don't know what happened. It sounds like Aunt Suzy just had a major, royal, first-rate climax. She's probably gonna come out of there looking like she was fucked by an elephant. I sure as hell wish that was me in there. She's so lucky!"

It occurred to him, Aunt Suzy screamed so loud that Mom must have heard it from downstairs and come to investigate. So it wasn't Mom listening, but Sis? Fuck. Too bad we didn't know, but the effect is still the same: no fucking tonight. Besides, there probably wasn't time anyway since Mom came upstairs so quickly.

He heard Susan say, "Fucked, eh? We'll see about that." Then he heard a colossally loud sound right by his head and realized that his mother was starting to pound on the door. He quickly pulled his ear away and backed off towards the bed.

Susan said through the door, "Suzanne? Are you okay in there? I just heard a scream. What's going on?" She pounded on the door some more.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Suzanne roused herself on the bed, answering loudly, "I'm fine. Never been better! Sweetie's taking great care of me."

Susan kept pounding on the door and repeatedly trying to turn the doorknob, even though it was locked. "Can you open the door? I want to make sure everything is okay. Please open the door."

By this time Alan was back near Suzanne's side, so she pulled him close and whispered the obvious. "She thinks we might be fucking and is trying to break it up. If only she were right. God DAMN."

Susan continued to knock. "Tiger? Can you open up? Please? Tiger?"

Alan went and opened the door. Susan and Katherine stood there, both dressed for once, both looking very concerned. As their gazes settled on his face, their eyes went wide, and he wondered if he'd done something wrong.

Susan pointed at his face and asked in wonder, "Is that cum? Suzanne's cum?"

He put a hand to his face, rather sheepishly realizing that it was dripping with Suzanne's juices. For once the shoe was on the other foot; he was on the receiving end of a facial, a very wet facial. "Uh, yeah. Sorry. Aunt Suzy was just teaching me how to better go down on a woman."

Susan said in shock, as well as relief, "So you didn't... That means you and she didn't..."

"No, of course we didn't, Mom," he replied, as if the very idea was silly. He protested a bit disingenuously, "Don't you know that I always obey your rules, your boundaries? Whatever gave you that idea that we would do something like that?"

Susan glared briefly at Katherine, who by that time was looking very sheepish. But the lusty mother was much more relieved than upset about be wrong. "Sorry. It's just that her scream was so loud. I trust you..." Yet it was obvious to everyone that she didn't trust him enough to not check.

Katherine said happily, "Yep! That was one loooouud scream. Bro, I'll bet you're just as good at cunnilingus as you are at everything else." She nudged Susan's shoulder. "Imagine that, Mom. Can you imagine your son feasting between your thighs, lapping his talented tongue up and down your very most naughty parts?"

Susan blushed and turned away. "Angel, please don't talk like that. That's terribly improper. Those ARE very naughty parts, and with good reason! If Tiger did that to me, how would that help him reach his daily target? Answer me that!"

Katherine appeared to think for a moment before replying, "Okay, true. But what if you two were to get in a sixty-nine? You know, where your mouth gets to make love to his cock while his tongue gets to make love to your 'naughty place.' I mean this incredible, powerful cock!" She reached down and briefly held his flaccid penis to better tempt Susan, even though it wasn't looking very "powerful" at that moment. "Can you just imagine what kind of insanely pleasurable joy that would be?!"

Suzanne spoke up, while stretching out in a sexy manner with a completely satisfied and satiated look on her face. "Susan, you don't have to imagine. Did you hear me screaming? That was the scream of a-"

Susan interrupted. "Okay, I get the point. Enough about that!" She looked back and forth between Suzanne and Alan. "Can't anyone put some clothes on, for once? Since you two look done, why don't you come downstairs and we can all do something non-sexual for a change? Amy just arrived."

Suzanne sat up in bed with a start. "Amy?" Her voice was so filled with amazement at the name that it was as if she had only just realized that she had a daughter. In fact, she had been rather out of it after her big climax, so that was almost how she felt.

It occurred to her that when she'd set new nakedness rules earlier in the evening, she'd completely failed to consider Amy. She ruefully realized that Amy was unlikely to wear anything at the Plummer house anymore, given the way she loved nakedness anyway. Thinking about her daughter made her remember that she herself was a married woman with children, at which point the "real world" came flooding back.

Suzanne had hoped to get much more of Alan's tongue on her hot box as soon as she'd recovered, but when she surveyed the scene she realized that wasn't going to happen, at least not that night. Alan's penis had gone flaccid again, probably from all the screaming and commotion, and the other two were looking at her expectantly and impatiently.

Suzanne had come into the room buck naked so she walked out of it the same way. As she passed Alan, who was standing near the other two by the door, she carefully grabbed him by his balls and whispered, "I'm sorry to leave you hanging like this. You're right. No privacy in this house, and too many interruptions. But I'm sure your mother will take care of this problem soon enough" - she squeezed his balls a bit tighter - "if she doesn't give me another chance first."

She walked off to the bathroom so she could slip into a bathrobe before greeting her daughter downstairs.

She thought, I just realized something that should have dawned on me before. My Sweetie has developed a nearly inhuman ability to delay gratification. That's the key to understanding everything: his respectfulness and that he just doesn't up and rape us all. He knows that he can just out-wait everyone.

I figured I could train him to be a better lover, but he's really surpassed all expectations with his little strategic pauses that allow him to barely fend off orgasm. By delaying so well, and so long, he ends up getting and giving far greater pleasure in the end. Things around here would be quite different if he gave into his urges with less delay. Everything has been so intense that he's slowly turning us all into his nymphomaniac servants, keeping us all on edge as our anticipation and desire just grows and grows. He probably doesn't even realize what he's doing or how rare that sexual skill is.

Look at me. Even I feel somewhat affected. Truth be told, I'm a complete wreck from the anticipation, but somehow he deals with it okay. He just keeps going and going like some kind of sex-mad Energizer bunny. If I don't watch out, he's going to end up in charge of everything and everyone! But I won't let that happen. My plan to be the queen bee of this bunch is still on track; I just need to make some adjustments.

Alan went back into his room to put on some clothes. He just shook his head in wonder at all the strange things that were happening to him on an almost hourly basis.

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