6 Times a Day

Chapter 571 Beau, You're The Bestest, Most Amazingest Boyfriend I Could Ever Want!

There was dead silence. It took some seconds for his words to sink in.

"WHAT?" all of the women suddenly said in near unison. Then all four women began talking to him at once and he couldn't understand any of it.

Everyone was shocked, but Amy seemed the most shocked of all. She squealed a high-pitched yell of pure joy.

Susan even stopped fondling her own breasts temporarily in surprise at all the noise.

Katherine frowned, feeling extremely upset and much more jealous than ever before.

"Wait, wait, wait. Just wait a minute, everybody," Alan said, taking advantage of the relative silence that followed Amy's squeal. He turned towards Amy. "I know we haven't discussed this, Amy, but would you want to be my official girlfriend, even as I continue to have sex with other women, including all the other women here in this room?"

"Why sure," said Amy, overcome with joy. "Anything you want, Beau!" She squealed in delight again, pumping her fist in the air. "YES! Woo-hoo!" Then she leaned up against him and said, "You know, you've been my beau all along. Haven't I been calling you Beau for years?"

Everyone's eyes rolled heavenward as they realized that her old nickname for him, which they'd just assumed was spelled 'Bo', derived from 'Bro', could also be spelled 'Beau', which was a given name found most often in the southeastern U.S. They all knew that the old term for boyfriend or male admirer, 'beau', was spelled exactly the same way.

Katherine began to really fume when she heard that, even though she assumed that it was just one of Amy's frequent spur-of-the-moment plays on words.

Alan really liked it. He embraced Amy tightly, very pleased at her response. He knew he was incredibly lucky that she was so easy-going about sharing.

Susan wanted to point out that Alan wasn't actually having sex with anyone in the room (so far as she knew, at least), but she didn't want to break the mood.

"We can try it out," Alan continued in a casual voice while possessively fondling Amy's bare butt, "but you'll have to remember that it would mean you're no more special to me than anyone else in this room. I love you a lot, and I'm not trying to be cruel, but I have to be brutally honest about how the situation is. Obviously, in some ways Sis and Mom are even more special to me than you are, and that includes sexually. Even though they're my relatives, they're also my fuck partners."

Susan again felt the need to correct his use of the phrase "fuck partners," but instead let him continue. For some reason the whole situation was arousing her greatly.

Katherine was going to start an angry outburst, but his last sentences had silenced her temporarily.

He went on, "And even your mom, while not my real family, has a longer and deeper tie to me than you do. Although I've known you forever, Aims, we had kind of drifted away from each other in recent years, until really recently. But your mom has always been my Aunt Suzy, ever since I can remember. Lately she and I have developed a sexual bond that I don't intend on ever breaking."

Amy nodded.

"So what this all means is that we would go on dates and do stuff together publicly, but in return, if your mom, my mom, or Sis want to do anything with me sexually like suck my dick or even get fucked, their wishes would oftentimes come first, over yours. It's a trade-off. You can do more in public, but they can do more in private."

He looked around and made eye contact with each woman in turn. "In reality, I feel like all of you are my favorite girlfriend. For instance, I'd love to have Sis as my girlfriend, but obviously that can't happen publicly. Amy is the only acceptable female for the public eye. If I was, say, fucking you, Amy, and my mom came up to me and wanted me to fuck her right then, I'd have to roll right off of you and pound her pussy into oblivion first. Then of course I'd come back and fuck you afterwards."

He said all this in a normal tone of voice, as if this was how boys often asked girls to be their girlfriends. All the while he continued to play with her bare ass cheeks like he owned them, and his big erection poked into her lower abdomen with only his shorts in the way.

Susan finally felt she couldn't stay quiet. "Alan! I'm your mother, not your fuck partner! Please stop talking about fucking me already! You know how I feel about servicing and even serving your cock, and how much I totally love it, but really fucking your mother is different. That's a mortal sin in the eyes of the Lord."

However, her shirt was still hanging uselessly up around her shoulders, and in her mind she was still singing "The Alan Song."

He just ignored her. She's deceiving herself again, but she'll understand in time. It's amazing how she denies her true feelings, even now. He brought one hand from Amy's ass to her chest and began fondling her there too. "What do you say, Aims?"

"I'll do anything you want, Beau. I'll gladly share you with anyone you want. I'm totally cool with that. Especially if it's these special people. These are my favorite people in the whole world. I love them, so I'd love to share you with them. Cool! I'm just so happy! First, I get to be one of your official helpers, and now this!" She bounced up and down excitedly.

He watched her boobs jiggle endlessly as she kept bouncing and bouncing and bouncing with happiness. He was soaring with joy too. Even though his heart was pounding wildly, he felt strangely calm and in control.

She leaned in and kissed him. All of his casual fondling in front of the others had gotten her hot and she was ready for a scorching kiss.

But he said, "Aims, let's not just kiss, but let me 'get your attention.'"

"Oh, right! M'kay! Sorry, Beau!" She unzipped and unbuttoned his shorts and took out his stiff prick, even though this wasn't part of her "attention" tradition, at least as practiced so far.

They kissed much more passionately and physically than the first time, which was already very intense. It was as if they merged at the mouth. Once again he let his hands roam all over her, while she tried her best to get him to shoot a load by pumping his boner with both hands. His shorts had fallen to the floor shortly after his fly was unzipped, but somehow Amy managed to get his T-shirt off in the middle of the kiss. That meant both of them were now completely nude.

Soon he switched to dry humping her, with his stiff hard-on thrusting between her thighs right along the outside of her pussy. He was all but fucking her standing up, even though they were standing in front of her mother and his mother and sister.

At one point she managed to jump up into his arms, so he wound up holding her off the ground by her ass while she ground her entire body into his.

Susan muttered quietly to Suzanne, "Look at how he's taking and taming your daughter right in front of us!" She couldn't hide the lust and excitement in her voice, but she was also concerned for her best friend, so she asked, "Are you okay with this?"

Suzanne stared at the two teens for a few moments before replying. "I'm torn, I must admit. I keep thinking of her as my little baby. But looking at that body, and the way they're fondling each other, it's clear she's very much a woman. I need to adjust."

Susan whispered back, "It gets me SO HOT to watch him tame another big-titted babe! It just feels so right to me. Amy belongs to him now, like we all do. You'll get used to it, don't worry."

Suzanne rolled her eyes at that. She certainly didn't feel that Alan had tamed her, and she had no interest in being tamed.

Katherine was still fuming at the idea of Amy being Alan's girlfriend. Watching the way the two of them were dry humping right in front of her steamed her even more. Yet it also aroused her greatly. She'd never realized a person could be both so turned on and so angry at the same time.

She at least felt somewhat mollified by the arrangement Alan had just explained, that the other three came first. If he hadn't qualified his statement with that, the whole house would have gone into an uproar, not just from Katherine, but from Susan and Suzanne too.

As it was, she managed to restrain herself to merely saying as snidely as she could, "You two, get a room."

Amy immediately responded, "M'kay!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

As usual, Amy had behaved so guilelessly that Alan found himself laughing. He had to put her back on the floor when his strength ran out after a while, but their "kiss" kept going.

He planned to talk to his sister about the girlfriend idea later in private, to calm her concerns some more. He'd thought this through already, and was confident how it would all play out. He would repeatedly soothe Katherine with the thought that he considered her more of his true girlfriend than Amy, which was true. He believed that Amy was pleasantly pliant and would agree to anything. He felt that he could even humiliate her in any way without her getting angry; he avoided doing so because he was a nice guy and he loved her.

He didn't know that Susan and Suzanne had already been discussing the idea of Amy as his girlfriend just that very morning, but had he known it, it wouldn't have surprised him too much, because the idea just made so much sense. He figured Katherine would come around soon enough. But that was later; at the moment he just wanted to enjoy Amy to the fullest.

To call what they were doing a kiss or even 'getting her attention' was an understatement. He began rhythmically sliding his boner through Amy's thighs, making it even more like they were really fucking than it had been before. The two of them went at it without much concern for time or their audience, doing whatever they liked.

He found Amy surprisingly active: she wasn't just the pliant, well-endowed, soft body he'd come to expect. Instead she groped at him with the same aggressiveness that her mother Suzanne usually showed.

She kept one hand grasping his erection, tightly squeezing and stroking it at all times, at least until he began dry fucking through her upper thighs. Then she used her thigh muscles to squeeze it in delightful ways as it slid between her thighs.

Her other hand ran through his hair, felt up his chest, explored the flexing biceps of his arms, and more. She even stuck her fingers into his mouth so he could suck on them.

She was more vocal than ever before. When she wasn't moaning or squealing, which was often, she said things like, "Oh yeah. Grab me there. That's good. Squeeze that boob! Tighter! Good! Yeah!"

Alan meanwhile spent a long time concentrating on his favorite part of her anatomy: her ass. He enjoyed the fact that it was so wide and big, yet so firm.

In the midst of all this "kissing," they did manage to actually kiss some too. He was a good number of inches taller and Amy wasn't wearing any shoes or heels, so she had to stand on her tiptoes or he had to bend down whenever their lips locked. Height difference was not a problem with any of the other Amazon-sized women in the house. In fact, Alan was often a bit shorter when the others wore their high heels. Amy was actually fairly tall for a girl her age, so she only seemed short compared to the other three women.

When their kiss (and thigh fucking) ended, Alan looked up and asked, "Is everyone else okay with that idea? The Amy girlfriend idea?"

The others had been watching intently. Susan was still fondling her own boobs. She was huffing and puffing like an old steam train, leaving her in no shape to object to anything. Insofar as any conscious thought crossed her sex-obsessed brain, it was pride that her son had added another gorgeous woman to his de-facto harem. She nodded her approval.

Suzanne was a bit shocked at seeing her daughter get so physical, but restrained herself from complaining. She realized that, abstractly, Amy and Alan together made sense; she'd even suggested it on her own. He does have to take someone his own age, for appearances with the outside world. I should welcome this, because it's much better than him doing the same with Angel, which would be a total social disaster and might even put us all in prison!

But will this derail my plans? Not if I'm smart. I need to turn this surprise around and use it to my advantage. I can use Amy to pull him away from the other Plummers a bit and more towards us Pestridges. My sweet Honey Pie will do anything I say. If I can embrace her sexual role, I may be able to get things done through her to keep the other two well fucked, sure, but not so either one is his number one sexual partner. That's gonna be MY position. I'll just have to embrace this. It sure isn't easy though.

Amy is still my darling little baby. But she's also a woman now. I have to face reality... Her mind kept racing round and round on such thoughts, which prevented her from getting aroused.

Katherine on the other hand wasn't thinking logically but was operating on a purely emotional level. She was practically ready to kill Alan out of jealousy, but she bottled it in until she could be alone with him. But unlike Suzanne she grew so aroused despite her unhappy thoughts that she almost couldn't control her desire to masturbate.

Thus, in the end, everyone nodded in response to Alan's question, including an enthusiastic nod from Amy. He found that cute. Katherine's nod was so brief it was almost indiscernible, but he optimistically took that as a 'yes'.

Somehow he'd managed to not cum yet, though it wasn't easy.

Amy didn't want to let go of his stiff boner or stop massaging it. She said, "Beau, I like to feel your thingy sliding all over my tummy. Can you put it back there?" She closed the distance between them again and rubbed her big boobs into his chest.

Unfortunately, Alan was too close to cumming to allow her to play with his erection at that moment. He finally had to pick up his shorts from the floor, put them back on, and stuff his erection back inside them in order to get her to stop. He purposely held off from cumming because he had special plans for that particular load and didn't know how much more stimulation he could take any time soon.

He looked around the room as he continued to hold and caress a naked Amy in his arms. He was fairly amazed to see the other females just sitting around patiently in various states of undress. Man! What a RUSH! I can't believe I'm getting away with all this, right in front of everybody. Our last "kiss" alone had taken at least five minutes, but no one's complained!

Susan especially seemed to have a "let the lovebirds enjoy their moment" attitude. Actually, it was more of a "let the lovebirds enjoy their moment while I enjoy fondling my own breasts" attitude.

Katherine's eyes shot daggers at him, but her hand was also frantically moving around underneath her shorts, since she'd finally given in to the urge to pleasure herself.

The fact was, all of them, even Suzanne, were too sexed up, too eager to please, and too spellbound with love and lust to object to his desires on this, even though he and they largely failed to fully realize it.

For instance, the main reason Katherine didn't have a public fit was because, through her anger, it occurred to her that a fuck toy doesn't make a public scene. So, perversely, not complaining and thus reveling in her subservient role actually aroused her powerfully.

After a long, silent pause, he said to his new girlfriend, "Okay, Amy, that's how it is."

She grabbed his hand, and they held hands tightly. "M'kay!" she repeated. "I'm psyched! Totally psyched! Super duper double wow-wonderifidousorifically fantastically psyched!"

He smiled at that; he loved the way she abused the English language. But he continued, "However, some bad news. Even though you're my girlfriend, I may not be able to be with you much for the next few days. There's the poker party tomorrow night, and then I go on my scouting trip this weekend. After that, I'll probably need a few days to catch up on homework, since I'm falling way behind. So the first time we can go on a date I guess is next weekend."

"M'kay! That's cool. I can't wait already!" she said joyfully. "Beau, you're the bestest, most amazingest boyfriend I could ever want! You've made me so very happy!"

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) She pulled away from him because she was so happy that she couldn't help but frolic. Thanks to all her cheerleading training, her frolicking was much like a cheerleading routine. The only difference was that she was now doing her routine moves in front of the people she cared about the most while utterly naked.

He watched her leg kicks with amusement. After she calmed down a minute or two later, he continued, "I hope I can make you happy. Very happy. Even though we may not go on an official date soon, we'll be doing lots of fun things before then. Like this. Come here."

She rushed to his side.

He put one of his hands back on her crotch and then stuffed three fingers right up her pussy. He wanted to see if he could go this far in front of everyone, but he needn't have worried, since the overall atmosphere was so sexual. He looked Katherine, Susan, and Suzanne in the eye, one by one. Even he felt surprised by how calm and confident he felt.

All three of them had various gripes about his action, but none of them said or did anything to stop him. In fact, they were all growing extremely aroused by the way he was so confidently and publicly fondling Amy. They could easily imagine that they would soon be getting a similar treatment from him in front of the whole group.

Katherine and Suzanne especially tried to keep poker faces, but their heaving chests gave their true feelings away. Susan meanwhile seemed lost in her self-fondling and her loud "mmmm"-ing and moaning.

Alan smiled a very happy smile. Yes. This is how it's going to be. I'm going to fuck them all, separately and together. Nothing will stop me now!

He'd never felt so elated in his life. A sense of power swept through him as he reveled in the knowledge that so many beautiful women were obedient to his sexual wishes.

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