6 Times a Day

Chapter 607 Suzanne & Brenda Have Fun. [DD SPONSORED]

๏ปฟDrunk Dargon Special ๐Ÿ‰ [ 14 / 20 ] 6K words


Susan's command launched a chorus of complaints, as everyone tried to speak at once. The general gist was one of incredulity, asking why they had to stop. They all had pretty much recovered enough to be looking forward to another round of fun and games.

As she stood with her hands defiantly on her hips and her son's cum all over her lower face, Susan answered, "This game is turning into a full-blown orgy, and we're starting to break boundaries. Alan said he wants to fuck Brenda, and look at Amy. She's STILL putting her fingers in Katherine's pussy, even though the dare specifically prohibited that. In fact, they should have stopped performing that dare AGES ago. I have to put my foot down before this whole thing spins completely out of control!"

She punctuated that by stomping her foot. "Everybody's drunk! We've gone through far too much wine. Besides, it's late, and my two children at least have to go to school tomorrow. Amy has to also. School! You all do remember the concept of school, don't you? Where young people learn what they'll need to know later in life."

She punctuated her words by stomping her foot some more, which caused the ropes of cum around her chin to wobble from side to side and her big tits to bounce enticingly. One particularly precarious strand of cum broke free and dripped down right into her deep cleavage. She continued, "Not only that, but Tiger finally had his orgasm, which is the most important thing around here, medically speaking. We've removed the tremendous pressure of all that sperm building up in his balls, at least for a few hours. So it's all over, and no complaining!"

There was more complaining anyway, and Brenda complained the loudest of all. Although she was physically totally satiated from her many, many orgasms, mentally she was raring for more. Watching Susan titfuck Alan and then suck him to orgasm had hit her so hard that she felt like she'd never be the same person again. Something inside her had been powerfully transformed, although she couldn't define what the change was just yet.

Then, when she saw Susan lovingly clean her son's flaccid penis, her arousal level ratcheted up even higher, to yet another previously-unreached and even undreamed-of peak. She didn't know why that affected her so powerfully, maybe even more than Susan's previous titfucking and cocksucking action, but it did. Perhaps it emphasized that serving Alan's penis was a never-ending task, or perhaps it was Susan's act of thanking Alan with her tongue for the privilege of getting to suck his cock. Despite her overwhelmed and ragged state, she wanted the night's fun to be never-ending.

But Susan remained firm and refused all objections. She simply stared the others down until they finally conceded. The group broke up slowly, with people beginning to dress to leave.

Susan's real reason for breaking things up was that she was very jealous of Brenda. Simply put, she didn't want Alan to get too intimate with Brenda's monstrously large tits. She was viewing things differently after the great orgasm that she'd had while gobbling up all of Alan's cum. She often had regrets and doubts after her orgasms, but this time her post-orgasmic blues had left her particularly moody.

Most of the women were extremely horny, since their sexual need had been building for hours but only Brenda had gotten much orgasmic relief. (In fact, she'd had enough orgasms for them all, and then some.) So Katherine and Amy ran off to Katherine's room to get their vibrators and practice more "checking for bumps" and "pussy shaving" with each other as quickly as they could.

Suzanne and Susan wanted their own masturbation time but, as the adults of the household, they felt obliged first to escort Brenda to the door. They felt particularly responsible for Brenda since she was in such a bedraggled and exhausted state. They wanted to make sure that she was mentally and physically able to drive home.

Alan also remained behind, hoping to prolong his experience with the three most drop-dead-gorgeous big-titted women he'd ever seen. The fact that they were still completely naked made it impossible for him not to follow them and admire their swaying asses and boobs as they walked through the living room towards the front foyer. Even though his dick was down for the moment, he was still quite aroused mentally.

Suzanne reached down to where Brenda had dropped her clothes and picked them up. She was disgruntled about some things that had happened, most especially how events had again seemed to spin out of her control, and how Alan had twice indirectly insulted her own superb chest. But her pride at Brenda's falling so completely and obviously under Alan's spell led her to ask, with an inner sense of triumph, of her buxom acquaintance, "So, do you still see a problem with us helping Sweetie with his special condition?"

Brenda could scarcely believe how much her attitude had changed over the course of the evening. Before she'd arrived she would have proclaimed vehemently that incest was wrong in general, even though she couldn't deny that it was extremely arousing in this specific case. But now she almost felt like rushing home and ravaging her son Adrian for the rest of the night. Seeing Susan first jack off Alan, then get titfucked by him, and finally sucking him dry had completely eliminated her moral reservations. She said without hesitation, "No. I'm fine with it! Completely fine with it. I would never have believed it though. I've never done anything this incredible. When can we do this again?"

"Next Wednesday, of course," Suzanne answered. She had promised Susan that Brenda would only come to the house occasionally, and she wanted to stick to that. She figured that Brenda was so raring to go that she'd end up coming back before then, but this way, Brenda would be very grateful for any "extra" visit on top of the weekly poker game. At the very least, she figured Brenda should stay away for a few days. Such a delay would only increase Brenda's desire for Alan, and thus her eventual loyalty to him, and it would also give Suzanne time to work on Susan to reduce her obvious jealousy.

Still, Suzanne couldn't avoid being affected by Brenda's beauty. She continued to hold Brenda's clothes just out of reach so she could admire the one-of-a-kind fully-exposed body standing before her just a little longer.

"But that's a week away!" Brenda whined like a little girl. "Can't we do it sooner? This weekend, maybe? Friday night?!"

"No," Suzanne said with a resolute shake of her head. She wanted to put on a show of acting firm at that time, even though she knew she'd probably soften on the issue later. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and we have a lot of fun plans with Sweetie to keep us busy. I for one haven't been getting nearly enough of his cock or his attention as I'd like."

Then, with just a little bit of envy of Brenda's gravity-defying boobs, Suzanne uncharacteristically added the dig, "But don't worry; I'll think of you the next time I suck him off."

ฯฮฑะฟdฮฑ ะ™แดฮฝรช|(ัรฒm) Brenda literally put her hands together in front of her chest and begged. "Pleeeeeasse? Pretty please? I'll be so good. I really will! I'll do whatever you want. Just let me have a little bit of time with..."

Her voice trailed off as she remembered that Alan was in the room. She glanced at him briefly, then immediately tried to cover her pussy and nipples with her hands. She realized how silly that was, so she just closed her eyes, folded her hands back into a begging gesture, and continued in real supplication, "Just let me have some time with him... And his cock. Please?"

Suzanne goaded her. "And just what do you want to do with his cock?"

Brenda blushed even more furiously. "I, I, I want to put it in my... In my mouth!"

"And just hold it there?"

"No. No, I want to... to suck on it!" Her face was turning redder by the second. "I want to do just what Susan did to it. I want to suck him and lick him and pleasure him until he cums all over my face! And... and my tits!"

Suzanne still sounded skeptical. "I see. Is that all?"

"No. God, no! More! So much more! I want him to put it in my... in my..." She was dying of shame and couldn't go on. It wouldn't have been that tough for her to say what she wanted, except that she was all too aware that Alan was standing by, listening.

"In your what?" Suzanne prodded.

Brenda quietly whispered. "In... in my cleavage! Just like Susan did! I want him to, to... fuck my tits!" She felt like she had lost every last shred of dignity. She hated that, but she couldn't fight her own lusty desires.

Suzanne could have prodded her some more about where she wanted Alan's cock, but she took pity on Brenda and changed the topic. "Hmmm. So you say you'll do anything to pleasure his cock. Anything?"

Brenda nodded vigorously, which caused her naked, mammoth tits to shake with the motion, despite her hands partly pressing into them with her begging gesture. "Anything," she confirmed with another soft whisper.

She finally had the willpower to open her eyes. She looked over at Alan so lustfully that he was nearly bowled over. She looked possessed with a desperate need. Knowing that her tits were her best asset, she lowered her hands from her chest and arched her back, making her breasts thrust out even more than usual. It was hard to imagine that such a curvy woman offering herself like that could be turned down by anyone of either sex, ever.

Suzanne was sold on the idea. She figured Brenda had been teased enough, and it was time for Alan to solidify his hold over the buxom newcomer via some direct sexual action between them. Perhaps not tonight, but in a few days, she could arrange for them to get together. She appealed to Susan with hope in her eyes.

However, Susan shook her head 'No'. She was still scowling, because she remained bothered by how Alan had praised Brenda's breasts more than her own.

Alan remained quiet, again deciding that discretion was the better part of valor. But he was certainly rooting for Brenda to get her way. He was tired, and his penis felt worn out, but he suspected that it would be able to rise to the occasion again if it was doing so for Brenda. The thrill of the new, augmented by the great desire that Brenda was expressing for him, would make all the difference.

So he was disappointed to hear Suzanne say (in deference to her best friend), "I guess not."

Suzanne herself was a bit disappointed at Susan's intransigence. She was aware that it wasn't exactly every day that one had a buxom multimillionaire basically begging to be a sex slave just to get some teenage cock.

"Oh, please!" Brenda dropped to her knees, bringing her hands back together in her begging pose.

Suzanne again looked hopefully to Susan and wiggled her eyebrows.

Susan was moved. She felt a special tingle seeing a beautiful, big-titted woman begging while naked and on her knees. But still, she responded by again shaking her head 'No.'

Brenda looked hopefully to Alan. He had watched all the non-verbal exchanges between Suzanne and his mother. He knew that if he gave in to his immediate desire, he'd probably have lots of fun with Brenda in the short term, but it would cause problems with his mother that he'd rather avoid. He remembered Suzanne's advice from earlier that evening about him needing to be clever and diplomatic if he wanted to keep his women from turning on each other, and they had a long-term strategy for Brenda that they needed to adhere to. So he too shook his head 'No'.

Suzanne was disappointed, but she realized that Susan's feelings came first. She explained to the still kneeling and begging Brenda, "Susan is going to see a psychologist about some things on Friday. We can discuss this after that happens, but no guarantees. It looks like she's upset about something. Maybe we've taken things too far too fast. Maybe it was some of the things that were said. Anyway, Alan will be gone all weekend on a hiking trip, so none of us will see him then in any case. Given that, next Wednesday really isn't so much of a delay. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he wants to fuck your tits and your face that night. That's something for you to look forward to during the next week."

Brenda bowed her head in disappointment, feeling total humiliation and defeat. I've never begged anyone for anything before. I'm rich, I'm charming, I'm extremely beautiful. I'm the one everyone tries to please! And yet when I beg to be permitted to perform these degrading, debauched sex acts with him, he still tells me NO!

What a man! Good God, I want him even more than ever! I can't wait until next week! I need to be dominated. I need Alan to show me my place. Everyone else is too chicken. No one else will do!

Slowly and sadly, she got back on her feet, picked up her skimpy outfit and overcoat, and prepared to dress and return home.

She looked forlornly at Alan. Her pussy and nipples tingled just from looking at him. He's the man! He's the one with the magic touch. Look how effortlessly he's brought out my buried submissiveness. He's made me realize who I really am, deep down inside. I hardly know him from Adam, but I'm sure that I need him more than I've ever needed anyone before! If I have to wait, I'll just have to wait.

However, Suzanne was too turned on to just let Brenda leave that easily. She figured it was still possible for everyone remaining to have some more sexy fun, if she ably finessed the situation. She said, "Before you go, now that you know our sexual traditions, you have to follow them all. Another tradition we have is that whenever anyone comes or goes in this house, they have to French kiss each other hello or goodbye. It's only polite. I'm afraid, for your sake, that that includes women with women."

Susan was miffed by that, but thought, Damn! I just wish Brenda would leave already, and take her grossly oversized breasts with her. But Suzanne's right, and a rule's a rule. I can't really object to the kissing rule any more than I can object to the fact that Tiger has total say over what I can or can't wear.

One thing Susan had failed to mention to Brenda was the new "kissing tradition," out of her embarrassment over her own enthusiasm for it. So Brenda was taken by completely surprise when Suzanne leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Brenda reflexively tried to pull away, but Suzanne grabbed her by the back of the head and forced her to keep kissing.

Eventually, Brenda opened her mouth to Suzanne's probing tongue, then even put her own tongue in Suzanne's mouth and half-heartedly kissed back. Only then did Suzanne release Brenda's head, relocating her hands to Brenda's butt and pulling the two of them even closer together.

Brenda couldn't do anything with her hands because they were full of all the clothes she'd been about to put back on. This frustrated her immensely. At first, she wanted to use her hands to push Suzanne away. But Suzanne was a very talented kisser, and Brenda's resistance to any sexual advances had been obliterated over the course of the evening. As the kiss went on, Brenda grew increasingly tempted to use her hands to touch and caress. However, she still had a tiny shred of resistance left to something as shocking as woman-on-woman intimacy, and she continued to fight the urge to participate fully.please visit panda-:)ษดแดแด แด‡1.co)m

Suzanne finally released Brenda from their long kiss. She pulled back and said, "I thought you said that you'd be good, and that you'd do anything. If you want me to even consider you being invited back here before next Wednesday, then I expect a better kiss than that."

Brenda was shamefaced and red as a beet. She was certain that everyone there clearly recalled her earlier demand that she not participate in lesbian contact. Even so, she meekly said, "I'll be good... for Alan. I'll do it for him. Let me try again." She glanced at him briefly, which only increased her humiliation, especially since he was in his T-shirt and shorts again and she and Suzanne were totally nude. She quickly turned away and raised her mouth again to meet Suzanne's.

Suzanne moved in closer, tilting her head down for another kiss.

Alan wanted to see a hotter kiss, and he realized that Brenda was constrained by all the clothes in her hands. So, at the last moment, he stepped forward and took them away from her. Then he put them on a distant table so they wouldn't be a bother to anyone.

This time, Brenda did her best to kiss Suzanne back. She tried to imagine that she was kissing Alan, which worked wonders for her enthusiasm. In fact, before long, she was kissing like a woman completely in lust. That wasn't actually far off the mark, because she was still coasting on the aftermath of her many orgasms earlier that evening. Now that she'd given in to her feelings instead of fighting them, she couldn't do enough to show Alan that she was worthy of him.

Brenda was now completely naked, with her hands free. There was nothing stopping Suzanne from giving in to her desire to grapple and grope Brenda's tits. However, she felt intimidated by the way a very stern-looking Susan was staring at her, she limited herself to just a few gropes of Brenda's bountiful melons, hoping that she could pass that off as incidental contact.

But Susan wasn't as upset as she appeared. She'd been watching and was sexually aroused by what she'd seen, despite her current huffy, jealous attitude. So, as the French kissing went on and on, she couldn't help but boast, "All of us busty ladies, we're nothing but Tiger's sex pets! If he wants us to kiss each other and rub out racks together, and more, then that's just what we've gotta do! We can't be selfish. What matters is what makes his cock stand straight and tall!"

That was exactly what Brenda needed to hear to let herself go fully. She thought, Alan's standing right here, watching us! I love the idea that we're kissing for him! Susan is so right! We're his big-titted sluts, his centerfold sex pets, forced to get all nasty and lesbian for his amusement! Gaawwwd, it makes me want to rub my body all over Suzanne's, clutch her ass cheeks, and generally go wild! For him!

However, while Brenda was fully into the kissing, she didn't do much with her hands. She wanted to, because Suzanne was that tempting and sexy. But although Susan had just said those encouraging words, Brenda didn't know if Susan's jealousy would resurface if she actually acted on them. She figured it was better to play it safe.

The second kiss between Brenda and Suzanne lasted several minutes. Susan and Alan simply stood nearby, watching. They made an odd-looking couple, with Alan looking presentable in his T-shirt and shorts while Susan was still completely naked but for her high heels. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders as they enjoyed watching the other two kiss.

Susan thought, That Brenda. I don't know what to do with her. She's my friend now, so I should be nicer to her, but her tits are just too big! She's too cute and sexy. I suppose she's going to be in our lives from now on, and after what happened tonight, I suppose it's a given that she's been fully tamed by my handsome son. I'll have to put my foot down and be a little mean or she'll try to be here every darn day!

As she watched the kissing continue, she thought, Boy, they're sure taking a long time for just a goodbye kiss. I guess it'll be my turn next. I don't know about kissing her like THAT. I'm sure Tiger will like it, and that's the main thing, but isn't she supposed to not like doing that kind of thing with women? It sure looks like she's liking it quite a lot. In fact, I believe she's trying to shove her tongue down Suzanne's throat!

It had been a good ten minutes since Alan's last climax, more than enough time for him to recover in the face of such great visual stimulation. When his dick revived, he just unzipped his shorts and exposed his erection. With Susan standing there, he knew that he didn't have to say or do anything more.

Sure enough, Susan heard the now-familiar sound of his zipper opening (which had become one of her favorite sounds), so she reached a hand around him and started to jack him off, acting almost automatically without much thought. Her only reaction was to turn and smile warmly in gratitude at being given the opportunity to touch and stroke his hot meat again.

With Alan's heads close to Susan's, he whispered to her, "Mom, I can tell you're feeling jealous about Brenda. Don't be, okay? Sure, she's very buxom and beautiful, but there's nobody on Earth I find more beautiful and arousing than you. Nobody! Okay, well, admittedly it's pretty much a tie between you and Aunt Suzy, and Sis and Aims are right up there too. But all four of you get me going more than Brenda does, to be honest. Yeah, size matters, but that's just one thing out of many."

She nodded.

However, he saw she was still looking moody as she stared at Brenda while idly pumping up and down on his boner, so he asked, "What if some really big-dicked guy who had lots of cum came along? Would you drop me for him?"

Susan whispered her reply as she kissed and licked the back of his neck, while her hand continued to pump his shaft almost on autopilot, "Never! Never in a million years!"

"Even if his dick is bigger and he shoots more cum, since you're implying that's all that matters, right?"

Susan came around to his side so she could make eye contact with him while still having a good view of Brenda and Suzanne. That move also put her in a better position to stroke his boner. "I get it. I understand your point, and it's a good one, in a way. But I still can't help but feel jealous, mostly because of what you said earlier about how much you love her huge rack. And look at how Suzanne is playing with them right now. They're irresistible! Since you made me one of your personal cocksuckers, my breasts have become an important part of my self-image. They give me such confidence! I never have to worry if I'll be attractive to you, or if I can arouse you. I don't want that to change just because you've got somebody with bigger ones."

Despite all of Susan's stroking, not to mention the extremely inspiring woman-on-woman kissing taking place right in front of him, Alan's dick was so worn out that she was having a hard time with it. It was stiff enough to stand up straight, but it wasn't as rock hard as usual. She scooted around a bit more until she was directly in front of him. Then she took his hands and brought them to her hefty melons. She moved them all around her breasts, in case he hadn't gotten the hint.

Sure enough, in a matter of seconds, his dick engorged fully as he began playing with her fantastic rack. She giggled. "See? See what I mean? These are my secret weapons. They always get you hard so I can get another yummy, spermy snack. I don't want them to seem just so-so, in comparison to Ms. Big Boobs there." She nodded darkly towards their guest.

He replied quietly as he tugged on her erect nipples, "Do you think I'll EVER get bored with these? Please! I love you so much. You have nothing to fear. I can't even begin to explain how much I appreciate you having Aunt Suzy teach you how to sashay, just to please me. I love you more than words can say. Try to be a little more compassionate towards Brenda, okay? I have a feeling she's having some kind of breakthrough understanding about herself and what she really needs."

"I'll try," Susan said sincerely. But she still wasn't ready to let Brenda suck or titfuck Alan, so she hoped that Brenda would go home before something like that happened.

Brenda had been so carried away by kissing Suzanne that she lost all track of time. Still, she'd been about to finally end the necking when she happened to catch sight of Susan stroking Alan's boner. She couldn't hear what they were saying since they were whispering, but just the sight was enough to supercharge her lusty desire. She channeled that passion into her kiss with Suzanne because that happened to be the only outlet available.

Suzanne also had been ready for the necking to end. But she could immediately sense Brenda going into some kind of ravenously horny mode, so she couldn't resist taking advantage.

Susan witnessed the energetic transformation. Oh dear! What are they up to? Look at the way Brenda is humping Suzanne's leg with her pussy all of a sudden. That looks VERY improper to me! And seeing their big racks grind and rub together like that... I would heartily disapprove except that I'm just too darn horny myself, what with this big fat cock in my hand and all. Mmmm! Stiff son-cock! Still, I don't like the way that Suzanne is sinking her fingers deep into Brenda's tit-flesh. Those breasts are just too big, if you ask me!

Not only was Brenda's reluctance gone, she pretty much lost any remaining control even to woman-on-woman intimacy as her lust fully took over. She got into sliding her huge tits against Suzanne's so much that it practically seemed like she was humping her. Since she was a fair deal shorter, she found while doing this that her face came very close to Suzanne's cleavage. As a result, at one point she stopped her all over body rubbing and tried to lick the sweat directly from Suzanne's deep tit valley. Sadly for her, her tongue couldn't quite reach.

Susan was greatly inspired by all that tit rubbing, possibly even more than Alan was, thanks to her newfound appreciation of big breasts. Her fingers relentlessly rubbed right on his sweet spot, since she knew that was her most orgasm-inducing move. She tilted her head to his, and whispered, "Tiger, just look at all that TIT! They can barely even kiss because their lips have trouble meeting with so darn much TIT in the way! Look at how Brenda is slipping and sliding up and down your Aunt Suzy just like my fingers are slipping and sliding all over your cock! Mmmm..."

He was puzzled at what had happened to her jealousy of Brenda, and especially of Brenda's breasts. But Susan had suddenly become so horny that her jealousy of the other women only increased her lust even more.

She continued breathlessly, "Does that turn you on? Because it sure as heck turns ME on! Look at how their hot, wet pussies grind together too!" She leaned in even closer, and licked his ear as she whispered right into it. "Son, those pussies belong to you! I predict that soon you'll be 'porking' them just as often as you please! But mostly, look at all that TIT! Gaawwwd, it's so HOT, how STACKED all your women are!"

Alan wanted to yell, "Mom, shut up!" because she was making him far too horny. He was grateful that she stopped talking after that, and just went back to quietly moaning and "mmmm"-ing while going through all the boner-stroking tricks and techniques that she knew.

The French kissing lasted so long that Suzanne eventually felt obliged to end it. She pulled back and said to Brenda, "Much better. Much. It was almost as if you meant it. Now, you have to kiss Susan."

Susan didn't expect that. She waved the suggestion off with her free hand. "No, really, you don't have to if you don't want to," she said to Brenda. "I'm very happily occupied over here." She didn't want to kiss someone who she still was feeling conflicted about, and she certainly didn't want to stop stroking Alan's cock now that she'd gotten it hot and hard.

Suzanne was stern with Susan, though. "What about the rules? You said we have to follow the rules. You can't just exclude yourself whenever you please."

Alan tried to help, whispered in his mother's ear, "Mom, you promised you'd try to be understanding with her. Do it for me? Please?"

"Oh, poo! ... Okay, I guess," Susan said doubtfully. She forced a smile, then said with more resolve as she looked at her son, "I'll try."

Brenda's body had aroused Susan in the past; for instance, she'd talked to Suzanne about Brenda's rack when the two of them first kissed each other. But this evening those same tits had put her into a jealous rage. So she was torn. She roused herself enough to say, "Brenda, kiss me," but it came out sounding halfhearted.

Brenda was now ready to do anything she was told, since kissing Suzanne so intensely had her extremely turned on all over again. She also hoped that she'd be able to get some of Alan's cum from Susan's face.

However, Susan had no intention of stopping her handjob. That forced Brenda to walk across the room to Susan and Alan. Then she leaned into Susan and did her best to kiss her.

Susan tried to retain her reluctance about Brenda, but with Alan's cock in her hand she was too horny to do anything but kiss with gusto.

During her entire kissing session with Suzanne, Brenda had kept her hands on Suzanne's backside. Even when she got frantically horny near the end, she'd wound up just fondling Suzanne's ass cheeks. It was true that her tits had slid all over Suzanne's, but she hadn't touched them with her hands even once.

Now that she was kissing Susan and the kiss was going well, she decided to do to Susan what she'd wanted to do with Suzanne, so she grasped Susan's naked tits with both hands. She was curious to feel boobs nearly as large as her own. However, she'd never fondled another woman similarly, and so was very tentative in her touch.

Brenda had to do virtually all the embracing because Susan never took her hand away from stroking Alan's shaft. Besides, Susan still had some resistance to Brenda due to her jealousy. Susan thought, Oh dear! Brenda is getting VERY frisky with me. I can't really complain about the way that her breasts are rubbing into mine, because we're both so stacked that it would be impossible to kiss like this without touching there. But does she have to grope me too, and even pull on my nipples? Does she have any idea what that does to me?!

I would complain, but I'm sure that Tiger is watching and loving it, and that's the main thing for us all. I can practically feel his excitement by the way his cock is throbbing in my hand! Mmmm! So wet! My hand is getting positively drenched from all his pre-cum!

Her hand started sliding faster and faster up and down his shaft. Look, Son! Look at your big-titted mommy kiss this boob-freak woman! Do you see our big tits mash together? Does that make you want to cum? Cum for me! Squirt your sperm! You know you wanna do it!

Brenda furtively tried to touch Alan's dick in mid-kiss, but Susan slapped her hand away. She also hoped to taste some of Alan's cum on Susan's face, so she kissed and licked around Susan's mouth as well as French kissing her. But Alan had mostly cum directly down Susan's throat, leaving nothing but the faintest trace of his cum on his mother's skin. Still, the fact that there was anything there at all made Brenda nearly delirious with desire.

At first Susan put some oomph into her kissing, but due to her conflicted feelings for Brenda she tended to focus more of her energy on fondling her son's boner in a variety of ways. Brenda was taking direction from Susan, so since Susan hadn't gone wild with the kissing, Brenda didn't either. As a result, their kiss didn't have nearly the same fire as Brenda's kiss with Suzanne, and so they ended it much sooner.

As Brenda recovered from the kiss, she stared at Susan's still-stroking hand and decided, Kissing a woman isn't so bad once you get used to it. I think I could grow to enjoy this, assuming that these two are going to make me do it a lot in the future. I think that's a safe assumption. I must admit that I love the fact that I'm helping make Alan's cock so stiff and aroused, at least indirectly, by helping to keep Susan horny. If only I could be the one holding it right now! Only I wouldn't just hold it; I'd drop to my knees, envelop its hot thickness in my cleavage, and lick the tip of it for good measure!

She also concluded, subconsciously, that fondling breasts felt pretty good. They were soft, pliable, and surprisingly fun to play with. Rubbing racks together was fun too, especially when their erect nipples "jousted" with each other. She started to understand why men had always been so keen on touching and playing with hers.

Brenda again moved toward the door, preparing to go, even though she was flustered, horny, and completely naked. The fact that she wasn't thinking straight due to her raging lust could be seen in the fact that her clothes were resting on a table on the other side of the room.

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