6 Times a Day

Chapter 609 Kath X Amy [DD SPONSORED]

I know i promised to publish yesterday, but i had an emergency work which i could not postpone thus delay. So much apologies.

here we go.


Drunk Dargon Special 🐉 [ 16 / 20 ]


"Sheesh! That Brenda is too much." Katherine was lying on Amy in the middle of Katherine's bed. They were both still naked after spending a long time shaving each other's pussies and "checking for bumps." Their dildos had gotten a lot of use as well.

"Yeah." Amy was feeling sleepy after her big orgasm a few minutes earlier. Her eyes were closed and she was in no mood to move or talk much.

Katherine was feeling sleepy as well, since she too was floating after a nice orgasm, but she was in a thoughtful mood. She was also very comfy, using Amy's 36Es as pillows. "She's kind of a freak. I swear, her boobs are bigger than my head! And not only that: she's curvy and cute all over. And did you see the way she just came and came and came? She's super orgasmic or something. On top of all that, she also has a really nice ass."

"Yeah, she's pretty hot," Amy agreed happily.

Katherine opened her eyes. "Amy! You're saying that like it's a good thing. It's not!"

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Amy kept her eyes closed, but asked, "It's not? Why not? Oh, and don't forget her nipples. She has, like, really long, puffy nipples. They're kinda extra sexy."

Katherine exhaled with exasperation at the nipples comment, and then exclaimed with urgency, "She's a threat! Can't you see that? She's just too ample and too endowed everywhere. And yeah, you're right, her nipples are damn annoying too. On top of that, she seems to be quite submissive. She's way too into Brother, if you ask me. It's bad enough competing with your mom and my mom and their huge racks and super sexy bodies, but throw Brenda in there too and we may never get another chance to play with his cock!"

Amy still wasn't concerned enough to open her eyes. "Nah. Mom - er, my mom that is, talked to me about it earlier, when she told me I could come to the party. She said that Brenda's only gonna come to these poker parties once a week, and no more. If that's all there is, then that's cool. Remember, Alan needs lots of varied stimulation for his medical condition. Mom keeps reminding me about that, and your mom does too, so it must be really important. Besides, I think Brenda's a hoot! She made the party a total blast with the way she was cumming all over the place!" She giggled happily.

Katherine groaned in frustration. "That's how it starts: a card game here, a dinner visit there. Turn around and the next thing you know, she'll practically be living with us! Did you see the way she was looking at him tonight? She's totally into him. Heck, she may even be in love with him!"

Amy opened her eyes, looking at Katherine, then shrugged. "Yeah, well, what can you do? Christine may be in love with him too. Kim is totally into him. Heck, even Janice and Joy are all into him now. But I'm cool with sharing. He's turned into, like, this super studly guy. It's kinda weird, but that's how it is. If I try to get all exclusive-y with him, I'm just gonna make myself frustrated."

"That's true," Katherine conceded. "And I'm cool with sharing too. But within limits!" She rolled off Amy, sat up on the bed next to her, then leaned against the wall. It was a bit difficult trying to hold this kind of conversation while lying naked on top of her friend.

Amy sat up also and leaned against the headboard. Seemingly not hearing the "within limits" comment, she smiled and said, "Sharing Alan's cock with you earlier today was way fun! Don't you think? I totally love sharing the licking. Even if you did get a little cock-hoggy." She dropped her head and looked at Katherine in a bashful way, as if she was afraid that she might have been too hurtful with that last comment.

"Awww." Katherine scooted over to her friend and wrapped an arm around her. As she pulled Amy in for a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, she said, "That's my bad. Totally my bad. I get jealous sometimes." She looked at her friend beseechingly. "Forgive me?"

"M'kay!" Amy not only lit up with a thousand-watt smile, she gave Katherine a very heartfelt return kiss, this one on the lips.

The two started to get into feeling each other up while necking, but Katherine eventually broke the lip-lock and said, "I love having fun with you, but let's talk for a little while first, okay? I feel like you and I are just kind of drifting along. We lack strategy."

"Strategy? Who needs strategy? I'm totally happy. My big plan was to get to be Alan's official girlfriend, so now that that's happened I'm cool. Cool beans in the blue jeans!"

Katherine thought, Geez, I wish Amy wasn't such an airhead. She's just too easy-going and easy to please. But then a thought hit her and she looked at Amy quizzically. "Plan? You had some kind of plan for that?"

Amy had a "deer in the headlights" look, but it passed quickly. "Er, no, I mean... just... I was psyched to have that happen, if you know what I mean. But why worry? Why worry about any of this scheme-y stuff? My mom has got it covered. She's always got some scheme-y plan or another in the works, and good things happen with each one. I don't quite know what her big scheme is this time, but it seems to lead to more and more super fun, so I say: go Mom! If we try to get all scheme-y, we could just get in the way of her scheme-y-ness, if you know what I mean."

Katherine thought about that. "I agree that your mom's got a knack for making things work out. And she clearly has a good thing going on. She hasn't really spelled it out to me, but she doesn't have to. Obviously she wants us to all end up fucking each other. You, me, my mom, her, and Brother."

Amy exclaimed, "I know! Isn't it cool? That's my... like, what I want to see too. We'll be one big, happy, fucky family!" She giggled.

Katherine giggled at that too. "Yeah we will. And we're most of the way there. And I'm totally cool with letting your mom do her magical scheming on that. She really does have a magic touch. And I guess if she thinks Brenda isn't a threat and won't be more than an occasional guest, I can deal with that." She sighed. She trusted Suzanne's judgment, but she also worried about Brenda. Now that Brenda knew about their incest, as well as the way things had gone down that night, it didn't seem likely she'd just remain on the fringes.

Amy said, "I don't want to butt in and stuff, but you're like my best friend. Can I be totally honest with you?"

Katherine squeezed Amy and kissed her on the nose. "Of course! I'd love it. We've been friends all our lives, but I want us to be even better friends than ever. Please be totally honest with me."

"Cool! I want that too. Bestest friends forever! Anyhoo, I think you're far too worried about the boobie thing. Yeah, sure, Brenda has boobies the size of small watermelons, but so what? Let Alan have a little fun with her and her super boobs. He doesn't love her like us, and he never will, 'cos she's a stranger. You and me, we know every last little thing about him, even down to which episodes of Gilligan's Island he's seen, 'cos we've watched most of 'em together."

"God, that's such a stupid show," Katherine complained.

"I know. But remember how much the three of us laughed? Brenda can't compete against that kind of long history. She's a total stranger, and when is he gonna have time to get to know her better? He's too busy. When you get right down to it, he's gonna want to be with the ones that he loves, and who love him back. That's us! You, me, and our moms!"

Katherine hugged Amy even tighter. "Thanks! That makes me feel soooo much better. I get all jealous. I have to admit I've been going through some particularly heavy jealousy surges today. But you're right. Your mom must have a plan. It's obviously a great plan which benefits us all. Alan loves US, not some physically-improbable super-boob woman whose last name he probably doesn't even know. Thanks again."

They kissed and caressed for a minute or two, basking in their love for each other.

But then Katherine said, "Even though that's all true, there was something I wanted to say about Aunt Suzy's scheming, and I still want to say it. She can only scheme about stuff she knows about. Her scheming lately is all about creating a new 'fucky' family here at home, which is great. But what about our school? She barely knows what goes on there, and important things are happening. Brother is surging!"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Surging?" Amy asked.

"Yeah. He's like a surging wave, a great big powerful wave. Remember that just a month ago he was a total virgin and didn't have a clue with girls. But every day at home he's having soooo much success with all of us that I think he figures he can do no wrong. So his confidence is surging, and girls love cocky guys. And because of the whole panties-painting thing, he's steadily working his way through the entire cheerleading squad. He's boning them all, even Heather!"

Amy giggled. "Yeah! Isn't it cool? Except for the Heather part."

"Well, it is cool," Katherine agreed, "except for the Heather part, of course. Although even that is impressive in its own way. I'm really proud of him. When I think about what a total sex stud my brother has become, it makes me really hot and bothered. But at the same time, we have to be careful."


"Yes! Come on - think about it, Amy. Your mom has things well in hand at home, I have to admit. Mostly, that's about getting my mom to give up her prudish ways and totally devote herself to Brother's cock. That's great; we all benefit from that - as long as she isn't too much of a cock hog, as you put it. But there's no strategy for school. What's Brother doing there? WHO is he doing? What's his plan? Does he have one? What's happening with him and Heather? Or him and Christine? Or him and Ms. Rhymer?"

"Ms. Rhymer?" Amy already knew that Alan was having sex with Glory, but she didn't let on.

"Yeah. You know, he's been crushing on her for at least two years. With the way he's surging sexually, there's no telling who he'll end up doing. Maybe even his history teacher! We've got stiff competition at school as well as here at home. I don't want to end up an also-ran, last on his list. There's only so much of him to go around. Even if he wants to do more, there's a physical limit to what any guy can do in a single day."

Amy smiled and said, "You are SO not an also-ran. You're too insecure. He totally loves you! You should see the look in his eyes when he looks at you. Can't you see it? It's total love! I wish he loved me half as much. I've got this big uphill fight just to get him to notice me half the time."

Katherine said, "No, I'm the one with the big uphill fight just to get him to notice me! You're his official girlfriend now. You've totally got it made!"

"No! You're his sister! You're the one who's got it made. This official girlfriend thing is great, but he could change his mind about that tomorrow. You'll never not be his sister!"

"That's true," Katherine admitted thoughtfully. Being reminded of that fact did make her feel a lot better.

Amy said dismissively, "You worry too much. Everything's going great. With the way things are happening here at home, you and I benefit big time. I can't tell you how super-duper psyched I am about how things are going here! And at school Alan's mainly all about the cheerleaders, and we benefit from that too. Like what's happening with Kim. Wouldn't it be cool if eventually he openly bones the entire squad? Like, totally open, no secrets from the other girls. Then we could totally have Alan-centered orgies right at school, under the guise of cheerleader practice! How cool would THAT be?"

"But Amy, that's never going to happen. Not with Heather there. She's like a snake! She'll ruin everything. Actually, it probably could work with you, if Brother could keep Heather in check somehow, but what about me? Remember the incest factor? To have Heather know that and hold it over our heads? No thanks!"

Amy frowned. "Oh yeah. That would be bad."

"Very bad!" Katherine huffed.

However, Amy's smile returned, and after a moment she said, "M'kay, so we can't always get everything we want, but I'm not worried. Things are going super great. Mother and Alan are both way smart, and they're gonna make sure everything works out. Before long, he'll be openly fucking both of us here at home, and maybe even at school too. Well, except for the 'openly' part. Oh, and I guess the incest thing is a problem."

"You think?" Katherine asked sarcastically.

Amy seemed oblivious to the sarcasm, and continued, "But at least we've got the thing with Kim at her house. I hope you will invite me to that next time. I'm totally loving all the sharing. I get psyched when he makes another conquest! It's like we're all a team, a growing team, bound together by him. It's all cool. Don't worry or stress. And don't be jealous!"

Now Katherine frowned. "Amy, you're far too trusting. Especially when there's someone like Heather in the picture. We can't just cross our fingers and hope everything'll work out."

Amy said, "M'kay, then. Take Heather. What are we supposed to do with her? She pushes you and me and the rest of the cheerleader squad around way easy. I'll admit she scares me! I totally don't know how to deal with girls like her. I just want everyone to be nice, and she's mean. But Alan seems to have some kind of special hold on her. So maybe we just need to let him work it out. If you get involved, it could draw attention to the whole incest-y thing."

Katherine sighed. "That's true, I guess. I just wish I could be more proactive. I mean, I want Brother to fuck lots of beautiful women. I'm proud to be his fuck toy, and a good fuck toy doesn't get jealous and doesn't try to be exclusive. But there's danger out there! Heather. Christine. Ms. Rhymer. Brenda. All these amazingly beautiful women he knows. They just might steal his heart! And there's too many of them. What if he starts getting involved with Christine, and decides to make HER his official girlfriend?"

Amy looked aghast. "He wouldn't do that, would he? He promised me!"

"No, he probably wouldn't," Katherine conceded. "He's good with his promises. But I wish you and I could control things like your mom does. Like, if he gets in trouble with someone, pull the strings behind the scenes and make it all better. Then he'd be so proud of us."

Amy said, "But my mom's great at all that. Heck, even with school stuff, if we tell her what the trouble is, she probably can fix it."

Katherine nodded. "Yeah. I guess. And I am going to talk to her soon about Heather, so hopefully she can fix that and get Brother to stay away from her."

"See? That'll work. Everything's cool," Amy said.

Katherine sighed. "I know. But... I just worry."

"Well, don't!" Amy said brightly, trying to cheer her up. "You know what? I feel all bumpy. I think we should check each other for bumps again, with our tongues! Just to be sure!" She giggled.

Katherine grinned. "Aims, whatever am I going to do with you?"

Amy joked, "I don't know, but I hope it involves a lot more bump checking."

They kissed some more, and then Katherine positioned herself above Amy as they moved into position for a sixty-nine.

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