6 Times a Day

Chapter 618 Loving Mom And Jealous Kath.!

Susan was about to leave, but Alan noticed her unconsciously fingering her ring finger. That caused him to look at the finger and notice the lack of a ring. He said, "Hey! Mom, what happened to your wedding ring?"

There was a long pause before she answered that, and her face turned sad. "Suzanne took it away from me tonight, just before Brenda got here. The meanie. She simply snatched it away!"

"Really? Whatever for? That seems so unlike her. Should I have a talk with her?"

"No, no, no. It's for the best. She was doing me a favor, actually. I've been meaning to for a while now, but I'm so stuck in my ways I couldn't get myself to do it."

She considered telling Alan about Ron's cheating, and maybe even his homosexuality, but she decided against it. She didn't want to ruin the mood, and she knew Alan had had a very, very eventful day already. So instead she vaguely stated, "My marriage to him is dead, and it's been dead for a long time now. I just didn't realize it until recently. More importantly, I belong to you now, Son!" She cuddled up closely to him.

They French kissed a little bit. Despite Alan's exhaustion, hearing his mother say "I belong to you now, Son" gave him an extra burst of energy.

As they kissed and cuddled, Susan thought some more about the newly revealed fact that Ron was gay. Suzanne definitely threw me for a loop there. But she's right that I must not have ever loved him, because not only did I not cry, but I've hardly thought about it all evening. In a way, it actually makes me feel better. Not only can I be a "virgin mommy," with my body for the exclusive personal use by my son, but I feel better about what happened in the past.

Thinking about being a "virgin mommy" made her so horny that she kissed with a sudden fervor, and that broke her train of thought for a minute or so.

But then she calmed down some, and continued her musings. I always felt like I was somehow inadequate. Why didn't Ron love me more? Why didn't he want to spend more time with me and the kids? Why was he always working overseas, and not even calling home very often? It was like there was this big gaping hole in my life, and in my marriage, and I didn't understand. Now I know it's not my fault! I did my best, I really did. In fact, I should get mad at Ron. So many wasted years! But he was a good father overall, and without him I wouldn't have my two darling loves, Tiger and Angel. So I can't get too mad.

The big question though is, should I tell them this latest news? Should I even tell Tiger right now? I know they know about Ron's cheating. That's good enough to justify the removal of my ring and the impending divorce. Do they need to know more? Ron will still want to have a role in their lives of some kind, and it's good if they can look up to him at least somewhat. It's not the homosexuality that will bother them, I think, it's all the deception. I mean, I can understand that he was pushed into the marriage by his parents, just like I was pushed into it by mine. I really can't blame him; it's just an unfortunate situation all around, mostly because both our sets of parents will barely even admit homosexuality exists! I'll bet he still wouldn't want to come out of the closet because his parents still wouldn't understand.

She sighed. She'd stopped kissing Alan by this time, and just cuddled and fondled him a little bit.

So what should I tell my children? Perhaps it's best to let Ron make the decision. I'll have to talk to Suzanne about it; she always gives great advice. But there's no reason I should rush and say anything to Tiger right now.

Out of the blue, she whispered, "Tiger, hold me!"

Alan was confused, because they already were cuddled together so close that they couldn't get any more intimate. But he guessed correctly that she was pondering serious issues, and he gave her several reassuring squeezes and then even more loving kisses.

She smiled at his loving efforts. Mmmm! Suzanne's right yet again, because all in all, if I had to do it all over again, I'd do it exactly the same just so I could have my two children exactly as they are. And Tiger - my lover, my man! Maybe it was all meant to be, just so I could wind up here, naked in my son's bed, lying in his arms. Mmmm! Is there any better place for a big-titted mommy to be? I don't think so! Hee-hee! Such a strong and yet soft and cuddly son. If only he wasn't so tired and had a nice stiffy. All these worries about my marriage could flee from my mind if I have a nice fat son-knob to suck on for a little while. Mmmm.

But I really should give him a break. He performed so impressively all day long, and the sooner we all get to sleep the sooner tomorrow morning will come. I can hardly wait to see what he'll make Angel and me do! But I'm sure he'll show both of us with his big fat cock just what's what and who's the man of the house around here. Hee-hee!

She licked her lips in hungry anticipation.

Then she said, "Good night, my cutie Tiger. I love you so much!"

His eyes had closed, but he opened them and said, "Love you too. Are you okay? Anything you want to talk about?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"No, I'm good. It's just that thinking about giving up my ring made me think about other things, and that kind of put me in a nostalgic mood. You get your rest, okay? I think you're gonna need it." She grinned and winked.

He shook his head with amusement. "You're probably right."

She kissed him back, picked up her T-shirt from the floor, and left the room.

After she left, he moaned out loud, "Ugh. If there's a higher power, please give me more strength so I can fully enjoy these best days of my life." He noted that he hadn't gotten hard again - his body was completely destroyed. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Just as Alan and Suzanne had been spied on by Susan earlier, now Katherine spied on Alan and Susan. Amy had returned to her house shortly after her conversation (and ensuing sixty-nine) with Katherine, so she'd missed hearing Alan and Suzanne having their anal sex climax, and everything after that.

Katherine certainly hadn't though. She tried to ignore all the screams coming from Alan's room and just go to sleep, but her resolve slowly wore down. She couldn't spy on Alan with Suzanne, since Susan had beaten her to it. But by the time, Susan had yelled "FUCK YOUR MOMMY!" Katherine already had her ear up against his door and was listening closely while frigging herself.

Katherine also wanted to start her own goodnight kiss tradition with Alan, but one thing after another seemed to stop her every night. This night she had been foiled again. She didn't just want a goodnight peck on the cheek; she wanted a vigorous all-over groping and necking, hopefully ending with a blowjob, or more.

She seriously considered waking him up once Susan left. But knowing everything he had been through, she took mercy on his weakened state and dejectedly returned to her room. At least now it was quiet enough for her to get to sleep.

Suzanne tried hard to believe that she was now back on top of things with Alan, and back in control in general. She credited this to her new, and at least temporarily exclusive, advantage of offering Alan anal sex, and partly to Xania's influence as the faux psychologist. But she was wrong on both counts.

As much as Alan had enjoyed the anal sex with Suzanne, he'd actually enjoyed the "goodnight kiss" with his mother afterwards even more. It wasn't necessarily any more sexually pleasurable, but it was more emotionally intense. Susan tended to let herself go in such situations; she completely surrendered to lust, loving him with all her heart and soul. The strength of her passion filled the room like a thick fog. He couldn't get enough of it.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Suzanne, while having the better sexual technique, still held back mentally as much as she could, even though that was turning into something of a losing battle. Ironically, she wasn't following her advice to Alan, to surrender fully to the moment. This restraint manifested itself in many ways. She tried to always guard her speech and actions to make sure they matched her dignity and pride.

For instance, Suzanne might have told Alan a story similar to Susan's branding beach fantasy if it was in the context of a made-up role-play. But she would never have admitted to honestly having such thoughts (and in fact she usually censored her fantasies to prevent herself from having politically-incorrect thoughts such as those).

Yet more and more, she did have similar thoughts, though they were buried deep down. While she didn't care about branding, per se, she had strange ideas that she couldn't comprehend. They often appeared in her dreams: Things she wanted to do with Amy. Things she wanted Alan to do to her. Demeaning things she wanted to do to Brenda. Perhaps most disturbingly, she felt increasing resentment and jealousy toward Susan.

She tried to bury these feelings even further down, especially the negative emotions towards her best friend. But living in denial dulled her usual cleverness. Behind her mask, she wasn't fully alert to her feelings, or the feelings of others.

In particular, Suzanne avoided thinking about her over-reaction to anal sex with Alan. She had been lonely for almost ten years, and only her close friendship with Susan, plus her connection with her kids and Susan's kids, saved her from complete isolation from the emotional intimacy she craved. Suzanne's constant affairs were her coping mechanism, but those affairs, and her stunning looks, made her a threat to other females and further increased her isolation, especially from other women her age.

Suzanne's affairs had ceased to be a sufficient distraction just as Alan reached his full growth. She'd told the truth in saying he had become the focus of her fantasies - that was in fact much truer than she admitted to herself. Her six-times-a-day scheme was devised to realize those fantasies.

And then Alan started to make them come true in ways that Suzanne never, ever expected, such as him getting sexually involved with ALL the high school's cheerleaders, and others too. He'd soared far, far above Suzanne's expectations in sheer sexual desirability, and that turned her on to a phenomenal degree. But when he said he loved her - her subconscious caught it even if her conscious mind didn't - together with the series of happy accidents that had brought them to where they all were, she was robbed of her self-control. Her desperate need for deep affection resurfaced, causing her to writhe like a love-sick girl rubbing herself against her first man. She even cried tears of joy, if only briefly.

She was losing control of the situation, letting her lusty and loving feelings take precedence over her strategic plans. But Suzanne's pride and dignity wouldn't let her admit any of this to herself, at least not yet.

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