6 Times a Day

Chapter 635 Fucking Gloria. ! [DD SPONSORED]

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Alan felt great with her hands around his boner, but he wanted to reciprocate. He remembered his recent vow to give as much as he received. He said, "Sister Gloria, thanks for trying to release my demon, but we also have your demon problem to contend with. I believe I was trying to find where the demon entered you. We'll have to examine your ass in a minute, but I think it's most likely he entered right here." He shoved a finger back up her pussy right as he said "here."

"Jesus wept!" she moaned. She appeared shy, worried, and uncontrollably aroused. The last part she didn't have to fake. "Not up there, so deep like that! Nobody's been up there, except Sister Heather!"

"Well then, while I'm doing this, tell me more about what you and Sister Heather have been up to. But before you start that, I'm afraid my demon is playing a little bit of hide and seek. Can you help?"

"Oh Father! It's the least I can do. What would you like?"

"Sometimes my demon likes to go on a little vacation over to my backside. He's tricky that way. So you should keep doing what you're doing on my member with one hand, and use your other to see if he's escaped up my asshole."

"If you say so, Father. You know best." She reached behind him and enthusiastically began to saw a finger into his butt.

"Yes. The Lord works in mysterious ways. If sometimes that means putting a finger up an ass, who are we to question the wisdom of His purposes? In fact, I think we'll find that in my ministry, starting from today, your body will be able to serve the Lord in a whole myriad of different ways."

"Blessed be His name."

"Yes. And blessed be your hands. In just a couple of minutes you've become very good at demon coaxing. The demon is bound to come out very soon if you keep it up like that, so you might want to slow down just a little bit."

She slowed down, not thinking that it went against her supposed desire to get the demon out. She wasn't thinking too clearly now that three of his fingers pumped furiously up her pussy.

He eventually got the conversation going again. "So? You and Sister Heather?"

"Oh yes. Father, each night she comes to my bed and we talk about you. We talk all about your member! She's always saying strange things, like how she wants to 'shove it up her box', whatever that means. She doesn't even own a box, as far as I know. And something about how she wants you to fill her 'pie hole with your man meat', even though we're all vegetarians at the nunnery. I don't quite understand her. But while we talk, she puts her fingers where you have them right now. And she makes me do the same thing to her. But she didn't mention anything about a demon... Oh!"

She cried out because he found her G-spot in earnest this time. Once he was sure of the treasure he'd found, he started to work it vigorously.

"She probably didn't want to make you feel bad for having a demon. She's very considerate."

Her nun persona suddenly dropped and her voice turned deadly serious. "Alan, just a sec. I want you to remember that what I'm saying is for your fantasy purposes only. In no way am interested in anything lesbian whatsoever, is that clear? If you put me in a sexual situation with the real Heather or anyone else for that matter, I am going to go ballistic. Do you fully understand that, young man?"

"Yes." Inwardly, he was crestfallen to hear this, but he resolved to respect her wishes. He figured either someone had lesbian tendencies or they didn't, and there was no way to force it.

"Okay then. I'm just showing you how I always go the extra mile to make you happy. Anything is possible in a fantasy, and I'm happy to do anything in a role-play for you. But not in real life with other people. I'd like to see Heather just try to keep up with me, because in real life, I'm sure she doesn't hold a candle to me, if I can say so myself. I also want to make damn clear that you need to keep doing exactly what you're doing to my G-spot."

She bent forward and started to lick the tip of his cock, even as both of her hands continued to stroke it.

He brought them back into the role-play. "Sister Gloria! What are you doing with your tongue there?"

"Sorry, Father. Sister Heather and I have talked a lot about doing this to you. I was thinking it wouldn't hurt in getting the demon out."

"Good point," he conceded with a feigned sigh of resignation. "I think the demon will definitely, uh, appreciate that. I mean, that'll inspire him to come out. It's just that you kind of surprised me there. Please carry on. What else have you and Heather done?"

"To be honest, I don't think she's over her fornicating ways. Not at all. She's always talking about the things she wants to do to you. Or the things I could do to you. Or what we could do to you together. Like, she keeps talking about 'cocksucking.' Whatever that is. 'Tag team cocksucking.' She likes that idea especially. And all the while, she's kissing me and touching me all over. It makes it so hard to find time to say my nightly prayers. Or my morning ones, for that matter. She's all over me whenever we're alone." She resumed licking.

"Sister, speaking of praying, please stay there on your knees as if in prayer, but scoot in closer to my possessed dick. Then you can continue with your tongue. I need to check if our dastardly demon has entered you through the rear. Like I mentioned, that's always a problem area."

As soon as she did as he'd asked, he thrust a finger up her ass.

Glory shrieked, "Oh Lord! Sister Heather does that to me too! She must be trying to rid me of my demon, after all. But what's this cocksucking she keeps talking about? I've been trying not to let on with her just how naΓ―ve I am with sexual matters. I've never even kissed a man!"

"Here. Instead of just licking my member, try swallowing the whole thing. Then tease it with your tongue inside your mouth. And then I'll explain to you what cocksucking is."

"Mmmph." She had a hard time replying coherently because she enthusiastically swallowed him even before he finished speaking. She was really worked up and sucked him off with every trick she knew. Because she was so good at deep throating, having learned to suppress her gag reflex, she could keep him in as deep as she wanted, at least until she had to breathe.

He just sat back and enjoyed it. She was so good that he couldn't even concentrate on anal probing, so he clenched her ass cheeks and held on for dear life as she overwhelmed his cock with incredible sensations.

"Sister, let's not be too hasty there - AH! You don't want the demon to come out too quickly or he'll uh, he'll, he'll splatter all over the back of your throat!"

Alan grabbed her head and forcefully pulled it away. It was touch and go, but he managed to hold back from cumming by flexing his PC muscle.

She also expertly grabbed his cock at the base and squeezed hard to stave off his climax.

They both fell back and took a breather. His erection slowly deflated to a half-hard state.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

As she lay there, chest still heaving with exhaustion, she playfully asked, "So, Father, what's this cocksucking thing I keep hearing about?"

He laughed at the irony. "It's hard to explain. I think it's better if I teach you. Why don't I come to your and Sister Heather's room tonight, and I'll teach both of you firsthand? That way, I can teach you what 'tag teaming' means as well. I don't think we can solve your demon problem right now. It's going to be a long and perilous road and take quite a while to solve. But with God on our side, we will defeat Satan eventually. Sister Heather obviously has her own sex demon, so I'm going to have to spend a lot of time on her problem too. Sometimes the only way to defeat such a creature is to sexually exhaust it, kind of like fighting fire with fire."

"Good idea. I'm sure Sister Heather will love it. But what about fucking?" Glory asked bluntly. "As long as you're in our room every night, couldn't you fuck us a little, too? I don't know what that word means, but Sister Heather talks about it all the time. She makes it sound like so much fun. She said that it feels 'heavenly,' so I'm sure the church must approve."

He physically crawled over Glory until his body completely covered hers. Back in his normal voice, he said, "Now, that's what I call a cocktease. If you're not willing to fuck me, you can't say things like that, okay? You're gonna make me hard again already."

She laughed joyfully. "And the problem with that is?"

"The problem is, I'm going to tickle you to death. Jesus! Can you give me more than one minute to recover, already?"

He started tickling her, and since he lay on top of her, she was fairly helpless. Soon he had her crying with joy amidst her laughter. But their energy quickly petered out and the two of them just lay there quietly for a while.

As he lay with his head resting on Glory's lap, he got to thinking about Glory and Heather together. God, I WISH Glory and Heather would tag team me. That would be awesome. But Glory seems pretty sincere about her distaste for anything lesbian. She's pointed that out a couple of times. She is most definitely an incredibly talented lover, but when it comes down to it, she's still an old fashioned kind of gal. I mean, she hardly even curses. Playing around with me, while knowing that I'm doing other women at the same time, that's a huge stretch for her. She's been low key about it so far and keeps hoping she can sexually wow me into dropping the others, but I can tell it's bothering her. No way would she be into a threesome of any kind.

But if that's true, then why did she introduce Heather into the fantasy? She could have gone in other directions that would have been equally arousing. And why Heather? She does teach her in another class and knows her reasonably well. Maybe, deep, deep down, she has a thing for Heather? Hell. Who wouldn't? Despite her blow-dried, fake-o, mean-spirited nature, she's like the living embodiment of the blonde Baywatch babe. I've been totally happy with Glory just alone, but she's put this tantalizing threesome idea in my head... In fact, now that I think about it, both Glory and Heather are blonde. I could get the "double blonde attack" thing going. Dang.

And is Glory really that old fashioned? She's so sexually adept. And she has this weird thing about spanking. Maybe she's totally wild, but just hides it well behind all her fancy clothes?

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|,сòМ Thinking about Heather got him to think about the cheerleaders in general. He said to Glory, "I'm really sorry about running off during lunch sometimes. But things kind of happened. You remember when I got caught with a girl by Mr. Jackson?"

"Remember? How could I forget? That was only two weeks ago."

"Two weeks? Are you kidding me? Really? God, it feels like two years ago to me. So much has happened since... But now I'm in a situation with a girl who has some lunchtime expectations of me, and I don't know how to tell her no. So I've been trying my best to juggle." Alan figured that was close enough to the truth to not be a lie.

"Oh, you must be suffering," Glory teased. "It must be just horrible." She assumed he was now talking about Heather. She asked with more concern, "So is that who you spent the first half of this lunch with?"

He replied, "To be honest, I spent it hanging out and eating with some male friends. I said that to hurt you for yesterday. I'm sorry."

"So it's just little old me for you at school today? Oh goody." Her voice was half sarcastic and half genuinely happy.

"Uhhh... Well, that's not entirely true. Glory, I consider you more than just a lover; you're a best friend. So I have to be honest when it might seem mean. I want you to know that, speaking of Heather, I'll be meeting her after school, in, uh, a sexual kind of context."

"Ugh!" She groaned. "God dammit! That bitch! You're having sex with that evil skank?!"

"Uh, yeah." He blushed. He knew that Heather wouldn't be the only cheerleader there, but he figured it would be best to break the truth to Glory a little bit at a time.

"You're too much, really. Whatever am I going to do with you, young man? I pretty much figured it out from the role-play, that's why I brought her up, to see your reaction. But to be told for certain - it's soul crushing. The only reason I'm not more pissed is because I KNOW I'm going to get you to see the light that so much as touching her is the height of folly. Don't be fooled by her all-American, blue-eyed blonde looks. She's poison."

"Hey. I really would prefer to be with you. Really. With the exception of a couple of silly crushes, you're my first real love. You always come first. In fact, I moved the meeting to after school instead of now because I wanted to be with you."

"Whoop-de-do." She was peeved at him for being with Heather, but she was also still very aroused. She knew in the back of her mind that she'd be a lot more angry about it later, after she'd had another climax or two. They'd have to talk seriously about it before long, but now was not the time.

He was of a similar mind to change the topic. "Never mind about that. Let's have some fun."

They still tenuously kept the fantasy going, but they were more into doing and less into talking now. Within minutes, he found himself dry humping her between her thighs. That had been so much fun the one time before she'd allowed him to do it that he just had to do it again.

But as he slipped his cock between her slicked up thighs, he thought, Why I am just dry humping her? Why can't I be fucking her? Everyone keeps saying I need to be more aggressive. Glory wants me to fuck her bad; yesterday she all but promised that we'd be doing it soon when she promised to do "anything" to make up for the shock she gave me. So why are we waiting around? Accidents happen. Why don't I just slip it in? She gave me the shock of my life yesterday; it's only fair play if I give her a big surprise.

I could ask her about it and get her permission. That would be the old Alan. We'd talk and talk and the passion would fall away. Yesterday she agreed we could fuck in so many words, so it's not like I would be violating her. She just said she wanted to wait a bit until we could do it right with a really special occasion. Well, we'll do that too. This is a pretty special role-play in its own way. Right now I can't control myself. All this fucking teasing! And then more at home. I'm never allowed to actually fuck anybody, it seems.

This dry humping is great, but it's also absolute torture to be so close and yet so far. Screw being polite and considerate! She tortured me with the whole Michelle thing yesterday anyways. It's time for the new Alan to assert himself!

He plowed in and out of her thighs like a rocking see saw. He reached down, grabbed his erection, and repositioned it at the entrance of her pussy.

She just thought he was having another strategic break so he could keep going.

But within seconds, he thrust forward again. Her pussy was so wet that his cock slid in effortlessly all the way to the hilt.

"Alan!" she cried frantically. "Young man! That's the wrong spot! That's my pussy!"

"I know." He made a long pull almost all the way out, and she thought he would vacate it. But then he slowly pushed all the way back in. He thought, anxiously, Too late to stop now!

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