6 Times a Day

Chapter 637 Suzanne Meets Xania [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏSorry for the Delay everyone, Had an Emergency so couldn't Post Yesterday.

Here you go.

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Suzanne was pleased at how quickly she made it through the Orange County traffic to Los Angeles.

She'd called up Xania as soon as she'd left to explain that she was going to be late, and they wound up talking on the phone the entire way there. She was concerned that Xania wouldn't come across as a credible psychologist. Tricking Susan would be easy, since Susan was so trusting, as well as unknowledgeable about psychology. But the plan was to have Xania talk to Alan and Katherine too, and they were both more savvy and more knowledgeable.

Suzanne knew at least a little about many things, so as she sped along in her silver Mazda she started to consider what aspects of psychology she should discuss with Xania.

But she didn't get far before Xania just laughed. "Hey, don't stress. I know all that stuff already. Don't forget that my degree was in psychology. Even though that was a long time ago, I still remember a lot of it. Freud, Jung, Skinner, Pavlov... I know all the guys and the basics of their theories."

"That's a relief. I'm worried that I'm rushing this far too quickly. What do you know exactly, and how do you know it?"

"You forget, I live in L.A. and I've long worked in the movie industry. Everybody who's anybody has a shrink, and people luuuuve to talk about their psychoanalytical bullshit. Having a shrink is a status symbol, like having a big pool or a yacht. But not only that, remember that I'm not just a pretty face. I went to the same college as you did, for starters; I even ended up with a degree in psychology."

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ Suzanne was more than a little astonished. "REALLY?! When did that happen?"

"Oh, it was long after we split. I haven't done much with the degree, but the knowledge has come in handy for my acting. And as a refresher I even checked a couple of books out of the library yesterday and spent all evening reading them. I take this seriously, just like an improv acting role, and that means doing my prep work so I can roll with the punches."

"Good!" But just to be sure, Suzanne asked Xania some detailed questions to make sure Xania really knew something.

When she realized that Xania did, she switched topics, and spent the rest of the ride explaining the issues Susan, Katherine, and Alan would likely want to discuss with her, as well as giving suggestions on how she should respond.

Suzanne was pleasantly surprised at how quickly Xania caught on and remembered what she said. But the one hour drive wasn't nearly enough time to explain everything. However, she had to put that aside for now, because her main purpose in coming to L.A. in the flesh was to set up the phony office that Xania would be using.

Suzanne had rented a fully furnished office on a very short term basis, just so it could be used by Xania for a single day. But Suzanne had only seen pictures of it, and she had to make sure it had all the little touches, from the right reference books on the shelves to convincing faked diplomas on the walls. She had to take care of all that today or else, since the appointment was tomorrow.

Xania explained that she was already in the office and working on making it more "homey." So Suzanne drove straight there.

A few minutes later, Suzanne was knocking at the office door.

Xania answered it. "Heeeyyyy! Suzanne! Long time no see. Come on in!" She pulled Suzanne in and closed the door behind her.

Suzanne had been planning on giving Xania a very friendly kiss and a hug, but that was forgotten when she saw the room. "Wow! This looks like everything's in place and ready to go."

Xania was all smiles. "This is just the waiting room. Check out the inner office!" She grabbed Suzanne's hand and pulled her to the other room.

Suzanne's jaw dropped. "Good God! This looks exactly like..."

Xania finished for her, "A psychologist's office. I know. Check it out!"

Suzanne walked around with wide-eyed wonder, closely examining everything she saw. She froze when she got to a diploma framed and hanging on the wall. "Hey! This is your name! It looks... perfect!"

Xania chuckled with glee. "Pretty good, eh? It's amazing what you can do with Photoshop and a really good color laser printer at a print shop."

"Wow!" Suzanne examined the diploma even closer. "This is great. I tried making one yesterday, but mine doesn't look as good as yours."

"One?" Xania scoffed playfully. She waved her hand at more diplomas down the wall. "Check it out. There's my undergrad degree - in fact, that's a copy of my real psychology degree, though I changed the last name to match the one I'm using tomorrow. Over there I've given myself a master's degree, and another master's degree. And that's my PhD certificate that you're holding in your hand. Since we're faking it anyway, I decided to give myself a lot of degrees."

Suzanne stared at her in amazement. "Incredible! I could kiss you! This is gonna save us so much time. And look, you installed a computer. And a bookshelf full of books!" After putting the phony PhD certificate back on the wall, she rushed to the bookshelf and examined the books. "Good God! These books are perfect! Where did you get these?! How did you do all this already?! The only thing missing is some of the furniture."

Xania smiled from ear to ear. "A lot of those books actually are mine, left over from my college days. Am I a good friend or what? I happen to live near here, as you well know, and I wanted to get everything set up so we'd have time to reconnect. And I guess I wanted to impress you a little bit. It helps that you're late. And, as for the furniture, I held off with the stuff that you told me you were renting."

Suzanne rushed to Xania and gave her a big hug. "You rock! Frankly, I've been more than a little worried that I've been losing my mind, thinking that I could pull this off with such short notice. But you have me convinced." She took a close look at Xania's face and outfit for the first time since she'd arrived. "And your look! Your glasses! You look so academic. Don't tell me you really need those?"

Xania laughed. "No. I know we're getting older, but thank God I've still got my vision." She grabbed the frames of her glasses and wiggled them playfully. "But I like 'em. I think they make me look smart but sexy too."

Suzanne exclaimed, "That's because you ARE smart and sexy! I said I'm so happy that I could kiss you, and now I will!" Since she was already holding Xania in her arms, they soon were kissing passionately.

β€” β€” β€”

An hour or so later, Suzanne was still in Xania's new "office." They were both sweating as they arranged the heavy furniture in the office, solely for the meeting Xania would have with the Plummers the next day. She knew that she'd have to return a few days later when the furniture rental store came to pick up her props, just before the week's lease of the office would be up. It was a lot of work and a lot of money just to fabricate one "doctor's appointment".

Suzanne plopped herself down on the couch they'd just moved in. She was sweaty and exhausted. "That's the last of it, Xania. Thanks a lot for all your hard work."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Xania answered, "Anything for an old friend. Actually, I really look forward to it. This is like a big adventure."

"Believe me, you'll enjoy it. Especially what you're going to do with Alan. But remember, that's a side issue. The main reason for all of this is Susan. She's your main target."

Xania plopped down on the sofa next to Suzanne and made herself comfortable. She could feel another lecture coming on. Suzanne had talked practically nonstop all day and the day before as they made all their arrangements. By now, Xania felt she knew Susan and her two children inside and out, but Suzanne constantly repeated herself because she wanted everything to go perfectly.

"Let's review," Suzanne said as she wiped the sweat off of her forehead. "The most important thing is..." Her voice dropped away so Xania could complete the sentence.

"To get Susan to want to fuck her children," Xania dutifully replied. But she went on, "I know. But, if I may ask, why is that such a big deal? Why not just let whatever happens happen? I mean, don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you violating her trust with this whole office scheme?"

Suzanne laughed, a little bit bitterly. "Thanks for bringing this up now, now that everything has been arranged. Look. This is what's best for everyone. I'm not being selfish here. This is what Susan wants and needs. She needs to fuck her son like she needs to breathe air; she just doesn't fully admit it to herself yet. You should see how she is; time is of the essence. She's so worked up about it that she doesn't know if she's coming or going. And I mean that literally! If you can help her come to peace with this inevitable decision, it'll help her so much. And Alan will be loving life, and Katherine will be joining in and loving it... Everyone will be living in heaven on Earth if we can just break down her last reservations."

Xania asked, "But isn't the fact that she's even considering incest all your doing in the first place? Didn't you put that bug in her ear from the very beginning?"

"Yes, but like I said, it's all very necessary. The whole family has never been happier. She's never been happier. It's win-win for everyone."

"I thought you just said she doesn't know if she's coming or going."

"True, but that's just because she's so blissed out on pure happiness. Trust me. I'm her best friend. I'm thinking only of what benefits her, and what'll benefit her whole family. You should have seen how frigid and prudish she used to be. It was almost comical, especially given that I've been her best friend all this time. She's like a flower in bloom now. And yes, of course I'm going to benefit, big time. I'll be having sex with all of them, and it'll be one non-stop orgy. But that just shows that good things come to those who help others."

Xania chuckled. "Just like you and me, eh? I'm doing a good deed, and you're going to make sure that I'm rewarded. And then, in turn, you're going to be rewarded for helping me."

"Yes. I'd fuck you right now, just like the old days. But it'll be all that much sweeter if it's a victory fuck to celebrate our successful conversion of Susan into the world of total sexual freedom. You'll love when I lick you, I'll love when you lick me - everyone benefits. Another win-win!"

Xania leaned in closer and wrapped her arms around her college friend. "There's no reason why we can't fuck now AND fuck later. I'm game if you are." She kissed Suzanne on the lips.

Suzanne kissed back, but only briefly before pulling away. "Now, now, Xania. Hold on. As much as I enjoy that, good things come to those who wait. If there's anything I've learned in these past weeks, it's how a prize is all the sweeter when you have to wait for it. Not only that, but if you and I get started on each other, we won't get anything done. We would just fuck non-stop on every piece of furniture in here until we drop of exhaustion."

Xania rolled her eyes. "That's some kind of bad thing? I'll tell you, Suzanne. Responsibility. Who needs it?" Then she got serious again. "Let's get back to Susan. Something about this just doesn't sit right with me. Putting your words in my mouth and having me say, 'Trust Suzanne. She knows what's best for you.' I don't know. That's weird. It's not too late to change your mind. At least make the advice I'm going to give her more neutral."

Suzanne rationalized to herself, Xania is right, of course. It is immoral. But I've dug myself in a hole and this is the only way out. If I don't do this right, Susan will go and find a real psychologist and the shit'll hit the fan. This has to be a one-time bending of my ethics, for a good cause.

Suzanne grabbed Xania and looked her in the eye. "Trust me. You know me. I haven't changed much over the years. My methods are strange, but have I ever hurt anyone with my schemes? No. Susan is a pure, good person and not all jaded and bitter like myself. I place her interests over my own because she has more trouble fending for herself. I would never, ever do anything to hurt her!"

"Okay, okay. You know I'll help. I told you I'm looking forward to it, and I am. I just want to be absolutely sure that you know what you're doing. I mean, incest! This is serious stuff you're having Susan get into, even if her kids are adopted. There's legal stuff to worry about, if anyone ever gets caught. Isn't there?"

Suzanne responded, "Don't worry. I've got it all figured out. Now, let's finish up here as fast as we can. Then I have to rush back in time for dinner. I do have responsibilities. They make things go."

Suzanne pondered what preparations she might have forgotten, then snapped her fingers as something important came to mind. "A-ha! Here's another important issue. What are you going to wear? It needs to be very formal and professional, so you can come across as believable. But it also has to be very sexy, so you can titillate and intrigue Alan. I know you don't usually wear that kind of thing, so I suppose we should go shopping."

"Hold your horses. I have just the thing." Xania was wearing casual clothes, but she started walking away, saying, "You stay right here while I change in the next room."

"I can't wait!"

Xania came back a couple of minutes later in a dramatic red power suit. It was very closely fitted, looking both sexy and professional. She pirouetted, proudly posing with a big grin.

Suzanne had been sitting, but when she saw that she stood up and clapped. "Excellent! That's perfect! You're full of surprises today. Where'd you get that?"

Xania explained, "You were right that I don't normally wear this kind of thing, but one perk of being in movies, even though I was far from a star, is that I got to keep some of the clothes that had been custom fitted to me. This one is from an 'Animal House'-like movie called 'Those Wild, Crazy College Days.' I played the apparently stern but secretly very lusty school librarian."

Suzanne was really pleased, and it showed. "That's soooo perfect! Alan won't be able to resist you in that. And I love that movie title. It sounds like a movie they could have made about OUR college days."

Xania replied, "Our movie would have been X-rated for sure. In that one, all they did was flash T and A. The dialogue was sub-par and the plot was worse. Besides, my role wasn't very big."

"Hmmm. Still, I'd be curious to watch it one of these days, if only to see your nude scenes."

Xania grinned widely. "There is that." Then she left the room to change back to her casual clothes, since the suit was too tight to wear while moving furniture and doing other heavy work.

Once Xania had changed, Suzanne asked, "What's still on the to-do list?"

Xania looked around and shrugged. "To be honest? Pretty much... nothing. About the only thing is if you have more advice on how I should behave and what I should say. But I think I have that pretty well covered too. I really busted my ass to get everything done so you and I could spend some quality time together. I've missed you."

Suzanne smiled, and gave her a big hug. "I missed you too. Let's sit down and get comfy. I have a confession to get off my chest."

"A confession? Oooh! Sounds juicy." Xania led Suzanne to a couch.

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