6 Times a Day

Chapter 639 A Littlle Game.[DD SPONSORED]

๏ปฟDrunk Dargon Special ๐Ÿ‰ [ 8 / 10 ] 3K


Alan made it out of Glory's class at the end of fifth period without anyone suspecting.

By the end of the class, Glory had fully regained her wits. She rushed her students out the door, pretending that she wanted to be alone to call her "pregnant best friend" again. She checked to see if the coast was clear in the hallway and then hustled Alan out at the right moment.

They only spoke briefly, as both knew they'd have plenty of time to talk later. She just whispered to him as she guided him to the door, "And to think, I protested when you started fucking me! I think you'll need to spank me soon to punish me for my bad attitude. See ya!" She winked playfully at him.

He found himself outside the door, in the busy hallway. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the light.

He staggered down the hall in a daze, amazed at how surreal it all was. As if holding my breath for an hour in a closet and trying not to fall asleep wasn't weird enough, she has to leave me with that arousing spanking thought. I should spank her just for that! Now I'm going to have to go to my tennis class with another boner. But I guess there's nothing unusual about that. I think if the Guinness Book of World Records had a category for most constantly sexually aroused kid of all time, my picture would be in there.

He sighed with both glee and frustration and kept walking to his next class.

He hadn't gone more than a few steps when Amy bounded up to him. "Alan!" she said joyfully, as she practically jumped into his arms and covered his face with a series of quick pecks. She was the epitome of happiness, even more so than usual. She'd been walking on air all through the school day ever since word had gotten out at school the day before that she and Alan were boyfriend and girlfriend. She particularly loved telling people that the rumors were true. To unexpectedly run into Alan made life just that much sweeter for her.

But, just as quickly, she pulled away and said more quietly, "Beau, I'm meeting some friends just around the corner. Check it out!" Then she skipped off.

Alan stood for a minute to ponder the issue of P.D.A. - public displays of affection. He had never had a girlfriend before, so Amy's unexpected kisses in the school hallway felt strange. He wasn't complaining though. After all, he had told Amy that one of the perks of being his "official girlfriend" was that she could get away with public displays, while the others couldn't.

However, it occurred to him that he and Amy would have to talk things over to make sure that neither of them went too far with P.D.A. No doubt she was eager to all but fuck him in the school hallways when she saw him, so it was up to him to set the boundaries. Just like with Sis, I've got to be the responsible one.

He belatedly made his way around the corner and saw Amy some distance away, standing in the middle of a cluster of girls. She was the most attractive, but the others were quite pretty, too. She talked with great animation and glee, as usual, and he wondered why she wanted him to see this discussion in particular. It was too far for him to hear what she was saying to the others, but then she started to gesture with her hands.

Alan's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Amy's hands flew back and forth in front of her in what could only be a demonstration of her handjob techniques. Clearly she was showing the others just what she did to her new boyfriend, and just how she did it.

Then, as if that wasn't enough, she held a hand in front of her face, as if to grip an invisible penis, and began to mime her cocksucking technique. Her face was one of near rapture. The other girls all looked on with excitement and envy.

Alan peeked around the hall corner like a bad spy, not hiding himself that well.

Amy suddenly turned his way, and smiled and waved with the hand not holding the imaginary penis.

He instantly turned red as a beet.

The girls saw him and broke into very embarrassed giggles.

He awkwardly waved to the crowd of girls, and then fled down the hallway where he'd just come from, even though his class was in the other direction.

As he walked a longer route to his tennis class, he thought, Dang. There's been this rising interest in me from the girls at this school, as I've become this increasingly sexy and mature guy in recent weeks but no one knew why. I've become the "mystery guy." People are asking, "Who is he going with, and what are they doing?" But now Amy is touting my sexual skills like some kind of carnival barker. I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but the attention is only going to increase, and I already have more great women in my life than I can possibly handle. This is crazy! I know Amy means well, but I've got a very bad feeling about this.

Reality intruded on Alan's life as he had to play tennis for an hour.

But then he had his "appointment" with the cheerleaders after school. He was almost afraid to go into the theater room when school ended. He wondered just what kind of bizarreness he'd face next.

The only thing he knew was that he had to finish off Janice's painting job, as he'd never gotten around to painting her most private places the day before. He didn't know who would be there, though he expected to see Janice, Joy, and Heather, just like last time.

But to his surprise, when he arrived Joy wasn't there and Amy was. (Katherine, of course, was missing, as she wanted to avoid any sexual situation with the other cheerleaders where her incestuous relationship with Alan might get accidentally exposed.)

Alan was let in by Heather.

She seemed to be in a surly mood, as was Janice, no doubt from their continuing feud with each other. It appeared the two of them had reached some kind of truce so they could (barely) tolerate each other, in order to get through their cheerleading practices. But both of them radiated hatred for each other.

It occurred to Alan that his arrival probably greatly inflamed the situation, as the two of them would be competing for his attention.

ฯฮฑะฟdฮฑ ะ™แดฮฝรช|(ัรฒm) Amy, on the other hand, was living on a different planet - a very happy planet. She seemed to be totally oblivious to the ill feelings that filled the room. Heather had opened the door for Alan, but it was Amy he greeted as she tackled him with a big hug the second the door was opened.

"My love!" she cried with joy, like she'd been separated from him for months.

Heather grudgingly closed the door, which allowed Amy to throw off whatever restraints she might have and kiss Alan in an all-out body grope.

As Alan French kissed his new girlfriend, he briefly pondered her words. "My love." There's that phrase again. This can't be good, if both Glory and Amy see me as their one true love. And then, of course, Sis feels the same way. And let's not even talk about Mom. Or Aunt Suzy. Holy fuck! Too many women, and I love them all. This keeps building and building, and it's bound to explode sooner or later. He sighed, even as he continued to kiss and caress.

He gave in and let himself enjoy the French kissing for a bit, until Heather said in a nasty tone, "My, my. The two little lovebirds sure do love each other. But I didn't come here to watch you two make out."

Alan broke away from Amy and regarded Heather. Heather was dressed in her street clothes, as was Amy and Janice.

Heather glared at him icily and stiffly, while Janice was in a similar stance, except she glared at Heather instead.

"Nice to see you too, Heather," Alan said with a touch of sarcasm.

He'd managed to open Amy's top and take off her bra during the grope, and now he idly fondled her bare tits, making her squirm and moan. He knew that it was easier to deal with Heather when she was aroused, and he also knew the bisexual Heather would enjoy his fondling of Amy's ample rack. For some reason, he had no lack of confidence when doing this kind of thing around the imposing Heather.

In a kinder tone, he turned to Janice and greeted her.

Janice said hello and smiled back, but it looked forced. She obviously was trying her best, but she was in a sour mood already.please visit panda-:)ษดแดแด แด‡1.co)m

Although it was the end of school, Alan felt rushed because, frankly, he couldn't wait to go home and have fun with Susan and whoever else happened to be there. Now that he'd had double blowjobs twice the day before, he was eager to see what other new combinations and surprises there were. He also felt bad about Susan waiting for him. He knew she pretty much counted the minutes after school let out.

He thought, Wow, what does it say that I'd rather be at home alone with Mom than play around with literally half the cheerleading squad? Yes, Mom is that beautiful and sexy. Not to mention an awesome cocksucker! And if Aunt Suzy is there and they want to "help me" at the same time... Wow! But still, I've got a job to do here, and it should be pretty fun. Besides, Mom is so generally good-natured and tolerant that I have a little bit of time to play with before she starts to get too antsy.

Staring at both Heather and Janice, he said, "Before we get started, we need to straighten something out here. Just what the hell is the burr up your butts, you two? I'm not going to do anything until we get this out in the open and resolved."

He paused, but neither said a word. So he crossed his arms and goaded, "Well? I'm waiting."

The two remained silent and looked everywhere but at him.

Finally, Janice said, "I'd like to talk to you about it, but not here. Not with Heather here." She practically spat out the word "Heather."

Heather was more stubborn and didn't say anything at all, but just stood with her arms crossed and a deep frown on her face.

Alan thought to himself, Aggressiveness works. I've got to be really "balls out" here.

Inside, he was uncertain about what to do, but outwardly, he appeared in command. He said with a shrug, "Okay, if that's the way it's going to be, then we have two options. One, I can leave right now. I see no reason to help either of you as long as you're acting like complete bitches. Two, the two of you kiss and make up. And I do mean that literally. If the two of you can bring each other off, then and only then will I do the painting. And to give you some incentive, I'll fuck the first one to make the other one cum."

Worried that might make them too aggressive, he added, "Or the one who makes the other one cum more tenderly and lovingly. I'll decide which when it's done."

Heather and Janice stared at him in astonishment. They both could hardly believe what he had demanded, yet both of them knew that they would do it if it meant a chance to get fucked by him. He was that good.

Heather was chagrined with appreciation at the twisted brilliance of his plan. It was something she wished she'd been able to do with her lovers, but she never had.

Amy, meanwhile, pouted because Alan had stopped massaging her tits. She'd taken the rest of her blouse off already. She thrust her chest out at him and arched her back backwards at an almost improbable angle to gain his attention.

He took notice and resumed his fondling.

She cooed in reply, seemingly unconcerned with the feud in front of her.

He imagined that if it were up to her to resolve the conflict, she would say something simple like, "Hey, you two, be nice. Don't fight."

"I'm in a hurry," Alan barked. "Get naked before I get mad and decide to leave. You too, Amy."

Amy threw him a playful salute, and said, "Yes, sir!" in a giggly, chirpy tone. She actually made a peace sign with her fingers as she made her salute - she was very big on the peace sign. Even though she wasn't a "hippy chick," the phrase "make love, not war" fit her perfectly.

Heather also said "Yes, sir," but in a mocking, sarcastic tone. Yet she didn't hesitate to quickly take her clothes off, as if she was a private responding to a military command.

Janice didn't say anything at all, but just stripped at a slower pace. She continued to seethe at Heather all the while.

Alan was very pleased with himself. The group seemed to be chilling out a bit and coming under his command. He said, "I'm not horny enough. Do something to get me going."

Heather shot him an angry look, but she walked over to Amy and whispered in her ear. Alan didn't hear it, but she said, "You heard him. Kiss me and touch me to get him horny. You're his girlfriend now; you've got to do that kind of shit."

Janice, meanwhile, continued to slowly undress. She was stalling for time because she didn't want to have to touch Heather if she didn't have to.

Heather and Amy kissed on the lips, and then Amy began slowly working her way down Heather's body, kissing along the way. She quickly got down to Heather's pussy and started kissing and licking there.

Heather just remained standing imperiously, not doing anything in return to Amy. She was pleased with herself for thinking of a way to turn this situation to her advantage.

Alan was enjoying the sight but then it came to him that this was another one of Heather's power plays. She was taking his official girlfriend and having her service Heather's pleasure. So it became all about Heather's enjoyment instead of about his or Amy's.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, enough of that. Heather, I see your little game."

"What?" Heather asked with mock innocence. Her face was triumphant.

"Here's something that'll wipe away that sneer," he said. "I want you and Janice to get it on. Right here, right now."

Janice and Heather both started to protest at the same time.

But Alan cut in with a sharp, "Shut up! I'm in charge here. Janice, lie on top of Heather. Use that couch in the back of the stage."

There were a lot of dirty looks all around, but the two of them migrated there and left the last of their clothes behind.

Alan was still dressed, but he didn't stay that way for long. He dropped his shorts to the floor. With Amy standing next to him, he turned to her, gave her a happy wink and said, "You know what to do."

Amy again replied with a cheery "Yes, sir," and went to work on his cock with both hands. "Should I suck it?" she asked enthusiastically.

Alan noticed Heather derisively mouthing the words "Should I suck it?" while rolling her eyes and non-verbally mocking Amy's cheerfulness. He pretended not to notice, instead answering Amy, "Up to you. Maybe you want to alternate, because I don't think you're gonna want to miss Heather and Janice. Check those two out. It should be veeeery interesting."

Amy muttered a quick "M'kay." But apparently she was more interested in his erection than the show, because she immediately dropped to her knees and began to suck on his bulbous knob.

Alan smiled widely. As he reflected many times a day, he couldn't believe how great everything in his life was.

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