6 Times a Day

Chapter 644 Oh Man! Here We Go Again! [Iveyflame Sponsored]

ο»ΏMuch Thanks to Iveyflame for his generous donation. Best wishes in all your future endeavors.

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Alan went back to his room and studied for the remaining two hours before dinner.

First Katherine, then Amy, and then Susan jacked him off from underneath his computer table while he kept working.

The stealth strokings had become surprisingly clinical and passion-free affairs. After they had dressed so provocatively for so many days, the females all dressed as blandly as they could, so that he wouldn't be distracted and lose his focus on his work. They remained silent and often out of view beneath the table as they worked to prolong his erection. In fact, this comparatively low-level stimulation had become so commonplace that it could be said that no-one ever missed a beat.

Katherine had lazily stroked his dick for nearly an hour. Her main worry had been that her hand would get tired, so she had switched between hands from time to time. Although she wasn't allowed to touch his cock with her mouth unless he started cumming, and then only to avoid a big mess, she blew air on the tip of his cockhead whenever both of her hands needed a rest.

He read a textbook for the whole hour, while his sister sat next to him reading hers. But all the while she held her book with one hand while the other stayed in constant contact with his erection.

For him it was somewhat akin to doing homework while being tipsy on alcohol. It felt great, but it wasn't at all similar to the intense, all-consuming and emotionally draining sexual experiences he'd been having so often lately. (In fact, he felt like a part of him was still recovering from the intense fuck he'd had with Glory in lieu of lunch.)

For Katherine, the stroking was just an automatic thing most of the time, like dribbling a basketball is to an experienced basketball player. She was engrossed in her book and hardly thought about it at all. That enabled her to keep a steady, mellow stroking pace. It was only when her hand got tired and she had to switch to the other hand, or to the blowing without touching, that she temporarily gave her efforts more focus. Yet, like him, the constant contact with his boner kept her riding a pleasant erotic buzz.

She decided, This is much more fun than if I'd just been sitting alone reading a book by myself. Sure, it's "unfair," but fuck fairness! If he's happy and I'm happy, isn't that all that matters? This is what being a fuck toy sister is all about!

After all of Katherine's stroking he still hadn't cum, or even come close to cumming, so she handed him off to Amy when her hands finally got too tired.

The thing which surprised him most was that he actually managed to get a decent amount of studying done. He couldn't remember the last time he'd done any homework. He certainly hadn't done anything substantial since a week earlier.

If you have to study, this is definitely the way to do it! Alan thought, as Amy jerked him off at the same mellow pace that Katherine had used. I'm actually remembering what I'm reading even while Amy's pleasuring me. If I'm going to keep up this six-times-a-day treatment for the long term, this is the only way to do it. Everybody seems to be having fun, and yet we're reading books too. There's just no way I can go on like I have been these past few days. As great as they've been, my dick is just plain going to fall off if the pace keeps up like that. A couple of weeks ago it seemed great, but now it consumes just about every free moment I have. My dick can handle this. Heck, compared to everything else that's been so intense, I think it hardly notices! Heh!

If I change my ways I might actually recover some kind of social life before my friends totally abandon me. And I might also be able to get back on track with my studies. This kind of mellow stroking is very relaxing, and doesn't tax me at all. What a great discovery!

Not surprisingly, the only one who wasn't restrained in her stimulation was Susan.

Katherine and Amy at least had books to read while they stroked. But by the time Amy's hands got too tired of stroking and she called for Susan to come in and take over, Alan had moved to his bed to read while lying there.

ραпdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|(сòm) Susan didn't read a book of her own, but instead concentrated all her attention on stroking her son's cock. Instead of sitting next to him, she knelt on the floor right by his crotch. Her dress was far from bland, as she had chosen another see-through outfit. She jacked him off so fervently that there was really no pretense at "stealth" at all.

A few minutes of that was all she could take. She said, "Tiger, can we try an experiment? Let's see if a stealth blowjob works as well. After all, isn't that more fun for us both? Besides, we're leaving for a restaurant in less than half an hour and we won't be able to do this there. We don't want you to suffer blue balls while you're eating. I think you deserve a really nice, powerful cum."

Alan could hardly resist that logic, so he just said, "Knock yourself out, Mom."

"Mmmm," she cooed as she started to lick the tip, "Wash me clean with a warm bath of your sperm! I want you to cum hard all over your mommy!"

After a few minutes, she stopped to remove her see-through top.

He asked her, "Hey, why'd you do that?"

She stroked his boner while she sat up and explained, "Son, sucking your cock is very important to me. As far as I'm concerned, there's a right way and a wrong way. There are traditions to uphold, if you will. Sure, it's fun to wear something sexy to start out, but to me it just feels improper to bob or lick very long without my tits swinging freely." She leaned forward and set her rack swaying to emphasize her point. "A quality cocksucking involves practically the whole body. It's not just a matter of your visual stimulation; for me it's also my being able to feel my tits moving freely in response to whatever my mouth and head are doing. So please let me do this my way."

He grinned, amused by how seriously she was treating the task. "Sure, Mom. Knock yourself out."

She beamed with happiness, then again leaned down to resume her task. However, after less than a minute of licking and "Mmmm!"-ing, she suddenly engulfed his entire cockhead and then some.

He braced himself for the pleasure onslaught. Oh man! Here we go again! Such a RUSH of pleasure, and that's just from her lips sliding down tightly over my sweet spot on her first descent!

Oh God! And now she's starting to bob on me. This is INSANE! How on Earth am I expected to keep studying through this?! It's a challenge to even breathe! The fact that she's topless now does make it all so much better, but also so much more difficult. I'm gonna have to close my eyes or else I'm gonna blow too soon!

Indeed, it was too intensely pleasurable for him to even attempt to read the book. He tried a few times to read a paragraph or two, but it was hopeless. He decided that, as wonderful as the concept seemed, "stealth blowing" didn't really work well in practice (or at least not the way that his lusty mother practiced it). Still, he felt like he deserved such an intensely pleasurable reward for tackling a lot of homework.

She managed to blow him for a very long time before he finally hit the limit of his endurance and erupted like Vesuvius.

She was extremely gratified to take his load in her mouth. She'd gone without a sperm infusion the entire day, so the lake of cum on her tongue made her feel like she'd just had a delicious meal after days of fasting.

As usual, she was so happy that she didn't stop when he finished climaxing, but continued to lick his penis under the guise of cleaning it, hoping that she could get him hard and repeat the process all over again.

"Son, you have no idea what a delicious feast of sperm that was! Mmmm! I wish I could- mmmm! I wish I could just slather your penis and love it with my tongue all night long! Mmmm. Would you like that? Do you like how your- MMMM! Yum. Do you like how your big-titted mommy is cleaning you so thoroughly?"

"I love it. Even though I'm really sensitive down there right now, it feels good. But you don't really have to clean it like that each time."

"On the contrary! In my opinion, a cocksucking just isn't a proper cocksucking without a thorough cleaning afterwards. It's another vital part of the tradition. Mmmm. It's the least I can do for my well-hung and oh-so-virile boy."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Somehow, eventually, Susan was able to tear herself away from Alan's crotch. She kissed all over his face and then left his room. She was still topless and dripping with so much arousal that she idly wondered whether she should bother with covering her chest at all.

However, once she'd left Alan's cum-scented room, her guilt returned in spades. She hastily cleaned herself off and changed to less provocative clothing.

After she left, he thought, This is too good to be true. Stealth stroking. Ha! What a hoot! I am SOOO spoiled. It's like the ultimate sexual flattery for them to do that without complaint. But how long can this last? I have a feeling that someday I'll look back on this day and remember, "Oh yeah. That day that I fucked Glory, I got stealth stroked too. What a great day! Those were the best days of my life. That was right before the shit hit the fan and everything came crashing down."

I feel like I'm doing a high-wire balancing act. I don't know how long I can keep it up, both literally and figuratively. And then there's all this "my love" stuff with Glory today - I see broken hearts in the near future. I love Glory so much, but I can't stick with just her and be monogamous like she wants. She would be one safe way out: I could marry my teacher. She's not that much older than me. But given the choice between that and a family orgy, I'm going to choose the family orgy every time. Sorry, Glory. I don't know how I can break that to her. Hell, I can't even tell her anything about what's happening at home.

He lay on his bed for a while, pondering what to do to keep all his women happy. No solutions magically appeared. He knew that he was just stretched too thin.

Susan knocked on the back door of the Pestridge house.

Suzanne was puzzled to hear the knocking at her back door, because no-one ever came in that way who would have needed to knock. She was dressed in a bikini, prepared to get in her hot tub for a relaxing soak, so she peeked through a window in an adjacent room to see who was at the door.

When she saw that it was Susan, she smiled and went to let her in.

Susan was fully dressed. She wore a very worried expression, but said inanely, "Howdy. I was watering the plants in the front yard and I saw you come home."

That actually was the case, since Suzanne had returned from Los Angeles just minutes before. Suzanne explained, "Yeah, you know how I needed to get back in time for some special dinner plans. Turns out I got lucky with the traffic, giving me some extra free time to unwind." (That was true, but mostly she was home early because Xania had unexpectedly been so well prepared.)

Susan replied, "Oh, goody! Suzanne, I have something extremely important to talk to you about. Can we take a little walk?"

This alarmed Suzanne, who tried to figure out what had made Susan so visibly upset. Her best guess was that Susan was having second thoughts about the passionate kissing they'd engaged in earlier in the day. She also wondered why Susan was meeting her in this unusual location, particularly at this time - it was after six o'clock, and quickly growing dark.

She nodded. "Sure. But what's going on with Sweetie? He's home now, right? What if he needs your... special attention?"

Susan looked abashed as she quietly admitted, "I just finished my turn a few minutes ago. With, uh, you know... his uh... stealth... help..." She found it difficult to discuss such sexual matters outside of her own house, even if it was just next door in Suzanne's doorway.

"Ah. I see. What's on your mind?"

The Pestridge backyard was very big, with a tennis court at the downhill end of the property. There was a lot of green lawn surrounded by trees, so they started to walk to the lawn.

Susan waited until they were clear of the house before she explained, "Suzanne, I just realized something extremely important! We talked a lot this morning, but we got so involved with, well... kissing and everything... and then Brenda showed up... so you didn't say one word about your..." - and now Susan looked very embarrassed - "... time with Tiger last night!"

Suzanne paused, waiting to hear the rest. Then it dawned on her that that was Susan's concern. She probed, "That's the big important thing that you're so keen to talk about? My anal sex with Sweetie last night? That's why you look so worried, to the point of being distraught?"

"Well, yes! I mean, that's huge! What could be more important than that?! Well, except if one of us had vaginal sex with him, of course." She blushed a little, obviously imagining that was happening to her. "How could I have forgotten to ask you about it?! I must be getting senile. Last night I was so excited to hear all the details that I had great trouble getting to sleep, so I wanted to bring it up as soon as I saw you. You have to tell me all about it. Everything!"

Suzanne was secretly amused, relieved, and pleased that her plan to entice Susan into having anal sex with Alan was working so well. And to think, I thought it was something really serious and worrisome. But with Susan's new sexual focus, what could be more important than that? I need to indulge her on this and talk to her about it until she's fully satisfied. If I can get her to open up about and get interested in anal sex, that'll be HUGE! I'm sure that once Sweetie starts sticking that big rod up her ass, it'll just be a matter of days before he's fucking her pussy, and then the last of her barriers will fall. Sexual utopia here we come! Hee-hee!

Trying to conceal her excitement, Suzanne said, "Of course, I'll be happy to tell you all about it." She dropped her voice into a loud stage whisper, as if she were passing on a tremendous secret. "For starters, it was GREAT!"

Susan's eyes got really big as she contemplated that answer. Breathlessly, she asked, "Really?!"

Suzanne smiled knowingly. "Really. Tell you what... why don't we put on something sexy and hang out on your back patio, and I'll tell you all about it. I'll detail every last sweaty grunt and sweetly piercing deep thrust, if you want."

"Okay, but... Can we talk about it by your hot tub instead?"

Suzanne frowned. "You know my rule about no sexual anything at my house," she pointed out. "Brad and Eric will be coming home soon."

Susan nodded. "Yeah, but that's why I want to talk about it there. You see..." - she looked away shyly, staring down towards the tennis court - "I kind of really enjoyed our kissing earlier, and I'm concerned that we'll... do it some more."

"Wait. I'm confused." Susan's statements seemed contradictory.

Susan squirmed, uncomfortably. "What I mean is, I'm dying to hear all about... what you did... and I don't want any... distractions. I figure that if we stay on your property with the threat of Brad and Eric returning, that'll help enforce the rules. Especially about kissing and touching. If we were back at my house, we'd probably be kissing already."

Suzanne had to admit to herself that that was true.

Susan made eye contact again as she went on. "Besides, we already violated your house rules once to talk about... you know... in the hot tub once before, so it won't be so bad if we do it again."

Suzanne smiled widely. "Sure." Susan was so earnest and cute that Suzanne couldn't say no. Besides, she knew that Brad and Eric were out together and she'd be able to hear the garage door open when they returned. And anyway, even if they did come home unnoticed, there was no way they'd be able to hear what was being said by the hot tub.

Also, Suzanne liked the idea of using their location to keep things tame, since they didn't have time to get frisky (and she was satiated from all the lesbian fun she'd just had with Xania). So she suggested, "Why don't we go inside and I'll get you a bathing suit to wear?"

"Yes, please," Susan eagerly agreed. She had no problem wearing Suzanne's bathing suits, since they wore the exact same sizes.

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