6 Times a Day

Chapter 646 Milkman To Make A Special Delivery? [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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Suzanne came over to the Plummer house a few minutes before seven o'clock. She could have taken Alan aside and told him (and Katherine) not to worry about the psychologist, but she decided not to. She thought it would be immensely more entertaining for them otherwise, especially given the sexy plans she'd worked up with Xania already. Furthermore, genuine reactions would help convince Susan that the appointment was for real. After all, the entire scheme was for Susan's sake, and anything else was just a bonus.

Suzanne had rushed back from her second day-trip to make arrangements in L.A. so she could join the others for dinner. The idea was that all the Pestridges and all the Plummers would have a fancy dinner at a restaurant to celebrate Alan's and Amy's new status as boyfriend and girlfriend. And "all" for once actually meant "all" - even Amy's brother Brad and her father Eric would attend.

The unusual presence of Brad and Eric colored the event and removed any possibility of even subtle flirtation. The last thing Suzanne wanted was her son or husband to suspect that something sexual was happening at the Plummer house, so she made a personal, special plea to everyone, and in particular to Katherine, not to try any under-the-table hanky-panky or the like.

Everyone was dutifully respectful of those wishes during the meal, and absolutely nothing sexual happened at the restaurant, not even between Alan and Amy, which technically would have been allowed.

All women were thoroughly covered as well, with Suzanne as the only one to show off any cleavage (since she was the only one who could do that in such a public situation and have it seem in character). Alan was even forced to wear a jacket and tie, which made him feel like a total stuffed shirt.

In fact, the entire dinner was so normal that it seemed to Alan to be just about the most surreal thing he'd experienced in ages. It was as if the clock was turned back a couple of months and nothing sexual had ever happened between any of them. What made it even stranger was that they ate at a Chinese restaurant. Alan couldn't forget Susan's shared fantasy of stripping and jacking him off in the middle of an imaginary Chinese restaurant just days earlier.

Alan was lost in a mental fog for most of the dinner. He mostly pondered the mysteries of Eric and Brad. He thought, What the hell is wrong with Eric? He has frigging Suzanne for a frigging wife and he never has sex with her anymore? How is that even POSSIBLE?! Is he totally loony? But they seem so formal and restrained here, sitting next to each other, as if they were two strangers who just happen to be sitting at the same table. Anyone could see that all the love has gone out of their marriage. How did it happen? There must be a tangled tale there somewhere, but Suzanne gets very mysterious about it.

At least I can see why she wouldn't want to have sex with him anymore. He used to be handsome, I suppose, but man, he's really ballooned out and let himself go. If you've got a wife like her who exercises fanatically every day, there's no way you can get a big beer belly like that and expect to keep her, let alone get her hot for you.

And what's up with Brad? How does he deal with having a mother as sexy as Suzanne and a sister as sexy as Amy? Hmmm. I should think about how I was up until a short while ago. I repressed my feelings and tried my damnedest to avoid thinking of them that way, or else I would have gone slowly insane. Maybe he's doing the same thing I was. Is he a raging inferno of barely-controlled lust, or does he just not care and truly focuses his energies on fishing and cars and football and all that "manly" stuff he likes so much? Does he have any clue about what's going on in this house? Amy and Suzanne must come home with that just-had-a-big-orgasm fresh, glowing face, like, ALL the time. And they don't always shower before going home. Sometimes they must come in smelling like a whorehouse. Hasn't Eric or Brad noticed?

If either of them finds out, everything will be totally ruined. Dang. My whole life hangs on their continued cluelessness. Luckily, they both seem pretty clueless. Just looking at them eating their fois gras and drinking their Sauvignon, I'm not getting any subtle hints or vibes that they know or suspect anything. Thank God!

After many toasts to the "happy couple," the dinner mercifully ended. Alan was relieved that both Brad and Eric seemed to heartily approve of him and Amy being together. The last thing Alan wanted was either of them snooping around just to see what the "happy couple" really did.

As they left the restaurant, Brad walked up to Alan when the others weren't near and said to him, "Hey man, please treat her right. She's my sister, y'know. I don't want to see her unhappy."

Alan replied, "Don't worry, I'm with you there. She deserves a lot of happy."

"She does." Brad patted Alan on the shoulder and walked away.

Alan thought, Wow. Mr. Talkative. That's what, three whole sentences from him? But while he may be a man of few words, I can see from his eyes that he really loves Amy and only wants the best for her. I've got a feeling that if I screw up he'd be more than happy to kick my ass.

Alan was so cooled off from the uneventful dinner that once they got back home, he gladly went back to his homework without any stealth stroking assistance.

In fact, everyone seemed to have cooled off. Earlier in the day, he thought that he'd end up fucking Amy by the end of the evening, but everyone was so unaroused, not to mention stuffed with food, that the idea didn't even come up. The dinner seemed to shake everyone up a little bit, since it was a powerful reminder of how their lives used to be just a short time ago, not to mention the dangers of getting caught.

He was concerned that the dinner experience might have knocked Susan back into some kind of guilty mode, but that wasn't exactly the case. True, she was feeling very anxious now, but mostly because of the psychologist's appointment scheduled for tomorrow. She'd never been to a psychologist before and had no idea what would happen. Despite Suzanne's assurances about Xania's character, Susan had visions of being put into a straightjacket and sent off to a mental institution because of her newfound incestuous and lesbian urges.

She had a bit of a "my last night before they hang me in the morning" feeling. So rather than go without her usual goodnight kiss and tuck-in tradition, she was more determined to do it than ever, as if this would be her last one.

She came into Alan's room after ten o'clock while he was still working on his computer.

Although he wasn't aroused in the slightest, that changed in a flash as soon as he looked at his mother at the door. She wore one of her frilly, see-through nighties.

She whispered nervously, "Tiger, do you still want me to kiss you goodnight?"

He leapt up, crossed the room, and embraced her. "Of course, I do, Mom! I don't know how I could ever live without your tuck-ins. In fact, if the doctor has you stop tomorrow, I don't know how I'm going to go on with anything. I love you and need your love so very much." His hands roamed up and down her back gently, before slowly coming to a stop at the top of her ass. He very slowly and deliberately grabbed two handfuls of flesh and squeezed softly.

That response made her very happy. "Oh, my darling son!" she gasped. "I love you too!" Her anxiousness seemed to melt away as their lips met.

Alan deftly pulled off Susan's nightie, leaving it pooled on the floor. They French kissed for many minutes while their hands groped, gripped, and caressed each other sensuously. They moved to his bed to get more comfortable.

Susan found Alan's erection under the blankets, and played with it lovingly. By now, she was more than ready to give her son another blowjob.

However, he didn't want it just then. He carefully pried her hands away from his overworked organ.

He held her hand, kissed it tenderly, and said, "Mom, don't be so anxious. This is NOT going to be our last chance to do this, okay? I won't let that happen. You have no idea how at the end of my rope I am today. Although I only came four times, that's still an incredible number for most guys. The dinner and homework was actually a very good thing for me, because it gave my dick a chance to recover. Let's wait till tomorrow. We'll have a big send-off before my scouting trip. It'll be after your appointment is over, so you won't have to worry. How's that sound?"

He searchingly looked up from her hands to her eyes and gave her a warm smile.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She whined, "But Tiger, I only had one load today. Just one! And earlier I had it in my mouth and then Angel cruelly stole it away! That's even worse than going completely without. And then the way you sneaked home without greeting me; that was so mean. And outside, on the patio? I was foiled again!"

"Sorry," he said, feeling kind of bad for her.

"Don't you love your big-titted mommy? Don't you want to bury your face in her tits and then fuck them with your big, thick, hot tube of tasty cock-meat? Mommy needs it like a drug, baby. Or she can't get a good night's sleep. Please!" She furtively tried to reclaim her hold on her son's half-hard dick.

Alan was resolute, carefully pulling her hands away from his crotch once again.

So Susan upped her advances. She suddenly leaned forward, clutched her tits in her hands, and moaned, "Oh no! Son, I'm in pain."

He was up in a flash, ready to help. "What's wrong, Mom?" he said as urgently as if she was having a heart attack.

In fact, she was just fine. She held her ample tits as if they were made of lead, and complained, "Oh dear. Mommy's tits hurt really bad. They're so full of milk! My hooters are so big and heavy that I'm afraid I'm going to fall over. Tiger, can't you help? Can you suck my nipples until my tits feel better? Please bathe them with your warm tongue."

Alan of course belatedly realized that there was no medical emergency, but her ruse still worked. There was no way he could keep his hands (or mouth) off her after that.

He laughed good-naturedly, and said, "All right, all right. The milkman is here to take your bottles of milk away, but only if you promise to keep your hands from that certain spot between my legs. Little Alan Junior desperately needs a rest. Deal?"

Susan was gleeful at the milkman idea, and happily agreed as she laughed with joy. "Tiger, you're my big, strong milkman. Come to my house in the middle of the day while my husband is gone and give me a special delivery!"

Although he decided the idea of burying his face in her tits and then fucking them was too good to pass up, he at least kept his resolve not to cum.

Despite her agreement to behave, she couldn't really control herself, so as he sucked her engorged nipples, he had to repeatedly swat her insistent hands away from his groin. But it was all fun for both of them. It was like a tickling game, except it involved a lot of stroking of his erection, since he let her "win" most of the time.

When the playing around got too intense and he felt his resolve weakening to the breaking point, he gingerly disengaged himself from her eager hands. He left the room to take a cold shower so he could cool down his libido.

When he got back to his room, Susan was still sitting there, with his bed sheet partly wrapped around her. She'd cooled down too, and they just chatted a while. He offered to give her back massage and she gladly accepted. But he made sure to keep it really just a massage of her back and nowhere else, even though he sat on her naked butt while he did it.

Alan greatly enjoyed these moments of intimacy, and he helped calm her fears about the upcoming appointment. It was also a good way for him to decompress from the events of the day and work through his own fears. He pointed out that if Suzanne trusted Xania, they should trust her too.

Susan agreed - she placed her complete trust in Suzanne, much more than any other person besides her own children.

They had a parting kiss, though it was brief so Alan wouldn't have to take another cold shower. When their lips parted, he said, "We all have to trust Suzanne on this. She may scheme sometimes, but she always has our best interests at heart, and she certainly wouldn't fool around with something as important as this. You know I love you, right?"

Susan nearly swooned at her son's endearing words. "Yes," she answered quietly. "I know. And I love you too."

"And Suzanne loves us all, so let's hope love will get us through this. Okay? As for me, I think I'm pretty thoroughly 'tucked-in.'"

Susan laughed. "Your old mother can take a hint. I'm just going to have to go back to my room and play with you in my dreams." She kissed him lightly on the nose, picked up her nightie and left with a friendly wave.

He watched her swish and sway her naked ass until she was finally out the door and closed it behind her.

He laid in his bed and marveled over his great luck yet again. I've gotten fucked by Glory, Akami and all six cheerleaders, including Amy and my own sister. Okay, technically, not Janice yet, but I will. And not Amy yet either, but I can do her any time. I could do her tomorrow in the living room and the others would probably watch and clap. I just need to have a talk with Suzanne about it first, is all. I'm getting awful close with some others. Of course, my mom and Aunt Suzy are at the top of the list. And now there's Brenda. I think she'll be a pretty good and easy fuck. That's a total of eleven totally gorgeous women!

The thing is, I feel so confident and experienced now that I'll bet I could walk down the beach tomorrow, find the most gorgeous woman there, and immediately take her to bed. I KNOW I could! And I'd fuck her silly and leave her begging for my cum, which everyone seems to think is the bee's knees, for some reason. Well, okay, if she's married or has a serious boyfriend, maybe not. But still. Sometimes, maybe even then!

Having this kind of power is pretty cool. This aggressive and confident attitude works wonders. I'm just radiating sex now, after all these experiences, and women are picking up on it. All the girls in class are after me now, 'cos I radiate a different vibe than before. Shit, lately even some guys are giving me the eye. Yuck! It's all about attitude and confidence. Maybe I'm giving off some kind of sex smell... What do they call it? Pheromones, I think. If my level of pheromones has gone up like the rest of my sexual abilities, then that could explain why women are getting so excited over me.

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ Like Brenda. What the fuck is up with that woman? I gather she's not that easy with most guys. Yet, at the start of school this fall I would have been in heaven just to be kissed by Christine.

Screw Christine! I could totally get her in bed now with my newfound talents, but I'm not going to, just to say 'fuck you very much' for turning me down. I think I'd rather fuck the whole fucking cheerleading squad in one go, my sister included! Plus, I have too many women to handle as it is, and she could be dangerous if she found out about the incest.

But I need to be careful not to turn into a jerk. Confidence is good, but it's way too easy to become an arrogant asshole for someone in my lucky position. I feel so sorry for the other six billion people on Earth. How I got picked to be the one guy in these shoes, I'll never understand. If someone made a story about all this, nobody, fucking NOBODY would believe it.

It seems all too good to be true, and maybe it is. Maybe tomorrow the psychologist will put an end to it all, even though I don't really believe that'll happen. Aunt Suzy picked a good and understanding psychologist, I'm sure. She said this Xania is an old college friend of hers, so she can't be wrong about her, right? But, in a way I'd feel relief to put an end to this high-wire act. I can just barely handle getting erect so many times a day and it's all I can do to make it to the Boy Scout trip starting tomorrow night. If it weren't for the variety of women doing so many different and completely sexy things to me, I never would have made it this far and kept up my "fuck monster" reputation, not to mention my daily quota.

But no matter what happens, the psychologist can't really do much, can she? She lives in L.A., so it's not like she'll be able to check up on what we do afterwards, and she doesn't have any legal power over us. Things with the cheerleaders and Glory and Aunt Suzy are bound to keep going, at the very least. My sister, my 'number one fuck toy,' certainly won't stop fucking me just because some psychologist we don't even know might recommend we cool it. And of course Amy is completely dependable. And no matter what, I won't let things stop with Mom. No way. So I'll just have to take whatever comes.

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