6 Times a Day

Chapter 672 Akami To The Mix.

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Alan and Susan drove back from the psychologist's office in a great hurry. Normally Susan liked to watch the school's football games to support her daughter's cheerleading, but there was no time for that today. Susan weaved in and out of rush hour traffic so they'd have enough time to get Alan fully ready and fed before the Boy Scout van came to pick him up at 7 p.m.

Alan was completely wiped out from a long and tiring week, and fucking Xania had drained the last of his energy. Even though he'd slept in the waiting room all during Susan's last counseling session with Xania, he slept soundly all the way home in the car as well.

It was a little after four o'clock when they got home. Susan and Alan had barely said anything to each other since leaving the appointment, since Alan had slept the whole time.

But now Susan was quite animated. As soon as they got inside the house, she said, "Tiger, wasn't Xania just the best? I feel so happy! She's made me so very, very happy! Ecstatic! Giddy! Let's celebrate." She began to take her clothes off as she said this. As she ripped her bra off, she enthused, "I know! How about a victory blowjob? To us! To getting the official stamp of approval that being your daily cocksucker - and more - is okay!"

Alan was torn. He could hardly turn down his bosomy mother's excellent idea, but he hadn't really woken up from his nap, and all he wanted to do was sleep some more. Getting ready for and then going on his hiking trip seemed like a physical impossibility in his current state.

In fact, he was too tired to even think up a verbal response at first, so Susan continued, "No? What about a glorious, triumphant titfuck? Don't you want to rub your hard fuck rod all over Mommy's hooters?" She reached down and grabbed his penis through his jeans, and joked, "I know you just slept like a log, but that's not the only thing around here like a log all the time."

He laughed, but otherwise didn't respond, though she was happy to feel that his dick was already hard.

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ She took his continued silence and generally weary face as a no, and got a very strange and worried look on her face. She sat on all fours on the sofa with her ass pointing at Alan, then said, "Oh no! Tiger, don't tell me you want to fuck me in the ass? Oh, that's so very naughty! However, Xania did tell me that I shouldn't hold back. And Suzanne said I should 'bend over, but don't break.' It seems everyone thinks you should fuck me up the ass."

She wiggled her naked ass back and forth ostentatiously. "Do you want to own my butt? Is that what you want? Just like you already own my big tits? You're slowly conquering and owning every part of my body. Is my ass next? Are you going to take Mommy's butt cheeks and spread them with your hands, then plunge your baby maker deep into my very private place? Normally, I would say no, but because you've been so-"

Alan interrupted her. He clutched his head as if he had an intense migraine. "Mom, hold on! When you say things like 'baby maker' I get so turned on that I don't know if I'm coming or going. But I'm so tired I can hardly stand up. I have to get some more sleep so I'll be able to stagger out of this house when the scoutmaster's van comes to pick me up. And we both have a lot to do to get ready before then, even if my stuff is pretty much all packed. Let me take my nap first, okay? We can still celebrate later. Right?"

Susan had changed positions and was sitting up now. She'd been pushing her chest out, cupping her ample tits from underneath in the hopes that he'd suck on a nipple. But she slumped down into the sofa, chagrined. "Oh, poo! Oh well. I was so excited. You have no idea how elated I am after talking to Xania."

He walked over and hugged her. "I'm excited too. Really excited. Xania has given us the green light. But I'm only human. A penis definitely has some physical limits, and we have to be respectful of that. Please let me sleep for a little while?"

She kissed him on the forehead in a very affectionate way. "Of course. Sorry for getting carried away. You take your rest, but only one hour, okay? You're right that we have a lot of work to do."

He promised, "If we're quick and efficient, we'll have some fun time later, okay?"

She nodded. That obviously got her very motivated.

As he walked away, he marveled at how backwards things were. Mom wants sex even more than I do. I practically have to fight her off now, and I'm the one to hold out the promise of more sexual games as a reward. I would never have imagined that I would live to see the day. Hell, who would'a thunk I'd be doing anything sexual with her at all?!

He made his way to his room and fell onto his bed. But before he'd fallen asleep his mother came rushing in. "Tiger! Wake up! I have important news!"

He opened his eyes, unable to do more, and did his best to squelch the annoyance he felt at the sudden intrusion. "What is it, Mom?" he muttered testily.

Seeing that he was awake and aware, she rushed to his bed and said excitedly, "I was just playing back the phone messages. Your scoutmaster called a few minutes before we got back home. It seems that your hiking trip has been canceled! He's having some kind of trouble with his van, and he can't find a replacement at this late hour. So they're going to try to do it next week instead. I'm so sorry."

Alan sat up and came fully awake as the news sank in. His eyes blinked and he was silent for a few moments. Then he spoke. "Sorry? Don't be sorry. That's great news. I am SO relieved! I was kind of looking forward to getting away from it all, but I wasn't looking forward to hiking all day. No energy. YES! This is great! The more I think about it, this is awesome! I can finally get some time to myself, and time just to vegetate. Cool."

Susan didn't know how he'd take the news, and she was pleasantly surprised. "You're not mad? I thought you'd be upset that you've been averaging nearly eight climaxes a day, and all that work was for nothing."

He hadn't thought about that. "Dang. Good point... But you know what? That's okay. Because this means I can take a massive sexual break this weekend, too."

She appeared crestfallen to hear that.

So he immediately added, "Don't get me wrong. Just because I wanted to nap instead of experience your lovely help, I'm not tired of you or anything. I could never get tired of any of this, and I especially could never get tired of your beautiful and amazingly stacked Marilyn Monroe body."

She broke into a big smile when she heard that.

"But the excitement is in my mind. My body is another matter. I still have this weakness where I have to nap every day, and I never have all the energy I want. I've been running on full steam for weeks now, and I'm right on the verge of collapse. My dick is dying. It's practically numb most of the time, and some of my loads have been little more than a trickle for the past couple of days. I was holding out for the hiking trip to give my dick a couple of days to recover, and it still needs to recover. Let's just take it easy for a couple of days, okay? Hiking trip or no, I need a sexual holiday."

She frowned. "Oh dear. Is your penis in that bad a shape?"

"Yes. I know this sounds a bit disturbing, but I'm amazed sometimes that I haven't injured it somehow. It can hurt like hell!"

"Oh my!" She clasped her hands over her mouth in surprise. "Don't worry. I'll give you some space. Sleep some more. I see you need it. Meanwhile, I'll take care of everything."

He fell asleep immediately. He was so tired that he didn't give the cancellation news much thought. He didn't give her "I'll take care of everything" comment another thought.

— — —

Alan woke up about an hour later. He was surprised when, fom the top of the stairs, he looked down into the living room to see Susan sitting next to Akami, quietly talking to her.

He was only dressed in his dark blue robe, but he nonetheless hurried downstairs to eagerly greet his beloved nurse. He felt much better now that he'd napped in the car and then again in his bed. "Akami!" he said in a delighted voice as he quickly closed the distance to her.

She stood and embraced her favorite patient with a warm hug.

Alan pulled back a bit and admired Akami, who was still dressed in her usual lab jacket. "It's so good to see you," he said sincerely. "How long has it been?"

"One week almost to the hour since our last appointment. And it's great to see you, too." She smiled widely and stared at him intently with her smoldering eyes.

He loved her narrow, intense eyes. In fact, it was his favorite feature of hers.

To Alan it seemed much longer than a week, but he knew that things had been so eventful lately that everything seemed like ancient history to him. He recalled that he only had appointments with Akami every other week. "Wait. We're not scheduled to meet until NEXT Friday, right? So what are you doing meeting me? And in my house, no less?"

She answered, "I got a call from your mother just as my work day was ending. She said that your situation was dire and needed immediate attention. I'm only a nurse and I don't do house calls, but I thought I could come over just as a friend and see how you're doing and if there was some way I could help."

She looked down at his crotch to see if there was a bulge that needed her "help," but found only disappointment.

Alan looked her body over more closely. She looked as great and sexy as ever. "So why are you still in your nurse outfit?" (Actually it was a bit misleading to say she was in a nurse outfit - she'd dressed to impress in a low-cut blouse, black leather miniskirt, and high heels. But knowing that Alan was turned on by her medical garb, she wore a lab jacket and stethoscope as well.)please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She answered, "I came straight from work. Your mom and I have been discussing the state of your penis and your energy level while you've been sleeping."

Susan interrupted. "How is he, nurse? Is it as bad as I feared?"

Akami examined Alan's face carefully. "Hmmm. He has some bags under his eyes, like you said. He's exhausted, for sure. The six-times-a-day regimen must be tough to do day in and day out. I have to agree with what he was suggesting to you earlier. He does need a break."

Alan was relieved. "You see what I mean, Mom? This weekend I'm just going to play video games and watch TV and sleep. Mostly sleep. It'll be great!"

"But what about the state of his penis?" Susan asked Akami anxiously from her position on a nearby sofa.

"Let's take a look, shall we?" Akami motioned to Alan's robe.

He dutifully opened it. Given everything sexual that had happened between Akami and him, and especially the things the two of them did in Dr. Fredrickson's office while Susan watched, he didn't bat an eye about doing something sexual with her in front of his mother.

Susan similarly considered blowjobs and handjobs a part of Akami's "treatment" even if she still didn't realize that Alan had already gone all the way with Akami.

Akami sat below a kneeling Alan and cupped his balls while she fondled his flaccid penis. She figured it was a good position to be in for the blowjob that would almost certainly follow soon. She could hardly wait, but she kept her professional detached demeanor. "Hmmm. He isn't erect yet. Is this unusual, Susan?"

"Most unusual, nurse. It seems that his penis always stands very straight and tall. He has a wonderfully stiff and proud boner much more often than not. Whenever I look between his legs, I expect to see a big pulsing tree trunk there, especially if his shorts or pants are off, which they are most of the time, at least when he's not at school."

Alan explained, "But Mom, that's just 'cos whenever you're around, well, you're around. Just one look at you is an instant erection."

"I'm flattered, Son." She turned to Akami. "But still, it's true. He's got an insatiable sex drive, so this is most unusual! I'm worried. Do you think it'll be okay?"

"Let's see. Susan, why don't we both take off our clothes and see if we can't get him fully erect so I can examine him properly? Normally, I wouldn't ask you, but he says you cause an instant erection and that's just what we need."

Susan didn't need to be told that twice. The two women were naked within moments, and Akami pulled Alan's robe to the floor as well.

Alan's penis instantly responded. In truth, just thinking about his mother naked was guaranteed to get him hard, and having seen Akami naked for the first time in a long while, his dick grew even harder than usual.

"Ah, that feels much better," Akami cooed as she sensually fondled his ramrod tool. She felt the need to keep at least a veneer of professionalism, given the fact that Susan was there, so she said, "Alan, your mother tells me that your penis is in great pain. Is that true?"

He considered that and then answered truthfully, "Well, not GREAT pain. Painful sometimes lately, yeah, but it doesn't feel so bad at the moment. It's amazing what a nap or two can do. I feel so much better than I did before my nap."

"That's good. There's nothing like the virility of an eighteen-year-old male. But still, you're having problems. With Susan's permission, I propose that I get to the bottom of your overstimulation problem, in a very hands-on way."

Susan asked, a bit concerned, "Hands-on? What do you mean, exactly?" If there was any hands-on handling of his erection, she hoped she could do it.

Akami explained, "Well, we have to determine how different forms of stimulation affect his penis. That way, you can adjust how to arouse him until he gets better. For instance, handjobs. How does this feel, on a scale of one to ten, Alan? One being easy on the penis, and ten being the most grinding, painful, and chafing."

Akami had in fact already started to stroke his dick more or less since it had gotten hard, but now she did it more vigorously.

Susan looked on with an agonized expression. She was still quite naïve, despite all her recent sexual experiences, and she remained under the impression that Akami would conduct some kind of real medical test. So she thought it very unseemly to touch herself as she watched. But the sight of Akami pistoning her closed fist up and down Alan's hard, thick shaft was nearly too much for her to take. The fact that Susan was now buck naked only added to her temptation, but she somehow resisted the urge to openly masturbate.

Alan enjoyed the handjob for a minute or two and acted as if he was having a hard time making up his mind on what score to give it. In fact, his penis felt fine since his nap - multiple naps, actually - and he loved having his naked mother watch whatever devilry Akami was up to. Finally, he replied, "Oh, I guess about a six. You're going at it pretty vigorously."

"Yes I am, but only in the pursuit of knowledge." It was very difficult for Akami to say that with a straight face, and in fact she giggled a little bit. But she looked over at Susan to see if the busty mother was buying it.

Susan seemed to take everything very seriously. The mother had a look of worry; a fear that Alan's penis might be damaged in some way.

Akami quickly switched gears. "Alan, let's compare that with a blowjob. Again, please rate this."

She licked the tip of his knob, but then paused, and said, "While you're enjoying this, why don't you tell me about all the naughty things you've been doing to the females in your life? I need to make sure everything is going well in that area and that there isn't too much, um, chafing." She engulfed his boner without any further ado.

He was pleasantly surprised with her boldness, and grabbed her head with both hands to brace himself against a sudden rush of intense arousal.

Susan licked her lips repeatedly, and salivated copiously. She felt like her pussy was on fire. It was nearly torture for her to be only able to watch her favorite activity without pleasuring her son or herself.

Alan considered how to answer Akami's question of who he'd been having sex with, given that his mother was listening. He was keen to turn Susan on. He didn't know if it was wise to "out" the likes of some of the cheerleaders or even Glory, so he started vaguely, while using the kind of lingo he knew Susan would respond to. "Akami, I'm fucking quite a few girls in school. I'm never lacking sexy big-titted teen sluts who want to suck on a meaty cock."

Susan was quick to interrupt. She beamed with pride as she gushed, "Did you hear that, Akami? 'Big-titted teen sluts!' Oh, TIGER! You're such a total STUD!" She nudged Akami's shoulder a little bit, but still careful not to interfere with her cocksucking. "Isn't that the most exciting thing you ever heard?"

Before Akami could respond to that, Alan continued, "Why, if I didn't know better, I might mistake my nurse right now for one of those sluts, given the way she's sucking me so enthusiastically. However, this is an entirely professional, medically necessary cocksucking, as we all know." He couldn't help but snicker a bit at that.

He went on, "But those busty teen hussies who spread their legs for me during lunch are nothing compared to the women I can choose from around my own house. Between Amy, Suzanne, my sister, and my mom, I have no end of pleasure. I want to fuck them all, of course. And I do mean ALL of them. When I fuck someone for the first time, I want to be in peak form. It has to be perfect; something we'll remember forever."

Susan gasped. She knew exactly who the "someone" he referred to was, especially since he was staring right at her nude body when he said it. Her hands flew to her tits, but somehow those same hands slapped themselves, one slapping the other. Looking warily at Akami, she withdrew from overt masturbation and crossed her arms to keep her hands out of trouble. But her chest began to heave quite heavily. She sat on the edge of the sofa, quiet but eager to replace Akami on her knees between her son's legs if the opportunity presented itself.

Ironically, Akami would have had no problem at all if Susan were to masturbate, but Susan didn't know that.

Alan made some idle conversation with his mother. "Akami's the best nurse, don't you think, Mom? She's so much more than a nurse. She helps squeeze out so many loads of all that dangerous sperm, for one thing. She's so selfless and giving. It's like she's my sexologist too."

Susan sighed with longing. Then she responded breathlessly, "Yes, she is, but is she doing a good enough job? A good nurse should be a good cocksucker too. Does she know how to do some of Mommy's favorite moves, like the candy cane or the tooth tickle? Maybe I should take over. More tongue, Akami! It looks like you're all lips and no tongue. My Tiger loves the tongue on his special spot just under his cockhead. Sometimes, I like to think of it as the penis neck. More neck! Make him blow his naughty cum all over your face!"

Susan sat so close to the edge of the sofa that she fell off of it altogether and wound up on her knees. She inched herself forward towards Alan's crotch bit by bit. As she got closer, she couldn't take it anymore and shoved a hand into her mouth. She fucked her mouth with her fingers and imagined that they were Alan's thick boner instead.

Akami eventually pulled Alan's rod out of her mouth to respond to what both Alan and Susan had said. "Yes, Alan. Think of me as your sexologist too. I understand the situation here requires unusual measures, so we just have to accept that certain sexual things can and will happen during his treatment. But rest assured, Mrs. Plummer, I know how to pleasure his cock with my mouth as well as anybody. How is that, Alan? On the penis hurting scale, I mean?" She popped his erection back in and resumed her contented yet talented sucking.

"Oh, that's more like a four," he said casually. "Definitely easier than the hands. But my mom does do it quite differently. Since she practically lives with my dick in her mouth, I think it may be important to see where her technique stands on the scale."

Susan quickly agreed. "Oh yes! Please! Akami, please let me taste it just a little? I've been waiting ALL DAY to wrap my lips around it! What's a mother to do to get her cocksucking satisfaction?"

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