6 Times a Day

Chapter 678 Hook Up With Christine?

At the very same time Akami drove away from the Plummer house, Suzanne was also in a car, driving around aimlessly just a couple of miles away. Her head was so full of worry that she finally pulled over by the side of the road in the middle of a suburban neighborhood and just sat behind the steering wheel.

She sat with her eyes wide open, staring at nothing. Then she closed them fiercely and pounded her head on the steering wheel several times. Suzanne, what have you DONE, you crazy fool! You call this scheming? This is desperation.

She sighed, and then tried to pull her thoughts together. Okay. So I've just slashed the tires of some scoutmaster's car. And why? So I could get my chance to have sex with Sweetie this weekend. True, I did leave eight hundred dollars, which is more than enough to cover the expenses and hopefully the inconvenience for him, but still; I've crossed some kind of line here. My schemes used to be so elegant. I prided myself in never hurting anyone who didn't deserve it, and this scoutmaster guy certainly didn't deserve it.

Why? WHY?! Why couldn't I just wait a few more days? I could have been thrown in prison. Is it really that important that I fuck him now?

The thing is, it is. It's not only that I'm about to burst from holding off all this time. I just have to settle my position in his heart before Susan permanently lodges herself there and locks me out.

It's soooo ironic that I'm going to these extremes to prevent Susan from having sex with him before me, when just a couple of days ago I was crazily scheming to get her to have sex with him as soon as possible. I must really be losing it to work against my own schemes like this.

She mused, I should have listened to what Xania advised yesterday and canceled that set-up appointment. I would have had Xania's tongue between my legs and Susan still waffling over what to do with Sweetie. And the way we rubbed our tits together - does that bring back good memories, or what?! The two legendary tongues meet again! Aside from Susan, Xania's the only one I can really go toe to toe with in a tit smashing contest. Well, there's Brenda, but she would probably suffocate me with those enormous monsters. I guess there's only one way to find out! She chuckled to herself.

Wait a second, Suzanne. Focus now. Don't let your libido make your decisions. That's your big problem lately. Think.

Am I just saying I should have acted differently because that's what would benefit me most, given my current worries that the relationship between mother and son is pushing me to the side? I have to forget my own interests and do what's best for Susan. But what is really best for her? This family needs me as the matriarch.

Susan has always been too much of a softy. It's a miracle her kids aren't more spoiled, and a good part of that is due to my mostly hidden hand in helping to raise them. Now that she has nothing but sex on the brain, she's lost all willpower to discipline them. While she and Angel are going on about being sex slaves, someone needs to actually run things. That very incident yesterday with Xania shows that I can overcome severe temptation when discipline is needed.

It's imperative that I secure my spot as at least Susan's equal with Sweetie's heart and his penis. What I'm doing is RIGHT. Sabotaging the van was necessary because having sex with him before Susan does is necessary. It's for her own good. It's for the whole family's good. I'm being completely honest with myself here.

Or am I?

Lately, I've been letting lust rule my brain far too much. I have a great overall plan, to create a sexual utopia with all my closest loved ones. And it's coming true, in some ways even better than I'd predicted. But I go too far sometimes, just because it turns me on. Like with Susan. I'm letting her go too deep into her whole big-titted sex toy mommy fantasy. It's made everything move in a more submissive direction.

Then I had the bright idea of getting Brenda involved. God, she's such a babe! How could I resist adding her to the utopian plan? And on one level, that's been a home run. But she's so submissive that it's moving things even MORE in that direction. All this relentless talk about serving Sweetie's cock is getting to me and indoctrinating ME!

How do I stay on top? Like I said, this family needs me as the matriarch. What I did today, with my act of sabotage, is it a bold act to reassert control over the whole situation? Or is it just my lust and my needy pussy driving me? I don't even know anymore!

She lightly pounded her head against the steering wheel several times, and sighed heavily again, no more certain of where she stood on things now than an hour ago.

Back at the Plummer house, Amy came over a few minutes after Akami left. Susan and Katherine were still so worked up that they were busy standing and necking with each other in the living room while Alan still lay asleep on the floor. (He'd been pretending, but now he was really drifting off.)

Amy saw that both women were buck naked, and took her clothes off in a flash.

As Amy stepped out of her shorts, she said, "Whoa! This isn't what I was expecting to see, like, at all!"

Katherine and Susan were a bit startled at first, but not that much since they realized it was only Amy. Still, Susan felt obliged to pull her lips free. Actually, she tried to disengage from Katherine altogether, but Katherine had a good grip on her ass cheeks and wouldn't let her go.

Susan asked, "Amy! What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to see my official boyfriend off, of course. He IS going on his hiking trip, isn't he? He doesn't exactly look ready." She frowned at his splayed out body.

"Actually, he's not," Susan replied. "The trip has been postponed until next week."

"Oh," Amy said. She was poker-faced at first, but then she brightened up. "Hey! That means we'll be able to have all kinds of fun together!"

Katherine was fingering Susan's pussy, but Susan felt self-conscious about that with Amy watching. She slapped her daughter's hand, and chided her, "Stop that!"

Katherine didn't stop though. She whispered in Susan's ear, "Mom, I'm Brother's fuck toy, and you're MY fuck toy." Then she licked her way all over Susan's ear.

Susan just whimpered helplessly as Katherine steadily fingerbanged her.

Amy walked closer to Alan and squatted next to him. "Um, should I wake him up?"

"No," Susan said while still feebly and half-heartedly trying to fend off Katherine's probing fingers. "He really needs his rest. Just think how worn out he'd be if he had to go hiking, poor thing. Oh, and you know Akami, his nurse? She said he needs to have some space to recover for the duration of the weekend."

Amy stood back up and looked to Susan with dismay. "What? You mean we can't play with him ALL weekend? That's like, a super-pooper."

Susan replied, even as Katherine kissed all over her face, "Well, luckily, it's not that bad. We can still have fun, but we have to be careful not to chafe his penis too much."

"'Chafe?'" Amy asked. "What's that mean?"

"It means we can't rub his dick too aggressively."

"Awww. But that's the funnest and bestest thing!" Amy walked closer to where mother and daughter were fondling each other.

Katherine finally spoke up. "Don't I know it! But Akami said we could still do lots of fun stuff, like titfucks, blowjobs, and even double blowjobs."

Amy's face lit up. "Cool beans!" She ran her hands up Susan's thighs, and caressed her bare ass cheeks in particular.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"W-wh-what are you doing?" Susan stammered. Before Amy could answer, Susan had a burst of willpower and suddenly pulled away from both sexy girls. She covered her pussy and nipples. "Hold on, you two, or an orgy is liable to break out!"

They looked at her in confusion, since they didn't see that as a bad thing.

Susan looked down at Alan. "Look at the poor boy. His penis is completely wiped out. It still needs to rest. It won't be good for him to wake up and see ANY of us making out. In fact, we should put on some clothes, just to be on the safe side."

Katherine and Amy sighed heavily in response to that. After Amy asked for and got 'hello' French kisses from the other two, the three of them did dress. At first, they just put the clothes they'd been wearing back on, but things quickly escalated into a "sexy war" to outdo each other. All three hotties wound up going upstairs to pick out particularly sexy outfits and high heels, and even put on jewelry and make-up. (Suzanne wore make-up regularly, but the other three almost never did - Susan due to her inexperience, and Amy and Katherine as was typical for their age.)

Alan finally woke up. Though he was still naked, he sat down on the sofa and casually asked, "So, what's up? What did I miss? And why do you all look so extra sexy?"

That last question got big smiles from all three women, and more than a little sexy preening as they showed off their outfits.

Katherine and Amy sat in chairs near where he was. They both wanted to cuddle with him on his sofa, but they restrained themselves since it was clear he was still bleary-eyed and recovering.

Susan fetched drinks and snacks for everyone. The four of them were content to talk and enjoy their edamame and iced tea.

Eventually, Susan brought up what their plans for the evening should be. She said, "Tiger, I know you're tired and all, but given that you're home for the weekend, well, I hope you're not mad at me, but I looked up Christine's phone number and gave her a call."

Alan was more than a little surprised to hear that. "You did WHAT?!"

"I know, I should have asked you first, but I got to thinking about what happened this morning. Remember when Katherine brought up your upcoming date with Christine?"

He smiled fondly. "How could I forget? I was getting an incredible titfuck from her at the time."

"Yes, well, I've been thinking about that and I thought it would be good for you to seduce Christine sooner rather than later. So I suggested to her that you move up your date with her to later tonight and she liked that idea."

"MOM! Is everyone around here deaf or something? How many times do I have to explain that I have no plans to seduce her? But whether I do or not, I'm mighty irked that you would call her on my behalf. I'm not a baby anymore. Sheesh!"

"I know, I'm sorry. But I just got so excited, and you were sleeping, and plans needed to be made... The way she turned you down when you asked her out last month still bothers me. I kind of see this as a chance to undo that wrong. If you're really serious about not getting physically involved, at least you can get her all hopeful, and then leave her panting with desire in frustration."

"Mom, that's mean. That's not like you."

"I know, but she hurt you so bad. You were sadder than I've ever seen you for a whole week. She needs some payback. I don't like it when anyone hurts my babies." Susan's eyes took on a steely and determined look. She added with less resolve and more lust, "Plus, I've seen her huge milk bags every now and then. She's definitely Alan-worthy. Those tits need some serious taming!"

Alan looked around the room. Amy and Katherine were listening intently but staying silent so far. Amy was her usual smiling self, but Katherine looked a bit irritable now that Christine had been mentioned.

He said, "Mom, not only was that idea rude to me, but what about Amy and Sis? Sis apparently has jealousy issues with me being with Christine, and you're just fanning the flames. And Amy, she's my brand new girlfriend for crying out loud, and you want me to go date someone else! It's crazy!"

Amy spoke up. "Hey, it's cool. I know I don't have a monopoly on you. This is good practice for me to get used to sharing. Besides, I know how wiped out you are today. Even if you wanted to seduce Christine there's no way you'd be up for any sexual fun anyway. I'll bet you just have a short dinner and go home to sleep. No biggie."

Alan sighed with exhaustion. "I sure am tired, you got that right." He looked at Amy, sitting topless in a nice black dress, and was filled with desire for her. He didn't even necessarily want to be with her sexually at the moment, given his tiredness, but he just wanted to spend time with her. She was like a ray of sunshine and a guaranteed inspiration to lift his spirits.

He said, "But Amy. I can't believe how amenable you are. We should be having some special time together."

Amy responded, "I know, but don't worry, you and I will be having some special time soon. Aunt Susan was talking about making some special preparations for tomorrow night when you'll be back to full strength. Then we can have an unforgettable time. I'd rather be with you tomorrow night than tonight, 'cos you look all super tired-y." She nodded towards his crotch. "And look: even though we're all dressed up like this, you're not even a teeny weeny bit hard."

"Ah. Well, if you say so. That does sound good. And I am pretty damn 'super tired-y.' Christine's gonna be disappointed as I plant my face on my dinner plate and fall asleep in the middle of our date. But okay. Even though I'm not thrilled about being forced into this, I guess it's pretty much a done deal."

After a pause, he asked, "By the way, what's up with all the sexy outfits? All three of you look really great."

Susan proudly struck a pose, with a hand behind her head. "No reason. No reason at all!"

Katherine saw confusion on his face, so she elaborated, "What Mom means is that we like to dress up for you any ol' time. There doesn't need to be a special reason."

"Ah. Cool. Uh, thanks." He got up to shower and get ready for his "practice date" with Christine.

Katherine remained silent for the most part, since she didn't want to be seen as the jealous and complaining type in front of Alan. She hadn't been aware that Susan had called Christine, and now she was frantically thinking and strategizing in light of this new development.

Later, in her room, she took out her diary.

Dear Diary,

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Bad. Bad, bad, bad. I've got some seriously bad news to tell you: Brother and Christine are starting to date! Well, technically they're only "practice dating," but still. This is partly my fault for putting Christine on Mom's radar screen this morning. Now she's trying to hook them up when that's a totally crazy thing to do. As if he doesn't have enough big-titted beautiful women under his thumb already. Sheesh!

I can sense that Amy is not happy about this either, but she's too nice to do something about it. I've got to get between Brother and Christine somehow, but how? If they really do just have a non-romantic date, then fine. But if sparks start to fly then before you know it he'll have TWO amazing serious girlfriends, and I'll just be an also-ran. Sure, he'll kick back and watch TV and let me blow him for an hour or two most any old time, but I want more, a lot more! I love him with all my heart and soul. I want to be one of his wives. I want to have some of his babies!

Sharing with Amy is one thing; Amy's so fun and easy-going and my best friend to boot. Not to mention that I know just what great fun she is in bed, thanks to all of our pussy shaving adventures together, and she's just about as willing and wanton a sex partner as you're ever going to find. I love her, and I love sharing Brother with her. But sharing with the prickly and competitive Ice Queen, a complete stranger? No thanks! I'm gonna have to stop the sparks if I have to physically stand between the two of them.

Hmmm. That's not a bad idea.

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