6 Times a Day

Chapter 687 Susan And Suzanne [DD SPONSORED]

ο»ΏDrunk Dargon Special πŸ‰ [ 4 / 15 ] 5K words


Because it was a Saturday and he was exhausted, Alan was sleeping in. Susan and Suzanne had a good long talk in the kitchen as they waited for him to awaken. They'd only been alone together a short time the night before, and most of that had been filled with Susan's description of Akami's visit.

Suzanne had learned of most that had happened at the psychologist's office by talking to Xania by phone the night before, but she also wanted to hear Susan's version of events. After a healthy and prolonged good-morning French kiss with her best friend, she sat down on one of the kitchen stools, and asked, "So, Susan, how was the visit with Xania? Good, I assume?"

Susan sat on a stool as well. "Good. Excellent actually, but exhausting! You mentioned that she was a sex therapist, but I had no idea there's so much actual sex in a therapy session! She made me masturbate for so long that I could barely walk out of there. My legs were wobbly and dripping with juices, as usual. Actually, now that I think about it, it wasn't that different from just staying at home, in that respect. Non-stop masturbation!" She giggled. "But her advice was really good."

Susan stopped and asked, "By the way... Is that... unusual? Masturbating during a therapy session? It seems rather improper to me."

Suzanne replied, "Well, yes, it is rather unusual. Xania is very progressive. She uses the latest methods that most other therapists are too set in their ways to touch. For her, it's all about results. And it was effective, wasn't it?"

"It sure was." Susan was placated by Suzanne's clever answer. She proceeded to further describe the session.

Suzanne was very proud of her scheming. Susan talked extensively, and Suzanne learned that almost everything with the psychologist visit had gone exactly according to plan, and in some cases even better than expected. Xania had shown a natural talent for improvising, perhaps due to her acting experience.

In Suzanne's opinion, Xania had let things get far too sexual, especially with the improvised "visualization exercises" she'd made Susan do. Suzanne was fairly amazed that Susan didn't find it very odd that she'd spent most of the appointment topless and masturbating.

It goes to show how far removed Susan's become from the real world. When she has to go out shopping or something, it must be like Rip Van Winkle waking up, because nowadays she's in this hypersexual world, fucking herself and sucking Sweetie's cock all day. Just like Akami's visit yesterday, for instance. Susan probably didn't even blink when Akami started to suck his cock; she's gotten to the point where she finds it perfectly natural and right that beautiful women suck her son's cock when they get near him.

She's totally sexed up. I may be creating a monster of sorts, but I've got to keep her like that until she gives in completely to him. I've got to keep doing everything I can to keep her in that non-stop sex world; I'll even keep doing all her grocery shopping. It's a never-ending task to keep her from something jarring that will snap her out of her erotic fog, at least until these changes become permanent. But it'll be so worth it. If things do go too far, I may have to scale her back a little bit, later.

Actually, now that I put it that way, those "visualization exercises" were perfect. I should have come up with that myself, although it's hard to believe that she'd have fallen for it. Sometimes I forget just how naΓ―ve she is. I'm going to have to remind her to practice those "exercises" very regularly.

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ±-ňᴏνΓͺ|·сóМ The only significant problem was that the counseling sessions with Xania had gone so well that Susan wanted to have additional sessions with her, despite the long drive to Xania's "office." In Xania's phone call to Suzanne after Susan had left, Xania was very insistent and enthusiastic about that idea too (no doubt in large part because she wanted an opportunity to have sex with Susan). But having another appointment would be hard to do. For instance, everything in the office was already packed up and soon to be returned to the rental company.

Suzanne figured that issue was something she could deal with later. Her immediate interest was to find out what Susan's new attitude towards sex would be. For the time being, Suzanne was resisting doing much more than French-kiss greetings, to give Susan some needed space.

Once Susan had finished her long story of the session with the psychologist, she took both of Suzanne's hands in hers, and said, "Now that I've told you all that, I have something very important to say: thank you!"

She paused dramatically, then went on, "Thank you for setting up this appointment, for starters. Once again, you've changed my life is such a wonderful way. Where would I be without you? But not just that. I still want to thank you for the incredible, thoughtful gift Brenda gave to me. I know how you scheme behind the scenes, so I consider that as much from you as her. And then having me give her a copy of the Alan-sized vibrator... technically that came from me, but really it was you again! You even wrote a note in my name."

"I was just trying to help," Suzanne said modestly.

"I know. And you do. So much! But I want to get you some kind of super amazing gift too, but I can't think what it could possibly be. We've known each other for so long. I have a hard enough time finding you something for each Christmas and birthday, because you never tell me what you want."

Suzanne said, "I'm not interested in material things. I've been very lucky in that sense; I'm completely financially secure and if there's any possession I really want, I probably got it a long time ago. Your friendship has taught me a lot, and one thing I've learned is that people are what matters. Love is what matters. Sex is great, because it's an expression and celebration of love. So all I want is for you to continue to love me and be the best friend I've ever had."

Susan was so moved that she stood up and crushed Suzanne in a hug, even though Suzanne was still sitting on a stool. "Oh, Suzanne! With pleasure! With great pleasure! Promise me we will always be the best of friends until the day we die! And we have to die on the same day!"

Suzanne chuckled at that, but she was overcome with love as well. "Okay, okay! I promise already! I still need to breathe!"

Susan broke the hug and stood back up. "Sorry. You know me, I get so emotional. But on top of all that, I really want to get you some kind of tangible gift. Since I got that great vibrator, every time I put it in my mouth to work on my sucking stamina and technique I get a warm feeling thinking of you and Brenda making it for me."

"We didn't make it with our own hands," Suzanne pointed out. "We just told professionals what to do."

"I know, but still, you know what I mean. I want to get something like that for you, that'll give you a warm feeling thinking about me every time you see it. Can I please get you something like that?"

To dodge the issue, Suzanne responded, "Well, I'll think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Susan suggested, "What about some kind of necklace, or bracelet, or ring? Something you'd see and feel every day. I could even get one for you and one for me. That would sort of link us together, forever."

Suzanne found that idea intriguing. "Hmmm. Maybe. That might be nice. Let me sleep on it for a while."

"Of course. Don't take too long though."

Suzanne nodded. Then she asked, "So Susan, here's the big question. Now that an official psychologist condones your activities, what are you going to do with your cutie son, physically?"

"Yes, that's the big question. Now we finally come to it. That's the exciting part, Suzanne! I've been holding it in, waiting for you to ask! I still wasn't 100 percent sure after I left Xania, but then I talked it over briefly with Akami and she confirmed it for me. They both said that I HAVE TO have sex with my son! It's not even up to me to decide; my body belongs to him. Tiger is in complete control of my body and it's obviously what he wants, so I want it too. My entire purpose in life now is to please him sexually." She spoke with complete acceptance.

Ironically, Suzanne was now worried that Susan was too eager. "But what about your religious concerns?" She was ready for a prolonged discussion, and she'd done some Biblical research to help make her case.

Susan said excitedly, "I'm like Saul on the road to Damascus! I've seen the light! You kept trying to tell me, but I wouldn't listen. Even Xania couldn't really address my religious concerns, and that was the one thing still niggling at me. But now it's all clicked into place. All my prudish and absurd childhood teachings have fallen away and I'm totally free. I'm free! It's so great. It didn't really dawn on me until I went to bed last night. It was like a wave of peace swept over me. I've felt so mentally torn, for weeks. But now I feel a sense of wholeness."

Suzanne was more than a little surprised. She was almost disappointed that her latest religious research appeared to have been time wasted.

Susan sighed happily. "I've realized that there has to be a reason why God made my tits so big and my body so curvy and generally sensitive. I'm built for sex! And not sex for just anyone, but for my son alone! My pussy is as sensitive as the rest of me, so God must want my Tiger to pound my pussy too. And don't tell me his ailment and his completely weird treatment were all just coincidence! That was planned!"

Suzanne gasped, thinking she'd been found out.

But Susan continued happily, "God must have planned that too. Big-titted babes like you and me are meant to serve naturally superior males like Tiger. Why else would we have these annoying big masses of flesh that just make our backs hurt? His whole diagnosis must have been God's way of getting me off my duff and on my knees sucking his cock! If God wants it, then how can I object? I don't have any guilt anymore. In fact, sucking and fucking is practically a religious DUTY! Isn't it great?"

She clutched both of Suzanne's hands tightly, and then the two of them hugged for a very long time.

Suzanne pretended to be happy for her friend, but inwardly she worried. Suzanne, you've been far too successful this time. Damn! What am I going to do now? Susan's like the perfect believer. It's next to impossible to get her to change her beliefs, but once she does, she commits completely in every way. How it is that I scheme so much and still don't wind up on top?

At least she feels whole and at peace again. I can feel good about that, at least. Actually, this is great news if only I can get Sweetie to realize that I'm the one that loves him the most and that he has to love me the most. Everything else is still on track, except for that one thing.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

The hug ended. Suzanne faked some of her enthusiasm and said, "That's great. When are the two of you going to do the deed?"

Susan had been bursting with joy, but that cooled her a little bit. "Shucks. That's the one snag. Akami made it clear that I should agree to Tiger's request and let him take it easy all weekend. And of course, if that's what he wants, then I have to obey. I feel so happy now that I realize that my life - and my body - are entirely in his hands!"

Suzanne was disturbed to hear that, not least because she considered herself to be the one with considerable influence over Susan. She didn't want Alan running everything. "But you're his mother. Certainly you have to remain in charge?"

"Well, yeah. With non-sexual things, certainly. My favorite thing Xania said was when she talked about the need for me to assert more control. I need to be in control of the situation. After all, this is my house, and I'm the mother. That's one thing that's really been bothering me, the feeling of constantly sliding down a slippery slope and losing control."

She continued, "In recent weeks I've been slowly getting over my concerns about the morality of our incest, but I've still been worried that I would lose my dignity and become a total slut. Tiger wants to be proud of his mother, and I want him to be proud of me. I don't want to let him down. But then I realized I just have to make a sharp division between the sexual and the non-sexual. When it comes to something like telling him to clean his room or do his homework, I have to stand firm. But when it comes to something like sucking his cock, I have to stand firm, but in a different way. Like this."

She brought her hands behind her back and thrust her chest out. "You know what I mean?" She giggled and laughed mirthfully.

Suzanne queried, "So, in other words, you want him to take over completely, sexually?"

Susan's face lit up, even as she relaxed her pose. "Yes! I NEED him to dominate me sexually. I absolutely MUST serve him. I realized that's just the type of person I am; that's how God made me. I think that's all part of God's plan too. It makes me SO HOT just to think about my son controlling me. You know what turns me on most of all? When he orders me around and says something like 'assume the position.' I cream right then and there!" She looked like she was nearly ready to demonstrate that just from talking about it.

"I'm so proud of my body. So proud of my tits." She grasped her massive globes and held them up. Then she looked down at her crotch. "Soon, I'll be proud of my pussy, when it learns that its purpose in life is to be there for Tiger to fill with his sweet, creamy goo at any time."

This upset Suzanne, if only because she found it a bit daunting that Susan was so submissive. She didn't mind if Alan lusted after them equally, but she didn't want him to be lusting after Susan more. But she couldn't help getting turned on at the same time. She asked, "But certainly being so subservient in that, don't you think that will carry over into other things? How can you force him to clean his room when you're begging to suck his cock?"

"Well, that's my challenge. And that's the solution. Tiger can still respect me as a mother, and enjoy me always as one of his favorite hot-for-cock helpers, as long as I remain resolute in maintaining my non-sexual motherly duties. You see? It's the best of both worlds. I can slide down the sexual slippery slope as far as I want. I don't have to have boundaries or resist anymore! We can fuck like frenzied bunnies all night long, as long as I'm there to prepare his breakfast and lunch bag in the morning. I can and will serve his cock AND be a good mother as well."

Suzanne had a hard time believing that Susan's balancing act could work. She thought, Susan is deceiving herself yet again. Her sexual enthusiasm means that she's going to gladly give up total control to him in everything. He's going to be spanking her right and left, and she's going to love it.

Darn. It looks like I went too far in indoctrinating her about certain things. This is why it's so important that I assume an increasingly dominant role in his life, and in her life too. I need to step in and be the one to say "no" when Susan is too blissed out on sex. Otherwise, Sweetie is going to be completely spoiled in very short order. In fact, I really need to be the matriarch of this whole bunch.

She looked up at Susan and was surprised to see that she had gone from a face of total euphoria to a serious frown (even though she continued to clutch her rack). Susan was even biting her lip in worry.

"What is it?" Suzanne asked.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just wondering when I'll be able to do the deed. My period should start around Tuesday or Wednesday, so I may only have Monday, if it takes him all weekend to recover. Then there's his rescheduled hiking trip next weekend. I'm just afraid I won't get enough fucking in anytime soon. Because now that's all I want to do, to get fucked by my son! What did you say, 'Bend over but don't break'? Now it's bend over and break!" She giggled like a little girl.

Suzanne was delighted by this latest information. A-ha! All I have to do is stop them from fucking on Monday, and maybe Tuesday too, and I'll have over a whole week to have him all to myself! Well, at least a good chunk of him, given all the beautiful babes he's probably plowing through these days. I need to establish myself here in the new shape of things. I may not have the whole mother-taboo thing going for me, like she does, but I'm clearly the most sexually talented of this bunch. After that, Susan can fuck him all she wants - once Sweetie makes me his first choice. But how to stop them from fucking until then? It's like trying to stop a meteor from plowing through the air.

Suzanne kept these thoughts to herself, instead saying reassuringly, "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll all work out. It sounds like Monday will be divine for you. But I'm curious who will be in charge, sexually, if you're so happily subservient. Suppose that next time when all five of us are hanging out one night, our man gets a hard-on and needs immediate relief. We'll all want to be the one to suck him off, naturally, so who gets to do it?"

"Hmmm... Oh, I know! That's easy. Tiger will choose. After all, his pleasure comes first. It's a medical fact, what with his condition and all."

Suzanne wasn't so sure about his dominance when it came to herself. Pleasing herself was an extremely high priority. But she kept that thought to herself too, and asked, "But suppose that, for whatever reason, he can't make up his mind? Then what?"

Susan pondered that like it was a complicated algebra problem. She finally let go of her boobs as she rubbed her chin in contemplation. "Huh. Tough one. But it's still my house and I'm still his mother. So it should be up to me. Don't you think? ... I'd try to be fair of course, and spread the joy around so everyone could have their turn. After all, he has so much potent seed to give us all. Unless it was a Tuesday. You know what happens on my special day." She flashed a big smile and got even more tingly thinking about Tuesdays.

Suzanne thought briefly, It's odd how similar Susan and Angel are about this subservience thing, although I think Angel is more just playing at it while Susan is dead serious. Amy's so willing in everything too. I guess I'm the only female around here with any real backbone. That makes it all the more important that I stay in charge. And I can't fall for all this master crap or the whole group will fall apart.

She got up. "I have to go do a few things. Now would be a good time to practice those visualization exercises Xania was recommending, don't you think?"

"Oh, those? Okay. But if I sit around masturbating while thinking about my son fucking me, won't that just make me more frustrated that we can't have sex already?"

"No. It'll sate those urges for a while. Just like, if you want to cure someone from being afraid of snakes, you have to slowly get them closer and closer to real snakes. Gradually they become used to it, until they can hold a snake in their hand. In the same way, if he fucks you in your mind today, you won't actually want him to fuck you so much in reality. At least, until it's time."

Susan joked, "And I'll be happy to hold his snake in my hand!"

They laughed.

But Suzanne thought, It's actually getting a bit frightening just how pliable Susan is becoming. She didn't question that reach of a snake analogy at all. She's not thinking logically anymore. She is so NOT in control in any aspect of her life. Sex has completely overtaken everything else; it's amazing she doesn't see it.

I guess a lot of it is my fault. Maybe I went too far in keeping her in a constant sexual fog. I figured it was all a necessary process for overcoming a couple decades of her prudish social conditioning in mere weeks.

Once she and Sweetie are fucking, I'm gonna have to ease her back into the real world. Right now, she's almost completely nonfunctional, except as a pure sex object. There's no way in hell right now she could ever get it together enough to, say, do her taxes. That'll need to be done sooner or later. And I'll have to work on giving her a bit more backbone, too. Some unscrupulous person might take advantage of her.

Suzanne didn't see any hypocrisy in that last statement, as she failed to see how much she herself was taking advantage of her best friend.

She gave Susan another long goodbye kiss on the lips and then walked away. Mostly, she just wanted to be alone to have time to think.

When she left the house, Suzanne peeked through the window into the den where Susan had gone. Sure enough, Susan was already practicing her "visualization exercises." She was sitting up in a chair, naked, with her eyes closed. Her hands were all over her tits, ass, and pussy, as if she needed to touch all three areas at once but was stymied because she had only two hands.

Suzanne thought, Now that's a sight to see! She does so much with her hands. I can't wait until I teach her all about strap-ons. She's got a lot to learn, just as soon as her pussy is "cleared" for dildo and vibrator penetration. As sexual as everything is these days for her, her sex education is still just beginning. That sight looks so enticing, I think I might just go back to my place and do some playing myself.

Relative to moving her own physical relationship with Susan forward, Suzanne thought it best to bide her time. Maybe I've been pushing Susan too much. It's getting to be like she's so blissed out on sex that she doesn't know if she's cumming or going, hee-hee. She smirked at her own pun. Literally. I think it's a good idea that Sweetie has a break. Susan could probably use a couple of semi-normal days as well.

Then, Monday morning, she has the appointment with Akami that I scheduled for her. Akami can help take her to the next level of lesbian lovemaking. I think it's time she learns how two women can please each other with dildos and strap-ons. When she comes home, she'll want to practice using her new toys with me, and she won't think of me as the one responsible for corrupting her. Once she and I are fully fucking, it's an easy step to get her and Angel fucking. They're half way there already. Then, with her fucking Sweetie, everybody will be fucking everybody else. My Plummer orgy vision will be a reality.

Remarkably, Suzanne completely forgot about her own daughter, since Amy had never figured in her sexual plans or fantasies. It remained a huge blind spot for her.

She continued thinking, Of course, I feel bad that I'm constantly tricking my best friend. It may seem that I've gone a bit too far in the past day or two, what with the van sabotage and all, but ultimately it's for her own good. Someday, when we're all sitting around naked, making love in one big family orgy as I hope we'll be doing most every day, I'll remind her about all the little tricks I used, that got all the pieces to fall into place just so. All of us will have a big laugh. She'll thank me. They all will. Really.

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