6 Times a Day

Chapter 710 I'm Surrounded By Master Manipulators! ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 12 / 20 ]


After they were done, they lay resting on the bed in each other's arms for some minutes. He whispered into her ear, "I love you, Aims."

"I love you too, Beau!" she whispered back. "Do you know what?"


"You took me! It was just like the novels. You know, in those cheesy romance novels, the woman always yells 'Take me.' Now I know why. I feel totally took." She giggled.

He decided that instead of replying with words, he'd nuzzle his nose against hers.

She loved it. Then she suddenly blurted out, "Ohmigod!"


"Susan! She's gonna be so psyched. She gave me a lot of advice before we left for the party, as you can probably figure. And she was so big on talking about you taking me and taming me. But she was so right! I feel like I'm totally yours, and I'm not just saying that."

He replied very suavely, "And I feel like I'm totally yours." He snuggled and kissed. "By the way, take anything my mom says with a big grain of salt."

"I know. She gets carried away. But it's cute. She means well."

After some more loving moments of happy cuddling, she sat up. "Oh! I almost forgot. I've got a surprise gift for you, to show how much I've been thinking of you."

"Oh, what is it?" he was pleased, but also upset with himself that he had no gift.

She ran out of the room. It took her a few minutes to come back.

He was left to bask in the afterglow. But he didn't have privacy for very long, because Katherine soon stuck her head in the room.

"How was it, stud brother of mine?"

He didn't mind the interruption. He grinned widely and gave two thumbs up.

"Two thumbs up, eh? Well, Bro, I'll have you know Amy liked it too. You know what she said to me as she zipped past just now? She was bursting at the seams and said, 'That was the most super splendortasticawesomeoriffic thing ever! I got took!' Do you know what that means?"

He grinned even more. "Yeah. Did you hear her cry 'Take me'?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "Ah. Who didn't, in this half of Orange County? Cool. Oops, here she comes again. Later!" Katherine skipped back to her room.

A moment later, Amy rushed breathlessly back into the room, immediately asking, "What was Katherine doing in here? Were you laying your pipe into her?"

Alan looked at her for a moment and realized with some relief that Amy was just joking; she didn't appear to have any jealousy issues at all. He thought, Aims is soooo cool. How cool is it to have someone that understanding? What's even better is that if I WAS "laying my pipe" into my sister, Amy would be cool with that, too.

He joked back, "Well yeah, but only a little."

She grinned and nudged him forcefully. "You! Anyway, here's my gift." She handed him a piece of paper.

Before he looked at the sheet of paper, he studied her beautiful athletic form, which was still glistening with a sheen of sweat from their recent romp. She almost looked oiled up and her hair was wild. He always marveled at her unabashed attitude towards nudity - she seemed positively proud of the trails of his silvery semen rolling down the inside of her thighs.

He tore his eyes away and focused on the drawing. It was a portrait of him, done in charcoal. It was a quick sketch, but it captured him perfectly. "Did you do this?" he said with more than a little surprise in his voice. She nodded, proud but bashful.

"It's really good! I had no idea you were such a good portrait artist."

"Thanks! I drew it from memory. Maybe some other time you could sit and I could paint you properly. Here's another one. Something to remember me by."

She handed him another portrait, this one of herself. She was naked in it, striking a very sexy pose. "Since your scouting trip has been rescheduled for the weekend, please take it with you so you don't forget me while you're gone. I don't mind if you fold it up - I can make lots more."

"Thanks again. Wow! You're a real artist. You've been hiding yourself! You should do it professionally." He was genuinely impressed and not just buttering her up. He was particularly impressed since he was lousy at art.

"It's what I want to do. You know how everyone says I'm a space case? That's 'cos I look at the world differently. I'm always looking at things like, I dunno, like I want to paint the scene or something."

"I can see that. This makes me love you even more. I'm going to get you something special too."

"Thanks! But you already gave me the best gift you could ever give me when you fucked me so well. You ready to do it again?"

"I'd love to, but I really can't. I'm so sorry, but it's just been too much lately. I'll make that up to you later, too."

"M'kay." She snuggled up next to him.

"You're so understanding. You're really amazing, Aims."

"Thanks, Beau," she whispered, then kissed him on the ear. "You're pretty neat too. Although..." She giggled.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m


"Saying a blowjob would cure my hiccups. That was a bit too much!" They both laughed.

He replied jokingly, "But how do we know it isn't true? Let's try it out next time you've got the hiccups and see."

"M'kay!" They giggled some more.

They were just relaxing in each other's arms, but for some reason Alan stared at Amy intensely. She had the same kind, happy face she always wore, but he detected something there he'd never noticed before - a certain wry and knowing look, like she was secretly triumphant.

All of a sudden, he had a revelation. "Hey! Wait a minute! It's all a sham, isn't it? You've been playing along the whole time, haven't you?"

"What?" she asked, looking confused.

"All this 'gosh' and 'super duper' stuff. It's all an act, isn't it? Like you're doing right now! You're really damn smart! Your artwork shows that. You've been playing me like a fiddle, haven't you?"

She smiled even more. "M'kay. You got me."


She admitted, "I've been playing along with all the tricks you and Katherine thought you were pulling on me. I mean, come on! No one is that clueless in this day and age. And I got you to fuck me, didn't I?" She giggled with glee.

He laughed too. "Well, I'll be damned," he answered, amazed. "But you didn't need to go through all that just to get me to fuck you. You're fantastically fuckable, you know. All you had to do was say, 'Hey, let's fuck,' and believe me, I would have jumped right up."

"I guess that's true. But then again, who's now your one-and-only official girlfriend? I kinda had a bigger plan." She smiled like the cat that ate the canary.

He was impressed. "You sneaky succubus! I guess the fruit doesn't fall too far from the tree. You're a schemer, aren't you, just like your mom?"

"Now wait a minute. There's some truth to that, but not all. I really am the way people see me. I'm innocent and simple; I'm not super clever like mom. If I were, my grades would be better than just okay. It's like I was saying before: I think differently, in an arty, spacey way. But I learned to play up and exaggerate the way I naturally am. People seem to like it. You know, like I want to play a game, and you want to play a game, so I act all 'okey dokey' and the game is that much more fun for both of us."

He pointed his finger at her and wagged it. "You... I'm gonna have to watch out for you. You've been full of surprises today. I'm impressed... though frightened too. I'm surrounded by master manipulators!"

They both laughed. Then she said in a very dumb, exaggerated voice, "Golly gee, Beau, I've got a bad case of bad breath today. Gosh! Didn't you say putting your thingy in my mouth could cure it?" Her mouth hung wide open and her tongue darted about as if in search of a penis.

He laughed some more. "That is pretty fucking absurd, isn't it? I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be. It's been a blast. The thing is, I really was sexually inexperienced. I was so far behind Katherine, Aunt Susan and mom in your books, I needed something different to stand out and catch up. So I just exaggerated things a bit. It was fun! In the end, look who gets to be your official girlfriend." She cackled a theatrically evil laugh. "Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!" Then she hugged him tightly.

He asked her, "So is the 'real' Amy really that okay with sharing me?"

"I'm the same person I've always been. I'm totally in love with being naked, I die with pleasure when you 'check for bumps,' I really do look at the world through innocent eyes; it's all still me. It's just that maybe I'm a little bit more knowing and scheme-y than you realized. You're right; I must get that from mom! I'm okay with sharing - though maybe not as wild about it as I act. Women get jealous, you know. Even me. But it's all good. We're all gonna love each other in one big, happy family. It'll be awesome!"

They lay next to each other for a minute. He really wanted to fuck her again, but his penis wasn't up for it.

Suddenly, she said, "You know, actually, I seem to have a pretty bad case of bad breath right now."

They both burst into laughter and couldn't stop laughing for quite some time.

Alan guessed that from that point forward, "bad breath" would be their code language for getting sexual. But unfortunately, he had to say, "Aims, this breaks my heart, but I really shouldn't do anything else with my dick right now. After all, this is my recovery weekend and I've already cum, let's see... eight times today. But don't worry. We'll be spending the night together, so let's just see what happens. Not to mention when we wake up tomorrow morning. Not only that, but I could go down on you now if you'd like."

She giggled. "You're so nice. Don't worry. I can see you're really tired. Let's just cuddle. I get to sleep with my big, strong cuddle-bunny. I'm so happy."

He was quite happy too. As they lay in each other's arms, he thought, I don't know what a "cuddle bunny" is, but it sounds good when Aims says it... Wow. What a surprise she is. I've really been taking her for granted. I need to treat her better. If only I had more time, what with all these women pulling at me from every direction. What a drag.

Speaking of other women, I'm really impressed with Sis, too. It looks like she really took Xania's comments about jealousy to heart. The way Amy screams and moans, Sis could hear everything. I bet her dildo has been getting quite a workout... I wonder if Mom could hear too. I sure hope not. She was getting all worked up earlier. I think she's treating this like it's the night I lose my virginity. If she only knew how many women I've fucked already!

Soon Alan fell fast asleep. Amy fell asleep in his arms, and for the first time in his life he slept the night away in the same bed with a woman.

Alan was right about Katherine's dildo.

Susan was wide awake as well. She'd gone to sleep for a while, then had woken abruptly thanks to Amy's loud screaming. She'd decided to stay locked in her room because she just couldn't bear seeing her son with Amy. It wasn't so much the fucking as the intimacy, plus the official girlfriend status, and the idea that Amy would be the first to spend the whole night with him. If she had also seen the candles and bows that Katherine had arranged, she certainly would have broken down and cried.

But her main problem as far as sleeping went was that Amy was so unbelievably loud. The walls in Alan's room were quite thick, but Amy had a high, piercing scream that could go through walls like they weren't there. Susan got some earplugs and covered her head with a pillow, but she could still hear Amy's ecstatic screams.

She at least consoled herself, Soon, that'll be me. I'll be the one with my legs flailing in the air, my son taking and controlling me, hammering my pussy, showing me who's boss! Maybe even on Monday, knock on wood. God, all that screaming gets me SO HOT! How can anyone sleep around here, with all that noisy pussy-taming going on?!

Amy's so lucky to be his official girlfriend. It's just not fair! Why can't mommies be girlfriends too? Why can't Tiger take me, say, to the prom? I'd be such a good date; I wouldn't even mind sharing. Oh, poo!

She covered her head with her pillow. Amy, keep it down already!

It took a long time for her to get back to sleep, and when she did she slept fitfully.

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