6 Times a Day

Chapter 712 Phone Sex With Glory While Getting A Blowjob From Kath ['Someone' Sponsored]

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When Alan woke up again late Sunday morning, he again marveled at the incredible luck and joy the world had brought him. Finally! Sex with Aunt Suzy AND Aims! And on the same day too. There's something so deliciously naughty about fucking a mother and daughter. That's what I call a day well spent. But today's a new day, and I'm going to take it easy. This is supposed to be my recovery weekend.

He looked around, and to his surprise Amy was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the clock by his bedside. It read 10:30. He checked his bed sheets; they were sticky. So I'm not dreaming, he thought. The sheets smell like Amy. And Miss Pussy, too, heh-heh. God, I love her. Maybe she's downstairs. If I'm going to cum a few times today, I can hardly think of a better way than a morning dick squeeze in her tight cunt.

He slipped on a robe and wandered around the house, but there was no sign of Amy or anyone else. She had woken up about an hour earlier and gone to the kitchen looking for something to eat, and found Susan there. Susan was feeling bad from sleeping poorly; with some justification she blamed that on Amy's loud, piercing screams. She was in a rare bad mood, and had stared daggers at Amy.

Amy was so shocked at the ill-will coming from the normally always-kind-and-loving Susan that she practically fled the house. That in turn made Susan feel guilty, so she took herself to church a short time later.

When Katherine wandered into the kitchen, Alan was eating a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. She was groggy from a poor night of sleep too, but at least she'd been able to sleep a fair amount. She was wearing some casual around-the-house clothes.

She brightened up when she saw Alan. "Morning, Big Telephone Pole Bro." Imitating Humphrey Bogart's voice, she winked and said, "Looks like it's just you and me, kid."

He laughed, and said, "I think it's a safe bet Bogart never addressed anyone as 'Big Telephone Pole Bro.'"

"Au contraire. I got that line directly from 'Key Largo.'"

He chuckled. "Where's Mom? Or Aims?"

"Church, I assume. Mom's not in her bedroom; I peeked in. And you know even the Pestridges go to church sometimes. It's Sunday. Remember?"

"Oh yeah."

She regretted that she hadn't tried to wear something sexy. "Which reminds me of a recent sermon about the joys of brotherly love. Please hurry up with your bowl of Cheerios."


"Because Sunday means your insanely aggravating ban on fucking me in the house is finally over! You haven't fucked me since Friday with Xania, and that was an all too rare exception lately. I think you have some 'brotherly love' that needs sharing, if you know what I mean. I want you to give me some of what Amy got last night." She poked him in the chest repeatedly, but in a loving and playful way.

He was certainly amenable to the idea, as he'd just been looking for Amy to fuck, and he also felt he had been too long without Katherine. But he continued to munch away at his breakfast, saying only, "Hmmm."

"Hmmm. What does that mean?"

"You know, I'm pretty gross. I really should take a shower first."

She giggled, relieved at his agreeing. "Not a problem, Big Table Leg Brother. Why, I think I just might want to take a shower at the same time, and even in the exact same spot!"

"Fancy that," he replied grinning. "What are the odds?"

"Yeah, well, I'm all about water conservation." She winked, and put her hand on his crotch. She was pleased to see that this talking about fucking had made him hard already.

Changing the subject, Katherine said, "By the way, I spoke to Aunt Suzy about Heather yesterday. Seems we're supposed to put up with you fucking her for a little longer."

He turned away, embarrassed. "Yeah, well... Sorry about that."

Katherine put a hand on her hip. "What's up with her appeal? I mean, I know she's beautiful and all, but you've got us. You've got a whole squad of fuck toys at home ready to fulfill your every desire. What's this bullshit I hear about fucking Heather supposedly being some kind of psychological therapy or something? How did you get Aunt Suzy to swallow that?"

He wasn't keen on discussing it. He had to admit that it did sound like bullshit, but he still felt that it really was the case. He asked, "Did she tell you about how I turn into 'Bad Alan' and how that helps me blow off steam?"

"Yeah, but why can't you be like that with us, so you don't have to be with her? I was discussing this with Aims, and she agrees that the danger of sexual diseases is-"

Just then, the telephone rang, interrupting the conversation. There was a cordless receiver a few feet from where Alan sat, so he stood and picked it up. "Hello?"

To his surprise, the "hello" in reply was from Glory.

He thought, Phew! Saved by the bell! He was briefly alarmed about taking the phone call with Katherine there, but then he remembered how she'd found out about his intimate relations with his teacher just the day before, so he figured he could speak freely. He replied tentatively. "Glory? What a pleasant surprise. What are you calling- Hey, I didn't even know you had my number."

"Sorry," Glory said while nervously twirling the phone cord. She was pacing her bedroom, and had red eyes from crying. "You know I'm good at getting information. Don't you think that, given the way we know each other, we should have each other's phone number?" Her voice sounded edgy and needy.

"Well, sure. I'm just surprised, is all. I mean, I thought we needed to be careful about the whole 'teacher and student outside of school' thing."

Katherine listened intently. She put two and two together from his mention of "Glory" and "teacher" and thought, Wow! It's true! He really is getting it on with her. Not that I doubted it, but still, it's kind of a mind-blower to actually hear it confirmed. Seeing that he was looking her way, she wiggled her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive Groucho Marx style.

"You're right," Glory conceded. "But I just felt I had to call. I'm climbing up the walls. Is it okay?"

"Sure. What's wrong?" He gave up on the rest of his now-soggy cereal and carried the bowl to the kitchen sink, and then headed back to sit at the dining room table.

"Alan, I'm so sorry for being needy, but I miss you. So much! I can't wait until Monday's lunch. It's just that I love you and miss you. That's all."

He was touched, but also a bit frightened by the situation. He thought, I just fucked Aunt Suzy and Aims yesterday, and Kat is literally waiting for me to hang up the phone so I can fuck her. That's my own sister! Yet it sounds like Glory is angling for and needs some serious commitment. Not good.

He said, "Glory, I'm touched. It's great to hear your voice."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "Do you miss me too? You didn't say you miss me." She sounded needy again.

"Glory, I need to be honest. I love you very much. However, you know about the situation I have with the other women. I know we agreed not to talk about it, but it's a fact. I miss you, but it sounds like you miss me much more, because you're at home alone. You're on the outs with your boyfriend. Meanwhile, I'm surrounded by love and affection and attention all the time. This house is always busy, and there's all kinds of other people in my life lately. In fact, I'm having a guest over today."

Katherine couldn't help but leap at the opening that gave her. She'd been sitting across the table from him, leaning forward, shamelessly listening in, but suddenly she quietly dropped to the floor as if she'd fallen from her chair after leaning too far forward.

The next thing Alan knew, her head reappeared between his legs. Since he was wearing a robe, she had no trouble swallowing his erection before he even realized what was happening. He tried to stand up, but she just tugged on his robe and forced him back into his chair.

He slapped at her head a couple of times and tried to push her away, but she was determined. He shook a fist in the air, but her eyes were closed and she didn't even witness the gesture. He couldn't say anything to her, and couldn't even groan in complaint, because Glory would hear thanks to the telephone in his hand.

Luckily, Glory took a few moments to digest what he had to say, so he was able to somewhat pay attention when she began to answer. "Alan, I know all that. And I made a decision to myself that I would look the other way and not challenge you about that. And I won't. I know I'm probably on a road to ruin, but I can't help myself. You make me feel too good. The way you fucked me the other day - it's all I can think about. I need you inside of me!"

It was deathly quiet in the house, so Katherine could hear every word of the phone call taking place a couple of feet above her head. She wanted to play off of the "inside of me" comment, but didn't know how. Belatedly, she raised both hands above her head, and had the index finger of one hand go into the hole created by a nearly closed fist on the other hand. It was a universal symbol of fucking.

Then, holding his erection with both hands, she fed it into her mouth. Even as her lips bobbed back and forth on it, she slathered her tongue all over his sweet spot.

Alan was both annoyed and amused, as Katherine knew he would be. He was also very flustered - he was surprisingly accustomed to talking while having a woman sucking his cock these days, but he wasn't happy with it happening while he was trying to have a serious and emotionally important conversation.

He spoke very honestly. "Glory, we really need to make things clear. You have to fully understand that I have drunk too deeply from the joys of having many females pleasure me. I can never be a one woman guy again, not as long as there are so many beautiful women willing to please me. But, that said, I'm really committed to you. I love you, and hope you can be a part of my life. But only if you can understand my unique situation, and make peace with it."

"Oh, I'll live with it. I'm yours, Alan. Totally. I'm head over heels. I'll do anything for you. I'm basically at your mercy. I just hope you treat me with dignity and don't break my heart, because I've given you my heart on a platter to do with it what you will."

Katherine was happily bobbing away in Alan's lap, seemingly oblivious to the seriousness of the conversation despite listening closely. Alan had "resigned himself" to the cocksucking and he tenderly stroked his sister's long, dark brown hair.

It was exceedingly difficult for him not to groan though, especially when hearing Glory call herself totally at his mercy at the same time that Katherine's tongue kept working his sweet spot just under his cockhead. She was aggressively lashing at it from different angles, like a whip repeatedly striking a bare back.

Luckily, he had gotten talented at talking coherently while being blown, and he was also getting good at "enduring" great levels of erotic pleasure. He didn't even pant or sound winded as he said, "Glory, I'm just a kid. I don't know much about romance. But I promise I'll do my best. I think the key is to make you fully realize the uh, polyamorous nature of things here. You know, we're a very monogamous society, but in other societies it's different. Look at the Muslims with one guy having four wives. And if he's a good husband, he loves them all."

"I know," Glory conceded. "And to be honest, even while what you do kills me, it turns me on. I mean, you're eighteen, and you rule the school like you have your own harem! I've been wearing my dildo out all weekend, thinking crazy thoughts about you!"

He thought, There's that "harem" word again. As if! Although, lately...

She paused, as if afraid to say more, and then continued, "I shouldn't say this, but your sexual potency is such a turn-on. I loved you before, but the way you fucked me the other day, it was like a spiritual experience. If you can fuck everyone that well, it's almost like you DESERVE to have as many partners as you want, to share the joy. But then when I think of an actual real flesh and blood woman with you, and think specific names, I get torn up with jealousy."

He thought while looking down at his sister's bobbing head, She sounds just like how Sis was, with the jealousy and everything. It's almost spooky. Then an inspired idea hit him. "Glory, you've never seen me with another girl. I think you may need to see that, to come to grips with this multiple partner thing. You need to fully understand I can love you and someone like my girlfriend Amy at the same time."

"I know. I know. But I'm not ready for that. This whole conversation is too painful for me as it is."

"Okay, well then, imagine that I'm with someone else right now. Imagine that a beautiful girl is sucking my cock even as we speak." This was his inspired idea, as he'd already guessed what her first response would be.

Katherine was impressed at how he'd fit reality to the phone conversation. She'd had her eyes closed to fully focus on her cocksucking, but she stopped sucking, opened her eyes, and raised her head just to see the expression on her brother's face.

He looked down and silently mouthed that she should stop, but both of them knew he was just going through the motions.

She returned her head between his legs, closed her eyes again, and resumed licking.

"I don't know..." Glory replied uncertainly.

"Just go with it," he suggested confidently. "Picture a strange pair of lips wrapped around my dick. They're moving up and down. Pre-cum is constantly dribbling out of my dick and into her throat. She loves the taste and gurgles with delight whenever more of the tasty treats hit her tongue. But her tongue is busy. Very busy. Even as my cockhead periodically hits the back of her throat, her tongue wraps around it like an anaconda snake. Her tongue is relentless. It's everywhere at once. Between her tongue and her lips, I can't hold out for long. But all the while, I'm standing here calmly talking to you."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Needless to say, Katherine continued to listen intently, and tried as best she could to do exactly what Alan said. She was delighted.

Glory was silent on the line for a few moments. Then she said, "Well, I guess, if you put it that way, I have to admit the idea is pretty exciting. But only because I'm imagining that it's my mouth being filled."

"Well, imagine it's your mouth, then. But it's not. It's a strange girl's mouth."

Glory couldn't help hide her excitement. Normally she wouldn't have felt that way, but she was beside herself with lusty desire before she even called. She asked, "What does she look like?"

Alan answered almost tauntingly, "Well, I hardly ever see her face, because her nose is always buried in my pubic hair. But she's got the biggest, beautiful brown eyes. When she gives me that puppy dog look, I totally melt. She's tall, nicely tanned, and my age. She's a teenage love machine. I love her... What else? She's got long amber hair."

Alan was going to say dark brown hair, but then realized he'd been describing Katherine far too well, and mentioned Amy's hair color instead. He hoped most of the above description worked for Amy too, though Amy's eyes were hazel. He continued, "She's got practically the biggest breasts in school. Just one look at her breasts and you'll want to suck on her nipples all day."

Katherine was frustrated because she wanted to do something extra special for Alan after the loving description, but she was already sucking his erection using every technique she knew. She momentarily stopped and raised her tit to his face so he could suck on a nipple. Of course, he did.

Glory said, "Maybe YOU want to suck on them, but don't expect me to." Nonetheless, she repeatedly squeezed her own tits with growing excitement. "I gotta admit, she sounds pretty gorgeous. If I didn't know better, I'd think you have Amy there."

Alan didn't answer, mostly because his mouth was sucking on a nipple. He wondered if she could hear that through the phone, but it was quite quiet. Katherine's avid and slurpy licking had been much louder, although it was also farther from the phone.

Glory went on, "What's she doing now?" She was beginning to wonder if there really was someone there with him.

Katherine's attentions returned to her brother's groin.

Alan explained what his sister was doing as she did it. "Let's see. She's taken my erection completely out of her mouth, but that's probably only so she can slowly put it all the way back in. She wants me to fuck her face, but slowly. Gently."

Katherine followed his every word, and did exactly what he said.

It delighted him to no end. His panting was starting to grow louder.

Glory said, "She may want it slowly and gently, but I don't. Fuck my face roughly! Really give it to me! Shove your man meat down my throat! Make me gag with the thickness of your massive cock!"

He asked, "Are you making yourself comfortable?" It was taking a great effort for him to keep his voice relatively calm.

"You can say that again, young man! God, I've been on edge all weekend! This dildo has rarely been far from my hands!"

"Good. Put it in your mouth then. I want you to imagine you have my dick in your hands. Is it like my dick?"

"The same. It was the closest one I could find. It's flesh colored and with veins and everything."

"You're talking far too clearly, Glory. You shouldn't be able to talk that well when you have my big penis filling your mouth."

He heard some rustling, and then, "Thorry." Her mouth was clearly filled with a plastic friend now. Within seconds, there was the sound of slurpy moaning.

"What are you wearing, Glory?" he asked.

"Mmpf. Ahh... Wound the houth sthuff." In fact, she was already naked, but she didn't want to admit that. She could scarcely believe the things she was saying and doing as it was already.

Around the house stuff, Alan translated for himself, since Glory wasn't as clear in talking and sucking at the same time as the likes of Susan. "Well, take it off. I expect my women to be naked or nearly naked at all times."

To his delighted surprise, Katherine stopped sucking and crawled out from under the table, and then stood up. Alan realized that she too was heeding his call to get naked. She winked, and then pulled her T-shirt off over her head. Then she dropped her skirt. She was quick about it, and fell to her knees again.

Glory made some rustling sounds to make it seem like she was undressing.

Alan turned the chair so she didn't need to be under the table. That way, he could see her bare backside much better. Reacting to events, he said, "The girl I'm with is taking off her clothes right now. I'm very disappointed that she was wearing clothes in the first place."

He wanted to give Katherine a playful slap or two on her ass, but realized that actual contact would make too much noise and give away that he had a real partner. Instead, he laid a hand on her ass cheek and squeezed, hoping she would interpret that as a symbolic spanking.

Katherine thought as she resumed bobbing on his cockhead, Ha! You call that a spanking? Pathetic. But she was having a great time. She was using every last trick she knew to get her brother to cum sooner rather than later, because she wanted to see how he could deal with that while talking on the phone.

Glory asked Alan, "But how can I be naked all the time? What about when I'm teaching?"

He replied, "That doesn't concern me. You'll just have to teach in the buff from now on."

"But I won't even make it out of the parking lot before I'm gang-raped!"

"That sounds like fun. Tell me what time you're arriving on Monday morning so I can videotape it."

"You wouldn't really let them gang-rape me, would you?"

"Of course not. I'm the only one who gets to assault you. I'll rape you when you arrive in the nude, and then naturally I'll rape you some more in front of class later."

"That is so wrong, and yet it arouses me! Dammit! This is fucked up."

Of course this was only sex talk. He thought, Uh-oh, we're drifting into one of our usual role-plays. I need to keep this conversation on the "strange woman giving me a blowjob" idea, even though it's a bit dangerous. What if I give away that it's my own sister? He asked, "Why can I hear you so clearly?"

"Oh. Sorry." There was a pause as she resumed sucking on the dildo. "Itsh back in my mouf."

"Better. Are you on your knees, like you belong?"

"Yesh." She made more noises that clearly showed she was very aroused. But then she complained, "You thouldn't thay dat."

He said rather harshly, "Glory, remember, I have a real flesh and blood girl sucking my cock right now. You're just sucking plastic, imagining it's me. I love you dearly, but you have to obey. Are you going to be a good little girl and obey your teacher?" He was surprised at his own words.

"My teasher? God! Too mush!"

He could hear the sound of the dildo moving faster in and out of Glory's lips. He started to pant, but still managed to say, "You didn't answer. I might have to fail you, little girl, unless you answer your teacher's questions correctly."

He heard rustling, and then, quietly in what was probably a mumble to herself, "God, thish is tho embarrashing."

"You didn't answer my question, little girl."

"Yesh! I'm on my kneesh. Naked. Shucking penish. Your penish! Mmmphf! Are you sthroking it fo me?"

"Now, now, Glory. Think this through. Someone here has their tongue on my cock. Let's call her ... Amy."

Alan heard a stifled moan of aggravation and excitement come from Glory as soon as he mentioned that name. He had to hold Katherine's head still and squeeze his PC muscle to calm down a bit, because things were getting too exciting. It was hard to talk.

But after a long pause, he managed to continue, "So of course I'm not stroking it. I literally never need to masturbate again. Remember that Amy lives next door. Her hot mother Suzanne does too. You already know about me and Suzanne, and you know what a drop dead gorgeous sex goddess she is. They practically live in this house, with their mouths around my cock at all hours of day or night! I love it when mother and daughter blow me at the same time." That hadn't actually happened yet, but he thought talking about a double blowjob would help show Glory how things were with him.

"Oh God!" Glory nearly screamed. "You're sho nashty! Ish she rearry there?"

Alan held the phone near his hard-on so Glory could hear the slurping sounds his sister was making. Then he brought the phone back to his ear. "What do you think? Is that someone's mouth? Or is it my hand sloshing all over a dick that's positively dripping wet with pre-cum?"

"I don't know!" Glory cried out, exasperated. She realized, correctly, that this was at least partly his payback for her "Michelle incident" with him.

"Does it get... Just a minute." He was distracted because his sister was starting to make more noise.

She was so aroused by Glory's continuing submission that she could hardly contain herself.

Alan was getting near climax and wanted to have a strategic break, but Katherine wouldn't stop. He stood up in an attempt to get away, but Katherine's lips remained fused to his cock. He pulled on her hair, but even that didn't slow her down. Things were reaching a crisis. The phone call would be no fun for him anymore after he came.

Then he had an inspiration. He traced the shape of the letter "B" on Katherine's shoulder. Then he did more letters until he finished the expression: B E Q U I E T.

Katherine quickly caught on, but she wrote back on his thigh: T O O H O T. She left his hard-on entirely in her mouth so both hands could get busy between her legs. The only reason she wasn't moaning loudly was because her mouth was so stuffed with throbbing cock. That at least gave him some respite, since her attention was now divided between her pussy and his cock, rather than being focused solely on his cock. She also showed him some mercy by starting to suck more slowly and gently.

Alan returned his attention to Glory. He said, "Does it make you hot to think that I might be talking to you while a real girl sucks my cock? You can take the dildo out to answer."

There was an audible pop, and then he heard Glory catch her breath. "God, yes! I know I shouldn't be saying this, but it's really turning me on! Alan, you're so mean! You know I'm too crazed with lust to think straight, and you're taking advantage. Meanie! You know just what to do with me! You make me mad with lust! Do it more! Give it to me! Everything!"

"I will," he said, still mostly calm, though the cocksucking had affected his breathing too. "Just a second, though. I have to go to the bathroom. Don't hang up."

He put the phone down, though he didn't actually have to pee. Partly it was so he could have a more sustained strategic break, and partly it was so Katherine could get a dildo and put it in her mouth to add another layer of symmetry to their game. He stood up and she did too. He wrote across her tits: G E T D I L D O.

She winked to signal her understanding and immediately ran off.

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