6 Times a Day

Chapter 717 God Approves Harem? ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 19 / 20 ] 6K words


Things proceeded in a relatively normal, non-sexual manner for a while after that. All three of them put on clothes, though both women wore tempting dresses showing lots of cleavage.

Susan and Katherine happily shared the task of preparing lunch together. Although they both loved each other greatly already, their shared double blowjob somehow bonded them even closer than before. They simply couldn't stop smiling, and frequently shared kisses and little touches as they worked.

Before Alan had lunch, he spoke to Glory on the phone some more. He wanted to make sure she was okay after the rather crazy call earlier in the day. They had a much more rational conversation. He was actually relieved that Glory seemed a bit embarrassed by some of the submissive things she'd said earlier, and tried to reassert her usual personality. Alan figured he didn't want or need another female acting like Katherine.

When the phone call ended, he had a lot to think about. Boy, I really feel like king of the world today. I keep resisting this harem idea because it seems like the further I get into this, the greater the fall is going to be when somehow the spell is broken. Life can't keep going on like this, can it? I mean, of all my friends right now, probably the most exciting thing they're doing is watching football on TV. I can barely wrap my head around how bizarre this morning's events have been, not to mention yesterday's.

But obviously Sis is ready to take all this insanity to yet another level. Maybe I've read too much porn, but I can imagine her vision of eight naked women lined up in a row happening in some kind of massive mansion set deep in the woods, but not here. Not on some random suburban street in conservative Orange County! Somehow the police are going to find out what we're doing, and I'm going to be led away in handcuffs.

Someone like Ron is going to bring this all to an end. That talk about him may have been a turn-on to them, and to me too, I must admit, but it scared the bejesus out of me at the same time. He IS going to come home sooner or later, and what will happen then? Even if Mom divorces him - and that's gotta be a done deal now, I'd imagine - we're still bound to see a lot of him. In fact, starting a divorce could open up a whole can of worms. He might even start investigating Mom to gain leverage with the divorce settlement. Shit!

Not only that, but any day now Brad or Eric might wander over from next door looking to borrow a screwdriver or something. Instead, they'll probably see their beloved Amy or Suzanne right in the middle of an incestuous orgy. I wonder what would happen next. God, I hope I'll never find out! Brad's a big guy and he's even on the football team. He'd probably kick my ass, especially since I'd be too shocked to react well.

There're two things I need to do. One, enjoy this to the hilt while it lasts, because it won't last forever. This harem stuff is just too far out of the mainstream, and the mainstream always clamps down on those who break the rules.

Two, make it last as long as possible. I think the key is to cut it down to just the core people, if only for safety reasons. Loose lips sink ships. I like this idea of disentangling myself from the Kims and Joys and Janices of the world and focusing on an inner core. Not only is it safer, but otherwise I just can't handle it emotionally or physically, as much fun as it is to fuck so many. Glory is showing me that the emotional entanglements are going to get more and more messy unless I do something. I could totally see the one feeling jilted being the one to blab. Someone like Heather. I DEFINITELY should stay away from her.

But any core has to include Glory, my very first serious crush. Her and the Plummer and Pestridge four, definitely. Brenda and Akami, I'm not sure yet. I still don't really know either of them well enough. But with Glory's basically monogamous attitude, I'm worried things with her are going to end in a "road to ruin" as she put it, even with the multiple partners conceptual breakthrough of sorts on the phone today. Not good. Not good at all.

Lunch continued the relatively non-sexual mood, with the three of them talking and eating together. Just to make sure things didn't get crazy again soon, he explained that he and his penis needed a rest. That was true for mental reasons even more than physical ones. Feeling such dizzing heights of arousal for so long was mentally taxing.

Nonetheless, the two women were still riding an erotic buzz, and they had a hard time talking about non-erotic things. As all three of them ate, with the women sitting across from Alan, Katherine said, "Mom, you know the great thing about sucking Brother together?"

"What's that, dear? There are so many great things."

"True. But what I really like is how it can be a learning process. I mean, I thought I was doing pretty good sucking him. I am one of hs official personal cocksuckers, so I have to do my best, every single time."

"Without a doubt," Susan said.

"But I saw you do lots of neat little things that I can add to my bag of tricks. Like the way you scrape your fingernails along his perineum sometimes."

Susan proudly replied, "The perineum is highly under-appreciated as an erogenous zone. Most people don't even know that's the name for the area between the balls and the anus."

Katherine replied, "I know that, of course, but it's an easy area to overlook, so I always forget. And what's with the way you tilt your head back and forth sometimes?"

"Oh, that's a trick Suzanne taught me. His cockhead brushes the sides of my mouth, increasing the stimulation. Plus, it's a good way to visually express my passion."

"Oooh! Nice!"

Susan spoke sincerely and with obvious enthusiasm. "But I liked watching and learning from you too, Angel. For instance, I love the way you're so big on puffing air. The way you blew air on his sweet spot right when I was frantically licking it? Wow! That sent chills down my spine, knowing how good we were making him feel. Let's hear it for teamwork!"


They high-fived.

Alan complained, "Can we talk about something else, please? This is too arousing for me right now."

Katherine asked, "What's so arousing about it? This is strictly informational and educational. For once, we're not actually trying to arouse you." She looked back at Susan. "But hey, let's talk about teeth!"

"Let's!" Susan eagerly agreed. "I'm starting to learn there's so much one can do with teeth in cocksucking, if you're careful and smart about it. It really makes a difference!"

"Tell me more!" Katherine said. "What have you actually done with your teeth so far, and how did he like it?"

Alan groaned. "Okay, that's it. I'm right here listening, you know. Things are getting too arousing around here. It's great that you're talking about this, but please do it when I'm not around. Now, while I'm in buzz-kill mode, the two of you have to get punished for not stopping when I asked you to stop and making me cum too soon. I could have kept riding that hard-on all day."

It seemed surreal to be discussing this over a zucchini and tzatziki sandwich, given that the two females were eating while dressed relatively normally for a change. Everything in the house seemed a Norman Rockwell picture of normality. That is, until Katherine joked, "I would have much preferred if I rode that hard-on all day!"

He smiled at that.

Susan said more apologetically, "I'm sorry. Maybe Angel feels differently, but when I lick your cock, I sort of get more and more excited. Eventually, I reach a point where I just HAVE to have your cum blast all over my face! That's what I've been working towards for so long. Your stamina is great, but at some point we need to be rewarded for all our hard work."

Katherine chimed in, "Yeah. Brother, you have no idea how much effort we put into it. It's like running. You've gone eight miles and you have to push yourself, 'one more mile.' It's like that, only with our tongues and jaws. And if you never cum, that's like running without having any finish line. It kind of takes half the fun out of it."

He thought that over, and said, "Okay, you're making some good points. But still, I'm the one in charge. If I say stop, you have to stop. Or, if you can't stop, at least let me know what's going on! Say something like, 'Can't stop, too horny,' or something. Don't just defy my orders."

Susan and Katherine apologetically bowed their heads. They said "Sorry" at the same time.

He went on, "Okay, here's the punishment. You two have to stay away from my dick all day long. Absolutely no touching. Period. This was supposed to be my recovery weekend, and while that hasn't exactly happened, it can still be a recovery of sorts if I keep it light from here on in."

Both seemed fairly resigned to that and just nodded. They knew it wasn't so much a punishment as an announcement that he really needed a break. They also hoped that by saying "day" he meant that would end when the sun went down.

He added, "Furthermore, Sis, what we did in the shower counts as the third time."

This caused Katherine's eyebrows to rise in surprise. She knew exactly what he meant: he'd fucked Amy twice, and now only had one more time to go to have a "matching" four fucks with Katherine. She wanted to argue about his accounting, but kept quiet since Susan was right there.

Susan asked, "What on Earth does that mean? Third time?"

But Alan only replied, "Just a private bet between us."

Susan raised an eyebrow, but she didn't press him about it.

Alan took a long nap after lunch.

— — —

While he was napping, Katherine went to her room and wrote in her diary. After writing in detail all of her exciting sexual adventures of the day (so far), she grew more contemplative.

Diary, I have to admit the phone adventure with Ms. Rhymer was a blast. But what does it mean that he's banging her too? I haven't really thought about it that much, what with everything else going on.

I've talked about it with Amy, and I just don't get her attitude. She thinks it's good. She says it's all part of "the great circle" or something. Did she bonk her head when she was watching "The Lion King"? I don't get it. She says that it's for the best if Brother fucks and tames all the women he truly loves, and since he truly loves Ms. Rhymer then it's cool. Well, she didn't say "fucks and tames" exactly, but that's what she meant.

And the stuff I said earlier about Ms. Rhymer being a great fuck toy and all, that's not really true. Or at least I don't think it's true. Amy has the idea that we're all gonna live together in some great big fucky family utopia. But what if Ms. Rhymer isn't into sharing? She doesn't seem like the submissive type, if you ask me. Sure, she's a really nice person, and sexy as hell. It would be fantastic if I could have sex with her as a regular thing. But she seems frighteningly normal. I don't get any sense that she's the bisexual, incest-approving, fuck toy type, like, at all!

And let's face facts. Brother only has so many spermy bullets in his gun that he can fire off each day. Right now, if he's playing with her during lunch, I can't really get upset at that, since that's a cum load that won't end up in or on me anyway. There's risk and then there's RISK. There's just no way he and I can do anything sexual at school, ever. Plus, it's a kick knowing that he's playing with his beautiful, hot teacher. I wonder how often she teaches her fifth-period class with the taste of his sweet cum still on her tongue? Aaaah... See? That's a turn on, big time!

But what happens when things get more serious and he starts seeing her more often outside of school? That cuts into his time with me. If she's not into sharing and being part of a harem, then what's the good of that? I agree, in theory, that if Brother really desires a sexy woman, than he should have her. But in practice, with Ms. Rhymer? I just don't know. I don't get pissed off about it like I do when he's with Heather, but I'm hardly happy about it either. I wish I could think more like Amy instead of letting my jealousy get the best of me.

When Alan woke, he decided to visit friends. His friend Peter was out, but Sean was in, so he went over to Sean's house and they played video games together.

Sean was on Alan's mind. He thought, If I'm going to break my sexual connection with some of the cheerleaders, it'll go over much better if they could have someone to replace me with. Someone like Sean here. He's kind of like me in that he's surprisingly muscular and athletic for someone who's basically a nerd at heart. But how to make it work? For one thing, I'm sure he's a total virgin, just like I was not that long ago.

Alan didn't know how to proceed. He couldn't figure out how to broach the subject with Sean, either.

Suzanne came over to the Plummer house about fifteen minutes after Alan had left. She found Susan alone, vacuuming the living room. The stereo was blasting so loud that it could be clearly heard over the noise of the vacuum cleaner.

Susan was dancing around and waving her free hand in the air while pushing the vacuum. She was singing along to "Happy Together" by the Turtles:

"I can't see me lovin' nobody but you

For all my life

When you're with me, baby the skies'll be blue

For all my life"

Susan was so into it that she hadn't noticed Suzanne coming in the front door. Suzanne took a moment to enjoy the sight. Just look at her. I've never seen her so happy. She's like this all the time these days. If anybody who knew about my scheme could see her now, how could they say that what I did was wrong? She was just a hollow shell before. Seeing her like this fills my heart with joy. I love her so much!

Not to mention, she looks so sexy! I'm surprised Sweetie isn't balls-deep in her already. Heck, if he could see her grooving around right now, he probably would be!

Suzanne finally walked into the living room and made her presence known. "Howdy!"

Susan looked up, then turned off the vacuum cleaner. "Oh, hi!"

Suzanne gave Susan a quick kiss and a hug. "Where is our special cum-filled young man?"

Susan replied, "Oh, you just missed him. He went off to hang out with some of his guy friends."

"Damn!" Suzanne muttered.

Susan was surprised by Suzanne's strong reaction. She turned the music way down, then sat on a living-room sofa. "What's up with you? Having a bad day? Do you want to talk about it?"

Suzanne forced a smile and sat down on the adjacent sofa, at right angles to her. "No, nothing's wrong." In truth, she'd been planning to get Alan out of the house on a pretext and spend the afternoon fucking him. She'd been looking forward to it so much that it was hard for her to hide her disappointment.

But she couldn't tell Susan that, so she just sighed and said, "I worry about that boy. When was the last time he had an orgasm?"

"Oh, about an hour before lunch." Susan's face suddenly shone with pleasure as she recalled the incident. "You should have seen it. I can't wait to tell you all about it. Angel and I sucked him off - together! At the same time! Can you believe it? We were so naughty! That's only the third time we've ever done it together. It went sooooo long. The pleasure was incredible for all three of us. I'm still flying high from thinking about it!"

Suzanne was very pleased by that development. She tried to act like it was no big deal so that it would be accepted as the new normal. "Oh, really? That's nice. But tell me all the details later, because I'm not in the mood to hear a sexy story right now - not after just missing my Sweetie. Besides, think about it. He hasn't cum since the two of you did that to him, which I'd guess took place around eleven this morning, and he might be out with his friends until five. Or even six. That could be up to SEVEN hours without any orgasm at all!"

Susan's bright face turned gloomy. "Oh dear. Think of his blue balls, his painful blue balls. All that sperm building up with no release! But still, isn't it important for him to spend some time with his friends? We can't monopolize ALL of his time."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Suzanne sighed. "I suppose." Damn. What a lousy day so far. I've really got it bad for my love when Susan sounds more reasonable about him than I do!

Susan looked around anxiously, as if she were worried that someone else might be listening. Then she asked, tentatively, "By the way... do you have a minute?"

Suzanne smiled genuinely this time and took Susan's hands in hers. "Of course. I always have time for you. Is something bothering you?"

"Yes. It's just... What Angel and I did to Tiger this morning... It felt soooo good. I can't even begin to describe how much I loved it. You don't want me to tell you the full story just yet, so I won't. But the sharing, the joy, the tongues dancing together across his sweet spot... It was all so great! When Angel and I sucked his cock together, I felt like I was bonding with her in a new way. It just felt SO RIGHT, ya know? Like our role is to just suck and lick his cock together, all the time!"

Suzanne nodded approvingly.

Susan went on, "Even afterwards, I still have this special warm feeling for my darling Angel. You know how much I love her already, but somehow the love comes to the surface even more. It's all so good that I could practically burst with joy!"

"Sounds good to me," Suzanne said affirmatively. "What's the problem then?"

Susan's gloom returned. Even though she was in a cheery mood, she had been having nagging doubts that she wanted Suzanne to help her with. "I'm just wondering where this is all leading. I've tried to impose a ban on two or more of us having fun with him at once, because that's a slippery slope, and who knows where it'll lead to? Now, I'm finding myself loving double blowjobs so much that I find myself hoping they'll become the 'new normal.'"

"I still don't see the problem."

"Well, the fact that I enjoy it so much gives me pause. I worry we could spoil him rotten, for one thing. Am I doing it for him or for me?"

"Why not both?"

"I know, I know. That's what I keep telling myself. But still, it seems like there could come a time when it's too much of a good thing and our lives get out of whack. For instance, if double blowjobs are this great, why stop at just two tongues at once? Why not three, or four, or even more sometimes?! Having no limits kind of scares me. We could end up having all-out orgies, every day!"

Suzanne had a hard time not smirking. As if that's a BAD thing! She kept on holding Susan's hand while looking attentive and supportive.

Susan continued, getting more worried the more she talked, "It makes me wonder. Just where is this all leading up to? Sometimes I get so carried away in the moment that I lose sight of the bigger picture. Talking to Xania has helped ease my worries a lot, but I still have my doubts. For instance, lately I've been tossing the word 'harem' around while I'm, well, in heat. But, uh, I've been thinking, especially since I've been part of four dual cocksuckings now, is a 'harem' really so far off? What if we ARE turning into his personal harem?!"

Suzanne asked innocently, "Is that bad?"

"Of course it's bad! People don't just have harems in this day and age. It's terribly improper. I'll admit that he needs a lot of beautiful, busty women to help service his cock, day in and day out. I'm totally fine with that. I'm downright proud to be one of his personal cocksuckers. But somehow, if you put the word 'harem' on all that, it gets scary for me."

"Why? It's just a word."

"I dunno... It just seems so extreme, so unorthodox. I mean, if we're in a harem, that makes him our master. We'd practically be sex slaves!"

Suzanne said, "Those are just words. He doesn't even like being called 'master' anyway. Besides, don't you love being his 'naked big-titted cocksucking mommy?' Don't you love it when he bosses you around? Don't you love sexually serving him?"

"So much! I've never been happier than when I'm on my knees with his cock filling my mouth. I've literally never been that happy, ever! You know that. But still, I worry. Maybe because it implies a permanent state of affairs? It's all so wonderful, why should we EVER stop? But nothing can last forever. I keep thinking that Angel and Tiger are going to get married, settle down, and have kids, you know, like normal people." She added with a start, "And not with each other!"

Suzanne had been anticipating a conversation like this for a long time, so she was prepared with well-researched talking points. "Look. It is what it is. You can use the word 'harem' or not. I know Sweetie doesn't like that term either, so maybe you'd prefer something else, like... his 'elite group of personal cocksuckers'?"

"That does sound better, though pretty wordy," Susan said, seriously pondering the issue. "But still, just because he doesn't like a name, that doesn't change what it really is. And... 'harem.' When you put it that way, it just sounds so... improper. Crazy. Sinful, even." She withdrew her hand from Suzanne's grasp and nervously fiddled with her fingers.

Personally, Suzanne didn't like the word 'harem,' But she was willing to bend if it would help further sexualize Susan. So she was ready with her memorized facts. "Susan, I think you misunderstand the Bible. Back in Nebraska, didn't they teach you that God approves of harems?"

Susan was shaken out of her moody reverie. "What?!"

"Sure. The Bible is chock-a-block with harems. Or, as the Holy Book calls it, multiple marriages and/or concubines. Doesn't that sound hot, being one of Alan's many concubines?"

"Well, yes, obviously. But don't distract me. I'm seriously concerned."

"And I'm being serious too. Did you know, for instance, that King Solomon had over 700 wives AND 300 hundred additional concubines?"

Susan replied, wide-eyed with wonder, "Of course I was aware of that. In fact, Brenda brought up that very fact recently. But I'd never really thought about it, to be honest. It was kind of... brushed under the rug, almost like a conspiracy of silence." She frowned, deep with worry. Finding fault with the Bible was very psychologically troubling to her.

Suzanne seized upon that. "The problem isn't with the Bible, it's with the so-called teachers who misinformed you. That's not some freakish anomaly; that was typical back in those days. It's true that Solomon had more wives than most, but did you know that Abraham, Moses, King David, and most of the other key figures in the Old Testament had multiple wives too?"


"Sure." Suzanne spoke with confidence, since she hadn't made any of this up.

"Actually, now that you mention it, I also remember something about King David having a few wives..."

"A few? I looked it up. He had, at a minimum, 22 wives and concubines. At least ten of those were concubines. And let's think for a minute about that word, concubine. A concubine is basically a sex helper or mistress. You might even call her a sex slave, because she's bound to one man for life for the sole purpose of sexually pleasuring him. Sound familiar?"

Susan exploded with excitement, "That sounds like ME! Like US!"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "Exactly! That's an approved position, approved by God." Suzanne stepped up her religious indoctrination, as part of her continued effort to reshape Susan's beliefs in a more sexual direction. "Why should one man have a bunch of wives and/or concubines? Isn't that unfair?"

"Well, yes," Susan replied uncertainly.

"Only if you look at it from a certain point of view. Some men are so special, so virile, that they need a whole team of beauties to take care of him. Can't you see that's a rock solid fact with Alan?"

Susan nodded. "I have no doubt. No one woman in the world could handle his great cock. Plus, he needs variety!"

"Exactly. But don't think that's improper, because God approved of the exact same situation with King David! You know that David is held up as an ideal and frequently praised in the Bible. He must have been an incredible man, with an incredible sexual appetite to match. He had 22 women in his harem, at the least, and clearly God was okay with that. So why would that be a sin or improper in Alan's situation, when he has far fewer women than David? Logically, that's impossible! And let's not forget Abraham, Moses, Solomon, and on and on. Practically all the great prophets had harems. There's nothing wrong with a harem whatsoever!"

Susan gushed, "Oh, Suzanne! That's wonderful! Why didn't you tell me that before? If only you'd have mentioned that a few weeks ago, I might have never needed to see Xania in the first place."

In light of that reaction, Suzanne was chagrined that she hadn't mentioned it earlier. Oh well. Live and learn. At least it'll still help smooth things over now.

But then Susan's wide smile turned into a frown. "But wait. That was the Old Testament. What about the New Testament? Certainly Jesus never would have approved of harems. And He is my Lord and Savior."

Suzanne deftly replied, "Hold on a minute. It's true that He never said anything in favor of them, but He also never said anything against them. And that's important because we know that multiple wives and concubines were still common in Israel and the wider Roman Empire in His day. Even hundreds of years later, there were still rules about multiple wives in Israel, showing it was still legal. If Jesus had a big problem with that, certainly He would have mentioned it. Right?"

"I guess..." Clearly Susan wasn't completely satisfied with that answer.

But Suzanne, knowing how important religious justifications were to Susan, had truly done her homework. She squinted as she tried to recall memorized passages. "Wait. Remember that in Exodus something or another, it says, 'If a man who has married a slave wife takes another wife for himself, he must not neglect the rights of the first wife to food, clothing, and sexual intimacy.' So, clearly, the Old Testament is okay with harems, even those involving slave wives. And lots of sex is a must!"

Susan felt a shiver of arousal at the mention of 'slave wives.' But she still wasn't convinced, and it showed on her face.

Suzanne concluded, "And remember what Jesus says in, uh, Matthew 5, um, something. Sorry, it's been a while since I looked these things up. Anyway, he said, 'Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law of the Old Testament or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until Heaven and Earth pass away, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.'"

A smile spread slowly across Susan's face. Her excitement grew as she said, "So... Jesus approves of everything in the Old Testament. And since harems are all over the Old Testament, He must approve of them too!"

"Exactly." Suzanne leaned back and sighed in relief. Thank God for the Internet. I never could have found the right quotes on my own.

She went on, "Furthermore, the Bible shows that special men have had lots of women to sexually satisfy them. Now, I'm obviously not saying that Alan is some kind of prophet. No way! But clearly, he's a special guy with special medical needs. He HAS to cum six times a day. It's a MUST! He may have a problem with calling this situation a 'harem,' but you and I know better, don't we?" She winked knowingly.

Susan gleefully winked back. "We do!" She suddenly stood up and practically tackled Suzanne in her seat in her eagerness to hug. "Oh, Suzanne! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're so knowledgeable and wise. Where would I be without you?"

"Where indeed?" Suzanne laughed with relief, thankful that she'd managed to pull off her theological argument despite not having much actual knowledge of the Bible. She also mentally patted herself on the back for remembering some long quotations.

After their hugs and friendly kisses ended and they were back on their respective sofas, Suzanne said, "So, regarding what you and Angel did to Sweetie together earlier, do you still have any problem with that?"

"Definitely NOT! In fact, we need a lot more dual blowjobs around here. While it's true that I still have a problem with all-out orgies-"

"Wait. Why?"

Susan furrowed her brow. She had to take a moment to ponder that. Finally, she said, "I don't know. It just seems wrong to me. Just too... excessive. And debauched. Keep in mind that I was taught to believe that sex is only permissible between one man and one woman, married, under the covers, in the dark, and in the missionary position. Hopefully, for the purposes of conceiving a child for the Lord. So please, have some patience with me."

Suzanne smiled at that. "Fair enough. We'll save orgies for another day."

Susan griped indigantly, "Suzanne!"

Suzanne winked playfully. Quickly changing the subject, she said, "Now that we've sorted that out, I'm in a much better mood. I'm ready to hear all about what you and Angel did to Sweetie today."

"Oh, goody!" Susan eagerly scooted up to the edge of her sofa. "It was a cocksucking slurp-fest like you wouldn't believe! Two mouths on one Alan Junior is the BEST! Angel and I first teamed up on him on Wednesday, and it's Sunday already. I can't believe you and I haven't shared his cock yet."

"We should fix that soon. Maybe even tonight. Can you imagine how much sperm he'll have built up by then?"

Susan's eyes bugged out. "Oh boy! He could douse our faces and chests like a fireman with a big firehose putting out a fire!"

"A fireman with a very thick and delicious firehose," Suzanne teased.

"Mmmm..." Susan stared off in the distance and licked her lips. She was salivating, already fantasizing deeply about sharing a double blowjob with her best friend.

Suzanne smirked, guessing Susan's thoughts well enough. "But wait. Before you get started, let's take off all our clothes and put on our high heels."

"Why? Especially about the heels. You know I never wear those when Tiger is out. My poor feet can only take so much."

Suzanne was secretly amused that these days Susan had more of an issue about putting on high heels than taking off all her clothes. "I know, but it'll help you get in the mood for some really hot storytelling. Besides, he could come home anytime. We should trade some spermy tales while sitting right here. Can you imagine his surprise and delight if he were to come home and find his two big-titted mommies naked and playing with themselves while talking about the joys of sucking his cock?"

Susan was so excited that it seemed like she was about to jump up and run around the room. "Oh my! I don't think he'd get two steps into the house before I'd have half his cock down my throat!"

"That's the spirit. But save some of that for me!" Suzanne chuckled.

"Oh, I will! You've got me so excited about our first double blowjob. It's going to be one for the ages!"

The two women stood up and immediately began taking off their clothes.

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