6 Times a Day

Chapter 727 I Am... Alan's... Sex Pet! - Brenda ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Susan and Brenda sat up and disengaged from his crotch. Both their chins were dripping with drool and cum.

Alan waited until they wiped up. Then he said to Brenda, "Amy made a good point. I'll let you be the penis tender for a while, if you show you really want it."

"Oh, I do. I do!" she replied with great sincerity.

"Well then, I want you to stand up."

She quickly did so.

"Put your hands on top of your head, kneel in front of me, thrust your tits out, and say, 'I am Alan's big-titted sex pet.'" Actually, he wanted to tell her to say the "I'm Alan's latest big-titted, sex toy slut" pledge she'd privately whispered to him earlier, but he forgot the exact words, due to his brain being rattled from so much incredible sexual stimulation. He figured what he said was close enough.

The other women were surprised, since Alan wasn't usually this aggressive.

However, he didn't think he was being harsh; in fact he thought that he was doing Brenda a favor. It was obvious that she was very submissive, just like Susan, so he figured this was how she needed to be treated for her "true self" to emerge. He also sensed that this was the exact sort of thing that she craved from him, even if she didn't consciously realize it.

Brenda was both ecstatic and horrified. The term "sex pet" struck her like an arrow shot straight to her heart. That term had invaded many of her daydreams and fantasies in recent weeks, after first hearing it from Susan.

But she thought, WHOA! Hold on! I'm horny beyond belief, sure. Those are like magic words for me. "Sex pet!" Aaaaah! But thinking about that in my fantasies is very different from stating it out loud as fact in front of him and the others. That's scary! Truly, there will be no turning back if I speak those words. It's not too late to pull back from the brink!

She just stood there, physically paralyzed and mentally freaking out. It would have been one thing to obey those commands with just Alan there, but she was intimidated by all the eyes watching her. She looked to Susan for support.

Susan disengaged from Alan's boner, stood up in front of Brenda, and kissed her on the lips.

Brenda was so surprised by this that she didn't react much at first, and just let Susan's tongue explore inside her mouth. But as the seconds passed, she revived and kissed back.

Susan had often felt jealous towards Brenda and her larger boobs, and sometimes she still did. But those feelings paled in comparison to her growing feelings of friendship. She'd come to realize that she and Brenda were so very similar that they were likely to draw closer and closer, bound together by their mutual submissive love and lust for Alan.

Furthermore, what Alan wanted Brenda to do was just so thrillng for Susan that she wanted to do her best to encourage Brenda, just to make sure she could watch it happen. In Susan's new way of looking at things, this was how the world was meant to be.

When Susan broke the kiss, she quietly purred to Brenda, "All your talk earlier about playing hard to get and whatever - that was a lie. That's not you. THIS is you. You ARE Tiger's big-titted sex pet. Well, one of them, at any rate, and the biggest-titted of us all. Admit it, accept it, and learn to love it! Devote yourself to becoming the best big-titted sex pet you can be!"

Brenda bit her lip with indecision. "I don't know..."

But her head was spinning and her heart was thumping hard. She was downright giddy, even as felt confused and distraught. Even though Alan was just having fun with sexy talk, this was dead serious to her. She felt she was on the precipse of a pivotal moment in her life. God damn! That sounds so intoxicating! So inviting! But maybe I'm not yet fully tamed. Maybe there's still hope for me. I need to show my willpower while I still have some! Is this what I really want?! Well, YES! Fuck yes! But I'm afraid! To lose my freedom... To dedicate my life to serving the cock of this young man... Maybe forever! With all my money and privilege, to essentially throw all that away just to serve him. I still barely know him!

"Here, you need some help." Susan knelt in front of Brenda and started kissing and caressing her all over. For instance, she lavished kisses on each of Brenda's long and erect nipples as they came into range. She even planted a series of kisses down Brenda's clit and pussy lips as she kept moving down her body.

A red-faced Brenda feebly protested to the others, and especially Alan, "I'm not that way. Really." But nobody paid much attention.

Katherine and Amy were still chomping at the bit. Katherine didn't understand the importance of what was happening for Brenda, since she thought this was just more fun and games. She whispered to Amy, "Get on with it, already. This is taking for-EVER!"

Amy whispered back, "Chillax. I've got a feeling that this is really super important for Brenda somehow, so let her have her moment. M'kay?"

"Okay," Katherine grumbled.

Susan was so keen to have Brenda say the words that she wantonly licked her clit and pussy lips.

Brenda just held her hands away from the body, as if indicating she wanted no part of what was happening. But she didn't even take one step away.

After a minute, Susan heard Brenda panting hard, and looked up to see her gigantic tits heaving up and down. She figured she'd done all she could to help, and now it was up to Brenda alone.

So Susan left her and went back to tending Alan's cock with her hands, tongue and lips. She knelt between his knees, even though that meant she couldn't see what was happening with Brenda directly behind her. That pose was highly meaningful for her, and it seemed especially appropriate for Brenda to see at this critical moment.

Her intention was to just lick, but after just a few moments, she was so excited by Brenda's further "taming" that she engulfed her son's cockhead and got busy bobbing on him. She was humming with happiness, and actually hummed a recognizable tune as her llips slid up and down his sweet spot.

Brenda stared at Susan kneeling and bobbing, and felt the last of her resistance ebb away. Is there really ANY choice for me?! Gaaawwd, I want that! I want to be right where she is, pleasuring my master! I know it seems crazy, but I have to find out if this is the life I want to live. There's only one to do that, by saying the words. If I don't I'll always wonder what I missed! I MUST follow my heart!

Her face was lined with worry when she put her hands on her head as ordered. She didn't kneel so much as collapse to her knees. She was emotionally overcome.

Alan still didn't really understand what he'd started, thinking this was just sexy teasing. He wanted to both arouse her and humiliate her by getting her to say such a provocative thing. He probably would have wisened up from examining the intensity of emotions crossing her face, but he was very distracted by Susan's enthusiastic cocksucking and generally being aroused out of his mind.

But for Brenda, this was so deadly serious that her head was spinning to the point that she worried she might simply pass out. She stared up at Alan from her new position. She couldn't see much of his crotch because of Susan's head bobbing up and down. However, she wouldn't have had it any other way.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

He was holding a peach smoothie that had been made during the snack break, occasionally stopping to sip it. He was staring at Brenda, but his face was deliberately unreadable because he was trying to act as if he didn't care what she did.

She thought, Oh God! Look at him! Sitting there like some kind of proud Greek God. So powerful and invincible. What was I thinking, acting like I could play hard to get? Oh God, look at the way Susan is lovingly sucking and sucking his huge cock with so much lusty feeling, and he hardly even notices! There's just no resisting that incredible cock! That could be me, right there with her, and not just tonight but countless nights to come, if I can just get through this! If I can freely and publicly admit what I know I really am!

She bowed her head down and started to say, "I am-"

But Suzanne cut her off. "Excuse me, but it's better if you stand up. Remember, that's the last thing he told you to do." Suzanne had more of an inkling about what this meant to Brenda than Alan did, and she understood the importance of ceremony.

Brenda felt another jolt of arousal as she recalled his exact words after telling her to stand: "Put your hands on top of your head, kneel in front of me, thrust your tits out, and say, 'I am Alan's big-titted sex pet.'" Dammit, how can I resist that siren call?! I can't!

She somehow managed to get back up. She put her hands behind her head without being told a second time, since she was eager to obey his every word.

"Good," Suzanne said. "But you're not done. He clearly stated you need to thrust your tits out." She realized Alan needed some help, since he was so close to cumming that he wasn't thinking clearly. "And look him in the eyes."

"Oh. Sorry." Brenda's heart beat faster and harder, until it seemed drums were pounding in her ears. God, this is so utterly humiliating! Look at the girls and Suzanne, just staring!

Brenda stiffened her back and even bent it back, and then tried again. She bravely made eye contact, and said with trembling intensity, "I am... Alan's... sex pet!"

Now, it was Alan's turn to feel a great surge of arousal. He had to grab Susan's head and rather forcefully still her bobbing motion, because he could only take so much. Whoa, man! She's saying that with such feeling! Like she really means it!

Brenda breathed a huge sigh of relief, having gotten through that. Now that I've said it, that makes it true! There's no going back!

With the most daunting part of her confession over, she continued with much more enthusiasm, "YOUR sex pet! One of your many sex pets! And I would very much love to tend to your cock some more with my mouth! May I please... M-, uh, sir?" She almost said "Master," but caught herself. She worried he wouldn't be receptive to that, at least not yet.

Alan nodded gravely, not showing much reaction. But inside he was reeling. Heck, I think she really does mean it! Oh God, fuck me! I'm drowning in erotic ecstasy here. Just look at Brenda's perfect body! She's mine now! And Mom is sucking my dick so good!

He patted Susan's head, indicating that she should give way.

For once, Susan actually gave way without protest or relay, because she felt like Brenda had made an important breakthrough and fully deserved her reward. Susan absolutely adored hearing Brenda proclaim herself one of Alan's sex pets, and she wanted to encourage more of that kind of behavior.

Brenda somehow found herself on all fours, which only deepened her shame. She knew that all eyes were on her as she crawled forward towards him. She breathed a great big sigh of relief when she found her place between his legs and engulfed his cockhead in her mouth.

Susan patted Brenda's head. "That's a good girl. Now, doesn't that feel better? Stop trying to be someone who you're not. Accept who and what you are: a sex pet!"

Brenda nodded, although it was hard to tell since her head was bobbing up and down so vigorously already. She thought, It's true! I have to accept my role. Alan has broken my will. Again! My primary role in life from now on is to serve his cock! Nothing else is more important!

But Brenda soon faced frustration, because just as soon as she got a good bobbing rhythm going, Alan held her head tightly with both hands and pretty much forced her to completely stop her movements. All she could really do was lick his sweet spot. He didn't actually say anything to her, since he wanted to maintain an aura of invincibility with her, but he held her head until she got the message that she had to take it easy on his boner. Then he let go.

In truth, things were way too exciting for him. Between all the attention lavished on his cock and seeing her beg and crawl after making such a heartfelt declaration, he was furtively clenching his PC muscle to the utmost.

Ironically, Brenda saw his need for a break of sorts as yet more evidence of his superiority. Alan wants me to suck his cock all night long! He realized I was on an unsustainable pace. I was gonna tire out after a few minutes if I couldn't get him to cum first. And in his case, that's an impossible dream! This way, I actually CAN go on all night! Oh, it's so exciting, serving him with my lips and tongue!

She kept his cockhead in her mouth, but she was very careful just to suckle and continually tickle his sweet spot with her tongue instead of going all out with bobbing and lots of suction.

Katherine stood up. "Fiiiinally! Does this mean the fashion show is back on? And can I go next? I'm all ready to dance."

Suzanne nodded.

Katheirne added, "Aims, can you put on 'Crazy on You' by Heart? We've got Heart's greatest hits over there, filed with the H's."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) "M'kay!"

Brenda thought, Yeah! What a great song for cocksucking! "Crazy on you, crazy on you. Let me go crazy, crazy on you..." I'm going to go crazy all over your great big COCK! Mmmm! Tastes so good! Here comes a crazy tongue attack while my lips keep sliding.

Her tongue flitted like the wings of a hummingbird right over Alan's sweet spot. She wished she could slide her lips back and forth too, but he had prohibited it. That caused her to focus all her attention on improving her tongue technique.

The music started, and Katherine began a beguiling dance.

Brenda tried to restrain herself, but it was nearly impossible. Her lips began to slide on his shaft more and more, because she found the entire situation too exciting. The more she sucked, the more she came to be at peace with the decision she'd made. She'd already been thinking of his as her master for days, if not longer, but now it had an official and permanent stamp in her mind.

Alan was slightly amused by how quickly she "disobeyed" him by failing to restrain her efforts. But he figured that as long as he didn't reach the point where his cum was imminent, he was okay with her oral efforts. Still, he put his hands back on her head to remind her to be careful.

Over the next few minutes, she was rewarded by hearing his erotic groans with increasing frequency. Each one delighted her and inspired her to try harder. Her hands lightly fondling his balls could even feel it when he tightened up and resumed clenching his PC muscle.

She thought, Yes! Take that! Aaaah, so good! Forget the fashion show. Why do we even need an excuse to take turns serving his cock? I'll be happy just to slide my lips and tongue all over it, all night long! I've been brought low. I've been TAMED! Hell, Katherine is dancing and I can't even see what's happening. But I don't care. Defeat has never tasted so sweet. I'm right where I belong, serving my master and his magnificent cock!

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