6 Times a Day

Chapter 738 Everyone Ganging Up On Alan !

Meanwhile, back at school, Alan was determined to make a change. As soon as first period ended and he walked into the busy hallway for the five-minute break to get to the next class, he saw Heather pushing through the crowd, headed directly for him.

He thought, I know what's going to happen. She's going to want me to do even more sexual stuff. But I'm putting my foot down. It's time to slow things down so I have the energy to properly focus on the women I love the best, not to mention have time for my homework. Now is when I have to spell it out.

As Heather came up, Alan preempted her and said, "Hey. How was your weekend?" He was making idle chatter, aware that others could hear.

Heather gave a short, routine reply, "Enh. Same ol', same ol'."

He continued before she could say more, "I could really use a smoke next period. Why don't we go share a smoke, if you know what I mean? I'm sure Kim, Joy, and Janice would like one too."

That was the code language to meet in the theater room during the next break. Sure enough, an hour later, Alan quickly made his way to the theater room and found the four cheerleaders he specified already there.

Time was tight with only a five minute break, so Heather started talking before he even finished closing the door. "Nice to see you, kid. I'm glad you called us together because we've got some urgent painting needs to discuss. It seems that Joy and Janice want to go without underwear for the week again, and Kim does too. I'm half tempted myself. I was thinking that maybe we could get the whole team-"

He cut her off. "Now, wait a minute. I know what you're going to say. You want me to be the painter again. I applaud your sexual freedom and daring, but I can't help out this time, or on any other week. I have other responsibilities during lunch and after school."

Kim, meanwhile, was already moving in to jack him off while he stood there and talked. She didn't care if that was wildly inappropriate to the mood or if there wasn't time; she just wanted her hands on his dick. She generally hated men but loved penises. She was successful in undoing his fly with a loud zipping sound.

But then he literally brushed her hands away, saying, "Thanks Kim, but not now."

She reluctantly took a couple of steps back.

Then to the whole group, he went on, "Sorry. I really like all of you, but that's how it goes. The painting is easy. Anyone can do it and I can help with the supplies. You can paint each other. You don't need me to be the one with the brush."

His lecture didn't go over too well. However, they could see that he was unusually determined.

Janice spoke first and used his comments as an excuse to get another dig in at her enemy. "Thanks a ton, Heather." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "Looks like you're such a bitch that you put him off of all of us."

Heather shot back, "Hey, you brainless twat, the pot calls the kettle black. I'll have you know that-"

He interrupted again. "Stuff it, you two. This recent bickering is annoying me, but that's not the main problem. The problem is, I have to be somewhere else at lunch."

Heather looked at him skeptically. "Your job with Ms. Rhymer, I presume." She said the word "job" as if it deserved quote marks.

"Yes," he said defiantly. "It's a very important job. I help her with some routine tasks like filing papers, filling out forms, engaging in routine..."

Joy snidely whispered to Janice, "He's filling something of Ms. Rhymer's, and it's not a form."

However, he overheard that and stopped in mid-sentence. "Joy, I heard that, and I resent it. This job is completely on the level."

Heather was clever. She suggested, "Then I suppose you won't mind if we sit in on your little lunch work sessions every day. Starting today. What do you think, girls? Doesn't that sound like fun?"

The others all vocally agreed.

His confident demeanor faltered for a second, but then he put on a hurt face. "I'm insulted. All of you! Don't you trust what I'm-"

Heather now cut him off. "Come on, Alan. You can fool everyone else with this 'Ms. Rhymer's assistant' shit, because most folks still think you're the goody-goody nerdy type. Old stereotypes die hard. But we know better; we know you're a fucking stud. Of course you've gonna be fucking somebody, and since you're with her, and she's fuckable, then the answer is obvious."

He started to say, "No, wait a minute."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Heather plowed forward, "Besides, whenever you split your lunch time and come running from her classroom to here, you're practically doused in her perfume. You probably have no clue about the differences between perfumes, but it's something women notice. And a couple of times you even had traces of her lipstick here and there. Don't insult our intelligence."

He was flummoxed. He paused for some long moments. Even though he was pretty much caught red-handed, he decided not to admit anything, no matter what. "Look, I really don't know what you're talking about. Not EVERYTHING is about sex, you know. I'm also trying to get into a top-notch university, and stuff like this is going to look very good on my applications."

Heather, obviously not believing a word he'd said, replied, "Oh, come on, who do you think you're fooling? What kind of virile teenage guy, given the choice of fucking any of the school's cheerleaders or grading papers, is going to pick grading papers? The only way you'd turn down the likes of centerfold material like me" - she briefly struck a pose for him - "is if you have someone else to fuck. You're with Ms. Rhymer. She's admittedly reasonably attractive, even though she can't hold a candle to me. Ergo, you're fucking her."

He tried to play upon Heather's great ego. "If you're the hottest sex bomb in school, then why would I spend so much time with her instead of you, even if it was fucking? That makes no sense."

"I don't know," she said more defensively, "but that's what's happening. Maybe you get off on the fact that she's your teacher. Whatever. I'm going to prove it, and I'm going to fix it. Either you come to your senses and fuck me regularly just like you promised in our parking lot deal or I'll let everyone know just what you and Glory are really up to."

Kim, though, piped up. "Come on, Heather. As much as I'd like more of his time, I'm not going to blackmail him and fuck up his life and a teacher's life. You go too far."

It seemed the others wanted to say the same thing, but Kim just happened to be the first. There were a few "yeah's." Janice added, "Heather, you are DESPICABLE!"

Alan tried the high-road approach. "Heather, people say a lot of nasty things about you, but I think you're better than that. I admire you. You tease and try your best brinkmanship, but you're not the kind of person to actually blackmail someone." He belatedly added, "Not that you'd have any blackmail material, since nothing's happened between her and me in the first place."

Heather found herself saying, "Yeah, I guess blackmail is a bit low." In actual fact she would have done it in a heartbeat, but she realized that she'd be foolish to bite the hand that fed her. She'd hoped the threat would be enough to get him to cave in, so she was surprised that he didn't. She knew that if she actually followed through, she'd make an enemy out of him and that would endanger her ever feeling the fullness of being invaded by his big dick again.

But that didn't slow her down much. She was already thinking up new angles.

Alan spoke. "Look, everyone. Let's call a spade a spade. You don't need me to paint. That's just an excuse so we can get together and fuck and have fun. Why waste that time actually painting? I'm open to playing around, sometimes, but I have an official girlfriend now, Amy, and there's my class responsibilities with Glory, I mean, Ms. Rhymer, and there are some others too. I'm spread thin. Some of you have boyfriends, don't you? In fact, Heather, you have a whole bunch of boy toys from what I understand. Let's get together on special occasions sometimes and your boyfriends will take care of you the rest of the time. Is that so bad?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ The others mumbled and grumbled, but they didn't overtly contest his suggestion.

Alan looked up at the clock. "Would you look at the time? We're all going to be late for class. I've got to run. We can talk about this some more later. But I trust that, if we're going to remain friends, none of you will stab me in the back and ruin our special arrangement by doing anything stupid like blackmail or spreading lies about me and Ms. Rhymer, right? I wouldn't be able to see ANY of you anymore, at all, if that were to happen, because I wouldn't know who was responsible for telling." He stared straight at Heather as he was saying most of this. "Later!"

He finally remembered to zip up his open fly, and then took off. His statement about not knowing who would tell was true, but it was also a subtle bit of blackmail that was clear to all. Despite his protestations against blackmail, he figured he had to play hardball when it came to Heather.

As he closed the door behind him, he thought, Phew. That went much better than I expected. They're really all right. Even Heather seemed somewhat reasonable. I thought she might try something like that, but looks like she won't actually go through with it. That's a big load off my mind.

But as the others made to go, Heather said to them, "Wait a sec. You all agree with me that he must be boning Ms. Rhymer, right?"

The others nodded, even Janice.

Heather said, "Sure he is. And I for one am not going to stand for it. There's only lunchtime with him, either for her or for us, but not for both. Don't you see? We don't have to blackmail either him or his teacher. We only need to get them to break up, and there are lots of ways to do that. Then he'll be ours, each and every lunch period. I've got a plan forming in my mind that involves a video camera. Who's with me?"

There were no takers.

Janice flipped Heather the bird. "Heather, you make me sick. I'm not happy if he chooses that damn teacher over us, but that's his choice. I'm not going to go around ruining people's lives if they aren't actively fucking me over. I mean, sure, he's fun to play with, but he's not like THAT amazing. Stop being so greedy."

The others basically agreed, though they weren't so blatant about it. With time short, they all left the room after only a little more discussion.

But Heather wasn't about to give up. She thought to herself, So. That's the way it's going to be. Everyone else always lets me down. Even my best friend Simone sometimes doesn't have the stomach to do what needs to be done.

Screw them all. I'm going to do whatever it takes to get what I want. Get between him and Ms. Rhymer? Easy as pie. They're in such a vulnerable position. Get between him and Amy? Even easier. Amy's a complete pushover. I could probably talk her into eating her own shoe. And what about these mysterious others he's boning? I've had some strong hints that at least one of them is his sister. Incest. Man, I can knock that one out of the park with my eyes closed. I've got so much on Alan that he'll HAVE to take me as his girlfriend. I just need to do a little legwork, get some evidence, lay some plans...

After all, I AM Heather Morgan, queen of this school! No one gets the better of me!

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