6 Times a Day

Chapter 754 My Sweet Mom Just Told Me To Smack The Head Cheerleader's Face With My Dick['Someone' Sponsored]

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Alan thought he could get some humor out of Susan's claim that her tits had taken control of her brain. Returning to the kitchen with his backpack ready, he said to Susan, "Mom's Tits, you know, the greatest thing about you taking control of Mom's brain is that I don't have to feel bad staring directly at you instead of up into her eyes."

But Susan didn't take the joke too well, and only mildly chuckled. In fact, she looked troubled afterwards.

He thought about that response for a while as everyone got ready to get in the car so Susan could drive them to school. He was concerned that he'd offended her somehow.

As soon as they all assembled in the car, he said, "Mom, I've been thinking about calling you 'Mom's Tits' just now. I hope you took that in the right spirit. I know that there's SOOO much more to you than just your body. In fact, I would love you just as much even if you were a female Quasimodo. When you say things like your tits have conquered your mind, you're just trying to express how lusty you're feeling at the moment. But we shouldn't go too far to make it seem like there's nothing more to you than a great body."

He continued, "I was also thinking about why you're so completely willing sexually. It's because you've always been willing to do anything and everything it takes to make me and Sister feel happy and loved, so this is totally consistent with how you've always been. You're the same great mom as ever, it's just that we're all having so much more physical fun now. We know how much you care. That's why she and I love you so much, and would do anything to make you happy. Right, Sis?"

"Definitely!" Katherine sat in the back seat and gave his shoulder a supportive squeeze.

Susan smiled, but it masked a deeper unease. "Tiger, that was so beautiful. But you shouldn't apologize. I should, for going too far with both my language and actions. The fact is, I really DO feel that way sometimes, that my body's lust has completely taken over. I'm worried that I go too far and that's why I've always tried to put up limits. Usually unsuccessfully, I might add. I worry that I say and do things that will cause you two to lose all respect for me and that you'll treat me like nothing more than a common slut."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ He couldn't resist but point out, "You mean like when you shouted that you'd 'gone whore?'"

Susan grimaced, and then nodded. "Exactly."

Alan realized now the problem wasn't with his one comment, but that Susan was going through one of her post-orgasmic regret phases. "Mom, that's why I never want you or Sis to use that kind of word, because I know you're two incredibly sexy and sexual women, not whores. There's a huge difference, despite what people sometimes say at the height of passion. There's nothing to be ashamed about. You still have all of my respect, and you always will."

Katherine chimed in with, "Me too, Mom."

Blushing, Susan said, "Thanks, but... I mean, I know part of my motherly duties now involve daily cocksucking and generally giving my busty body to you, but do I have to enjoy it SO MUCH?! It's embarrassing! It's all I can think about these days, because it's just that good."

Katherine patted Susan's shoulder with understanding. "Mom, it's okay. You're not alone. I'm in the same boat. This morning, when he was fucking my, uh, ass, I got to thinking: how lucky am I to have such a great brother who totally loves me, AND he has a perfect big cock AND he knows just what to do with it? I mean, how much better does it get than that?"

Susan smiled and admitted, "I overheard the two of you talking a little bit. It really warmed my heart to hear you both say that you love each other so much. It's a parent's dream come true."

Katherine joked, "Believe me, my heart wasn't the only thing he warmed. My pussy was on fire!"

Alan nudged her, since they were supposed to have had anal sex.

"And my ass, too," Katherine adroitly added. She lied, "You were so right about how good it feels to have him cum deep inside your ass."

"Did he make you wear a condon too?"

Katherine nodded. She felt bad about lying, but she didn't see another way out.

Susan smiled from ear to ear, and much of her worry faded away. "I was right, wasn't I? Mmmm! Feels so good! I can still kind of feel it in me now."

Katherine continued, "And Mom, you're just as lucky as I am. Frankly, I'm proud of you, that you're such a great mom all around. And the way you help Brother and his cock with such great enthusiasm just makes me love and respect you even more than before. I mean, when I suck Brother's cock now, I look to you as my role model and inspiration. I try to put half as much passion into it as you do."

Susan showed off a heart-warming smile. "Thanks." She proudly boasted, "I was complaining just now, but the truth is, serving his cock is pretty much a full time job, and one I take very seriously. From exercising religiously, to learning tips from Suzanne, to practicing my jaw exercises, there's just so much to do. Passion is part of it, but so is a lot of hard work!"

Alan loved hearing about her dedication. His penis would have grown erect from this kind of talk except that it was totally worn out from the two fucks.

Realizing that she was getting a bit carried away, she asked, "So, Angel, you're not ashamed of me?"

"Are you kidding? Shame? There's no shame. Just pride that I have such a great mom!"

Susan's smile widened. "Thanks. It means a lot to me that you two will love me no matter what. Nothing else matters, because we're a family and we're in this together. Right?"

Katherine and Alan cheered at the same time, "Right!"

Then all three of them held hands in the middle of the car and shared a loving moment.

Susan added as their hands pulled away, "The problem is, if you had some injury that required me to do a procedure over and over, I'd do it, no matter what. Changing bandages or whatever. And I know you two would do the same for me." She made clear with her eyes that she was speaking to both of them, and not just Alan.

Katherine enthused, "You know it!"

Susan continued, "But the problem is the procedure here is pleasing Tiger's cock. A LOT. And it's so much fun! Now that I've started, I get these ... desires. These needs, even. And that makes me feel so irresponsible, to always give in to these feelings. When I say my tits have taken over, you'd be surprised how literally I can mean that. Sometimes it's like my tits are crying out to have Alan Junior slipping and sliding between them while my mouth is crying out to be stuffed to the brim with cock-meat and my body is at war with itself."

She sighed, but also squeezed her thighs to repress arousal. Refocusing, she continued, "But Tiger, you're not the only one with real world problems piling up. I haven't been paying the non-essential bills nor doing much of anything else lately. The house looks like a disaster. If it wasn't for Suzanne helping me out with shopping and errands lately, I don't know what I'd do. Let's all help each other be strong and still have fun. Find the right balance. Okay?"

They all agreed to that with happy nods.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Susan finally started the car. "Unfortunately, this wonderful sharing of feelings has probably made us late. If it wasn't for Tiger waking up extra early we'd be in real deep doo-doo. But even as it is, we'll really have to hurry."

She put on a determined face and said mostly to herself, "Giving myself completely to my children isn't enough - I also have to be responsible."

As she pulled the car out of the driveway, Alan said, "Hey Mom, that reminds me. Last night and this morning were great, and I wouldn't change them for the world, even though it means I might fail another test today. But I really, absolutely, utterly, need a break from these emotionally and physically intense events, one right after another."

He went on, "I may not look that bad on the outside - maybe some black circles under my eyes, and at least I woke up feeling refreshed after a long night's sleep - but thanks to the events this morning, I totally feel like an undead zombie that had my spirit sucked clean out of me."

He paused, knowing this next part wasn't going to go over well. "Mom, I know that it's a Tuesday, but I have a big favor. Can we please cancel the rest of our Tuesday tradition, just for today? We had a lot of special Tuesday fun this morning. I seriously have to just work, work, work all afternoon and tonight."

Susan pulled her minivan onto a larger road and said in a sad but resolute voice, "Sure, Tiger. I understand completely. This will be a good test for me to be more responsible... But can't I just suck your cock a little bit, here and there? You don't want to go completely cold turkey, do you? And how about those stealth strokings? We can all help you with that and you won't even notice us, just like we did yesterday morning. That was pretty successful, wasn't it?"

She continued with growing vigor, "Oh! And the Boy Scout trip! Remember that, coming up this weekend? You have to keep your six average up, and then some."

She paused, and then laughed. "You see, there's my lust talking again."

Alan considered all that as he watched the cars going by. He imagined the looks on the faces of the other drivers if they could hear his mother's words. He looked back at his mother, who was looking down the road calmly and serenely, dressed like any other mother driving her kids to school. She did not look at all like someone who'd just pleaded with her son for permission to suck his cock more often.

He somehow kept his head from exploding from the weirdness, saying calmly in return, "Lust is good. By all means, don't kill the lust. And yeah, that idea's okay, but just a little please, scouting trip or not. Also, please tell Aunt Suzy that it's stealth stroking only this week. It's going to have to be like this for the next few days I'm afraid; at least through Friday. I was so irresponsible yesterday. Things went a bit overboard."

He thought for a moment, and then said, "Actually, you and Aunt Suzy with your morning exercise and nude sunbathing routine - why don't you two sate all your sexual urges with each other today while we're at school? Then I might actually get some work done."

He turned to Katherine. "Same goes for you, Sis. Now that lesbian lovemaking is such the popular thing around the house, get your ya-ya's out with Amy and everyone else so you'll all be too tired to even touch me. I'm desperate. Seriously! I have a TWENTY page paper due this Friday, and that's just one thing I have to do before then."

They all agreed to that plan.

However, Susan noted, "I'll try, but I think that'll only help so much. As soon as I see you, I just want to engulf your cock in my mouth and start bobbing on it! It doesn't matter how tired I am. My mouth starts watering on its own."

She added with extra enthusiasm, "Especially after this morning! Son, you finally did it! You fucked me! True, it was my ass, not my pussy, but still, it was real motherfucking! Do you know how excited that makes me?! I was soooo worn out yesterday that you wouldn't believe it. Suzanne really wore me out. But that didn't make much difference except that my pussy was sore. I just get so excited that I don't care! Being a big-titted mommy pet is an endless thrill ride!"

"Well, try your best," he said. School was coming into sight and he didn't have time to say more.

Remarkably, they arrived at school right on time, thanks to Susan's fast driving.

Susan typically dropped them off at the same street corner whenever she drove them to school.

But as the car got near that spot, Alan said to the other two like a character in a spy movie, "Don't turn your heads and keep driving, Mom. Keep driving!"

Susan kept driving. "I can drop you off around the corner. How's that?"

"Fine." He slunk down in his seat some.

"What is it?" she asked, suddenly filled with motherly concern.

"It's Heather. She was standing there looking at the cars even while everyone else was hurrying to class, and when she saw ours she started forward. Obviously she wants to talk to me about something, but I just can't deal with that right now. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not good."

Susan's car quickly rounded the corner and she parked it. "Okay, here you are. Tiger, you'll have to tell me about your Heather problems later. I'm sure you'll put that big-titted bitch in her place and make your mommy proud."

Katherine said, "I saw her face. She's just after Brother's cock."

Susan smirked. "That figures. Give her a hard face fucking to remind her who's boss. Slap her cheeks and forehead with it, for good measure!"

Her face suddenly morphed from combative to blissful. "Good luck you two, in everything you do. You know my love goes with you, and God's love does too. Kisses!"

Her kids received chaste kisses and then they hurried off to class.

As Alan ran to his class, he thought, How can it possibly get more intense every single day? But it does. My sweet Bible-thumping mom just told me to smack the head cheerleader's face with my dick, and she expects me to do it!

I pray to God that I'll make it alive to see midnight, given that it's a Tuesday. Geez! That's almost not an exaggeration! Starting right now, I'm turning a corner. No cheerleaders anymore. I'm gonna cancel the next S-Club meeting even though Kim has been such a great host.

Stealth stroking. Homework. Rest. That's it. Make it to Friday and then give Mom the fucking of her life as my reward for being good. Now there's a motivational prize worth working for!

Speaking of fucking Mom, I just have to tell someone that I fucked her in the ass! But who can I tell? I wish I had even one male friend who knows all my sexual secrets...

Hey, I know! I can tell Amy. Good ol' Aims! She's the one person I can tell who's more likely to be happy for me and won't get all psycho and jealous. I can't wait to find her! God, I love her! ... And Mom. And Sis. And Aunt Suzy. And Glory. And...

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