6 Times a Day

Chapter 763 Heather Vs Glory ['Someone' Sponsored]

'Someone' Special [ 14 / 20 ]


Alan bombed his test in Mr. Jackson's third-period art class, just as he figured he would. That put him in a very bad mood when he got to Glory's fourth-period history class. It wasn't just the one test; he felt he'd gone from being one of the top students to slowly failing out of school due to a non-stop sex obsession. He also felt the added weight of all the homework he hadn't done.

During lunch, he wasn't in the mood for sex, even though Glory most certainly was. He told her about his failed test, and asked to just get naked and cuddle.

Glory got out her blanket, sheets, and pillows, and they swaddled up together and cuddled on the floor. They were mostly quiet and motionless, but both of them found the experience to be surprisingly emotional, just the same. He loved her and she loved him, and they simply basked in their mutual love.

By the end of lunch, Alan felt much more optimistic and energetic. He started to get frisky just as they had to put the bedding away and get dressed.

Glory complained in a playful way, "Now that I've got your motor running, who's going to drive your car?"

"We don't discuss the other women, right, Glory?"

"Oh. Right." But it was clear Glory was very curious about the other women. In fact, her curiosity concerning just exactly who he was sleeping with was nearly killing her. Her interest was especially piqued due to a confrontation with Heather during a class break earlier in the morning. She reran the conversation in her mind while thinking over the "other women" idea.

Heather had her bathroom ultimatum with Alan just before attending one of Glory's classes, and she felt flushed with success. She was also increasingly certain that Alan was committing incest with his sister, due to the way he brushed off her "Would you rather sleep with someone even closer to home?" question.

Glory held Heather back during the next break between classes to ask her a couple of probing questions about homework and to chide her for being late to class before sending her on her way. She was frustrated that Heather always seemed to do very well on her essays but poorly in class and on her tests, strongly suggesting that she was somehow cheating on the essays. But Glory couldn't prove it, despite constant efforts to do so.

Before Glory could get started into Heather's work, the haughty teen said, completely out of the blue, "Looks like Alan is really sleeping around with everybody these days. Don't you think, Ms. Rhymer?"

This was the first time Alan had ever come up in conversation between Heather and Glory. It was hardly the sort of thing a student normally discussed with a teacher, but Heather was not easily deterred. She hoped to steer the conversation so she could drop insinuations about Alan committing incest, and see if that could be a fruitful path to shock Glory into breaking up with him.

But Heather didn't get a chance to do that, because she underestimated Glory's reaction.

Glory took the comment to be a not-so subtle form of blackmail, showing that Heather knew about her relationship with Alan. Furthermore, she felt it was meant to be a direct insult that she would involve herself with a boy who was sleeping with so many others. She attacked back, saying testily, "I don't think it's appropriate to speak of a fellow student that way, Heather. But in any case, I don't think one could compare how much he sleeps around with how much someone like you does. I'm not one to solicit or pass along rumors, but just the same, if half of what I hear about you is correct, you're sleeping with just about every boy in school and half the girls as well."

Heather was taken aback. "I'll have you know, Ms. Rhymer, I have a very good reputation!"

Glory laughed spitefully. "So, I see you tacitly confirm the rumors and only try to argue that not many people know about what you really do. Interesting. I must say it's awful nice of you as head cheerleader to give the school such team spirit by spreading your legs for anyone who asks for it." She spoke in a low tone so the other students coming and going from her class during the break wouldn't hear, but her biting, near whispering tone somehow made her seem more menacing than if she'd been shouting.

Heather had no idea Glory had this side to her, or would dare say such a thing to a student, but she came back gamely. "At least what I'm doing is legal, Ms. Rhymer. Yes, I have a little bit of fun, but when I have my fun I don't do something foolish that could threaten my career." She strongly emphasized "threaten my career" in a low growl.

Glory didn't have a good comeback for that, as she knew that issue was her Achilles' heel. She looked around the room and noticed with some relief that no one had noticed or heard anything out of the ordinary; apparently they just assumed she was speaking to a student about class work. Dismissing Heather with a disdainful glance and shrug, she said, "We'll discuss this later. Remember to do your homework."

She looked at Heather's shoulders and noticed bra straps just beside her shirt's shoulder straps. But she was puzzled, because from the way Heather's tight, white T-shirt clung to her, it was as if she wasn't wearing a bra at all. She added, "And be mindful of the school's dress code. That must be the thinnest bra in the history of the world, if you really are wearing a bra at all." She was embarrassed to say it out loud, but she could clearly see the outlines of Heather's nipples.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She scoffed, "And what's with this slogan written across your chest?" She read it out loud. "'Make me wet.'" She suspected the size of the letters were adjusted to make Heather's curves seem even more pronounced.

Heather stood challenging and unrepentant. She smirked. "Hey, I live near the ocean and I like to go swimming. What's wrong with that?"

"Yeah, right. That's not exactly subtle innuendo. You're right on the border line. I'll have to speak to the administration and find out why you're able to flaunt our standards day after day. I wonder what form of persuasion you used on someone to get your way." She let the insinuation that Heather would fuck anyone for favors hang in the air. Her condemning tone of voice carried much more of an insult than her words did.

Heather retorted, "I understand. Someone of YOUR age naturally can't compete, so you hide behind the rules to level the playing field."

"Are you calling me old?" Glory was getting increasingly hot under the collar, and almost said that far too loudly. She was outraged, considering that she was only 27 years old. She considered launching into an angry tirade, but held back. The short time provided by the breaks was a big factor in her decision to cut things short. She also worried that Heather could be setting her up, perhaps recording the conversation. With another dismissive gesture, she said, "Heather, get to class. And remember that I'm your teacher and I deserve some respect. That is all."

Heather walked out. As she reached the door to the classroom, she muttered "Bitch" just loud enough for Glory to hear. She was happy that she'd begun the fight against Glory and looked forward to an eventual sweet and hard-fought victory by taking Alan for her own, but she was also a bit scared as she'd never come out so openly against one of her own teachers. Furthermore, in the opening trade of insults, she forgot to drop the hints about Alan and incest that could start to split him and his teacher apart.

Glory overheard the muttered "bitch" comment and silently fumed, "Bitch"?! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! I swear to God, sometimes I wish I wasn't a teacher. I wish I could really speak my mind and tear that insufferable baby a new asshole. Heather, don't even try to mess with me! You can lord over all the other students all you want, but if you mess with a teacher you're gonna find yourself kicked out of this school so fast it'll make your head spin! And by trying to get between me and Alan, you're really asking for it. BITCH!

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Back with Alan in her arms during lunch later in the day, Glory finished replaying this exchange in her mind, and considered telling Alan all about it. She wanted to know what he saw in the bitchy Heather and wanted even more to convince him to have nothing further to do with the girl. But she considered Alan's sullen and quiet mood, and decided it wasn't the right time. He was stressed about failing his third-period test and plummeting in his studies in general. She went back to just stroking his hair and enjoying his embrace.

Had Alan known everything about Glory's encounter with Heather, he would have been very disturbed. He would have been most disturbed by Heather's intention to use her suspicions of his incestuous behavior with Glory. For all of Glory's sexual talents and enthusiasm, she had a proper and conservative aspect to her personality, and he knew that it would be extremely bad if she discovered that in fact he was sleeping with his sister, much less his mother too. If she found out about that, he wondered if she would even speak to him again, or worse, if she'd consider it her duty to inform the authorities.

But at the same time, had he been a fly on the wall, he would also have been perturbed by the emotional intensity of Glory's attacks on Heather. Glory was letting her emotions get the better of her and she'd acted quite recklessly in speaking so directly and harshly to the conniving head cheerleader. She could have gotten in trouble merely from others overhearing her far too personal conversation.

Alan felt much better after he left Glory. She'd given him some words of encouragement about his academic woes, and all the cuddling didn't hurt.

But on his way to his fifth-period calculus class, he ran into trouble. Several large boys surrounded him and backed him into a locker. They looked menacing and appeared to be the size of football linemen. The ringleader, a stereotypically burly guy with square jaw and crew cut, spoke for the group. "There you are. The famous Alan. This is the guy, right?" He looked to one of his flunkies, who nodded.

Alan kept up a brave front. "What do you guys want? I've got to hurry to class."

"What do we want? We've been hearing rumors. You look mild-mannered enough, but people are saying that you're fucking all the best girls in school. What do you have to say to that?" The unnamed bully stepped forward.

Alan reflexively stepped back, which pressed him harder into the locker. "I don't know what you're talking about. Look at me! Do I look like the kind of guy women would be after?" But he could see his words weren't having much of an effect. So he made up what he hoped would be a convincing lie. "Okay, so I have a bigger than average dick. Some girls saw it and I guess people talked and every time the story was told, I somehow grew more manly and fucked more girls and my endowment grew longer. But that's it! Just rumors. I've never fucked anybody but my girlfriend!"

"That's not what I hear," the leader growled. But luckily the hallway crowds were thinning out as there was just or minute or so to get to the next class before the bell. The only cluster still left were the burly guys around Alan. A couple of them started to drift off too.

"I swear! Look at me. I'm a nerd!"

"We'll see. You got off easy this time, but if I find you were sleeping with my Judy..." The big teen smacked his fist into his hand. The blow looked very convincing. He walked off.

Alan was scared shitless on the inside, but he was proud of the way he appeared incredulous and bravely innocent on the outside. He thought, Dang! What the hell? I don't even know this guy's name or who Judy is. I don't know any of them and don't want to know them! This is all Amy's fault. I should have never let her run around and freely tell people what a good fucker I was. So I guess that makes it my fault too. Hopefully this will blow over because I'm stopping with the cheerleaders and I'm not gonna get near any Judy or anyone like her. That's for sure!

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