6 Times a Day

Chapter 765 Hot Simone ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Suzanne didn't say a word until Susan's curiosity got the best of her and she finally opened her eyes. Then Suzanne smiled down on her and briefly pecked her lips. "That's my gift to you. I may not always say it, but in the future when we do that, remember that this is one way for me to show you my love, just like your son squirting his 'liquid love' on your face and chest."

Susan reached up and touched Suzanne's face with child-like wonder. "Thank you! You're so special to me. I'm going to treasure this memory forever. It's so much more than I thought it would be. It blew what I did with Akami out of the water!"

Suzanne said, "Don't let her hear you say that. But she shouldn't feel bad. You and I, we have a deep connection. Such a long history. You're like the sister I never had... and more. How could Akami compete with all that? Not to mention my long tongue!" She stuck her tongue out playfully, but also to show off just how very long it was.

Suzanne added, "I'm sure it'll be much like this with Angel, and probably with Amy too, because the rivers of love flow so deep there too. And, as Sweetie's harem, or stable, or whatever you want to call it, grows over time, you'll have chances to experience this with other beauties as well. I'm sure you and Brenda will do this a lot, given time. And can you imagine getting licked by Glory, for instance? Or Heather? Or Christine, even?"

Susan gasped. "Suzanne! Could that really be?!"

"It could. Who knows? And that's not even counting the fun of dildos, vibrators, and strap-ons. I know you're starting to enjoy Tigger, you new toy, but just wait until you've been fucked by your sweet son and you can put it all the way inside you too. You'll see stars!"

Susan was reviving more and more. She gaped in amazement. "My goodness! That sounds like... so much pleasure!"

Suzanne chuckled. "It will be!"

"I don't know. It seems rather... debauched. This was a great thing, and I definitely want to do it with you a lot more. But not TOO often."

Suzanne furrowed her brow in consternation. "What? Why not?"

"I feel guilty, being pampered and the center of attention. My duty first and foremost is to serve my son's cock! Some lesbian play is okay. After all, now that he's on his way to taming so many women, it's good if we can burn off our sexual energies on each other. But if I lay around all day having so many orgasms with other women, it'll dull my hunger for his cock. Besides, I feel more comfortable serving. I really come to love being submissive. But with what we just did, you were actually serving me!"

Suzanne was secretly annoyed at Susan's attitude, but she decided not to try to directly argue with her about it, at least not at this time. Instead, she proposed, "Well then, why don't you try going down on me? That's the natural next step."

Susan's eyes brightened, then dulled. "I'd love to, except..."

"Except what?"

"Well... it's just that you're so good at it. No, fantastic! Again, I don't want to knock Akami, but you were on an entirely different league. There's no doubt about it. Obviously I don't have much experience here, but I have no doubt your oral skills are as good as it gets. And your tongue! Geez! You reached so deeply inside of me that you practically took away my new virginity!" She chuckled at that.

Suzanne did too. "Okay, it's true I have an unfair advantage with my tongue. But you're already an expert pussy licker, even though you've never done it before. Do you know why?"

Susan looked befuddled. "An 'expert?!' Me?! That can't be."

"Ah, but it is, because your growing cocksucking skills are VERY transferable here. You've developed remarkable tongue dexterity and endurance over the last month plus. It's much like stimulating Sweetie's sweet spot: as long as you're licking in the right general region, you simply can't go wrong! There's nothing to it, really, except that people tire out from all the licking. But that's not a problem for you, not anymore. Give it a try."

"Well... okay. But let me apologize in advance. It's not just the licking. You played me like a fiddle, my entire body. I feel like a klutz when it comes to a woman's body. One reason I've been waiting on doing this is because I worry I'm going to embarrass myself."

"No you won't. Trust me. Plus, you have a secret weapon: even if you're absolutely terrible, I'll love it all to death, simply because it's YOU!"

Susan glowed with delight. "Oh, Suzanne! That's so sweet!"

They shared a long French kiss.

Suzanne said, "As far as you feeling like a 'klutz,' remember that you're not being judged or graded here. Sure, you've got a learning curve. But we have a long road to walk together, hand in hand. You'll get to be great before long, just like you did with your cocksucking skills."

She asked, "Do you know the song 'I'd Have You Anytime,' by George Harrison, the Beatle?"

"No, sorry."

Suzanne sang in her scratchy voice:

"All I have is yours

all you see is mine

And I'm glad to hold you in my arms

I'd have you anytime"

Susan said with heartfelt emotion, "Beautiful! Suzanne, you say you don't do 'mushy.' You're becoming the queen of mushy!"

The two of them laughed.

Susan commented, "I love that thought, that all I have is yours and all you have is mine. We're so entwined, like one big family!"

"We are!"

Susan rolled over so she was on top. Then she started to slide on down Suzanne's body.

Suzanne said, "Now, you'll note I spent a lot of time on your breasts and especially your nipples before I even started with your pussy. That's because I know your body, and that's your weak spot. Don't bother doing that with me because my weak spot IS my pussy! So, again, you can't possibly go wrong, because I guarantee I'm going to love anything you do down there."

Encouraged, Susan kept on sliding down until she was face to face with Suzanne's bush and pussy.

Suzanne spoke before Susan could get nervous. She knew that even though Susan had done this with Akami already, it felt like this was the first time, due to the much greater emotional intensity. She said, "Don't think, just lick. You'll get used to it by and by. Just close your eyes and and let yourself be guided by your senses of taste, touch and smell. The wetter and muskier I get, the better you're doing."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

So Susan did just that. In truth, she wasn't very good, because she was tentative and inexperienced. Additionally, she was still exhausted from her epic series of orgasms. Also, her blowjob skills didn't completely transfer over.

However, Suzanne was right that Susan's inexperience simply didn't matter much. Suzanne really did have a super sensitive pussy, and she already was very worked up from going down on Susan. More than that, Suzanne was simply beside herself with joy that Susan was actually performing cunnilingus on her. She had fantasized about this since meeting her twenty years ago.

Susan didn't yet know how to "play" Suzanne, working her up to a fever pitch, and she didn't feel comfortable with using the orgasm denial technique on her, since it would feel completely wrong for her to give Suzanne orders. But that also didn't matter. It wasn't long before Suzanne was cumming hard and often. True, her orgasms weren't half as mind-blowing as some of the ones Susan had just had, but she knew that would come in time. She had a twenty-year experience advantage over Susan when it came to this, after all.

It also helped Susan that Suzanne's pussy juices also tasted sweet. It was true that Suzanne's pussy wasn't as sweet as Susan's, probably due to a different diet. But still, it was a very pleasant taste. Furthermore, Suzanne had a distinct flavor that was all her own. It was easy for Susan to stay motivated with her licking, because she was rewarded with a steady flow of heavenly nectar.

One nice advantage of the sexual activity being less physically intense when Susan was doing the licking was that it was more like tenderly making love. One thing that Susan definitely learned from sucking cock that transferred over was her ability to express her love and passion with her tongue work. To Susan, sex was inexorably tied in with love. It was as if she was saying "I love you" with every single lick.

Suzanne was emotionally overwhelmed due to reaching that level of emotional expression. It wasn't something that made her scream like a banshee and writhe like a beached fish, but it actually was what she craved much more than mere physical intensity.

At one point, while running her hands through Susan's head in her crotch, Suzanne pointed out, "There's so much we can do. Can you imagine doing what you're doing now while I'm licking you at the same time? And there are other ways for women to make love. Scissoring, for instance?"

"What's that?" Susan asked as she lapped.

"That's when women rub their pussies together. There's so many things we can do. Susan, we could spend our entire lives making love with each other, and it would be divine! When you add Sweetie and his big cock into the mix, why should we ever get out of bed?"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Susan really liked that idea. She felt somewhat uneasy doing something that was fully lesbian, but including Alan in the picture put her back on comfortable turf. Her mind soared with the possibilities of threesomes for years to come, not to mention other combinations of loved ones. The number of options seemed limitless.

Another cocksucking skill that transferred over was Susan's sheer licking stamina. After a while, Suzanne began teaching her what she liked most, as well as giving verbal tips. Susan learned a great deal in a hurry, since the basics weren't that hard if one had the right attitude.

Eventually, they were both fully sexually satiated. Susan would up cuddled side by side with Suzanne. She purred, "I'm so glad I did this. My period is coming soon, you know, so I kind of felt like I was racing the clock."

Suzanne pointed out, "You should think about doing it with your darling Angel before that particular clock strikes. I'm sure she's just like me, and she'd be walking in the clouds just from the thought of taking your physical intimacy to the next level like this."

"Mmmm," Susan purred as she considered that. "I just might, if the right situation comes up. I feel so blessed, by God. How lucky am I? I'm surrounded by all my favorite people who I love more than life itself. And I don't have to be limited by acceptable hugs and kisses and saying 'I love you.' We can share our love with our entire bodies!"

"Indeed." Suzanne tenderly petted Susan's long hair. "And it's just going to get better and better, trust me."

"Mmmm," Susan purred again. "I trust you. You're so much more than my best friend. Let's agree now to spend the rest of our lives together." She suddenly sat up, so she could make eye contact with Suzanne. "Yes! Let's! We can make it an official pact!"

Suzanne just smiled. "Don't worry, I'm there already, and I've been there for years. I take that as a given. I'm afraid you're stuck with me. And Sweetie is stuck with the both of us. For life, I hope. Can you imagine? Fifty years from now, he'll be a wrinkled prune in a rocking chair, and we'll be old and gray, but still kneeling naked together between his leg and trying to get his dick hard again!"

Susan laid back down, blissed out. "So good! I love that future vision. All of us together, forever! Wow. Let's hope Angel and Amy are there too. Boy. This AND Tiger fucking my ass in one day. And all on a Tuesday! Every day is my new best day of my life!"

Suzanne thought, I feel the same. I'm so glad I waited to do this. I could have pushed her to do it at least a week or two earlier, and she would have, but she would have been conflicted and tentative. There might even have been one of her backlashes. But she decided when she was mentally ready, and boy was she!

Alan considered whether or not to cancel his after school meeting with Heather, given what had happened. He decided he didn't want a boiling mad Heather on his case, so he obligingly went to the theater room after school, as planned. Besides, he figured that since he'd gone the whole school day without a single orgasm, it would be good to get a little relief before heading home and diving into the books. Between the encounter with Heather in the stinky bathroom and the cuddling with Glory at lunch, he was raring to go.

However, he was annoyed at Heather and wanted to give her a good dressing down first. He correctly figured she was a "give an inch, take a mile" type, and he had to show her that she couldn't push him around. He especially had to make her not want to go any further with her strong hint that he was fucking his sister.

When he walked in, he was very surprised to find not only Heather there, but Joy, Janice, and Heather's best friend Simone. He blurted out incredulously, "Heather, what's going on here?! I thought you wanted to see me alone."

"Hi to you too, Alan. Obviously we're all here to fuck. And if I'm going to prove to you that fucking me is worthwhile, I figure I could use a little bit of help. I'm not above getting some assistance, you know." She pointed to Simone. "You're probably wondering who this is."

"Yes," he said testily. In fact, he was lying because he'd already met her, while the two of them stood right next to Heather no less. But at the time, Alan had meant so little to Heather that she didn't think much of the encounter and had completely forgotten that Simone was there. He decided it was just easier to play along than to explain the whole situation.

"This is my best friend, Simone," Heather said significantly.

Alan looked Simone over carefully. He stared first at the juncture between her thighs and thought, If I want, I could be plowing that pussy in a few minutes. Wow, that's wild. His eyes drifted up to her chest. Or I could be sliding between those round beauties. She's a beauty, and she's stacked! Just the way I like 'em. It's good to be the king, heh-heh!

Simone similarly stared at Alan's crotch with more than a little bit of curiosity. She'd heard a lot about his sexual prowess from Heather, and also from things Amy supposedly told others. She raised an eyebrow as she watched the bulge in his short grow in a matter of seconds.

Alan and Simone shook hands with a formality that was a bit funny given they both knew they were about to do very sexually intimate things with each other. It was even stranger because both of them recalled the time when they had met before.

Simone was playing dumb with Heather just like Alan was. She rolled her eyes for Alan's benefit when Heather wasn't looking.

That left Alan feeling as if they shared a bond, a conspiratorial secret about their attitude toward Heather. He'd assumed that since Simone was Heather's best friend, she was almost exactly like her: stuck up, self-centered, and bitchy. He was very pleasantly surprised that the vibes he was getting off her were almost nothing like Heather's.

Heather continued, "You've probably seen her with me, walking around school or eating or whatever. She's not only my best friend, but one of my fuck buddies too. She's got the hots for you, as do just about all the girls around here after what Amy's been telling everybody. I assume she's fuck-worthy?"

Alan was chagrined, especially by the mention of his growing reputation, particularly in light of what the bully had said earlier. He replied directly to Simone, trying to be more polite and diplomatic than Heather was. "Nice to meet you. I do recognize you from around school, now that I think about it. Why, I think I've seen you at the White Sands Beach before, no?"

"That could be." Simone grinned knowingly at his veiled reference to the first time they'd met.

"I don't usually say this to people I barely know, but you're definitely fuck-worthy. In fact, Simone, I dare say you're even more beautiful than Heather." He didn't actually feel that way, although it was a close call. He just said it to get in a dig at Heather.

"Why, thank you," Simone replied, seemingly unfazed by the unusual situation. "Heather, he's so charming." She joked, "And he speaks deep truths."

But Heather wasn't amused. She replied, "Nice try, Alan. I know no one's more beautiful than me and that you're just trying to get a rise out of me. It won't work. Now, shall we get started?"

He thought, Dang, Heather needs some serious attitude adjustment. Talk about stuck on yourself! Geez.

He took another look at Simone. Wow. She really is fuck-worthy. As if I wouldn't know her! Everybody at school at least knows of her. Of course, all of Heather's girlfriends are hot, but with so few black people at our school, Simone really stands out. She looks so exotic with that short, choppy hair that doesn't look like the typical black person's kinky hair. She looks really tropical, like she's from some tropical island; the Solomon Islands or Trinidad or something, maybe. And she seems surprisingly cool for being Heather's best friend. Not at all what I expected. True, I don't know her, so I could be wrong, but at least she's not walking around like she's got a stick up her butt.

Simone came closer to Alan and whispered in his ear, "I hope you don't think that just because I'm ready to fuck someone I hardly know that I'm some kind of wanton hussy." She paused, then said jokingly, "Hell, who am I kidding? I AM a wanton hussy! But still, it takes a special man to interest me." She backed away, laughing.

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