6 Times a Day

Chapter 779 Susan And Katherine Talk [DD SPONSORED]

๏ปฟDrunk Dargon Special ๐Ÿ‰ [ 7 / 15 ] 3K


With Alan's sexual urges fully sated, he went back to his room to work on his homework.

Figuring that the fun and excitement was all over, Amy returned home.

Suzanne also decided to go home, but after getting fucked so very thoroughly, she was sweaty and bedraggled. She decided to take a shower downstairs in the Plummer house before leaving.

That left Susan and Katherine. They had retired to the kitchen to give Suzanne some privacy. They stood around, buck naked and holding hands, until they heard Suzanne head off to the bathroom, and the sound of the shower water running began. Both of them were feeling very happy and satisfied.

Susan looked down at herself. "You know what? I think Suzanne had a good idea about taking a shower. Why don't we take one... together?"

Katherine beamed. "Okay! Let's go upstairs! Unless... you think we should join Suzanne?"

"Nah. There will be plenty of other times for that. Besides, I want some special mother-daughter time."

"Sounds cool!"

Katherine and Susan walked upstairs together, still hand in hand. They went all the way down the upstairs hall to Susan's bedroom, so they could use her bathroom. That way, they were less likely to distract Alan, since his room was right across the hall from the other upstairs bathroom.

Because the two of them were already completely naked, they went straight in to the shower and got wet fast. Both of them were tired from all the masturbating and other sexual fun, but it was also clear that they weren't going to completely miss the chance to take advantage of sharing a shower together. Susan started washing up Katherine, and Katherine did the same to her.

There was something very important on Katherine's mind, and after about a minute of soapy fun, she brought it up. "Hey, Mom?"

"What is it, my sweet Angel?" Susan turned around to face Katherine, starting immediately to play with her boobs.

"You know how, earlier, you were saying that Brother can fuck anyone he wants, even me?"


"Did you really mean that, or was that just another super sexy thing to say when we're all high on lust?"

Susan stopped running her hands over Katherine and stared off into space as she pondered that. Finally, she said, "Good question. You know, my first reaction is to say it was just sexy talk. But I have to stop thinking that way. We're his official personal cocksuckers, and that involves more than just sucking. Tiger's going to fuck me, and he's going to fuck you. Actually, it's surprising it hasn't happened already."

Katherine broke eye contact and pretended to be fascinated by the water streaming down her mother's curvy body. While that was a very arresting sight, she was embarrassed by the fact that she and Alan had been fucking already. She hated being dishonest with her mother, so she hoped Susan would officially give permission to allow them to finally start doing it openly.

Susan put both hands on Katherine's shoulders and looked at her intently, forcing Katherine to resume eye contact again. "Let's stop soaping each other for a minute, because, now that you brought it up, we need to seriously discuss this. The short answer is, yes, you and him have my permission to fuck as much as you want."

"YEAY!" Katherine cut Susan's planned comments short by giving her a big hug and a kiss on the lips.

Susan was surprised at first, but she gladly gave in and kissed back. Soon, the two of them were necking and fondling, and especially rubbing their wet racks together.

However, Susan still had important things she wanted to say. So, while they continued to embrace and even fondle each other some, she broke the kissing and resumed talking. "I'm glad that you're so happy about that, my darling. Frankly, it's great to see you so eager to serve your brother with your entire body, including your cunt."

Katherine replied proudly, "Mom, I AM his fuck toy. I know everybody seems to think that's just more sexy talk, but it's not to me. I take that VERY seriously! And I really am determined to be his number one fuck toy. That may never truly happen, especially since he tries so hard not to play favorites, but that's my goal. I figure as long as I keep that in mind, I'll always strive to serve him better and better, just like a good fuck-toy sister should."

Susan beamed upon hearing that. She reached down and squeezed Katherine's ass cheeks, pulling her in closer. "That makes me very glad to hear too. It sounds like you're truly ready to be his fuck toy in every possible way. I've been holding back giving permission on this because I still tend to think of you as my little girl. I guess it's like how Suzanne gets so protective of Amy. But you're all woman now. You truly have the voluptuous, busty body of a top-notch fuck toy."

The horny mother ran a finger up and down Katherine's pussy lips. "And you have a tight, hot cunt that's perfect for brother-fucking!" She briefly slipped a finger inside her daughter's slit. "So of course it's only right and proper that he fucks you a lot!"

Even though they were already hugging, Katherine squeezed Susan even tighter. "Thanks, Mom!" She planted another big kiss on her lips.

When that kiss ended, Susan keep right on smiling widely. "You're welcome. But don't just thank me; thank Suzanne. Earlier, she talked to me about this very issue. She found some passages in the Bible that helped convince me that it's time. You'd be amazed. There are passages in there that indicate brother-sister incest is perfectly acceptable in the eyes of God."

"Really?!" Katherine tried to sound interested, but secretly she was highly doubtful. She figured Suzanne was manipulating Biblical passages to get Susan to believe what she wanted her to believe.

Susan replied, "Really! I'll tell you more about it later. But more importantly was what I saw downstairs tonight. Even the idea of Tiger and Suzanne fucking made me worried."


Susan looked away shyly, "Oh, you know. Suzanne is just so sexy and seductive. I worry he'll enjoy fucking her so much that I'll come in a distant second, if I even rank that high. I mean, when it comes to fucking I'm a virgin compared to her. But never mind about that, because when I saw Tiger actually fuck her all those worries went away. I could see the love, as well as the lust, flowing between them. It was just so right! He has enough love in him to love and fuck us all. How could I not cheer them on? He needs to fuck her a lot!"

Katherine was still running her hands over Susan's wet body as they talked. She brought a hand to her mother's pussy and plunged two fingers into it. "Just like he's going to fuck YOU all the time! And me! We're going to need to wear special diapers whenever we leave the house, because our pussies will be leaking hot sperm constantly!"

Susan giggled at that. "I hope that's true! Sadly, I suppose that's a wild exaggeration, but still, it's a fun idea. And he WILL be fucking all of us a lot. That's a fact! And why feel possessive or jealous, because there's so much love in this house, not to mention plenty of cock to go around."

Katherine asked, "So, now that you've agreed to the idea, do you want to see us fuck... for the first time?" She added that last after remembering that and her brother had supposedly not yet fucked.

Susan gave that serious consideration, then answered, "No, I shouldn't. I'm tempted, but I'm probably not ready to see that yet. Especially not before he fucks me too. It would probably drive me wild with frustration, if nothing else. But you two should go ahead. Your first time with him should be extra special, without witnesses, like it was between him and Amy."please visit panda-:)ษดแดแด แด‡1.co)m

Katherine smiled and gave Susan a heartfelt squeeze. "Thanks! You're the best! The best mom in the world!"

But that comment actually bothered Susan some, because she didn't feel that way. She put her hands back on Katherine's shoulders, and grew more serious. "Angel, sometimes I feel bad. So much of my life these days is focused on serving Tiger and his wonderful cock. It must seem terribly unfair to you, that I'm not treating my two children the same."

Katherine replied, "Ha! No way! Don't worry about that at all. Look, Mom, I know that you love me as much as it's possible to love another person. You've shown that over and over again, for my entire life. I couldn't feel any more loved or cared for by you. I don't even miss having a real father in my life these past years, because you've had enough love for two parents, and then some."

Susan got a bit misty-eyed hearing those words. "I'm so glad to hear you say that! The truth is, the two of you, plus Suzanne and Amy... that's pretty much the whole world to me! Family is everything! I love you so much!" She French kissed Katherine in a way that was both motherly and sexual. Their hands resumed roaming over each other too, while the shower water continued to spray on them.

When their necking ended, Katherine said, "I know you'd throw yourself in front of a bus to save me or Brother, and you wouldn't even hesitate. So don't feel bad. You couldn't be a better mom. Besides, letting me be his assistant in dominating you from time to time will go a long way towards evening things up in my book. You're still up with that idea, aren't you?"

"Of course!"

"Good!" Katherine unexpectedly reached around and gave Susan a hard smack on her ass. "I'm glad you said that, 'cos otherwise I might have had to give you a proper spanking."

Susan replied giddily, "I take it back!"

They both shared a good laugh.

Then Katherine resumed the serious talk. "But that's all, or even the most important thing. With Brother, he's not just your son now, he's your master too! I understand just how important that is, because I secretly consider him my master too. So of course you're going to have a special focus on sexually serving him. How could you not?"

Susan was emotionally swept away. She was beyond delighted to hear Katherine say this.

Katherine continued, "I know that everything is still up in the air as far as labels or names go. Brother doesn't even like us to use the word 'Master.' But that's what he is, and we all know it. He'll come around soon enough on that, I'm sure. As for you and me, are we his personal cocksuckers? His fuck toys? His sex pets? His sex slaves, even? I say 'yes' to ALL of the above! He's so much more than just my brother, or your son. Let's call ourselves his 'fuck toys' for now. I think that's fitting, since we're talking about fucking."

Susan smiled, and lovingly brushed Katherine's hair back to clear her front side. "I like that a lot. 'Fuck toy.' I love the sound of that. Obviously, I never imagined in a million years that I would be anyone's fuck toy, much less one of my very own son's MANY fuck toys! But it's so right, so perfect! How could I ever be anything else? I feel like I was born to serve him."

She looked down at her huge wet breasts and pushed them together.

Katherine grinned in return. "I know exactly how you feel." She stepped back, then ran a hand down her body as if advertising herself like a new product. "Look at me. Look at you." She waved her hand near Susan as if advertising her too. "Let's face it: we're hot! We basically won the genetic lottery. With bodies like these, it's like we WERE born to serve him!"

Susan sighed blissfully. "The Lord has truly blessed us. I thank Him every day for giving me these, to better coax that much more cum from my son's balls." She looked down at her enormous melons again, hefting them alternately.

Katherine stepped close, again wrapping her arms around her mother and then clutching at her ass cheeks. "You'd be amazed by what I wrote in my diary, since way back. I was calling myself his 'fuck toy' in my dreams and fantasies long before all of this started. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened had his six-times-a-day diagnosis not come up."

Susan frowned. "Please, don't go there. That's too scary to even mention!" She smiled again. "Let's focus on the joy of what is, and what will be. Are you SURE you don't have any problems with essentially being sexually enslaved to your brother? Possibly forever? To probably never have a 'real' boyfriend or husband? A lot of sisters would find that completely intolerable."

"I know, but I'm not most sisters. It's like you said: it feels so right, so perfect. How COULD I ever be anything else? Who cares about a boyfriend or husband when I can be fully enslaved to the only man I'll ever love? Mom, you and I, we're almost the same. We're both very submissive. True, I'm more of the 'uppity' submissive type, but the bottom line is that we both love to serve. And we live to serve! Sometimes I DO feel jealous or upset about the unfairness of the whole situation, but that just arouses me even more. It's really true. Does that make any sense?" Katherine bit her lip with uncertainty.

But Susan replied enthusiastically, "That makes TOTAL sense! To be honest, I feel that way pretty much all the time! For instance, I think about how he's become the man of the house and taken away so much of my parental authority, and it frustrates me to no end. But it makes me SO HOT! It's just like when I burn with jealousy seeing him with other women. I actually LIKE that painful, burning feeling! Somehow, it makes me want to suck his cock even more than before!"

Katherine's eyes lit up. "Me too! I mean, I hate it, but I love it too! Just talking about it is making me salivate. He's such a STUD!"

"He IS! He's unstoppable!" Susan leaned forward so her nipples were pressed against her daughter's.

pฮฑะฟdฮฑ ะ™แดฮฝรช|,ัรฒะœ Katherine nodded with giddy glee. "So true. You and I, we really are very similar. We should talk about this kind of stuff more often."

Susan lovingly ran a hand along Katherine's wet jaw while also rubbing their racks together. "We should. You're such an excellent daughter, and a great fuck toy! You make me so proud. The Lord has truly blessed us all. I wish I could teach you how to get better at serving Tiger's cock, but I hardly need to since you're doing so well already. In fact, maybe I should be taking lessons from YOU."

Katherine looked away shyly, secretly delighted by the compliment. She was rubbing back, and making a point of making their nipples contact. "That's not true. I've got tons to learn from you. The truth is, we should share his cock more, and learn from each other."

"Good idea! A good fuck toy is a sharing fuck toy. We should have regular meetings to trade tips and 'talk shop.' Why, I could talk about my favorite cocksucking moves for hours and hours, and that's just for starters!"

Katherine giggled. "I know you could. But I'd love to hear it. The way I figure, every single time his fat cock squirts out another creamy load, we're all winners. Speaking of which, how do you think Alan Junior is hanging?"

Susan let up on the tit rubbing and stared off into space, pondering that. She actually deeply whiffed the air, trying to find out if she could smell his arousal from across the hall and through two closed doors. Unfortunately, she couldn't. "I don't know. It's only been a short time since he was having fun downstairs. And he says he wants to be serious about his studies, with no distractions."

Katherine replied with an impish grin. "That's true. But couldn't he study better with some stealth stroking or even stealth sucking? Maybe, maybe not, but I think you should find out!" She giggled.

Susan defensively brought a hand to her bare breast. "Me? Why me?"

"He'll freak if we go in there together. He'd be onto us and kick us out straight away. But you could go in there under one concerned mother pretext or another. And if his cock is hard, or you get it hard, well... you know what to do!" Katherine opened her mouth and made a full circle licking her lips.

Susan spaced out and licked her lips too. "Mmmm... I do... Mmmm... I do!" Then she snapped back to the here and now. "But what about you? You could go in there on some sisterly pretext too."

"True, but you're such an awesome mom. Giving me permission to get fucked by him? How cool is that?! You deserve a big, spermy reward for being the best mom ever!" She giggled.

Susan giggled in return. "Well, if you put it that way, how can I refuse? Now, let's both get serious about washing up. But not too serious. His cock can wait another five minutes, or ten." She wrapped her arms around Katherine again.

As Katherine leaned into for another kiss, she said, "I like the way you think!"

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