6 Times a Day

Chapter 789 The Secret Is Out ! ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Alan made it a point to get to school ten minutes early. He figured his friend Sean usually got to school with time to spare, so that would be a good time to catch him and talk about a proposal he'd come up with the night before.

Alan found his Korean-American friend locking up his bike at the bicycle racks. He immediately guided him away to a remote corner where Heather wasn't likely to find them. He was still doing his best to avoid talking to Heather whenever possible.

Finally alone, Alan asked, "So, Sean. What are you up to?"

"I'm on my way to contact the Weekly World News." That was the infamous, over-the-top tabloid newspaper.


"So I can give them their next headline: 'Rare Alan Sighting in Orange County, California. His friends Bat Boy and Elvis are believed to have stayed behind in their secret Bermuda Triangle underwater base.'"

Alan found that amusing, but played it straight. "I'll have you know that while Elvis and I are casual acquaintances, I have NEVER met Bat Boy. We only talk on the phone sometimes."

They both laughed. Sean commented, "Very funny."

"Not too bad yourself. But I need to be serious with you for a moment." He pondered how to begin, and then started with, "Sean, have you heard any strange rumors about me lately?"

"Actually, now that you mention it, I haven't really heard anything but people have been asking me strange questions. Just yesterday this big football linebacker type came up to me - you know I never talk to anyone like that - and he asks all gruff-like, 'Hey, you're a friend of Alan's, right?' I told him yeah and he starts asking me a couple of questions about your sex life, of all things! Isn't that bizarre? And then another guy did nearly the same thing. Peter said it happened to him, too. I was going to tell you about it, but finding you lately is like trying to find the Loch Ness Monster or something."

"What did they ask?"

"Mostly who you were sleeping with. I told them Amy, of course. Since she's your girlfriend. I mean, it's none of my business, but I guessed that maybe you and her, were, you know... That if you did it with anyone, it would have to be..."

Alan smiled at his friend's awkwardness in discussing anything sexual. Although Sean was good looking and was in great shape thanks to his love of tennis and other sports, he was an even bigger nerd than Alan used to be. Worse for Alan's purposes, Sean was below zero in sexual experience. His family was about as prudish as Alan's used to be, which was saying something. Like Alan, he focused all of his sexual and romantic longing on someone unobtainable. Just as many boys in the school did, Sean worshiped the ground Heather walked on.

Alan thought, Man, Sean, your whole world is about to change. Get ready to hold on to your hat! Or maybe I should say hold on to your pants.

He said, "Look, I know I haven't been the best of friends lately. These last couple months you've hardly even seen me - none of my friends have. I want to make it up to you. Can you keep a secret? Absolute secrecy? You especially won't tell those guys snooping around?"

Sean nodded.

"The truth is, I've discovered sex in a big way. And Amy being my girlfriend is just the latest chapter in a wild ride. I've been living a bit of a double life and having loads of sex without anyone knowing. Some of the women in this school are really wild. Heather, for instance."

"Heather? You mean head cheerleader and goddess sent to Earth Heather? That Heather? You expect me to believe that you've been having sex with her? No way!"

"I do, and I have. Have you noticed how she actually says hello and even talks to me? Why do you think that is? That's why those guys are snooping around. They're worried that I'm sleeping with their girlfriends."

"Wait a minute. Back up. I'm still getting my head wrapped around this Heather thing. You're saying that YOU have had sex with HEATHER?!"

Alan belatedly realized that trying to get Sean to believe that could be dangerous. After all, Sean thought of Heather as his dream object, so it would be a big blow for him to know that Alan had slept with her. Instead, he said, "Never mind about Heather. The point is-"

"Whoa, not so fast." Using a classic "I Love Lucy" line, he said in a Cuban accent, "You've got a lotta 'splainin' to do, Lucy."

"Okay, let's put it this way. Have I flirted with her? Yes. Have I kissed her on the lips? Yes. I've done all kinds of things with all kinds of women lately. I'm getting to be a regular Don Juan."

"Noooo... No shit. Wow. But wait a minute. If you kissed Heather on the lips, what about her boyfriend? He'd kill you."

"So don't tell anyone, for God's sake! Can we get off the Heather topic already? In some social circles pretty far removed from the ones you know, I'm getting notorious. Some guy practically attacked me in the hallway yesterday."

"I know. I thought maybe that's what you wanted to talk about."

"You heard about that already? ... Gossip spreads fast, I guess. So you see? The snooping? The bullying? It's happening because they think I'm this sexual stud. And I don't mean to toot my own horn, but there's a certain truth to that!"

Sean was extremely skeptical. "Alan, two months ago we had a major D&D Lord of the Rings simulation. It lasted all weekend. You were acting, like, king of the geeks."

Actually, Sean was king of the geeks much more than Alan was, and had for instance been the one to think up and arrange the game he referred to, but Alan let that point slide.

"And now you're telling me that this same guy, namely you, is having sex with all kinds of women? And even kissing Heather on the lips?! And you expect me to believe that?"

Alan was amused that kissing Heather was a bigger deal to Sean than all the rest, but he hid his smile. "It's true! I swear to God. Things have changed. Why, speaking of Tolkien, a couple of weeks ago I was rereading the Lord of the Rings and just fizzled out in the middle of the Two Towers. Can you believe that? Me! Without getting too graphic, as much as I love Tolkien, I'd rather be caressing a young lady's thigh than read about Frodo climbing Mt. Doom yet again. I'd even take it over the movies."

Sean gasped as if Alan had uttered a heresy. "Look, man, I know you're not a lying kind of guy, but..."

Alan couldn't help smiling at his friend's pre-sexual priorities, but he stifled a smile again and pressed on. "It's true. Reserve judgment for the moment and let me explain why I'm telling you all this. First off, I've had to be extremely secretive, and it's been driving me crazy, living a double life. I need to tell someone. Frankly - and I know you're gonna choke with laughter on this, but it's true - frankly, I'm having sex with too many girls. Too many! Isn't that bizarre? I've set expectations I can't meet, and I need to cut back. And there's where you come in. You're a reasonably attractive guy, probably the same as me in the looks department. That's good. You've got some nerdy glasses that are a big turn-off, but we'll take care of that. I basically want to hand off some of the girls to you."

Sean's mouth gaped wide open and he replied, "What? Did I hear that correctly? There's just enough evidence to make me think you're serious. Some kind of weird talk around school. You've changed, man. Changed. You've been acting so different lately and of course you're never around; there must be something going on with you. Are you serious?!"

"I am, already. Geez. I'm hoping you can kind of be my apprentice. I talked to a girl on the phone yesterday. Her name is Kim. She's on the cheerleading squad. She's-"

"Kim?" Sean exclaimed. "The cheerleader Kim? She's definitely doable. I'd TOTALLY do her. You're fucking HER? But what about Amy? Amy is awesome. I would never cheat on her if she was my girl! Man, that's fucked up. I thought you're Mister Moral Guy."

"I know she's great, but she'll let me sleep with other girls, and variety is the spice of life."

"Dude! Get real. Is this whole thing some kind of joke?"

"Believe me, man. You couldn't imagine how active my sex life is, which is why I need your help with Kim. And others, but she'll be a good start."

"Others? This IS some kind of joke, right? Where's Candid Camera?"

"It's no joke. My ultimate goal is to get you and Heather together."

"HEATHER?! All right, you had me going there for a while. I was totally falling for it. But you crossed the line with that one. Come on, man, the joke is over."

"Look, I'm not asking you to believe me. In fact, the truth is so amazing that I wouldn't believe it if you told it to me. I mean, I'm sleeping with women that practically make Heather look ugly. You know that woman on Star Trek: Voyager with the big tits and funny name?" Alan knew that she was another unobtainable lust object for Sean.

"You mean Jeri Ryan? The Seven of Nine character?" Sean was a huge Star Trek fan and had no trouble recalling the name.

"Yeah. I'm fucking women who look hotter and are even more stacked than she is. I know that sounds impossible, but you don't have to believe that right now. All you have to do is, when Kim asks you back to her place for help with homework after school today, just say 'Yes.' There's no risk to you. Worst case scenario, you hang out with a cute cheerleader. Best case scenario, she takes your virginity and teaches you all about fucking."

"But wait. I thought she was a lesbian. Everybody knows that."

"She is, kind of. Not so much anymore, actually. The thing is, she doesn't like men, and doesn't want to be with them or have a boyfriend; she just likes having sex with them. That's why I thought of her. She wants sex without any attachments, and so do you. Don't fall in love with her or anything. I know you're mad for Heather, and it's good that you stay that way."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Alan had been eying Kim standing a ways away for the last minute or so. Done with his talk, he made a nudge in her direction and said to Sean, "Don't look now, but look who's over there."

Sean looked over, and his face registered in complete fear as if he saw a freight train barreling down on him and not a teenager walking his way. But there was no doubt about it. Kim was getting nearer. Curiosity had gotten the better of her, and she wanted to see what Sean was like right away, instead of after school as she and Alan had discussed.

She walked up to Alan and said, "Hey, Alan. You gonna introduce me to your cute friend here?" Knowing that Sean would be shy, she made sure to put on a friendly, smiling face.

"Sure. Kim, this is Sean. Sean, Kim."

The two of them shook hands.

Sean appeared to be recovering from his initial shock, though he was still tongue-tied. He actually suffered from a new wave of shock as it dawned on him that merely having Kim here speaking with him greatly increased the odds that his friend wasn't completely full of hot air.

Alan said to the cute cheerleader, "Kim, I was just telling Sean here my secret that I've been involved with quite a few girls. He finds that hard to believe."

Kim looked around. They were in a remote alcove and no one was looking their way. With a devilish grin, she grabbed Alan's crotch. "Whatever are you talking about?" she asked facetiously.

Then, as if that wasn't bold enough, she reached into his shorts and started ostentatiously jacking his dick up and down. Although is penis wasn't fully erect when she started, that changed very quickly, spurred on by the dangerous thrill of their public location.

Sean couldn't see Alan's dick still trapped in his shorts, but there was no doubt what Kim's hands were doing. His totally stunned facial expression was back with a vengeance.

Kim leaned towards him and whispered conspiratorially, "Alan's penis is quite popular right now, I'll have to admit. Usually, I practically have to stand in line for a chance to do this."

Sean had a chance to respond, but he merely stammered and finally gave up on attempting to form any words. His eyes remained glued on what Kim's hands were doing, even though he couldn't actually see much.

Kim, still as casual as ever, said to Sean, "I hear you're really smart. Would you like to come over to my house after school today and help me out with my homework ... and stuff? Alan suggested it would be good if we could work together for a little while."

Her hand still flew wildly up and down Alan's boner. She was careful though to keep all the action inside his shorts as she figured Sean would have a hang-up about seeing his friend's penis, especially when it was erect.

Sean remained quiet and completely stunned until Alan gave him a little kick. Then he squeaked out, "Um. Yeah. Homework. And stuff." There was no doubt that the "and stuff" was the main thing on his mind, as he imagined Kim doing to him what she was in the middle of doing to Alan.

Sean was particularly blown away by the fact that a steady stream of students walked by not ten feet away. Had Kim and Alan been facing opposite directions so the front side of Alan's shorts could be seen, all hell would have broken loose.

But apparently that wasn't enough for Kim. Her resolve not to allow Sean to see Alan's dick broke down with startling speed.

Sean held his breath as he saw Kim reach for Alan's zipper.

With an assenting nod from a very aroused Alan, Kim pulled the zipper down. Alan no longer wore underwear anywhere, so she faced no obstruction as she pulled his stiff erection out.

She winked at Sean and said, "I like to help Alan out with 'stuff' as much as he'll let me." She jacked Alan off in full view of Sean.

She found herself strangely proud to show Alan's penis off to another man. She spoke only in her mind to his crotch, Alan, you can loan me to your friend, and I'll have sex with him for you, but you've got the cock that I really adore.

Alan seemed to take the blatant handjob in stride, almost as if he didn't notice.

But Sean was still trying to breathe and get his heart going again. He gasped, "There are people everywhere! Right behind you!"

He tore his eyes away from Kim's hand on Alan's stiffness long enough to stare at two boys who appeared to be coming particularly close. But they passed less than ten feet behind Alan and Kim and kept walking without suspecting a thing. If they would have noticed something, probably the only reason would have been if they'd seen Sean's flabbergasted face and stopped to see what was causing the look.

Kim said huskily, "He's right. Maybe if I get down on my knees and stuff it in my mouth things won't be so obvious." But she moved a little so she stood slightly behind him and blocked things a little bit, now reaching around to stroke.

Alan replied, "Are you kidding? As much as I'd love that, that would give everything away instantly. No way."

Kim frowned. "Awww, shucks. Maybe we could go somewhere more private?"

Alan didn't reply to her, but winked at Sean. "Still don't believe me now?"

He felt strange to have his erection shown off in front of a male friend, but he figured the drastic action would help Sean understand just how crazy the situation had become for him.

He twisted his head around so he could look towards Kim's face. "That feels great, as usual, but class is about to begin. There's no time. You two have fun later."

Kim smiled. "Oh, we will. And I think you and I need to meet more often like this. Whenever you get a stiffy, just ask any of us girls to lend a hand. We can do a lot in a five-minute break. Imagine two or three of us cheerleaders sucking your cock at the same time in the stinky bathroom. Wouldn't that be fun?"

She winked and finally withdrew her hand from his shorts. She zipped him up then hurried off.

Sean was still too stunned to talk. But then a light bulb went off. "Wait a minute. 'We'? More than one cheerleader?! Is that for real? You're, like, doing it with more than one girl at a time? More than one fucking CHEERLEADER?! They're all so hot. They're just about the hottest girls in school!"

"Hey man. You're the one who said I'm honest. I wouldn't lie to you. But keep it under your hat, okay?"

Another light bulb went off in Sean's head. He nearly shouted, "Wait! If this is for real, then maybe you really did sleep with Heather! She's a cheerleader too!"

"Shhhh! Not so loud." Alan could detect Sean would be jealous about Heather as soon as he got over the shock. "Yes, I did. I hate to break it to you like this because I know how highly you think of her, but she sleeps with lots of guys. Lots. That's the bad news. The good news is that soon you'll likely be one of them. If we play this right, maybe you can even become her special guy. Her boyfriend."

That silenced Sean. In fact, it seemed to return him to a completely shocked state. "But, but, Heather... She's not that kind of girl... She..." He seemed on the verge of tears.

Alan tried to divert Sean's attention. "Don't worry about that right now. We'll talk about that later. Think about Kim. You're going to meet her after school. You're gonna do 'stuff.' Believe me, 'stuff' will definitely involve her putting your dick in her mouth. She loves doing that, as you just saw. Think about THAT!"

"Hooooly crapola..." Sean was still completely floored, and looked it.

As Alan started to walk off, he emphasized again, "Remember: mum's the word. Seriously."

Sean managed a nod.

Alan looked back and saw Sean still standing there staring off into space in dull incomprehension. Sean has such a long way to go. But then again I was exactly like him not two months ago. He's a smart guy. I trust he'll keep quiet and figure this sex stuff out by and by. The problem is there's no time to wait. I've got to bring him up to speed even quicker than the process I went through so he can help immediately with Heather. I'm still reeling from the shock.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ He's gonna need more help than just Kim before he graduates to Heather. No way am I going to let him touch any of my family four or Glory, so who does that leave? Brenda, maybe? No, I'm getting too attached to her. Janice or Joy? Hmmm. I'll have to think about that.

I like what Kim did with her hands. It said to him, "Get ready to fuck, Sean, and by the way, I'm first and foremost one of Alan's girls. This is the cock I love and don't you forget it." Very clever of her.

He let out a big sigh of relief. There's something about unburdening this secret sexual life of mine to another male. I don't know what it is, but it makes it that much more real. It's not so much an ego thing - the last thing I need is more ego stroking!

He joked to himself as he thought of what Kim did to his penis, Cock stroking good; ego stroking bad. Though she had to leave me with a big unsatisfied woody for class. UGH!

But getting back to Sean, it's the sharing of the burden, having a compadre, an amigo, in all this craziness. And my friendship with him was slipping away. I mean, I don't care about sitting around and discussing Red Dwarf or The Prisoner anymore. Maybe now it can roar back with a vengeance. Awesome! I should have started this apprentice idea weeks ago.

I just hope it works out with Sean and Heather. That's going to be a real challenge, getting her to wanna be with him. The ace in the hole is that I've stumbled onto what excites her, and that's degradation. And I know Sean has a dark side because I've seen glimpses of it. But can he be trained to treat Heather like I treat her, and quickly? As it is, he's the exact kind of pushover guy that Heather hates the most. The last time I was with Sean and Heather at the beach, he couldn't even get up the nerve to say "Boo" to her. We've got a loooong way to go with him.

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