6 Times a Day

Chapter 791 Heather X Simone ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Alan continued to lie in bed in the nurse's office. He was basically left alone and forgotten, so he tried to get some sleep. However, even though he was tired, between the pain and the excitement of the confrontation with Rock he couldn't get to sleep. He laid there with his eyes closed since he had nothing else to do, not even a magazine to read, but he just tossed and turned.

After a while, the nurse let in another visitor and then returned to the adjacent room. To Alan's surprise, his visitor was Simone. Even though he hardly knew her, he was so bored he was thrilled to have any visitor at all. "Hey! Simone! What's up?"

"What's up with you?" Simone looked back and confirmed the door was closed, so she could speak freely. "Sorry about what happened. I just came by to see if you had a branding iron."

He tried to figure out what she meant by that. Finally, he grinned. "Ah. I get it. A branding iron so we can brand Heather's ass."

"Exactly." Simone sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Don't arouse me with that kind of talk. Unfortunately, my body's not too happy right now."

"Yeah. I can see that. Again, sorry. Rock is such a loser. I told Heather time and time again not to have anything to do with that guy. But did she listen? NooooOOOooooo! All she could think of was that having him as boyfriend would make her a shoo-in for Homecoming Queen. I swear, she'd crawl over broken glass to get that damn title."

That got a smirk out of Alan. "Thanks for coming. But I must admit I'm surprised to see you. We never really spoke to each other before yesterday."

She grinned. "And yesterday we did a lot more than just speak, didn't we?"

"That's true."

She continued, "But I know what you mean. Actually, I'm not here for me so much as to give you a message from Heather. She wants to arrange a meeting with you after school."

"I can do that, I guess. But why couldn't she just ask me herself?"

"Ah. You see, she sent me to pave the way. She fears you might be mad at her, since Rock wouldn't have done what he did if it wasn't for her."

Alan waved a hand dismissively. "Nah. I get mad at her for a lot of things, but not that. It's something I kind of brought upon myself. I was trying to do the right thing by having her break up with him, since I didn't want to be a cheater. But it didn't look so noble from his point of view, obviously. And to make matters worse, I wasn't careful of the rumors swirling around about me. I kinda feel something like this was bound to happen sooner or later."

Simone said, "Yeah, I can see that. And Heather will be glad to hear that." Her eyes widened with self-induced surprise. "She's so friggin' moony about you! It's crazy. I've never seen her like that. What's your secret?"

He wasn't keen to talk about that. So he asked, "Wait a minute. How is it that you can sit here and chat? Don't you have to run back to class?"

"Nah. Heather has a whole stack of blank hall passes, and she gave me one. I was reluctant, but nothing was happening in class anyway. I've got time. So don't dodge the question."

"Sorry. I honestly don't know what my 'secret' is. I mean, look at me. I'm not mouth-wateringly handsome."

"Kkklllggghh..." Simone hung her tongue out and made a funny noise while pretending to drool.

He laughed. "I said I'm NOT that way."

She smirked and pulled her tongue back in. "Oh. Sorry."

"No, really, I don't get it. Maybe you can tell me. You were there yesterday."

"I was?" Playing dumb, she reached down to her pussy mound and briefly rubbed herself through her clothes. "Is THAT why I'm still feeling so sore down here?"

He laughed again. "Seriously, I'd like to get your take."

She joked, "Is that the new lingo for it? If I give you my 'take,' do you promise to be gentle? I'm still a virgin!"

He laughed. Then. he said, "Um, I hate to break it to you, but no you're not. I think we prove that yesterday."

"Hmmm. Good point."

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "But what's your opinion? Seriously, already."

She shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I especially don't get Heather's feelings for you. But, and I'm not joking here for once, I think part of it is almost like an infectious disease. Looking back, if it had just been you and me having sex, it would have been nice. Well, okay, a lot better than nice. But still just nice, you know what I mean? Not make me cum so hard that I was in danger of passing out, you know what I mean? But with the other three there, and especially seeing how you treated Heather, I got so horny that it was almost scary. At one point, with all that talk about you enslaving Heather, I seriously worried you'd end up enslaving me too!"

He said, modestly, "You know how silly that sounds?"

"I know. NOW it seems silly. But at the time, I was honestly scared. That's how intense it all was. It was like some kind of collective mood swept through us all, multiplying the effect of everything. And what's weird is that I've been in threesomes and moresomes before, and it was never like that! In fact, I'd thought that the more people were there the more awkward and unsexy the situation gets. You get this 'sex as sport' attitude that kind of turns things to farce. Yet it wasn't like that yesterday at all. True, there was no romance going on whatsoever, but the emotions were powerful and real."

He nodded. "I can see that. Maybe that's part of my appeal. I do tend to get emotionally involved. Even if I try for sex as sport, I tend to get emotionally bonded fast. But anyway, speaking of infectious diseases, I need to talk to you about Heather."

Simone laughed heartily. "I love that segue!"

He chuckled. "I didn't mean it like that. But there is a connection, because I'm worried about STDs. I must admit, I've gone from being a complete virgin at the start of the school year to having quite a few sex partners now. Again, I don't get it, but for some reason it's all happening to me. It's been a blast, but I worry that I'm flirting with disaster when it comes to STDs. I mean, let's look at you and me."

She rolled her eyes. "So now you want to play doctor." She looked around the room. "Although I suppose this is the right room for it." She flashed him a big smile. "Okay!"

He just rolled his eyes and then ignored that. "I was so careless that I almost forgot to use a condom with you. And it wasn't until AFTER we'd fucked that I found out you have a boyfriend."

"A non-steady boyfriend," she pointed out.

"True, but a boyfriend just the same. And since he's not exclusive with you, who knows who else he could be fucking? It's like I'm casting an ever-widening net, trawling for STDs. I'm not happy about it."

Simone nodded. "I must admit, I haven't been that smart either. I think it's because I'm around Heather so much. I swear, she's the luckiest motherfucker on the planet. She could walk down Main Street stark naked and she wouldn't get in trouble, as stupid as that sounds. She just has that kind of luck. So it rubs off and I start to think that I'm invulnerable too."

He thought, I'm the one who's the luckiest motherfucker on the planet. Soon, hopefully, that'll be true in a very literal sense! If Simone only knew half the things I get up to at home! But that's why I need to be serious about this, because of all my loves at home. I can't keep sticking my dick in any available hole, at least not as long as there's no plan about preventing STDs!

He said, "I can definitely relate to the invulnerability thing. Other smarter people have had to hit me on the head to make me even get serious about wearing a condom."

Simone couldn't help but joke, "Some of your friends have bad aim." She pointed at his crotch, knowing Rock had kicked him there.

He tried to joke back, "Actually, that was a good shot, because that's the head I've been thinking with lately. But seriously, I'm really glad you came by, 'cos I'm hoping you can help me out. For one thing, did you enjoy having sex with me? Would you want to do it some more in the future?"

"Yes, yes, and yes! Even though you only asked two questions, that deserves three yeses." She grinned impishly.

"Good. I feel the same way. But before that happens, could you get tested for STDs? I know that's kind of a weird thing to say, but better safe than sorry. I was just tested recently and was clean. But I can be tested again if you want."

"Yeah, I suppose I can do that. Heather has griped to me about how you made her get tested, so it's only fair if I do too. What about the others, like Joy and Janice?"

"Actually, I've been remiss there. But after what happened yesterday, it just kind of hit me: I'm the luckiest son of a bitch in the universe to have sex with four beautiful girls at once. But four! That's just asking for trouble when it comes to STDs. So I'm going to talk to ALL of my sex partners. I know it's a big downer, but there's going to be testing a go-go."

Simone nodded. "Fair enough. And to put your worries to rest, I was pretty wild a while back, but lately I've been settling down some. In these last few weeks, I haven't had sex with anyone but my boyfriend, Heather, and you, and I don't see that changing anytime soon."

Simone added, "Heather's been a bad influence." She chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"In the past, we'd kind of goad each other on. You know, go to a party together, get drunk or get high, and have a good ol' fuck fest. But even before Heather met you, she'd been getting bored of that lifestyle. 'Been there, done that.' It would have be a very spectacular or socially important party for her to want to go, lately. And if she doesn't go, I generally don't go."

He pointed out, "It's weird that she's that jaded and she hasn't even finished high school yet."

"Yeah, well, partially that's because she's way more experienced than most her age, but also, she gets bored easily. I think that's a big reason why she's so interested in you, by the way. Because you're different."

"Yeah, I kind of figured that," he said. "It's not just that I'm a different kind of guy, being a 'nerd' out of her social circle and all. It's that I treat her totally differently. The fact that she's not going to parties so much anymore, does that mean she doesn't have as many sex partners?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Simone replied, "Oh, that's gone WAY down. In fact, now that I think about it, since she's started having sex with you these last two weeks, she's hardly had sex with anybody else at all. Just you, me, and the other cheerleaders."

She stared off into space, thinking hard. "You know, I don't think she's had sex with any other guy at all! For two whole weeks!"

He said sarcastically, "Oh wow. Only a handful of sex partners for two whole weeks." Even though he had many sex partners, he knew just having a few sex partners was still way above the norm.

Simone said, "I know. That may sound stupid, but you have to remember that this is Heather we're talking about here. She has a big sex drive. No, make that a HUGE sex drive. She needs it every day or she gets, uh... cranky."

Before he could make a quip about that, she grinned widely. "I know, I know. You're gonna say something like, 'Then she must not have had sex for a couple of years.' Everything is relative. Believe me, if you think she's bitchy now, just wait until you see her go a few days without sex! As it happens, she still gets her daily dose. But now I'm the one who's been the target for most of her ardor. Which has been pretty nice for me, I'll admit. However, I can tell that half the time, at least, she's thinking of you."

"Really? How do you know that?"

Simone laughed. "She's not exactly subtle. The other day, when she fucked me with a strap-on, she got all angry and cursed under her breath, 'Fuckin' Alan! Thinks he's so fuckin' great! Well, fuck you!' That kind of thing. By the way, you don't mind me talking frankly about sex, do you? I figure, given what we did yesterday..."

"Please, go ahead. Just don't get too graphic, given that I'm a guy who was kicked in the balls earlier today."

"Ah. Good point. Just so you don't get the wrong idea, I don't mind the anger sex. That's fun. But what's annoying is when she has me fuck her with a strap-on, and she wants me to do it to her 'Alan-style.' She doesn't come straight out and say that, of course, but I could read between the lines when she started asking me to do new things like call her names. Then she'd complain that I wasn't doing it right. I must admit, it made me pretty keen to be with you yesterday, so I could finally find out what the hype was all about."

He sighed. "Man, I'm really not all that. Really. I'm mostly a guy in the right place at the right time, like her being bored out of her mind and then stumbling across me as something new and different. But anyway, you're seriously telling me I don't have to worry about her fucking half the football team?"

Simone pondered that. "Hard to say. She's done some wild things in the past, including literally fucking half the football team. But right now she's totally stuck on you. She's still capable of sleeping around with other girls, 'cos that's a totally different thing. But when it comes to guys, she thinks about sex with you and the others fall so short of the mark that being with them is just depressing. About two weeks ago, when she'd had sex with you once or twice, she did fuck a couple other guys, and all she did after that was bitch to me about how 'pathetic' and 'lame' and 'boring' they were."

He thought that over. "Hmmm. What I'm aiming for here is to reduce my risk. I just don't know if it's worth it to have sex with her at all. Risk vs. reward, it might not pan out. I've been thinking of giving her an ultimatum: 'if you want to have sex with me, don't have sex with anyone else.'"

Simone said flatly, "That's not going to fly, I can tell you that. For one thing, Heather is Heather. If you tell her not to do something, she's going to go out and do that thing ten times over just to rub in your face that you can't tell her what she can and can't do. But even putting that aside, her sex drive is just too damn strong. Not unless you were willing to have sex with her AT LEAST once a day. AT LEAST. But she complains to me over and over about how unavailable you are, so I doubt you could manage that."

"Nope. To be honest, not even close."

"Well, there you go. But I don't think you have too much to worry about, when it comes to diseases. Right now, the vast majority of the time she has sex, it's with me. We've been doing it pretty much every day after school. I spend half my free time hanging out in her room, it seems. And yeah, she has sex with some other girls, but it's basically a closed circle."

He said, "I don't have any problem with her having sex with you. None whatsoever. It's other guys that bugs me, especially new guys. Plus, most other girls, due to the STD problem."

"Ah." Simone explained, "Being Heather's best friend, I'm basically sitting in the control room of Gossip Central. I get to hear everything that's going on. And since I've been her best friend forever, I pretty much know the entire sexual history of everybody who's anybody. In a way, her awesome gossip network is the best protection against STDs. If some girl so much as gets a yeast infection, Heather finds out. To be honest, you're the first 'new blood' to come along in a while. And since you fuck around so much, if I were to worry about diseases, I'd worry about getting something from you!"

"Good point," he warily agreed. "Luckily, I did get tested recently, as I told you, and I can say I'm clean. And even though I have been sleeping around a lot, it's within a closed circle too. And the two circles have a big overlap area with the whole cheerleading squad, including Heather, so that's the concern. But still, like I said, I'm taking a 'better safe than sorry' approach from now on."

She nodded to that. "Wise. Like Yoda. But with less green skin and better grammar."

He smiled. "I hope I'm a bit taller too. And a bit better looking."

"True." But then she switched to a great imitation of Yoda's voice. "When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmmm?"

He laughed at that, pleased that she could pull up an obscure Star Wars quote like that. Knowing he couldn't top that, he resumed their serious discussion. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Can you kind of be the 'Spy in the House of Heather' for me? I don't mean in a bad way, like betraying her or something. I'm just talking about helping with the whole STD issue. The problem is, I don't trust her. It's kind of pointless asking her about her other lovers, 'cos she'll lie or get pissed off if I even bring it up."

Simone grinned. "Yes, she's very good at getting pissed off. In fact, it's kind of her specialty."

He was keen to ask Simone why she was best friends with such a bitch, but this was not the moment for it, not while he was explaining the favor. "Exactly. So that's why I'm hoping you can give me the straight dope on who else she's having sex with, as well as who else you're having sex with. And if you could find out about the others on the cheerleading squad, that would be even better. I don't care about the details, so long as it's within that closed circle you talk about. But if there's someone new outside of that, I'd like to know so I can possibly protect myself from danger."

Simone considered that. "Fair enough. But in return, I assume you'll tell me about your other sexual partners and any dangers that might arise there."

He thought, Uh-oh! Here I go with the hypocrisy again! I can't do that. There's no way! Even if I don't mention the incest, I can't tell her about Aunt Suzy. That would a scandal in and of itself, fucking my girlfriend's mom. And I can't tell her about Glory. Bangin' the teacher! HUGE scandal! Hell, I wouldn't even feel comfortable telling her about Brenda. Brenda is just... Brenda. No.

He said, "I can kind of meet you part way there. The thing is, the people I'm talking about with you are guys and girls at school. We both know them, so names matter. But the other people I'm having sex with, they're not at school. You don't know 'em and you're never gonna meet 'em. They've sworn me to secrecy, so what would be the point of me betraying that by telling you some names that mean nothing to you anyway?"

Simone pondered that with a hand on her chin. "Hmmm... It doesn't seem exactly fair, but... I guess I can understand that. You do seem to be getting serious about taking precautions, so I suppose I'll have to trust you. But if you're having sex with any girls at school, you'll tell me that, right?"

"Sure. That's easy. I can tell you right now that I'm having sex with everyone on the cheerleading squad, minus Katherine, plus you. And frankly, I don't see that changing. I've been propositioned by some other pretty girls lately, and I've turned them all down."

Simone grinned. "Yeah, I can see that. You went straight for the cream of the crop, so why settle for second best? Poor you, banging the entire cheerleader squad, minus your sister."

He quipped, "Yeah, well, it's a rough job, but someone's gotta do it."

Simone thought out loud, "To be honest, the only other girl I could see you having sex with is Christine. Hell, she's such a stone cold fox that you'd be a fool not to! And since everyone knows she's a virgin, there's no STD risk there. Besides, she's such a prude that it's highly unlikely she's gonna get it on with anybody."

He was startled. "It sounds like you're trying to encourage me with her!"

She tilted her head, thinking that over. "Well, maybe. Heather would kill me for even thinking about it, but she desperately needs to get fucked. But I'm just pointing out that it could happen. Since Heather's put you on my radar screen, I've been watching you. I can see you have a thing for Christine and she has a thing for you."

He decided to shut down that difficult line of discussion altogether. "Well, that's a moot point 'cos nothing's going to happen there. But anyway, it sounds like we have a deal. We'll both keep our eyes out and watch for incoming STD dangers."

He happily shook her hand. When they were done with that, he said, "Oh, and one other thing. When it comes to Heather, can you kind of encourage her not to sleep around? Outside of yourself and the usual bunch of girls, of course."

A look of shrewd realization came across Simone's face. "Aaaah! You're the possessive type, aren't you? You don't mind if she's having sex with girls, but you don't want her to have sex with other guys! And yet you're having sex with lots of other girls. Sounds like a double standard to me. Hey, here's an idea. What if you don't have sex with any other girls but Heather - and me, of course - but have sex with all the guys you want?" She smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "Some deal. No thanks." He continued, "Look. It's not a jealousy thing. Okay, maybe there's a little bit of that in there, but just a little. I don't mind if she has sex with other guys, as long as it's the right guy."

Simone gave him a very skeptical look. She knew he'd essentially said the opposite earlier in the conversation.

Seeing that, he explained, "Really. In fact, I'm trying to get a male friend of mine to up his sex skills so he can have sex with Heather too. It's kind of still on the drawing board at this point, so I don't want to mention his name just yet, but the idea is to get him to do the same kind of stuff I do, so if she can't have sex with me, she can get the same satisfaction with him."

"Ah," Simone said knowingly. "Alan and Alan Lite. The low calorie diet version. Or should I say, tastes great versus less filling?"

He just rolled his eyes and groaned. "Something like that. But I guess there's a difference between that and having her sleep around with lots of guys. Not only is there the STD danger, but it's kind of a turn-off to think of her slutting around in gangbangs and all that jazz."

Simone smirked again. "How deliciously ironic. Yum! You find it a turn off to think of her as a major slut, and yet in the heat of passion you love calling her all kinds of slutty names. And she eats it up."

He admitted, "Yeah, well, I guess that is ironic. But it is what it is. And... to be honest, I guess I'm being a bit possessive about it too. I hardly know you, but I'm being honest with you about this."

"I can see that, and I thank you for it. I know she's a bitch, but she's still my best friend. Speaking of getting possessive, she's MY bitch, if you know what I mean. I'm trying to look out for her best interests, and mine too. I think she's been far, far too cavalier about STDs, so that's why I'm so willing to help you out there. I'm even willing to use all my feminine wiles and charms to limit her partners. And I benefit from that directly too, since lately she and I have been fucking each other half to death!"

She paused, looked around conspiratorially, even though she knew they were alone in the room, and then she whispered theatrically, "You see, it turns out I have a pretty high sex drive too!"

He chuckled. "Color me surprised."

Grinning, she continued, "I see this as a win-win thing all around. If you limit your partners, and she and I limit our partners, that's just smart. Quality over quantity. Plus, hopefully that'll mean there will be more chances for you to have sex with me, either with Heather there or not. I'm over my fear that you'll turn me into some kind of mindless sex slave. Turns out you're just a normal guy after all. But you're a guy who makes fucking fun and damn entertaining! In fact, I'd especially like to have sex with you with Heather there, since half the fun for me is seeing how you treat her. That's a total LSD trip."

He was all smiles. "Yeah, that is kinda fun."

That concluded their discussion about STDs. But Alan knew that if she left he'd just lie there bored out of his mind. And Simone wasn't in any hurry to leave, at least not until the bell rang and it was time for her next class. So the two of them hung out and got to know each other a little better.

Due to Alan's recent injuries, Simone was careful not to tempt or tease him in any way. Or at least she tried. She was such a joker that she couldn't turn her joking off, and since she knew Alan in a sexual way, a lot of her joking with him was of a sexual nature.

But Alan didn't mind, and in fact he encouraged it. He had no problem with it just so long as he didn't get an erection, because he feared that could increase the pain. But Simone's sexual joking was just playful, rather than being arousing.

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