6 Times a Day

Chapter 793 Talk With Suzanne ['Someone' Sponsored]

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When Alan came home accompanied by Katherine, there was a big scene.

Susan fretted over him like a mother hen, and immediately called Suzanne over from next door.

Suzanne fretted in a similar fashion, and then Amy came over and fretted too.

Suzanne especially stared at him like he'd been repeatedly run over by a car and was on life support. Even she was surprised by the intensity of her reaction. At one point, she exclaimed, "Don't you ever, EVER get hurt! You might even get killed if you're not careful! I simply REFUSE to let that happen! What would I do without you?! How would I live?! Don't even make me think about that!"

It looked like she was about to get teary-eyed, but she suddenly rushed out of the room for a couple of minutes to recompose herself.

He thought, Wow, Aunt Suzy really loves me! And not just as my auntie. She's IN love with me. I can't get over it, because she's such a goddess. She could do so much better than me. But I guess there's no explaining love.

There wasn't much any of the women could do, because in fact Alan's wounds were superficial. He had some bruises to the face that would last a couple of days, but other than that, he was fine.

Of course he was obliged to show his penis and balls to everyone, since he'd been kicked there.

Many hands checked to make sure it was still okay despite the kicking it received, and that it could get just as hard as usual. His balls were fondled extensively to make sure they were okay.

He complained, "Do you all love me, or just my dick?"

Suzanne responded while stroking his dick back to semi-hardness, "Oh, Sweetie, don't be so sore. Of course we all loved you dearly long before your medical treatments started and any of us even touched Alan Junior. But of all the body parts to injure, why did it have to be this one? Can you blame us for having a certain special fondness for it?"

Susan suggested, hopefully, "Perhaps a blowjob or two could help it get better?"

Alan just rolled his eyes. "No, Mom. It just needs time."

With everyone reassured, he went to take a nap.

However, Suzanne followed him upstairs. As they walked up the stairs together, she said, "Don't worry, I know you need your rest. But I just wanted to find out how it went with presenting your ultimatum to Heather today?"

He dropped his head. "It didn't. I wimped out."

Suzanne huffed with dismay, "Sweetie! Come on. Don't let me down. Don't let all of us down. Fucking someone promiscuous like her is like playing Russian roulette!"

He groaned. He stopped, because they'd reached the door to his bedroom. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. But it's complicated." He proceeded to briefly tell her about his conversation with Simone while they both stood by his door.

After Suzanne heard all that, she smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "Well, at least there's some progress there. I'm glad that you're taking the STD issue seriously. But still, I think you need to deal with Heather more directly. Maybe not an ultimatum. Now that you mention it, I think Simone is right that that could backfire, given Heather's personality. Instead, present it like this. Tell Heather, 'Hey, I'd have sex with you more often, but I'm concerned about the STD risk if you're sleeping around with lots of other people. The more you cut that down, the more I'm likely to have sex with you."

His face brightened. "Hey, that's a good idea." He gave her a hug. "Thanks! Aunt Suzy, you're so clever. I'll definitely give that a try. I love it!"

She gave him a friendly squeeze back, but she was careful to keep it merely loving and platonic, due to his need for a nap. "No worries. I understand how you're feeling overwhelmed, especially after getting harassed by a bully. But don't forget that we're here to help. We all love you and we're standing by you."

"Thanks. I love you too!" He gave her a kiss, but again it was just an expression of love and not a sexual invitation.

He went into his bedroom alone.

Suzanne had to fight the urge to cry. She tended to get weepy whenever she heard him say "I love you." She was pissed at herself that she merely told him "we all love you" instead of directly stating "I love you."

She started to walk away, but then she changed her mind and followed him into his bedroom.

He was already in bed and obviously ready to go to sleep right away.

But Suzanne sat down on the edge of his bed and took his hand in hers. "Sweetie? I know this might not be the best time to talk. You're tired, and you've got a lot on your mind. But I have kind of a pressing issue, an important issue. it may not seem pressing to you, but it's something I feel I need to resolve one way or another, fairly quickly."

"Okay. Hit me with it. But please make it quick; I'm fading fast."

"It's about Brenda. I have kind of a wild idea. And keep in mind it's just a wild idea at this point. I haven't discussed with anyone yet except Susan. What would you think if... in addition to Brenda having sex with you, she were to have sex with her son Adrian too?"

There was a very long pause. Then Alan replied, "Okay."

"What? Really? That fast? Are you SURE?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Sure I'm sure."

"I was not expecting that at all. Why are you so quick to agree to that?"

"A couple reasons. First, I am soooo tired. And I don't just mean I'm dying to take a nap right now kind of tired, although there is that. I'm tired in a larger sense, every day, because I've way over extended myself. I'm stretched thin till I feel like friggin' cellophane. Mind you, I love every minute of every day. Love it, love it, love it! I wouldn't change one minute for the world. But I know it can't keep going on like this. I'm gonna collapse of exhaustion before too long, literally! There are just too many wonderful and beautiful women in my life. A total embarrassment of riches."

He went on, "I hate to be cruel about it, but tough choices have to be made. I have to decide who I really want to spend my time with. And I don't have to think about that for more than a second. The women I really love are you, Mom, Sis, and Amy. Not in that order, mind you, 'cos there is no order since I love all of you more than one can measure. And Glory. I have to admit that Glory is in there too."

"That's five women right there!" He opened his eyes wide, as if he just realized that for the first time. Obviously, he knew that already, but it stunned him all over again from just thinking about it. "Five amazing, heartbreakingly lovely women. If I can somehow hold on to all five of you, that would be some kind of epic achievement to write ballads and poems about. Brenda is great. She's sexy as hell with her curvy and cute body. But my life will go on just fine without her. I can't say the same about you, or any of the other four."

He went on, "Funnily enough, earlier today I briefly thought about... what if I let Sean have sex with Brenda? And I rejected that idea right away. I guess I'm feeling kind of possessive about her already, and I have to be aware that I'll probably feel much more that way as I get to know her better. But the fact that Adrian is her son changes everything. He's the one guy I would approve of."

Suzanne just nodded.

He grinned impishly as he added, "And Hell, I have to admit it, I'm a horn dog. This way, maybe I can have my cake and eat it too. Hopefully, I could still have sex with Brenda from time to time, but probably not all that often if she's got Adrian, since she lives with him and all. You told me she's only supposed to come here a couple of times a week anyway, due to Mom's jealousy of her boob size and all that. So it wouldn't be fair for me to force her to refrain from all sex outside of that. This would be safer than having her dating random guys."

Suzanne said, "That's what Susan and I are thinking, that we could get back to the original idea with her, with her coming to the house a couple of times a week. You know, poker parties and fashion shows and the like."

His smile widened. "Cool. Sounds like a plan. But I also have my second reason, which is probably even more important."

"What's that?"

"Aunt Suzy, I'm blessed. So damn blessed. And lucky as hell. My whole life changed for the better thanks to that six-times-a-day diagnosis. Things are so great for me that it's pretty much beyond belief, even if I am stretched thin. How I wish every guy my age could have a fraction of my good luck. Obviously, that's impossible. For one thing, there aren't nearly enough bombshell beauties like you to go around. But maybe I could spread the joy to one other guy: Adrian."

Alan's smile widened even more as he pondered that. "Geez, can you imagine? That would be so cool. I've talked to Brenda about Adrian some, like that day you, her, and me were hanging out in your backyard, before Mom came back from church and busted us. You remember that?"

"But of course."

"I got the impression that he's a pretty sad and lonely kid. Kind of like how I was before, only times ten. And I'm sure he's totally in lust with his mother. How could he not be, with a mom like Brenda?"

Suzanne said, "I'm sure you're right on both counts. Of course I was paying attention when you talked to her that day, and I've talked to both Susan and Brenda about Adrian on other occasions. In particular, this morning I talked to Brenda at great length about all kinds of things to try to feel out if this idea of mine could work. Adrian is a sad and troubled boy. Brenda, unfortunately, means well, and she loves him, but she's been a terrible mother. Her parents spoiled her and she was basically raised by a maid, so as so often happens the cycle repeats and Adrian has been spoiled and basically raised by a maid. The same maid, as a matter of fact. Maybe I'm looking at things through rose-colored glasses, but my gut feeling is that having sex with his mother could make him into a new man, just like it did for you."

Alan said brightly, "Yeah! I could believe it, for sure! Aunt Suzy, you don't know the deal. Incest is AMAAAAZING! Actually, I'm sure that in most cases it sucks, 'cos it's usually bad stuff like a creepy parent forcing his or her way on an unwilling child. But where it's a mutual feeling, bathed in love, like what happened to me? AMAZING! And that's how it would be between Brenda and Adrian, I'm sure. It makes me all excited thinking about how happy we could make both of them by doing this. It's like handing someone a $100 million winning lottery ticket, only better! Seriously!"

Suzanne squeezed his hand. "That's all good. I'm proud to see you show such a giving spirit. But if we were to do this, problems are bound to arise. From all I know of you, you're just not good at sharing your women."

He was quick to reply, "True. But Brenda's not one of 'my women.' If it were you, Sis, Amy, Mom, or Glory, forget it. No way! Not in a million years. I know I'm a hypocrite, given all the sexual partners I've been having, but that would break my heart. I love all of you too much."

Suzanne squeezed his hand again, and smiled. She didn't want to say anything in response for fear of getting "too mushy."

He went on, "But I can deal with sharing in other cases. For instance, Heather. It's true I'm not keen on sharing her with others, but that's mainly because of the sexual disease issue. We've worked out a sharing deal where she can sleep with a limited few others. And that's because I don't love her. I'm not close to loving her. And I like Brenda a lot, definitely much more than I like Heather, but I'm not close to loving her either."

Suzanne pointed out, "You say that now, but you've only known her a short time. Relationships evolve. It's inevitable. Knowing you, odds are you'll get to like her more and more, the more you get to know all of her and not just her extremely fuckable body."

"True. You're probably right. Already I get that she's a really nice person. It's just that she's a little spoiled from all her money and her good looks. But I really, really doubt I'll come to love her even half as much as I love you. And if that starts to happen, we can rethink this arrangement. But here's the bottom line. I can do without Brenda. Easily. I mean, she's nice, and VERY sexy, but I barely know her yet, much less love her. Whereas I'm almost certain that Adrian needs her sexually even if he and Brenda don't realize it yet."

He concluded, "I'm trying to grow up, and do the right thing. It's tempting to just say: mine, mine, mine! I seem to have some kind of sexual charisma, and I've fallen in bed with more remarkable and totally gorgeous women than I can shake a stick at."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Suzanne couldn't help but joke, "You do shake your stick at them a great deal. Not to mention even more poking and impaling."

He chuckled. "I walked right into that one. Anyway, it's tempting to say I want them all. For instance, Xania's an incredibly sexy woman. I want her to be mine and mine alone. And Heather. And Simone, her best friend. She's great too. And Christine. Definitely Christine, and screw the consequences! Hell, throw Kim in there. And Akami. And so on and on. But that's just unbounded selfishness. For one thing, most of them wouldn't go for that. And even if they somehow did, it's just not physically possible for me. I'm already stretched waaaay too thin, like I was saying before."

He concluded, "But the main thing is, I don't love any of them. Well, I probably do love Christine, but things couldn't work out with her for a thousand reasons. I need to be realistic. It's time I start making the tough choices. Call it triage, if you will. With what you suggest with Brenda, it's brilliant, because I'll only have to half let Brenda go."

They talked about it some more, with Suzanne pointing out all of the possible drawbacks that she could think of. But none of her arguments were enough to get Alan to change his mind.

Ultimately, he was an optimist. He knew the situation was an almost certain set up for big trouble later, but he had faith that everything would work out well for everyone involved in the end.

Despite Suzanne's reputation for being the most jaded of those in the "true" Plummer house family, she felt much the same. She was even more cognizant than Alan of the many ways this arrangement was likely to blow up eventually, but she also felt in her gut that it was the right thing to do.

There was one important factor that Alan found too awkward to discuss: everything that he'd heard about Adrian gave him the impression that Adrian was timid, if not downright wimpy. So Alan felt free to be generous and experimental, because he didn't see Adrian as any kind of threat.

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