6 Times a Day

Chapter 797 Insatiable Alan ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Susan and Alan relaxed next to each other on the bed. Alan somehow still had his T-shirt on, even though it had gotten quite sweaty, but that was the only item of clothing between them.

Susan's hand wandered over his chest and down to his groin. "Now, there's a sight I don't see every day: my Tiger with a flaccid penis. How would you like me to revive it?"

"I'd rather you didn't at the moment. It's awfully sensitive and it'll need a good rest before the card game. I mean, I just came twice! And we're going to have a party with Brenda AND Xania there! Geez!"

She happily teased him, "You're gonna need all the sexual energy you can get!"

"I know. That's what I'm thinking. If I get stiff again, you're going to drain me completely dry, which will spoil the party. So please, let's just let it be. But if you're desperate for more cum, there should still be some leaking from behind you."

"Okay. You're the boss." Susan winked and pulled her hand away from his penis so she could start transferring gobs of cum from between her buttocks to her mouth.

But before she started, she froze as she had a sudden realization. "Wait. The cum taste in my mouth is gone. It didn't get stronger, but it seems that when you took your penis out of my ass it finally stopped. I'll just have to replace that lingering taste with a fresh brew."

He chuckled over her insatiable hunger for his cum. It didn't take her long to scoop up most of the spillage and stuff it in her mouth. Then she got up and went to the bathroom.

She thoroughly washed herself clean. Then she brought a wet washcloth back to Alan and used it to wash his privates clean. Once thatwas done, she crouched over his erection and got busy "cleaning" his penis and balls with her tongue and lips.

He asked, "Mom, why are you doing that? You just cleaned it with the towel."

She replied as she lapped at his balls, "I used that towel because one has to be extra careful about sanitary things after anal sex. But you know I have a cleaning ritual too. That's not really about cleaning, it's about love. I'm trying to show you how much letting me enjoy your cock means to me. And it's about respect - respecting this great big slab of man meat that rules me and controls me."

He thought that comment was amusing since his flaccid penis hardly looked like a "great big slab of man meat" at the moment. He reached out, ran his hand through her hair, and said, "Thanks, Mom. You're the best. I love you so much!"

The two of them settled in for a nice after sex cuddle, with Susan resting right on top of him.

But he grew restless after a little while. Now that he was no longer thinking about the anal sex, he had a lot of worries on his mind.

She soon sensed his disquiet. "You know," she said into the silence between them, "since we can talk for once without me stroking or sucking you, let's talk. I have to admit that it can be a bother trying to suck cock and talk at the same time, though usually that just means I wish I didn't have to answer any questions."

She gave him another great smile, one that could melt any man's heart. "What's bothering you? I feel like we haven't been interacting as mother and son as much as we used to since we've developed this new relationship as lovers. Talk to your mommy."

"Okay, but only as long as you don't use the word 'mommy.' That causes a Pavlovian-type reaction and instantly makes me hard. Right now I have to devote part of my brain to extremely unsexy things to stay flaccid and that's also why I can't look directly in your beautiful face."

"That makes me so glad to hear. I of course get that same Pavlovian reaction, where my pussy starts throbbing and dripping and my nipples get hard, from just the smallest thing. Just about anything you say or do turns me on, because I love you so much. Did you know the very word 'Tuesday' gets me going? Sometimes I actually start to salivate just from hearing that word, the desire to blow you gets so strong. But in any case, let's get back to your problems."

"Well, you know the usual homework woes. But there's this complicated situation with Heather. You know her and how bitchy she is. It started last Tuesday. And I'm having issues with my teacher Glory too. That started on Tuesday too. What is it with Tuesdays? In fact, this Tuesday, I'm thinking that next Tuesday, I should look back on our Tuesday tradition, and decide if Tuesday is-"

She giggled, punching him in the arm. "No fair! You're just making stuff up as an excuse to say 'Tuesday' a lot."

He grinned. "Guilty."

"It's working too. But now that you've got me all hot, tell me what's really happening."

He went on to explain in great detail what had been happening to Heather and Glory, though he purposely left the other cheerleaders out of the picture. He generally didn't like to kiss and tell, and figured the fewer lovers his other ladies knew by name, the better, for both jealousy and security reasons.

It felt great for him to just unload his mental burden on someone.

Susan listened sympathetically, but she didn't give much feedback. She did get quite aroused, though, especially from hearing how thoroughly he dominated Heather at times. Had his penis not been too tired out, she would have been ready to go again.

She did ask lots of follow-up questions. In particular, she pestered him repeatedly for more details on what he'd done when he'd had sex with Heather, two more cheerleaders, and the mysterious "new girl" earlier.

He generally didn't like to kiss and tell, but he decided he could say more on this occasion since she knew the identity of three out of the four girls involved. He just made sure not to mention the one name she didn't know.

The real story didn't come close to the wild fantasies that Brenda and Susan had come up with together, but Susan got extremely horny hearing about them just the same, to the point that she couldn't resist masturbating a little bit. The important fact for Susan was that his version of events was real, and just thinking about her son being serviced by four beautiful girls at once practically pushed her over the orgasmic edge. Any more details were just icing on the cake for her.

However, Alan mainly wanted to talk about his problems, so he managed to get the conversation back on a serious basis before long.

Susan wanted to be a good mother, so she forced herself to calm down and really listen. It was a constant struggle for her to keep cool though, since all of his problems revolved around trying to juggle so many different women in his life, and that fact alone aroused her.

However, just before he was completely finished unloading about his woes, Susan looked at the clock and said, "Oh, poo. Would you look at that? It's almost seven o'clock already. I have to clean up the house before our guests arrive. This place is such a pig sty lately. I'm sorry about that. But let's talk more about this later, okay? I'm so glad you want to confide in me about these things. Most kids don't think their mothers are 'cool' enough to really tell everything."

"Most kids don't fuck their mothers up the butt and then cuddle naked while talking in explicit detail about fucking the head cheerleader up the ass."

"Good point. I feel so sorry for them. Those sad, prudish, grossly-underfucked mothers. I wonder if there's some way I can help educate them about the need for incestuous love making. Like some kind of educational outreach program. But that's a thought for another day. Please get back to work. You can still get in another good hour."

He was secretly amused by her "outreach" idea. He wanted to test just how serious she was, so he said, "Okay. Mom, I just had a funny thought. Some kind of Alcoholics Anonymous-type support group for mothers not yet practicing incest."

She gave him an eager, delighted look. "Ooh! Good idea. I could lead the group and provide weekly tips on son seduction and cocksucking techniques. But who should we invite, and how can we get them to come?"

"Mom, I was joking. Joking? You know, the real world out there? The one that despises and demonizes incest? You know that was just a joke, right?"

"Oh. Fudge ... packer."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

They both laughed.

She sighed. "Still, I feel so sad for them. I literally can't bear to think what my life would have been like had I not woken up and begun to live."

"Me too. Let's not even go there." The mere idea of what might have been left a melancholy feeling between them.

It looked like Susan was making a move to get up in an attempt to start her cooking chores, so he asked, "Can you send Sis in here?"

"Sure. What for?"

"Stealth stroking, of course." He thought to himself, I can't believe I just said that!

He elaborated, "Sorry that I'm getting hard again right as you go. But somehow, talking to you, especially about Heather, got me slowly worked up, but I don't want to cum again before the party. I just want to stay on a low buzz."

"Oh my! Tiger! You're so insatiable! Oh! You see? That right there, you're calling for me to get Angel to stroke you, that got Mommy soooo darned horny! Oh dear!. And you're right, that talk about Heather got me all worked up too. Not to mention all those 'Tuesdays' you mentioned." She giggled. "I love the way you can tame even her. Can you get me some pictures of her naked and begging for your cock? I'd love to see that."


She continued, "But shoot. Now I have to go cook and clean while all squishy and gushy. Even knowing that Xania AND Brenda are coming over and that you'll be stroked and sucked and fucked all night long, that STILL isn't enough for you! You truly are a MAN! Oh God!"

"Ah, it's not that big a deal. Stealth stroking is no biggie. I used to masturbate for hours at a time on one climax way before any of this started, with a real low, mellow stroking. This is just like that, except with someone else doing the work."

"No, Tiger. This shows that you've reached a new level. You've been stealth stroked all afternoon long, then you fucked me in the ass, then you want more stroking before the card game begins! You're reached a point where your penis is practically constantly hard and pleasured aaaalll day long! This is so exciting! Admittedly, you were flaccid for about half an hour while we just talked about Heather and Ms. Rhymer, but still. Your cock is every woman's dream: permanently hard, horny, thick, long, and ready!"

He said, "Well, I don't know if that's every woman's dream, or if that's only certain horny mommies' dreams. Some might find it too tiring. Most, actually."

She was undeterred. "That's what's so great about you having a harem. No one woman can satisfy you, but we can maybe do it if we pull together as a team."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) "Come on. It's not like that. For instance, I didn't have a single orgasm at school today."

"Listen to you. How many students ever have an orgasm during school their entire life? You are the most potent and virile man in town, and you're my son! Oh my God! My tits are so excited! I think they've taken control of my brain again. Look! They're running my body and demanding action."

He smiled at her conceit. "Demanding action? What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I can't tell what they're doing or thinking. Look! They're drawing me closer to you. Oh no! They seem to be drawn to your hands. It seems they need to be fondled or, even better titfucked, as they can see your cock is suddenly hard again."

As tempting as she was, he kept his hands to himself. He didn't want to cum again before the party.

She went on, "Or even better than that, they should get milked! They need their daily milking! They must remember the promise you made to milk them daily."

She pulled closer to him, trying to pretend that her tits made her do it. She vigorously shook her head no and tried to "hold back" her tits with her hands, but to "no avail." Her head recoiled back as if trying to disassociate itself from her rowdy chest. The act was a lot of fun for both of them. Her desire to cook and get the house ready for guests was completely forgotten.

He deadpanned, "I don't mean to reward their behavior; I heard something about how one should never negotiate with terrorist tits or hostage-taking hooters, and these malevolent mammaries clearly appear to have taken the rest of your body hostage. But as I've got to get back to my books, I'm going to make short work of these unruly udders."

Susan gasped. "'Udders!' I love it!" As much as she loved his word play, she enjoyed his sex cow reference more.

He sucked on one tit and put all his effort into mauling the other. His free hand went to her pussy and found her G-spot.

With that triple attack, she was quickly reduced to a quivering wreck. Whenever he asked her a question such as, "How's that?" she only replied with cow moos.

He brought her to climax in only a couple of minutes. With the rebel tits "defeated," he commented, "You know, Mom, I really should get you for that. Your sexy ways are ruining my attempts to study. A spanking is too good for you."

"Then what will you do to me?" There was an excited gleam in her eye.

"I think I'll hand you around to all the other women with my dares in the card game tonight, to be used and abused. You'll be passed around as if you were some kind of desperate bisexual nympho."

She laughed in glee and said sarcastically, "As if!" They both knew that she'd love nothing better, and that the term fit her pretty well already.

Susan soon left, though they both could have gone on like that all day.

She left rubbing her ass; the anal pummeling had left her rear quite sore. In fact, her ass had only just recovered from her first assfuck yesterday. She decided to ask Suzanne later if there was anything she could do to better prepare her asshole so she could take Alan's penis more easily and more often. She worried that Suzanne might not have an answer, and wondered if scheduling an appointment with Akami to learn all the nurse knew about anal sex was too drastic or not.

She'd kept away from his penis all during her imaginary tit takeover at Alan's request only because he knew where that would lead.

Only a couple of minutes later, Katherine came in and took over the stealth stroking duties. Without so much as a hello, she dropped to her knees and went to it. She'd even lubed her hands up with oil before she came in, for extra pleasure.

He pondered while his sister silently stroked. Mom's right. I do seem to have reached another level. I'm averaging about six or seven climaxes a day these days, and it's not as big of a challenge to constantly reach that as it used to be. My dick is rarely sore anymore, and my cum loads are big and bountiful. In fact, my body seems to be producing more and more cum every day. I think I've reached some kind of plateau though, because I wouldn't want to cum more times a day even if I could. It never seems to get boring because everyone is so arousing and inventive, but I do have to have at least a semblance of a non-sexual life too.

Maybe my body is just adjusting, in the same way that it can acclimate to extreme cold, heat, deprivation, or whatever. It's acclimatizing to extreme sexual stimulation. If you spit all day, your body produces an incredible amount of spit, so it makes sense that if you cum all day, your body does the same with cum. The human body is an amazingly flexible thing.

God, Mom is horny and sexy though. She made me completely and utterly forget about my beating and wounds, not to mention my mountain of homework. Oops. Until now, that is. Dang. Grrr. Stupid injuries. On the plus side, I could be fucking Mom as soon as Friday! Let's see. In theory it could happen as soon as I get back home from school, so that would be ... forty-three hours and thirty minutes from now... Wow. Words can't even begin to describe how that makes me feel.

He went back to his books, or at least he tried to. Needless to say, the thought of fucking his mother was a big distraction. He hardly paid any mind to Katherine sitting underneath his desk, though of course he got a low buzz of pleasure from her oily stroking.

Finally, the time for the weekly card game drew near.

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