6 Times a Day

Chapter 804 Enter Xania ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Then Alan had an idea from seeing them standing side by side, both looking contrite. "Okay, you two. I want you to kiss and make up. And I don't mean a peck on the cheek. I mean make out like long-lost lovers!"

Had he said that order a few minutes ago, it would have gone badly, mostly from Katherine acting pissy. But the two women were still riding a general erotic high, and they both got a big submissive kick out of being "forced" to kiss each other.

Katherine acted first, wrapping her arms around Brenda. She let her smaller but still ample tits rest against Brenda's mammoth twin peaks. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean any of that. I just let my jealousy get to me because you sucked him so good for so long."

Brenda smiled. She had her arms around Katherine too. "It's okay, I don't mind. If I was in your shoes, I would have done the same."

"No, it's not okay! Brother is right. You may not be an official personal cocksucker, but you're part of our group now just the same. I'm sure you're going to suck a LOT of cock from now on, if you enjoyed what you just did."

"Enjoyed?! Katherine, that was one of the highlights of my life! These past few days have been the best of my life, by far. It's funny. I've been married twice and had a pretty active sex life for years, but I truly feel like a virgin. I'm reaady to fully dedicate myself to serving his cock, any time he'll have me." She was too shy to look at Alan as she said that, or even to Katherine. She bowed her head and blushed slightly.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Katherine didn't know how to respond to that, since it wasn't her call to make. So she merely said, "Let's kiss and make up then."

Brenda opened her eyes and leaned in with slightly parted lips.

Katherine did the same, but then she stopped and swiped two fingers through Brenda's cummy cheeks. "Wait!" She fed the cum into Brenda's mouth, advising her, "Don't swallow. Let's share."

"Okay!" Getting into the spirit, Brenda swiped two of her fingers through more of the cum and then fed that into Katherine's mouth.

Then the two of them finally locked lips. From the get-go they were on fire, mostly due to the thrill of snowballing Alan's cum.

Alan worried that his sister would be "uppity" and difficult, perhaps by trying to aggressively dominate Brenda during their necking. But he was pleased to see that both women were totally consumed by lust and put all their earlier differences aside.

He had planned to tell them to fondle each other, to make sure the kiss was sufficiently steamy. But that was entirely unnecessary. Mere seconds after the French kissing began, Brenda's hands went to Katherine's ass. Katherine's hands in turn went to Brenda's huge tits.

While their kissing got hotter and hotter, Katherine thought, I'm such an idiot. I should think of Brenda as "the enemy." She can be part of the team. She's just like a human sex pet, which is great, because I can benefit too! Hot damn, she's one sexy lady, and maybe in time she can become MY plaything too! She sure as hell is a great kisser, and damn her tits feel great!

Brenda had much more submissive thoughts. Katherine is one of my mistresses now. I have obey her, no matter what she says or does. That's the life I've chosen. Luckily, she seems like a genuinely nice person, plus she's a total fox. I imagine Master is going to make me get intimate with all of his other women, who are my mistresses. I would have to say I should try to learn to enjoy it, except I'm already loving it!

Their necking could have gone on a long time, and maybe led to more, but that was what Alan was worried about. Normally, he would have loved to watch them neck, rub their tits together, and generally fondle each other, until his penis got erect again leading to another long sex session. But he didn't want to miss out on the party.

So he broke up the kiss and pretty much shooed them out of the room. He reminded them of the party downstairs and told them they'd been away from it too long already.

They left not long after that. Katherine went to her bedroom to put on a different set of clothes and freshen up.

Brenda picked up her long discarded nightie and prepared to put it back on.

But then Alan had another inspired idea. "What do you think you're doing? Did I tell you you had permission to put that back on?"

"Um, no." It took all her mental concentration not to say "master" when he gave an order exactly like her dream master would.

"Well then. I'm sure they'll want a full report. So go tell them."

"YES, er... Yes! I will!" She was frustrated at not having a title to call him, but she let it pass.

— — —

Brenda rushed downstairs to give a full report of her blowjob success to Susan and Suzanne. She merely carried the discarded nightie with her, handing it to Susan to take care of.

Both mothers were busy getting the house ready for Xania's arrival. But in fact the house was clean and ready to go already, and the two sexy mothers were fully dressed, so Susan turned to her with arms open wide and asked, "How was it?"

Brenda rushed into Susan's arms and gave her a big hug (while being careful not to smear the cum that was all over her against anything). She laughed with glee. "Do you have to ask? THE BEST! Just look at me! Look at my face!" She pulled back just enough from the hug to show off her cummy face.

Susan was happy for her friend. "Look at you! Naked and spermed! Look at her, Suzanne!" She swiped a cum gob off Brenda's forehead and licked it up.

Suzanne chuckled. "I know. I can see. Congratulations, Brenda. That's what, your third time sucking him off?"

"Yes, but it's the very first time he painted my face! And each time is way better than the last! He marked me with his seed! And I was going to put my nightie back on, but he ORDERED me not to! I swear, this IS heaven!"

Susan and Suzanne chuckled gaily and Brenda's joy.

Brenda went on, "I sucked him for SOOOOO LONG! And he never came! Never! Not until the very end! Every second was like the ultimate bliss!"

Susan squealed, excited for her new friend. "That's great! Did you use my tips?! Do you think you're getting better?"

Brenda said proudly, "I did! I felt like I made a major sucking breakthrough, and it's all thanks to you! Both of you. I feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. It was SUCH a struggle! I tried absolutely every trick I knew, and still he wouldn't cum. My jaw hurts and my tongue is all tired out, but already I can't wait to do it again!"

Suzanne said, "Well, I have a feeling you'll get your chance later tonight. You know how rampant and demanding his cock is. But first, sit down and tell us all about what happened."

Brenda continued to hug Susan a little longer, and said, "I get it now. I fully get it. Sucking his cock is so much more than just a sex act. It's an act of adoration! Of dedication! Of veneration! It's a lifestyle! An entire way of life, dedicated to serving our man, serving his cock! I feel like I BELONG on my knees, naked and choking on his thickness!"

Susan beamed, like a proud teacher with a star pupil. "Exactly! Did he mention anything about making you one of his personal cocksuckers?"

"Unfortunately, no." Brenda finally broke the hug.

Susan gave her an encouraging pat on the back. "Don't worry; that'll come soon, I'm sure. Now, let's hear the full story!"

Brenda happily gave them a passionate and triumphant description of what she'd done. She was still at it when the doorbell rang, signaling Xania's arrival.

At that point, Suzanne had Brenda put on only the extremely revealing clothes she'd arrived in, plus her high heels. They had her leave the cum on her face.

Meanwhile, Alan stayed upstairs so he could fully recover. He wanted to wait long enough until he could get another erection so he could make a big impression on entry.

He shook his head with wonder as he thought of Brenda. That is one wild woman. How can a woman with her tits suck cock with that much passion?! It's like a genius also being a star athlete. I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing a whole lot more of her. She seems as fanatically loyal as a puppy dog to me, and yet I still don't know her very well.

How did things come to this point? Was Suzanne's scheme that effective? Was she just that much of a ripe fruit ready to be plucked? I really need to learn more, fast.

Weird. I mean, this isn't just any woman. Brenda has an incredible body, and a great face too! And she's basically acting like she wants to exclusively belong to me. She even said as much! And I can't say she doesn't mean it, because she proved her dedication with her cocksucking determination.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

This is so unreal I just want to hit myself and wake up. I mean, the various ways I got my cock sucked today, and that's not the only sexual fun I've had. It's nuts! And we still have a poker party to go! Maybe it's actually a good thing I got beat up at school today, because it painfully reminds me that I'm human after all and not invincible. This could all disappear in a heartbeat if word somehow gets out as to what we're doing.

Speaking of trouble, I can see more trouble brewing, thanks to Brenda's looks and attitude. Sis was practically seething at one point. I've never seen her bitch and complain like that, even if it was an accident that she spoke the words out loud. But on the other hand, it kinda turns me on to have them get all catty over me. At least they made up with the kiss at the end.

Ah well. Now it's downstairs to the party to see what other bizarro turns my life can take. I hope my dick rebounds quickly, 'cos I can hardly wait to get down there. This is going to be a classic get-together. Aims, Sis, Mom, Aunt Suzy, Brenda, AND Xania, all in one room at one time? Oh yeah! That's one for the all-time beauty record books.

Oh shit! Xania! I shouldn't have sent Brenda downstairs naked and with a face full of cum. I wonder if Xania's here yet. I didn't even think of that. Ooops!

Now that Xania had arrived, it was time for the poker party to really begin.

Alan and Katherine came downstairs together, after taking about ten minutes to recover and freshen up. Alan was dressed in a long-sleeved white buttoned-up dress shirt and shorts, while Katherine wore a nice formal outfit.

When Alan noticed Xania standing in the foyer with all the others, he thought, SWEET! What a great day! Xania is such a hottie. Surely something sexual is going to happen with her and me tonight, no? I mean, we've secretly fucked. How can good things not happen? And after what just happened with Brenda, I'm so full of confidence that I feel like I can make anything happen!

Xania was dressed up the way a professional psychologist should be, and in fact was dressed only slightly more casually than she'd been during their appointment. She wore a white blouse and a matching red jacket and skirt. The others standing around her in the entry foyer were dressed as if for a formal dinner.

In extreme contrast, Brenda was dressed in nothing but her sliver of an excuse for a top, her G-string-like bikini bottoms, and high heels. That was tremendously embarrassing for her, especially considering that Xania was a complete stranger.

Worse, Brenda still had Alan's cum hanging all over her face. Not only that, but she interpreted Suzanne's earlier comment that she should keep her nipples uncovered whenever possible as a command from her mistress, and so she now wore her black top in a lopsided fashion that kept both nipples exposed. It was almost worse than wearing no top at all, since it seemed such a crazy thing to do.

No one mentioned the cum or the top, not even Xania.

In fact, it was so odd that Xania hadn't said a word about Brenda's appearance that soon everyone was antsy, as if waiting for another shoe to drop. Since none of them except Suzanne knew Xania's real identity and true persona, they half expected her to leave their house or burst into anger at any moment. Had she really been the person she was pretending to be, that probably would have occurred.

Alan considered telling Brenda to make herself presentable, but the situation had a lot of sexual potential. He didn't know the full truth about Xania, but he realized that she wasn't anywhere near the innocent she was pretending to be. He decided to roll with the punches and act like this situation was normal. It was better to push the envelope. If things went south, he could always try damage control.

Brenda found the lack of reaction to her appearance most odd. She was well aware of how strange she looked, and her face burned red with shame and humiliation. Nonetheless she did her best, with her head held high and a smile upon her face.

Once she saw Alan approach, she thrust her chest out and kept her arms behind her back to further push her enormous tits forward. That doubled her already great humiliation, but now that she considered herself one of Alan's sex pets, she was determined to show that she was a good one.

When Alan and Katherine had arrived, Suzanne had made some welcoming small talk. But that quickly died out, and the ensuing silence only heightened the tension about Brenda's appearance.

Finally, Amy spoke up. "Xania, aren't you going to ask about Brenda? Geez! If I were you, I sure would."

"No, I'm not," Xania said calmly.

But Amy wasn't satisfied. She asked, "Why not? Don't you have any curiosity?"

"Sure, but I figure I'm here this evening like an anthropologist living with a foreign culture. I'd like to just be a fly on the wall and observe your fascinating sexual traditions firsthand. If you want me to know something, I figure you'll tell me. I'm sure there's a good reason why this beautiful lady has some interesting, er, stuff... all over her face, not to mention her... unusual attire."

Brenda gasped in embarrassment, but forced herself not to cower or cover up. Oh Jesus God! I knew when I came here tonight that there would be times like this, but I didn't think it would be THIS bad. I have to be strong! This is a test of my loyalty to my master! It's a test of my commitment to live the sex pet lifestyle too.

Amy nodded in slight confusion at Xania's response, and surprisingly didn't tell her any more about Brenda. Neither did anyone else. It seemed that everyone was waiting for Alan's lead, and he still hadn't said a word.

The group resumed making casual small talk, which mostly consisted of introductions to people who hadn't previously met.

Then Suzanne said to Xania as an aside, "By the way, don't blame Brenda for her attire, or, er... lack thereof. She was in the middle of telling Susan and me a VERY interesting story about what she was doing to Alan upstairs, and then you rang the doorbell, so there was no time for her to change."

Xania knew from years of experience when Suzanne was playing some kind of game, so she happily played right along, pretending to be clueless. "Oh, really? What kind of story?"

Suzanne smirked a little. "It's all about what she was doing not long before you got here. She put on some sexy see-through lingerie, walked into Alan's room, dropped to her knees between his legs, and then... Wait. Maybe it's better if you tell the story?" She looked right at Brenda.

Brenda felt like her heart had stopped altogether. She was already blushing profusely, but somehow her face turned twice as red.

Xania could guess easily enough that Suzanne was alluding to Brenda giving Alan a blowjob. Furthermore, she could tell by the way people were acting that Brenda was a person who got off on being sexually humiliated, which everyone in the room understood except Brenda. So Xania continued to play her clueless role by asking, "Yes, Brenda, what were you doing to Alan upstairs, between his legs? And in see-through lingerie, no less?"

Brenda clenched her hands together nervously and stammered, "Um... You see... I was just, uh... Alan had big needs, and I... Oh God!" She looked like she was about to faint from sheer embarrassment.

Susan was such a lovable softy that she couldn't bear to see Brenda squirm and blush so much. She said, "Before we tell any stories, what are we doing just standing here in the foyer? Let's get properly settled, shall we?"

Thanks to that prodding, Brenda was off the hook while the group moved to the living room for the poker game.

Brenda sat on a sofa and tried to recover. She was so horny and embarrassed that she felt like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She was relieved to just close her eyes and be ignored for a little while. She would have loved to masturbate to further blow off her stress and arousal, but she didn't dare do so with Xania so nearby.

Xania had brought some luggage because she was staying the night. Alan picked it up to take it upstairs to the guest bedroom, which would allow him to be the last one into the living room when he returned. To a certain extent, all the weeks of constant sexual adventures had made him a bit jaded, but now he practically pranced with glee as he lugged her bags along.

He thought, Great things are about to happen! Looking at those remarkable ladies in the foyer all dressed up so fancily, you'd think a Tupperware party was about to begin or something. You'd never figure what raging sexual creatures they are. I'll bet that within the hour - no, make that half an hour - they'll all be naked and begging me to fuck them. Including Xania, I hope! I'm glad Brenda looks the way she does, or else I wouldn't believe what's about to happen. Everything else seems far too normal.

And Xania! God DAMN! She's cool as a cucumber now, but I know she's really a hot firecracker under all those clothes! It's like Mom and Aunt Suzy have a body double, and how cool is that?! I've fucked her once, so don't tell me nothing's gonna happen tonight. But judging from her clothes and demeanor, I have a sense she's going to play hard to get, which is gonna be fun as hell! I have such a raging boner already that it's not funny. Oh boy! Buckets of cum are going to flow tonight!

Finally entering the living room, he took a look at the six women before him, who informally stood in a line for his benefit. Even Brenda managed to stand up and strike a pose. She still looked comically out of place with her cum-soaked blushing face and her nipples bared.

Alan whistled in appreciation at them all. "Hot damn! Pinch me; I'm dreaming! Looking at the six of you there, it's like I'm looking at some kind of fantasy Amazon army. Valkyries maybe. With the exception of Brenda and Amy, all of you are just so damned tall. Right around six feet - I hear that's the height of all the supermodels. That alone is so amazing. But all of you look great. You know what this is like? This is like some 'Sexiest Women of the World' all-star team."

He again conspicuously failed to mention or take special notice of Brenda's cum-drenched appearance. He also was tempted to note how extremely busty they all were, but he held his tongue on that.

He was just speaking his mind, mostly, but his words buttered up all the females and helped get them in the mood for the game. Most of them preened and posed, thrusting out their tits like Brenda had been doing.

Only Xania played it cool with her detached demeanor. She kept a poker face as she looked all around, as if she were a scientist studying her lab subjects.

Susan brought out the wine and liquor. She considered it part of her motherly duties to make sure Brenda and especially Xania got drunk or at least tipsy, to help Alan have his way with them.

As she served Alan, she whispered in his ear while obviously referring to Xania, "There's another hottie I want you tame tonight. Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker. Go get her, Tiger! I want to see you do her on the table in front of everybody!"

He chuckled to himself and shook his head in amused disbelief at how his mother had changed.

There was a tension in the room thanks to Xania's presence. Everyone was wondering how she would react once things started to get overtly sexual. Alan, Katherine and Suzanne were each well aware of the fact that Alan had had sex with her already, but Amy, Susan and Brenda were not.

Furthermore, Xania still wasn't batting an eye at Brenda's strange appearance. Despite being in the same room as Brenda, she hadn't asked her any questions, not even to follow up on the story Brenda was supposedly about to tell.

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