6 Times a Day

Chapter 806 This Whole Place Revolves Around Pleasing Alan! ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Suzanne started to say, "Now, as I was about-"

But Susan raised her hand.

An exasperated Suzanne sighed. "Yes, what is it?"

"Can we go change into something sexier, instead of just having to take off some of these frumpy clothes?" She clearly was referring to her own outfit, which was the kind of clothing she now wore only when going outside. She had put it on to be respectful of Xania. But she figured that since Xania didn't mind the way Brenda looked, not to mention that Alan had practically fucked her in the other room already, the sky was the limit.

Suzanne indicated her agreement with a slight head nod.

Susan and Katherine immediately bolted off to their upstairs bedrooms.

Even Suzanne and Amy got up and rummaged through their collection of clothes left in the underwear cabinet by the front door, and then changed as well, using nearby empty rooms.

That left just Alan, Xania, and Brenda sitting there for a few minutes. They made some rather awkward small talk that mostly involved Xania and Brenda getting introduced to each other a little better.

Alan found himself thinking, Man, this is going to ROCK! Xania proved in the other room that she's game. I can hardly wait to get my dick in her mouth, or even deep in her pussy. I have such a raging boner. I'm half tempted to tell her about the penis-tending tradition and get her started on it right away! And then there's Brenda. Jesus, is she ready to go or what?! And there's everyone else. Whoa! This is like the Olympics of beautiful, sexual women!

When the group reassembled in the living room, the place resembled a porn film shoot - except for Alan in his white dress shirt and shorts, and Xania still in her formal attire.

But out of all the outrageous outfits, Susan clearly was the star of the show. She wasn't wearing any ordinary outfit, but was decked out as a sexy cow. Her outfit consisted of scraps of clothing in the patchy black-and-white pattern of cow skin, with a tight, revealing bikini top that held up and thrust out her tits, bikini bottoms, gloves that went up to her upper arms, stockings that went up to her knees, and headgear with floppy cow ears. Additionally, she wore a cowbell around her neck.

She was positively glowing with happiness and pride as she stared right at her son. "What do you think, Tiger? I know it isn't a fashion show night, but I just couldn't keep this outfit in the closet anymore. It's too exciting for me! I thought it might cheer you up on a bad day."

"Mom, it's awesome." He teased, "And this can't be called a bad day anymore, especially after all the stealth help and what Brenda did to me upstairs. The only problem is, how can I suck your udders dry when you've got them all covered up like that?"

Susan shuddered in gleeful response and reflexively clutched at her tits.

"Okay, you two," Suzanne stepped in. "Stop before we have to get you a room. Don't worry, Sweetie, even without the strip poker, I don't think Susan is going to be wearing her top for long. Susan, that's actually much more than four items, but we'll count both gloves as one, and count your stockings with the panties. How's that?"

"Mooooooooo!" Susan replied, and then giggled. Whenever she moved, for instance with a giggle that caused her huge tits to jiggle, the cowbell rang as well.

"All right. I'll take that as a 'Yes.'" Suzanne couldn't help but crack a wide smile at Susan's cow-themed enthusiasm.

Xania, trying to play the role of a serious psychologist, asked with concern, "Susan, do you want to discuss your cow fetish?"

"Not now. Tonight is the time for fun. Besides, one reason I wore this is because you approved."

"I did?"

"Don't you remember? During our appointment you told me that my sex cow idea was a healthy expression of my fantasies."

Xania nodded, because she did remember after being reminded. She was so aroused and astounded by what she'd seen of the Plummer family lifestyle that it was easy for her to forget such details.

Susan went on, "Anyway, one reason I'm excited about this outfit is that it proves that I'm not the only one into the sex cow idea. The mere fact that I can buy this shows that there must be a whole market for it. Think about all the busty sex cow mommies out there, slurping on their sons!"

Amy couldn't resist joking, "It must be an entire MOOOOvement! Get it?" She laughed at her own joke.

All the others had a good laugh at that too.

Suzanne spoke to the whole group, before Susan got completely carried away. "Let's get back to the rules. Now, I couldn't help but notice that last time we played everyone was trying to lose, not win. So the new rule is you get to take an item off if you win a hand instead of if you lose. And dares will now be between the winner and whoever the winner chooses. Since Sweetie was stubbornly trying to win last time and keep his clothes on-"

"Boooooo!" That was Amy. But then other voices joined in.

At first, Suzanne was annoyed that the others (except for Xania and Alan) started booing, but she found herself grinning and joining in too.

She continued, "The rules are reversed for him. He now has to take an item off if he has the lowest hand. If he wins the hand, he gets to order a dare involving whomever he wants, regardless of how many pieces of clothing he still has on or who came in second. That way, everyone will now try their best instead of their worst. Sound good?"

Everyone liked the rule changes.

Xania asked, "What's a dare exactly? How is that defined?" She sipped on a rum and Coke.

Suzanne replied, "You'll find out when we come to it. It's more fun that way."

But then, as Suzanne shuffled the cards, she added, "And another thing. Last time we did this, we kept him from sexual release for a long time, before we finally let Susan help him out with some of her penis tending. This time, we'll take turns pleasuring him from the very start. Oh, and any cunt touching is not allowed, not even your own. Otherwise, we'll all be too busy cumming to keep playing. Xania, are you okay with this? You did say 'when in Rome...'"

Xania was secretly very much looking forward to it, but she did her best to squirm and look uncomfortable. "I suppose. I'll manage."

"Good," Suzanne said firmly. "Remember that it could be your turn to tend him at some point. Brenda, how long did you suck on Alan's dick upstairs?"

Brenda replied, "I was so into it that I didn't keep an eye on the clock. But I'd guess something close to an HOUR! Not counting a few minutes off here and there for strategic breaks."

Suzanne nodded in approval. "Excellent. In case you're curious, Susan and I DID keep an eye on the clock. You were up there exactly one hour and twelve minutes. So you very well could have sucked him for one whole hour."

Actually, that was a lie: Suzanne knew Brenda had only been upstairs about 45 minutes, but she wanted to boost Brenda's cocksucking confidence, so she exaggerated the numbers to allow her to think she did it for an hour. But even sucking for most of 45 minutes was still very impressive.

Brenda's eyes went wide, almost comically so. She raised her arms up high, like she'd just won a boxing match. Then she sought out Susan with her gaze.

Susan smiled from ear to ear and pumped an encouraging fist at her. Now that she was good friends with Brenda she only wanted good things for her, despite occasional flare-ups of her tit size jealousy.

It helped a lot that her attitude on double blowjobs had drastically changed. She didn't see it as a zero sum game if Brenda sucked Alan a lot more often, since she assumed they'd be sharing most of the time, and she actually preferred that.

Suzanne just smirked, amused this was being discussed in front of the supposedly clueless Xania. She turned to Alan. "And Sweetie, um, I mean Alan, how was she?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "VERY good!" he admitted. "She was really into it, even with Sis watching the whole time. She used her mouth on me nearly the entire time, and with great vigor. There was only a few minutes of titfucking when her mouth needed a break. After a long while, I could tell she was getting really tired, so I kept asking, even insisting, that she stop, but she refused. She worked herself up into such a frenzy that I just couldn't help but cum all over her face."

Susan reached over and gave Brenda a high-five. "Nice!" She'd heard Brenda say this just before Xania arrived, and she understood that it was being repeated for Xania's sake. But she got excited all over again just the same.

Suzanne smiled at Brenda. "Indeed. Well then, since you were such a good, obedient cocksucker, and you appear dressed for the occasion, I'll let you go first. That is, unless you're worn out from earlier?"

"Are you kidding me?! Let me at it!" Brenda smiled and licked her lips.

Suzanne chuckled at Brenda's enthusiasm. "Well, then, you can start tending him at any time."

Brenda didn't need to be told twice. She crawled over to Alan and dropped to her knees.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Alan, seeing that she was so excited she was trembling, decided to help her out (and make the situation more of a spectacle). He stood up, unbuttoned his dress shirt to prolong the suspense a bit, and then dropped his shorts to the floor. His erection bounced out proudly until it almost stood straight up. It already was drooling pre-cum from being in the same room with so many bombshells.

Brenda was tremendously excited by the sight, acting as if she hadn't just seen it a short time earlier (not to mention sucked on it for a very long time). "Oh my God! It's so beautiful!" she exclaimed.

Susan chuckled and nodded. "I know. Just looking at that thick, tasty sight makes me SO HOT! Go ahead and hold it, Brenda. Seeing a big-titted hottie like you hold it makes me even hotter, if such a thing is possible."

Susan then explained to Xania, "There are so very, very many things I love about my Tiger's cock. One thing I really love is how hairless it is. Except for a cute little dark patch above, there's no hair to get in your teeth when you're sucking on his balls. Which you should try by the way, Brenda. It's fun."

"I will!" Brenda shamelessly ran her hands over her inner thighs, which were soaked already in her own cum. "I did that a little upstairs, but only for a minute or two." Then her wetted hands flew to his crotch.

Xania raised an eyebrow and pretended to look alarmed as she watched Alan's erection get covered by both of Brenda's fists. Then those fists began sliding up and down, well-lubricated from Brenda's juices.

With both of her hands busy, Brenda dropped her head down below them and began sucking on Alan's balls as Susan had suggested.

Brenda thought, The SHAME! Everyone's staring at me, judging me, watching every move of my hands and my mouth. What must Xania think? She's a professional psychologist! But at least I know I've got Susan on my side.

She peeked with one eye, quickly glancing at Susan. Sure enough, Susan was smiling at her approvingly. I have to be brave! I have to prove to my master, er, my would-be master, that my dedication to serving his cock knows no bounds! And I can't let Susan down. She's my mistress too!

Suzanne saw that Brenda was far too excited, so she clarified, "Brenda, that's nice, but I think he might enjoy that TOO much. You'd better stop the scrotum sucking for now and give him a very slow, relaxed stroking so he feels good but doesn't feel the urge to ejaculate. If you do it right, you can keep him on the edge for hours. Around here we call it a stealth stroking; I think you've heard about it. But the honors of who gets to actually get him off and drink his cum will hopefully be decided through dares in the game."

Brenda nodded. She had the whole of one of Alan's testicles in her mouth already, but she withdrew and slowed the stroking with her hands. However, since her mouth was still inches from his privates, she asked Suzanne, "Is it okay if I give it just one lick or two, from top to bottom?"

Suzanne chuckled. "I suppose. But just one."

Everyone watched as Brenda ever-so-slowly licked her way up his shaft. She stopped at his sweet spot and swirled around there a little bit before reaching the tip. Then she did the same on her way back down, pushing her luck by spending even more time lapping around his sweet spot.

She was growing in confidence by the second as her lust overcame her fear of public humiliation. Let everybody see! I want everyone to see just how much I love my master's cock! I'm going to prove that I belong here. Mmmm! I'll bet even Xania wishes she could be in my high heels right now!

The room was dead silent except for Brenda's near orgasmic moans, and her rather loud slurpy noises. Eyes dilated and pulses quickened as the level of arousal in the room grew and grew.

Xania pretended like she was averting her eyes. "Wait a minute. With this 'stealth stroking,' you're telling me you all take turns giving him handjobs?"

Katherine was all smiles. "Yep! In fact, I was giving Brother more of a stealth sucking when Brenda came in to take over."

Amy added happily, "And I was giving him a stealth sucking before that!"

Xania shook her head in disbelief. Again, she didn't need to fake her reaction, since she'd never heard of that bizarre approach. Good grief. That's a bit much, even for this crazy household.

Suzanne looked on as Brenda sat back and reverted to just stroking. She said to the group, "Oh, and one last thing: In deference to our new friend Xania, we don't want things to get too out of hand. So if anyone violates a game rule, then the game is immediately over for everyone. That means that when a dare is over, it's over. So we won't be having any more incidents like how Amy and Katherine kept their kissing dare going for half the evening last time." She gave the two girls a disparaging look until they turned away in embarrassment.

Then she went on, "Also, Alan has a lot of homework to do and we all have to get some sleep, so the game can only last a maximum of three hours, starting from now. That means this ends at midnight. I'm going to set an alarm so we don't forget. Oh yeah. And you'll all remember from last week that Brenda said she didn't want to do any lesbian stuff. She's very much changed her mind about that, haven't you, pet?"

Brenda nodded meekly, even as her hands started to get a good stroking rhythm on Alan's erection. He had his chair pulled back from the table, so everyone else could easily see what she was doing to him.

Her exposure continually embarrassed her, but she didn't stop or even slow down. She was determined to be an excellent penis tender so she'd win the position again.

Knowing that Brenda got off on embarrassment, Suzanne reached over and pulled Brenda's flimsy top up to her collar area to completely bare the breast nearest to her (and, it so happened, the other one too). Then she started to knead handfuls of tit-flesh. "You like it when women play with your body, don't you?"

Brenda blushed and groaned, obviously tremendously turned on. She closed her eyes and nodded shamefully. My mistress! Use my body as you please, just as my master does!

Those who knew her from before were amazed all over again at the change in personality that had come over the formerly fiery woman.

Suzanne added as she played with Brenda's enormous tit, "Yes, Brenda's quite new to it all, and we all know what a good kisser she is, but Susan and I can attest that she's already showing a lot of promise as a carpet muncher too."

Brenda shivered. She whispered with distress, "Please!" Between Suzanne's goading words and fondling, plus the joy of tending Alan's dick, her body was about to explode with sheer arousal. She was afraid that she couldn't take much more.

Suzanne pulled her hand away.

Susan asked Xania with some concern, "Xania, you don't mind our frank language, and all the jacking off and fondling that's taking place?"

Xania spoke like a dispassionate, scientific observer. "Susan, thanks for asking, but I'm here to observe and learn. With my specialty in sex therapy, I'm more than fascinated. It's like this house has a culture of its own when it comes to sex, almost like an entirely different society. The rest of us may have something to learn from you all."

She kept her face stern and serious. Then she continued, "Although I am a bit surprised to see what Katherine is wearing. Is that typical of your daily appearance?"

All eyes flew to Katherine.

Her outfit at first hadn't appeared so remarkable, though it would have been extremely unusual in the outside world. Her white satin top covered her arms and the top of her boobs, but was cut in an unorthodox manner that exposed almost everything else. But what obviously caught Xania's eye was the skirt. It was so short that in the position Katherine was now sitting, the fact that she'd shaved her bush was completely apparent to all.

Suzanne shuffled the cards some more as she answered matter-of-factly, "That looks like approximately four items to me. There's no rule stating that our cunts need to be covered, and in fact more often than not we're flaunting our cunts for our Sweetie. If that makes you uncomfortable, you should probably leave now."

Xania only responded by asking, "Have you always called it a 'cunt?'"

Suzanne considered. "No. We used to call it a 'pussy' but I suppose we started using 'cunt' last week. It sounds better. In the same way, Alan doesn't have a 'penis'; he has a 'cock.' Any more questions?"

"Sorry. I'll stop asking so many." Xania continued to furtively stare at Katherine's crotch.

Katherine raised her hand, and in fact turned a bit and spread her legs to expose more of her pussy.

Suzanne called on her.

The sexy teen said, "I have an idea. Brother, er, Alan, should help take all our clothing off when the time comes. It'll be more orgasmically delicious that way. We walk over to where he's getting jacked off and present our tits or ass or whatever, and he undoes the straps or pulls the item off."

He liked that idea. One of his hands gave a thumbs-up while the other ran through Brenda's short brunette hair.

But Xania objected. Trying to appear prudish, she complained, "I'm playing too. What if he tries groping me while he does that?"

Katherine replied flippantly, "Xania, shit happens. The fact is, he won't just 'try' to grope you. He WILL grope you tonight, probably a lot. Plus who knows what. If you can't handle that, you should leave now. Are you going to try to be one of us and get done by the Romans, or what?" She deliberately said "get done by the Romans" instead of "do as the Romans."

Xania agreed with a reluctant nod, but complained, "Boy, you'd think this whole place revolves around sexually pleasing him at all hours of the day and night."

Amy replied happily, "It does!"

Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, and Brenda all nodded in serious agreement.

Even the modest Alan couldn't disagree at just how much truth there was in that statement.

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