6 Times a Day

Chapter 816 Welcome Xania 4K

Xania looked up at the other naked women, worried that her prudish pose was probably blown. She was glad that she was wearing glasses, because otherwise his cum would have landed in her eyes. She sighed. "I feel like a slut. A total, shameless slut!" She meant it too.

The others looked back at her with amused expressions.

She didn't realize that her cover wasn't really blown because they all fully expected her to succumb to Alan's sexual prowess no matter how prudish she was to begin with.

Susan was beaming with so much pride that she was practically glowing. She thought, Bless my heart! It almost makes me want to cry. Is there anything more delightful than a spermy taming? Seeing Tiger's cum splattered all over her face is so symbolic, not to mention beautiful. There's no turning back for her now!

Amy though was more sympathetic. "Don't worry, Xania, it's cool. You have nothing to be ashamed about. We're not thinking any bad stuff about you - that's just how things go around here."

Xania smiled at Amy's kindness. She sat up straight and tried to act presentable, despite all of the cum on her.

As she looked around, she saw mostly smirking and amused faces, and decided she'd have to act fast to retain some credibility. So she closed her eyes tightly again and grimaced, pretending to be upset at the facial Alan had given her. "Ewwww! Gross! Now I've got all this disgusting goo all over my face!" She held her hands up helplessly, indicating she wanted to clean herself but didn't want to touch the cum.

Susan was offended. "Hey, be careful what you call 'disgusting goo.' Nothing could be farther from the truth. What you have there is, like, I dunno... liquid gold."

"Oh, please," Xania said derisively.

Katherine chimed in. "No, really. It's great! I know it's kind of weird at first, but try tasting it. I swear, it's like dessert."

"No thanks!" Then she remembered, "This is for Amy. She asked me to leave some on my face for her to clean up."

Amy flashed her winning smile. "Thanks! And I'll be on that like white on rice in a minute. But you should have some too. I thought you said that when you're here, you're gonna live by our rules?"

"Yeah, I suppose I did say that." Xania continued to just sit there between Alan's legs with her eyes closed and Alan's cum plastered all over her face.

Amy concluded triumphantly, "Cool beans! 'Cos it's definitely the rule that when Alan cums on your face, you have to eat it up!"

"UGH! Are you kidding me?"


Xania opened her eyes a bit, and saw a smiling Amy give her a friendly wink.

Amy added, "But it IS more fun that way. We should share. It's super double duper yummyrific! Didn't you taste a lot of it when he came right in your mouth?"

Xania admitted, "Yes, I did. But, to be honest, I was so distracted... I was cumming so hard most of the time that it was crazy! And most of it went straight down my throat. I did taste some when I was doing a little sucking afterwards, but again, I was pretty much cumming non-stop then, too. Then, when I had a bunch of it on my tongue, I just stuck my tongue out to show Amy, and then I swallowed it all down. I guess it tasted pretty good, for cum, but I wasn't really thinking about it. I was kind of in another mental state... of total euphoria. Even now, it's like I'm finally returning from orgasmic la-la land back to the world of the living."

Amy eagerly nudged her. "Well, get a really good taste of it, then. Savor it!"

Xania tentatively wiped a cum-soaked finger into her mouth.

The others all waited with bated breath for the verdict.

Xania let the cum roll around in her mouth, truly savoring it for the first time. Finally, she said begrudgingly, "It is... surprisingly sweet. I suppose it tastes okay." That was an understatement, because she didn't want to let on just how much she liked it.

Still, her verdict was positive enough to result in cheers from all the other women.

Xania tasted a little more, and was more honest with herself. Wow! That's probably the sweetest, most delicious cum I've ever had. It's like dessert. I could easily see getting addicted to this!

Amy prodded her, "Come on. Just okay? Doesn't it taste better than that?"

Xania still didn't want to sound too enthusiastic, but she admitted, "All right. It is surprisingly good." Then she hastened to add, "But still, you know, it's someone else's cum. That's inherently gross."

Susan said proudly, "Xania, you're still learning. Soon you'll come to realize that not only does Tiger's sperm taste absolutely delicious, but getting a big creamy load blasted on your face is one of the great joys in life!"

Xania thought, I don't mind a facial, or a pearl necklace for that matter. But it's just something that happens. It's certainly no "great joy." Sheesh! But she decided to keep quiet about it, since she didn't want to pop Susan's bubble.

Katherine couldn't help but tease a bit: "So, Xania, what was that about your earlier attitude? Remember how you didn't want to suck his cock?"

"I'll admit that something strangely compelling is going on." Xania tried to look prudish again. It somewhat worked, largely due to her bespectacled, stern appearance (despite the cum dripping off her glasses). She wasn't just posturing when she said, "I never expected something like this to happen tonight. I think some kind of curious group dynamic is going on. We all feed off each other's emotions, and everything builds up and up. Even the simple act of oral sex becomes nearly... rapturous."

Xania noticed that Amy was licking Alan's penis and balls. She asked her, "What are you doing?"

Amy responded as she licked, "I'm cleaning him up. It's all part of our tradition. Remember, he said he was too sensitive for it a minute or two ago, but he's good now. Hey, you wanna help? 'When in Rome' and all of that? Look at all the yummy cum that dribbled out."

Xania was sorely tempted, because his cum tasted that good. But now that she'd had orgasmic release, she was in a different mindset and trying harder to maintain her stern psychologist persona. "No thanks."

Katherine smirked. "What's the problem? You think it's undignified?"

"That's part of it," Xania conceded.

Katherine said, "Pshaw. There's no room for dignity around here. None. I gotta admit that getting humiliated and dominated by Brother is a big reason why sex with him is so hot." She pointed at Brenda. "Besides, if you want to see undignified, look at her."

Brenda appeared lost in her own little world. While the others had cum and then recovered, Brenda was still frigging herself and going strong.

Four fingers of one hand were completely lost somewhere up her pussy while her other hand played with one of her gigantic tits. But that hand had just been in her pussy too, and elsewhere. Wherever the hand wandered it left a trail of pussy juice. Her tits in particular were shining with slick juices from her incredibly copious and constant discharge of cum. It seemed that her tits, too, had shot off their own trails of cum, judging from the dribbles flowing from her nipples, though everyone else had been too busy with their own orgasms to notice.

It dawned on Brenda that the others were staring at her, and that forced her to come around to some semblance of coherence. She looked around the room as if she'd just woken up. Her eyes bugged out when she saw Amy "cleaning" Alan's penis and balls. She loved that, and although she pulled her fingers out of her pussy, she switched to fondling her J-cup boobs with both hands.

However, she also realized how cummy and bedraggled she must have looked, and that embarrassed her. She asked, "Sorry I'm, uh, kind of out of it. Um... can I go get cleaned up?"

Suzanne spoke in a no-nonsense tone. "No. And no clothes for you the rest of the night, either. Not counting your high heels, of course. Sweetie likes to see you constantly naked and covered in fresh cum, and so do I. Now let's get back to the game."

Brenda groaned again with intense arousal. Gaawwwd! This place is like Heaven on Earth! My master and chief mistress, humiliating me and using me, endlessly!

Xania asked, "How about me? Can I clean off my face and glasses?"

"Certainly," Suzanne said just as firmly. "But the only way that's getting clean is with your tongue and/or Amy's tongue."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Amy stopped licking Alan's balls and sat up. "Cool beans!" She was still kneeling right next to Xania, with only one of Alan's legs between them. She scooted around that leg to get even closer to Xania's face.

Seeing and hearing all that caused Brenda to groan loudly and lustily. She thought, Alan leaves his mark on all his women! And he's just conquered another one! Xania's totally hot too. Lucky Amy. I can't wait until the day comes when I get to lick his cum off her face. And her tits too. I could lick and fondle those all day long! She giggled deliriously as she recalled how she had suppressed her desire for other women until recently.

Xania asked, "Can't I just wash up in the bathroom?"

Susan sighed. "Xania, you still have so much to learn. What a waste that would be! Why, you might as well commit the sin of Onan and let his seed fall directly to the ground!"

Katherine knew Susan's religious thinking wasn't likely to sway Xania, if Xania caught the Biblical reference at all. So instead she argued, "Besides, if someone handed you a delicious bowl of ice cream, would you wash it down the sink?"

"Well, no," Xania said.

Katherine concluded, "This is like Amy's bowl of ice cream. It just so happens to be on your face. Remember that you pulled out and directed his cum at Amy's request so that she could enjoy it later. You don't want to break your promise to her now, do you?"

Xania had learned that sex with Alan could be fantastic. She was having more fun now than even when he'd fucked her back in her pretend psychologist's office, and that had been pretty great. She loved almost everything that had been happening, and she knew his cum tasted pretty good. But licking someone else's face clean, or getting her face licked, still didn't sound appealing to her.

Suzanne explained to Xania, "That'll get licked up in due course. But I can see from your face that you don't fully get it yet. Maybe you just haven't consumed enough of his cum. I dare you to clean his fingers off."

Alan stuck his cum-drenched hands out.

But Xania was still reluctant, and in this case that wasn't just another bit of acting.

Amy said, "Come on! You know it's yummiferous. You licked some off your own fingers, so what's the big deal of licking his fingers?"

Xania said, "I don't mind cum, but I don't like it either. It's just there, like sweat, or snot. When you get some on you, you wipe it off. I'm having a hard time with the fact that his tastes good. I mean, if his sweat tasted good, would you lick his underarm clean?"

Amy pondered that, and then answered, "You know what? I probably would! That could even get kinda kinky and fun. But come on. Just try licking his fingers some, and if you don't like it I'll finish it off."

Xania considered herself very sexually liberated, and she didn't want to be outdone by everyone else in the room. She felt that falling back on her prudish pose would be a cop-out. So she leaned forward and started licking.

Alan watched as Xania cleaned his fingers with her exceedingly long tongue. It felt surprisingly good, especially since Amy went back to "cleaning" his balls, even though there was nothing left to clean.

It soon became clear to all that Xania was enjoying herself. She closed her eyes and tried to pretend the others weren't watching, but the fact that they were secretly embarrassed and thrilled her. Keeping her eyes closed also helped her to savor the taste of Alan's cum some more. She discovered that the more she had of it, the more she wanted. It really was like a fruity and sweet dessert.

After a minute or so, Xania realized that she wasn't going to stop until she cleaned all the cum off his hand. She decided that if she was going to do it, she might as well make the most of it and try to impress Alan. She'd been licking the cum on the top of his hand, but she switched to sucking his index finger. She looked up at him with a "come hither" stare and sucked his finger just like it was a little stiff dick.

Amy looked up and saw that, and liked it a lot. She'd been hoping to get Alan's real penis erect again with all of her "cleaning," but it looked like that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. So instead she wrapped an arm around Xania and started licking the cum from Xania's nearest cheek.

Xania was startled and mildly annoyed by that, but she was having fun licking Alan's finger and she wasn't going to stop now. Besides, she told herself that Amy was determined to lick the cum off her face one way or another, so it might as well be now, while she had her eyes closed and was distracted with sucking Alan's fingers. Plus, by now, Xania could definitely understand the pleasure of licking up Alan's delicious cum, since that was exactly what she was doing too.

Amy liked Xania a lot. She knew that Xania was a gem; not only was Xania gorgeous, but she was kind, smart, very sexual, and fun to be with. Plus, Amy had clicked with her when they'd shared Alan's cock. Amy knew that Alan would have many, many sexual conquests and partners, but she had a hard time imagining any who could top Xania.

So Amy wanted to do her part to help Xania learn to love Alan's cum, which hopefully would inspire Xania to visit more often. She correctly sensed that Xania's pussy was still overly sensitive from her recent massive orgasms, so Amy began caressing Xania's upper body, and especially her G-cups, even as she kept licking Xania's nearer cheek.

Xania didn't resist or visibly react to Amy's actions much at all. Instead, she went from finger to finger, sucking Alan clean. She was getting so turned-on and into it that sometimes she kept on sucking his finger even when the cum was long gone.

Amy soon discovered that playing with Xania's erect nipples was having an effect, as it sometimes made Xania moan and even glance her way. So Amy did a lot of that, but mainly she made a big production out of sensuously licking Xania's face. It wasn't just about the cum - she was practically making love to Xania's skin with her tongue.

Susan was very pleased by Xania's wanton behavior. She sensed that things had reached a point where she could playfully tease Xania without it causing Xania to stop. "What did you call that? 'Undignified?' Or 'like licking up sweat'?" She chuckled. "Face it, you can't resist. Once you get a taste of his tangy, sweet cum, you're halfway to being an 'Alan babe,' if we can call it that for now. But that's fine with us; we love you all the more for it."

Xania had largely forgotten that the others were just sitting around watching her. Susan's words reminded her of her situation and made her blush. She didn't know what to say or do in response. She could hardly deliver a line like "I'm just here to observe" while eagerly licking the cum from Alan's fingers, while Amy was licking and fondling her at the same time. So she chose to keep her eyes closed and remain silent.

Xania kept on licking until Alan's hand was thoroughly cleaned. Then she sat back and opened her eyes. Again, she was at a loss over what to say, and she hoped nobody else would comment on her performance either.

Amy had licked much of the cum off Xania's face. She'd even licked the cum off Xania's glasses. But most of her efforts had been on Xania's nearest cheek, nose, and chin, and the far cheek was still fairly cummy.

Amy had been coming at Xania from the side, but now she repositioned a little so they could be properly face to face. She wrapped an arm around Xania, pulling her in close. "Mmmm! So yum! Isn't that yummy in the tummy?"

Xania didn't answer that, but she didn't have to, since her enthusiasm and thoroughness in licking Alan's hand was so obvious.

Amy continued in her usual bubbly manner, "But you know what's even better? A yummy, cummy kiss!" She'd swiped up a particularly big cum gob before she'd started speaking, and she'd been keeping it on her tongue. She planted her lips on Xania's, and they started snowballing it back and forth.

Xania had never snowballed before, so she was startled at how much she was enjoying it. Dammit! I feel like a fucking virgin. I thought I knew everything there was to know about sex. But here I am, thirty-nine years old, and I'm getting schooled by a teenager. It's like there's some kind of magical spell on this house. Even tired old sex acts like blowjobs and handjobs feel new and exciting again. And Amy's still playing with my nipples. If she goes for my pussy too, I'm going to cum AGAIN!

As Susan watched Amy and Xania make out, she leaned towards Suzanne and whispered to her, "I've been wondering something more and more as the evening goes on... Just how much does Xania like women?"

Suzanne smiled in fond memory. "A LOT! Of course, she likes men more, much more. But she's a highly sexual, fully bisexual woman. You should have seen the things we did when we were college roommates. We usually slept in the same bed, if you know what I mean."

"OH!" Susan clutched at her bare chest, a habitual gesture from her prudish days. She asked Suzanne shyly, "Do you think she'd like to kiss me... and stuff?"

Suzanne shook her head with delight. She whispered, "Susan, you're so adorable. Yes, I'm sure she'd love to 'kiss you... and stuff.'"

Susan brightened, and smiled from ear to ear. "I like Xania... a LOT!"

Suzanne smirked. "Me too. Me too. You're going to love having her visit, believe me."

As Suzanne continued to watch, Amy licked up more of Alan's cum from Xania's face and then snowballed that fresh batch into Xania's mouth.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) She thought, Susan is only beginning to discover what a wanton, sexy slut Xania can be. I want Sweetie to fuck her tonight! The more he fucks her, the more he'll... well, I kind of hate to use Susan's "taming" lingo, but I suppose that's a pretty apt way to put it. Tame her, Sweetie! Seduce her into joining us, bit by bit, step by step. Soon, she'll be visiting here all the time. Then she and I will have more and more playtime too, with my cutie or without.

Who knows where it will all lead? I should never have let our friendship fade. She's practically a long-lost sister to me. We have another chance to get close again, the way things should have always been from the start. Still, I know how reluctant she is to commit to anything, especially long-term relationships. I've gotta take things slowly and carefully with her.

Suzanne abruptly stood up. She announced to the others at the table, "I think Amy and Xania are going to be a while. Let's not rush them. I say we go to the kitchen for another drink and a snack break."

The others all agreed to that. Even Alan roused himself to go to the kitchen, leaving Amy and Xania alone in the living room.

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