6 Times a Day

Chapter 821 Overwhelmed Alan ! 4K

The next round took place without Brenda, who was still passed out, or Xania, who was lying on the ground recovering, or Amy, who was cuddling with Xania.

Even the remaining players were in a low energy mood for a while. So, when Alan won the next hand, he turned to Suzanne, who was merely cuddling with him on the sofa. "Okay, this is a weird one, but I think it fits our energy level. Aunt Suzy, I dare you tell us a story about your wild college days with Xania."

"Phew!" Suzanne sighed. "Really?"


"Oh God. Okay. Let's see..." She had a lot of wild stories to choose from. "Hmmm. Xania, should I tell him about our famous 24-hour all-star blowjob competition?"

Xania was resting with her eyes closed, but she was still awake. When she heard that, she exclaimed, "No!"

Katherine complained, "Awww. Why? That sounds interesting."

Xania answered while still lying there as if comatose, "Because. It's too embarrassing. You'll think we're total sluts."

Suzanne gleefully said, "But we ARE total sluts! At least I know I am. It's just that I'm a slut for my Sweetie now."

Xania said, "Still, I think it would be upsetting to Susan, since she values loyalty to one man so highly."

"That's true." Suzanne sighed.

Susan asked. "I can take it, I'm a big girl. At least give me a hint."

Suzanne said, "Well, it involved seeing who could give blowjobs to the most men in a twenty-four hour period. I won, of course."

Xania opened her eyes and sat up. "You did not! It was a tie!"

Suzanne grinned and rolled her eyes. "Some say it was a tie."

Susan was frowning. She asked Suzanne in a harsh voice, "And just how many men did you orally service?"

Sensing Susan's disapproving tone of voice, Suzanne said, "You don't want to know. A lot. I couldn't do just anybody though; there were strict rules, and the challenge was finding the eligible guys."

Susan crossed her arms and looked at Suzanne with deep disappointment. She was so loyal to Alan that she couldn't conceive of having sex with many men.

Suzanne was slightly abashed, but she tried not to show it. "Remember, that was then, long before Sweetie was even born. I was young and reckless. Anyway, let's try a different story. Xania, how 'bout our 'naked on Halloween' adventure?"

pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ "Oh, that's a good one." Xania managed to get up and sit back at the table to get more involved.

Suzanne said, "Okay. It was the Halloween of 1982. Xania and I were sharing an apartment off campus because we'd kind of outstayed our welcome with the housing authorities for the campus dormitories. But that's a whole other story."

Alan asked, "Wait. So when you say you were sharing an apartment, were you, like, living in the same room, or did you have separate bedrooms, or what?"

Suzanne looked to Xania as she replied, "We kept separate bedrooms, for appearance's sake. For instance, if our parents came to visit. But as a practical matter, we always slept in the same bed."

Xania quipped, "Not that there was much sleeping going on!"

Suzanne chuckled. She sighed in fond memory. "Yeah. That's true. Boy, those were good times. We were close, real close." She thought back to one time when the two of them even role-played getting married to each other. They'd put on dresses that passed for wedding dresses and had a sexual parody of a wedding ceremony, with just the two of them. Then they'd fucked each other all night long with a variety of sex toys, including strap-ons.

Suzanne's smile turned to a frown as she recalled that that had happened not long before their falling out.

Xania, interestingly enough, was thinking about the exact same thing.

Alan could see that both Suzanne and Xania were a million miles away in their thoughts, so he prodded, "Aunt Suzy, you were saying?"

"Oh, right." Suzanne snapped back to the present. "Anyway, we didn't belong to any sorority and we didn't want to belong. But we hung out a lot with the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority because they were the most desired and exclusive sorority, which meant they had a high number of seriously smoking-hot women. That meant they drew the most desirable and hunky guys. We had this one good KKG friend named Samantha, or Sam, who was as wild and slutty as we were."

Xania cut in with a big grin. "Nearly."

Suzanne smirked. "Yes. Nearly. Anyway, a couple of weeks prior to Halloween, Xania and I were making love in the yard behind the KKG house, because, well, we did that kind of thing a lot. There was a party coming up later that evening at that very spot. Joanna thought it would be funny to play a trick on us, so she spiked our drinks with some kind of sleeping pills. We were knocked out!"

She continued, "It was the late afternoon and we were in the shade already, luckily, so that wasn't a problem. But we kept right on sleeping through the start of the party. When we woke up, it was dark and there were dozens of people milling about all around us! I was lying on top of Xania, more or less, and we were both stark naked, while everyone else was fully dressed. Furthermore, the clothes we'd had with us were gone!"

Amy was highly interested, since she'd never heard any stories about her mother's wild college days before. She asked, "What did you do?!"

"We hightailed it out of there! We rushed through the crowd, covering our privates as best we could, and ran up the stairs to Samantha's room, figuring she'd help us out. But the door was locked and all the other doors were locked. We were trapped! Samantha came up eventually, with a few of her KKG friends. They wouldn't give us any clothes until we 'licked' our way out there, meaning we had to go down on them all. A lesbian orgy ensued. Well, it started out a lesbian orgy anyway, but that's yet another story."

Xania was grinning madly in fond memory. She said, "You forgot the best part, about the flag!"

Suzanne blushed. She gave Xania a mean look and the middle finger.

Naturally, that only increased everyone else's interest.

Katherine asked, "What flag?!"

Suzanne looked away. "Never mind about that."

Alan was still next to Suzanne on the sofa. He had his arms around her, even though they otherwise weren't doing anything to each other. He started tickling her underarms, and then her sides. "Spill the beans on the flag, or I'm going to tickle it out of you!"

She was laughing hard from the tickling, even though she was mostly fending him off. "Okay, okay! Sheesh!" When he stopped, she said, "As if that wasn't embarrassing enough, someone found a small American flag, with a pole that was about a foot high, and attached it to a butt-plug. Then they put the butt-plug in my ass. For weeks afterwards, all kinds of strange people would come up to me and salute me, or even sing the national anthem!"

Everyone in the group had a good laugh at that. Even Suzanne had to laugh some, although she kept on blushing too.

Then she said, "But that's not the end of the story. Of course, we had to get revenge! We weren't mad at just Joanna, but all the KKG girls, since any of them could have woken us up before the party started, and none of them did. With Halloween coming up, the KKG sorority was having a big Halloween party, and of course all the beautiful girls wanted to out-do each other with their sexy costumes. We pretended to make-up with them, and then we hung out a lot in their sorority as the big day approached. We also stole a pass key to get into any room. Then, whenever the chance came, we would sabotage their costumes. For instance, we would weaken the seams so they'd easily come apart with just a slight tug in the right place."

Xania eagerly added, "But that's not all! We didn't get everybody, of course, but we got Joanna and the other ringleaders, the ones who made us lick them out. Then, for the ones we got, shortly before the party, we found this great itchy powder, and sprinkled it on the insides of their costumes. The great thing was that the powder wasn't obviously itchy at first. It took a while before it bothered you, and then it slowly got worse and worse."

Suzanne was grinning madly as she recalled that. "Yep! That was great. Then, once the party was in full swing, there was a lockable door that led upstairs to all the bedrooms. We essentially super-glued that door shut so no one could get upstairs. Then, about an hour in, the itchiness began! As our targets started to scratch and pull on their costumes, their costumes started to fall apart! At first, it was just one or two seemingly minor accidents. But then, one of the girls tried to go upstairs to change, and found she couldn't! That's when the panic set in!"

Xania added, "You should have seen it! Keep in mind that virtually every girl had a male date. And the itchiness was getting worse! Suzanne and I pretended to be concerned. We walked around trying to help. But we less helped and more 'accidentally' pulled on the parts of their costumes that we'd weakened, causing them to fall apart!"

Suzanne said, "Before long, there was a lot of screaming and running around. The costumes were so revealing that not many wore bras, although nearly all wore panties. So when the costumes came off, there wasn't much left! Some girls got so itchy that even if their costume hadn't fallen apart already, they took it off on purpose and then poured water all over themselves in an attempt to relieve the itching!"

Xania deadpanned, "Needless to say, it was a very memorable party. Over a dozen girls wound up standing in the middle of the party in just their panties! For Joanna, we helped her dress, and along the way managed to get some of the itchy powder in her panties, and a lot of it! So she wound up completely naked and wet!"

Suzanne smirked with satisfaction. "The moral of the story is, never mess with the Tongue Twins!"

Alan raised a curious eyebrow. "'Tongue Twins?'"

She said with some embarrassment, "That was sort of our nickname. Well, one of them."

Amy said, "Wow! I totally never knew any of that! It sounds like you two have a super fun time. But what happened at the party after that?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Xania said, "Someone figured out how to get to the bedrooms by going through a window. So all the itchy girls soon escaped and showered. But we helped their boyfriends get upstairs too, and although the girls were frantic, their boyfriends were VERY horny by that point. Let's just say that a VERY interesting private party ensued upstairs, with Suzanne and me right in the middle of it. But, as she would say, that's another story."

Amy was wide-eyed. "Wow! Double wow!"

Katherine said, "I totally can't wait for college now!"

Susan leaned towards Katherine and gave her a disapproving glare. "Is that really the kind of lifestyle you want to live? Sex with strangers in orgies in sorority parties? Are you serious about being your brother's personal fuck toy or not?"

Katherine replied defensively, "Of COURSE I'm serious about it! He's the only man who will ever know my body, and that's a fact! But just put him in that situation. Certainly, he'd have his own private harem of sexy, stacked KKG girls before long. So I could be part of our own private orgy."

Susan sat back in her chair. "That's true." She smiled as she imagined that. She had no doubt that Alan would have such a private harem. "Boy, I'm really HOT right now. Am I the only one who's kind of excited?"

Xania said, "Definitely not!" She gave Suzanne a loving and lusty look. "Suzanne, that story brings back so many memories. We were such great friends back then. And the sex was fantastic. Those were the best years of my life!"

"Not me," Suzanne replied. "THIS is the best year of my life. And it's just the start of a great thing that's only going to get better and better." She smiled at Alan and held his hand. Then she looked back to Xania. "And you're going to be a big part of it. You'll see."

Alan suggested, "Hey, let's play another round. I'm ready for more dares."

Suzanne said, "Good idea." She looked to his penis and saw that he was erect. She used both hands to hold his cock and balls, and even dug a finger towards his perineum (taint). She whispered in his ear, "Don't be jealous about all those guys I had sex with in college. That was a loooong time ago. I belong to you and only you." She licked his neck, up to his ear.

Then she looked him in the eyes again from just a couple of inches. With her hands slipping and sliding all over his privates, she added, "Unfortunately, I can't give you my virginity, like your sister and Amy did. But I belong to YOU now! Exclusively you, forever! I love YOU! I don't like the name, but call me one of your fuck toys if you want!"

He replied, "And I love you!"

Suzanne and Alan shared a very electric kiss. Alan hadn't been feeling jealous about Suzanne's college adventures, since that was before he was even born, but he was thrilled by her arousing plea not to get jealous. Hearing her refer to herself as one of his fuck toys was a particularly big deal. Even hearing her say "I love you" was a rare pleasure, since she hated to get "mushy."

Brenda said, "Wow! That's beautiful!"

The others turned around in surprise, because they'd figured Brenda was still asleep. However, she'd been awake and listening to Suzanne's story from her sofa. She'd just moved back to the table to rejoin the poker game. She was bedraggled and cummy, but alert. Her nap had done her a lot of good.

Suzanne was embarrassed, since she'd thought that only Alan had heard her intimate whisperings. But it turned out the others had heard it all, even Brenda. But there was nothing Suzanne could do about it now. She just kept on kissing and stroking him.

The game kicked back into gear a short time later. Xania finally won a dare. She wasn't sure what to do with it at first. After a pause, she said with the detached air of a doctor, "I'm fascinated by the incestuous love in this family. Katherine and Susan, I order you two to do the most incestuous thing you can think of with Alan, short of getting fucked by him."

Katherine and Susan stood up and looked at each other. They didn't know what to do. Katherine joked, "Hmmm. I can think of a LOT of things."

Then Katherine whispered in her mother's ear.

Suzanne had been jacking Alan off, but she disengaged and moved out of the way.

Susan got up and moved the coffee table out of the way. She opened a sofa-bed to make it into a bed.

Katherine lay down on top of her.

They spread their legs in such a way that both their assholes were winking up towards Alan.

Katherine spoke, "Mommy and Sister have a present for you, Big Box of Pringles Brother. We thought we'd give you an anal sandwich. Whose ass will you take, or will you take both? Or will you just spank us for being bad, naughty little girls?"

Susan then spoke as she wiggled her ass enticingly. "Please, Son, regardless if you anally violate me or not, please spank me? Mommy has been so bad! She needs her little baby's strong hand to teach her and control her. Show Mommy who's the real boss around here. Take us up the ass and make your anal sluts beg for more!"

Xania spoke out loud, as if making a psychological diagnosis. She said in a dispassionate tone, despite the vibrator still buzzing in her pussy, "Interesting role reversal issues. I must say you two make up a very fascinating control fantasy. Why, I myself am growing extremely aroused imagining myself in your position. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm wishing Alan could whip me into line with his big cock." She raised a curious eyebrow, like she was an intrigued Vulcan analyzing the situation in a totally logical manner.

Susan cheered, "That's the spirit! And he CAN! I love how you put it: whip me into line with your BIG COCK! Tiger, whip us all into line! Whip my ass with it!" She wiggled her ass some more. "Gaawwwd, I wish I could shove it down my throat right now!"

But Alan was in the middle of having a strategic break, ever since Suzanne had let go of his erection. He wasn't on the cusp of orgasm by any means, but he wanted to be fully recharged before he entered this extremely exciting situation. He raised a hand in a "hold on a minute" gesture.

Susan calmed down a bit as she waited. She gave Xania an understanding and benign smile. "Xania, I'm glad to see that you're coming around. Sorry for being a little forceful earlier, but as a mother I can't help but be supportive of my Tiger and his insatiable sexual need. I hope you understand."

"Yes, I do," Xania replied. "I've learned so much this evening. It's been a complete sexual awakening. I'm glad I came."

She thought, That last comment, definitely yes, but the first part is surprisingly true too. This has been a very educational and eye opening time. I really do want to be whipped into line with his cock, and I'm normally a dom! Is it just the intense competition making me act strangely?

Susan prodded, "So you accept your new purpose as one of Alan's fuck toys? That's good to hear."

Xania protested, "Hold on. I didn't say anything like that! Don't put words in my mouth. I'm merely saying that while I'm in the house..."

Susan and Xania launched into a vigorous debate about just what Xania's role should be. Susan was already gung-ho that Xania should join the harem, although she didn't go that far with her verbal argument (in part because Alan continued to deny that he even had a harem). But as far as she was concerned, the more "tamed" and involved Xania was in the Plummer sex life, the better.

By contrast, Xania had a big aversion to personal commitments. She loved the idea of coming to more Plummer house parties like this. She even liked the idea of becoming a poker party regular. But she certainly didn't want to rush into any commitment now.

While this conversation was going on, Alan examined the mother-daughter duo. Susan had rolled onto her back so she could better look at Xania while talking to her. That caused the mother and daughter pussies to practically touch each other.

He thought, You know, it's just as much a pussy sandwich as an anal sandwich, since those holes are so close together. Dang, it's so tempting to go after any of those holes, especially the way they look right now, all sweaty and leaky.

He laughed to himself. Of course, there's nothing really unusual about that, lately! Look. Their cunts are both slightly dilated, as if they need something to fill them, whereas those assholes look so tiny and hard to get in. Mother and sister are both my complete sexual- Oh God! I'm losing it! Too fucking much

He staggered back and sat down on his sofa, near Suzanne. "Oh, man! I can't! I just can't!"

Suzanne ran a hand across his chest, and asked him gently, "Why not, Sweetie?"

"I was just filled with an overwhelming desire to fuck them both! But not in their asses. In their pussies! Both of them, but especially Mom!"

Susan said to him while still pinned under Katherine, "I'm not psychologically ready for that. I'm close, so close, but I'm not quite there yet."

"I know!" He sighed and wiped his forehead. "That's the problem!"

"Can't you just fuck our asses? How many boys get to enjoy a mother-daughter ass sandwich? Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Oh, so much! So much! But I just couldn't control myself for a minute. I wanted to have it all, to have YOU! To become a real motherfucker! I'm sorry. Don't worry; I'll be good in a few minutes. I just need to get a hold of myself."

He slumped down on the sofa and just said, "Aaaaah." He griped, "You see, Xania? So much for all the hype. I'm just a regular guy. I can't take all this arousal. Dang, I really want to enjoy that anal sandwich, too. Shit..."

Xania kicked into her therapist role. "Don't knock yourself. You're facing incredible temptation. Your mother is extremely, extremely fuckable. The fact that you've held out this long shows just how much you love her, and how hard you're trying to spare her from feeling emotionally torn apart."

"That's true," he said. "It's really important to me that she doesn't do it until she's totally okay with it."

"Keep hanging in there. It won't be long now, I'm sure. In the meantime, you have more tempting sexual options than most guys will ever enjoy in their lives. Including me." She gave him a sexy "come hither" look.

He saw that and just groaned. He felt overwhelmed by the sheer sexual heat that seemed to fill the room.

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