6 Times a Day

Chapter 844 Alan Is Lucky To Have You ! [Douglas Sponsored]

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"Looks like someone had a fun morning. I'm jealous." Suzanne winked at Xania as the two of them sat in the Plummer house dining room with Susan, eating breakfast and drinking coffee. Susan had just returned from dropping Alan and Katherine at school.

"Yeah, well," Xania replied modestly, "probably not as much fun as Brenda had last night, judging by her screams. Not to mention how much fun Alan has ALL the time. I swear, he's the Energizer Bunny come to life. It's like this is his world and we just live in it." She was fully dressed again.

Suzanne nodded in agreement, and said, "I sure do know how to pick them, don't I?"

But then with a start she realized she'd slipped up - one could take that to mean that she'd initiated Alan's six-times-a-day treatment instead of merely reacting to it. Luckily, no one seemed to notice. Still, she added, "Brenda's a ripe peach."

Xania looked over at Suzanne, who was dressed in a white business suit as if she was about to attend a formal business meeting. "Why are you all dressed up like that?"

Suzanne replied, "I just told my husband I was off to do some business-related things, and I want to have a cup of tea before I changed into my more casual and comfortable Plummer-house clothing."

"I see." Xania wanted to say something to Suzanne in private, but she realized that wasn't likely to happen because there was no reason for Susan to go somewhere else. So she said what was on her mind to Suzanne anyway. "By the way, I'm totally pissed at you right now."

Suzanne was unflappable. "And why is that?"

"You tricked me and blindsided me!"

Xania explained to Susan, "The other day, Suzanne called me up out of the blue after I hadn't heard from her in ages. She told me how she'd fallen in love and in lust with your son, and how you had too, and wanted me to give some counseling to you all. Of course I said yes. Anything for an old friend."

Xania was being forced to alter or omit certain details to jibe with the account that Susan knew (especially omitting the plan to have sex with him up in L.A.), but the gist was still basically true. "So far, so good. Then, of course, I met you all in L.A., and I thought that went well."

"Oh, it definitely did," Susan said. "You helped me so much! Learning to accept my role as one of my son's fuck toys - and deciding that had to include actual fucking - has brought me such peace of mind that I can't even tell you!"

Xania still had trouble with that kind of language and thinking, but she felt that lifestyle really was for the best for Susan. So she said, "Glad to help. Anyway, I was intrigued by the whole Plummer family, and Alan in particular. I must admit that I found myself sexually attracted to him. So when I was invited to the poker party, I was delighted to attend."

She turned to Suzanne and made an unhappy face. "That's where the blindsiding happened! I had NO IDEA what I was getting into!"

She honestly felt that way, even after having sex with Alan in L.A. "Everything was so sexual and arousing that I couldn't believe it! I still can't! Suzanne, you could have given me some warning, but nooooOOOOoooo!"

Suzanne smirked as she sipped her tea. "And what would be the fun of that? Seriously, don't you think you enjoyed it a lot more, being taken by surprise by so many things?"

"Well, yeah, but then this morning, he fucked me like he was trying to kill me with his cock! I was blindsided all over again, even after what happened last night. That kid can FUCK! Not only that, but he fucked with my mind. I must admit that I'm actually a little bit scared of him now. I've had sex with a lot of guys over the years. Big, strong guys. Linebacker types. Hell, an actual linebacker or two. But I never felt so, well... dominated... as I felt with Alan this morning!"

Susan smiled from ear to ear, and fanned her chest with her hand. "Is it just me, or is it suddenly hot in here?"

Suzanne smiled too. "No, it's not just you. Hold on a sec." She unbuttoned the front of her blouse and opened it widely. Then she reached in, pulled her bra out, and tossed it aside.

With her pale breasts now fully exposed, she sipped her tea and calmly said, "Go on. You were saying?"

Xania shook her head in amazement. Every time I think things can't get any more arousing at the Plummer house, they do. Sheesh!

She went on, "Anyway, I heard a lot of talk last night about Brenda and I getting 'broken in' and even 'tamed.' Dammit, I don't want that to happen to me! I cherish my independence. But after less than 24 hours, I feel disturbingly... hooked. Hooked to Alan first and foremost, but to everyone else in this house too. You guys know how to LIVE!"

Susan said proudly, "Thank you. Although if you would have come here a few months ago, you would have found everything very different. I think it's more accurate to say we're learning how to live."

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Xania said, "Yes, but be that as it may, I have such a great time that it actually disturbs me. Suzanne, you really should have warned me how addictive sex with Alan is."

Suzanne shrugged, and then stuck her tongue out playfully. "I'm just trying to make life more interesting for you."

"Gee, thanks," Xania said sarcastically.

Susan had a twinkle in her eye as she pointed out, "Suzanne, guess who cleaned Tiger's cock and balls this morning, and where and when she did it?"

Xania groaned in dismay and slumped down.

Suzanne said, "Tell me."

Susan happily explained, "Xania cleaned them, during breakfast, while kneeling naked under this very table we're sitting at now! She lovingly licked and licked his balls through the whole meal, practically until I had to take him and Angel to school!"

A blushing Xania complained, "You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about. Suzanne, you should have warned me. I had no idea things would end up like that. Good grief, I still don't believe I did that, and of my own free will."

Suzanne was secretly very aroused that Alan had such a profound effect on Xania in such a short time. She stood up. "If you'll excuse me, simply opening my blouse up isn't enough. I'm going to go change. I'll just be at the front foyer, where the underwear cabinet is. I'll still be able to hear you from there, so please, don't stop talking on my account."

She got up and walked out of sight to the underwear cabinet in the front entrance way.

Susan and Xania sipped at their coffees while they waited for Suzanne.

To pass the time, Xania said to Susan, "You said something to me last night about how experiencing things firsthand here would change my perspective on why you've given in to incest. I agreed then, but doubly so now. Susan, I can honestly say that if I were in your shoes, I'd probably be sucking and fucking him every chance I could get."

She took Susan's hand across the table. "You shouldn't feel guilty or bad whatsoever."

Susan loved hearing that. "Thank you. That means a lot to me. I consider myself a very lucky woman. I know a lot of outsiders would think I'm wasting my life devoting so much time and attention to being one of my son's fuck toys, but I've never felt so happy or so loved. And why do people work so hard in the rat race? To have their basic security and food needs and such met, for one. But that's taken care of for me in any case. Beyond that, people work to be loved and be happy. And now I've got that in spades! I'm drowning in love, spermy love. And don't talk to me about the orgasms on top of that!"

Xania squeezed Susan's hand. "Let's hear about your orgasms. The really exciting ones!"

They both laughed at that.

Susan said with joy, "Don't get me started."

Suzanne came back into the room just then, and said half-jokingly, "Seriously, don't get her started. We'll never leave this table, at least not until our fingers are too tired to masturbate any longer."

Xania chuckled. "Okay. Another time. But Susan, if you've found such great happiness, then more power to you. Who cares what those outsiders would think?"

"Thank you," Susan replied. "I don't, not anymore. To me, it's all about family. Including Suzanne and Amy, of course." She smiled lovingly at her best friend.

The three of them made some more small talk about non-sexual matters for a while.

Then Susan asked, "So, Xania, how long can you stay with us before you have to head back north?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Oh, I should probably get going about midday. I do have things to do."

Xania didn't want to mention it, but she had a dental assistant class to attend. As she was nearly forty years old, she figured that in a couple of years she wouldn't be able to get any more acting jobs, which were based almost entirely on her looks. She'd need to transition to another career. She had no special interest in being a dental assistant, and she wasn't happy about it at all, but she figured it would pay the bills.

Susan replied, "Oh good. That gives us some time, then. You can join us for our morning routine. We start every day with exercises to keep in shape and I'm sure you must as well, given the way you're so healthy and well toned. We've got a decent collection of exercise machines in the basement. Suzanne put hers in with mine a long time ago. It'll be fun to have a visitor join us."

Susan was all smiles until a look of embarrassment crossed her face. "But I, uh, I should warn you that lately, our exercises have become a bit, well, unusual..."

Suzanne laughed as she walked back into the kitchen dressed in just a loose shirt and shorts. "Xania, she means that, increasingly, our exercising sessions are less focused on the exercising of our legs and arms and more the exercising of our tongues and pussies. But not today, I imagine. We're all pretty satiated and tired after last night."

Susan sighed. "You're right that we're tired out." But then with only thinly disguised eagerness, she continued, "But would it be okay if we exercise in the nude?"

Xania laughed too. "Susan, don't you remember our appointment where you sat in my office topless? Of course it's fine. In fact, I hope you're not too tired, because I might have trouble keeping my hands off you. Both of you."

Susan queried, "So that means we were successful in breaking you in to our lifestyle?"

"Yes, though putting it that way makes it sound like a bad thing, like I've been broken against my will by cruel masters. I prefer to think of it as an opening up. In this house, sex comes freely and naturally, and one just lets go and opens up. It's intoxicating."

Suzanne said, "About the naked idea, normally I'd be against that. Exercise plus bouncing boobs equals ouch! But since we have a very special guest today, I suppose we can do it just this once." She thought to herself about the sexual possibilities, Plus, I doubt we'll be doing much exercising, if any at all!

"Let's go downstairs then," Susan enthused. "I can hardly wait to get all these stuffy clothes off." She wore nothing more than her usual morning apron plus a T-shirt underneath it (for Xania's sake), but to her that was horribly overdressed.

Suzanne pouted, "Already? I just finished changing once. Oh well. I guess I'll have to go do it again." She stood up and started undressing. She took an incredibly long time to pull her panties down. "Look at this! Underwear. It's ridiculous. Serious chafing problem, here. Susan, I think I'm starting to love nudity as much as you do."

Xania watched Suzanne undressing with all the allure of a professional stripteaser, and exclaimed to her, "God DAMN, you're a sexy woman! You haven't changed a bit since when we were roommates. You don't even look a day older! You still have a way of maximizing the sexiness of every move you make. Susan, do you realize how lucky you are to have Suzanne as your next door neighbor?"

Susan gave a big contented smile and said emphatically, "Yes. Yes, I do. I thank the Lord for it every day, as a matter of fact." Then she asked, "Suzanne, why'd you keep your panties on, anyway? You know that's against the rules!"

Suzanne grinned. "What can I say? I'm a showboater. I just like having you watch me take my clothes off, and the more to take off, the better. Besides, I knew I wouldn't have had them on more than a couple of minutes. If I had to wear them any longer I wouldn't have wanted to bear it."

All three women walked down the stairs to the basement in the buff. They only wore small, inconsequential things, such as sweatbands, socks, and sneakers.

As soon as they got downstairs, Xania said, "Susan, I have a bit of a confession to make. I wasn't as reluctant last night as I made out to be. I was just having fun acting kind of prudish. The fact is, I've actually had a pretty active sex life."

That took Susan by surprise. She looked at her best friend, and asked, "Did you know about this?"

Suzanne thought, Well, given the fact that she and I used to lick each other out back when we were college roommates, it's not exactly a huge surprise.

But she kept the thought to herself and answered, "Xania and I have been out of contact for some time, but I've pretty much gathered that, yes. Don't you remember what we were talking about with our college adventures?"

Susan seemed to have a realization. "Oh, yes. Silly me. I didn't put it all together. How could you be prudish these days when you were so wild back then? Once people are turned on to how great sex is, they never go back, do they?"

Suzanne wrapped an arm around Susan and gave her a loving squeeze. "No, they don't. And you know what that means: there's no going back for you either. You're going to be servicing your son's cock for years and years to come! I hope you enjoy the feeling of having your mouth completely stuffed with his cock-"

Susan cut in, "I do! I do! So much! Mmmm... And then when my lips slide on him with a tight seal, and I tickle his sweet spot with the tip of my tongue, causing more of his pre-cum to dribble out and flow down my throat... Oh, it's all so good! It's the BEST!"

Suzanne chuckled. "Yeah, as I was saying, imagine enjoying that as much as you do, and then imagine enjoying him filling your cunt even MORE! That's your future in a nutshell."

Susan stared dreamily into space. "Oh... my!" She began idly caressing her bare tits and pussy. "Is fucking really even BETTER than sucking?! I find that hard to believe."

Suzanne said, "I certainly think it is. What about you, Xania?"

"Oh, definitely. Why is that so hard for you to believe, Susan?"

"Because I love sucking his cock soooo much! It's hard to believe that ANYTHING could be better!"

Xania gave Susan a big hug from the front. "You're so adorable. Alan is very lucky to have you."

Susan blushed and looked away. "Thanks. I try." She suddenly looked around, remembering where they were. "Speaking of which, let's get started. Being a top-notch fuck pet for my son is serious business. Daily exercise is absolutely essential!"

Xania let go of Susan, and said, "Before we do that, I want to finish what I was about to say about my background." She mostly lied, "You see, Susan, I'm not exactly a normal psychologist. I love sex, so my specialty is sexual relations. I do a lot of counseling of couples, helping with their love lives. That's why I'm so fascinated by your family and friends. I'd like to do a sort of informal case study of your family's situation. Not a formal, written study, mind you, but just something for my own edification."

She continued more honestly, "Your family seems to be on the cutting edge in so many things. For instance, the sheer number and duration of Alan's erections, not to mention things like this stealth stroking concept, or your greeting rituals. It's all so fascinating. All one has to do is walk into the house, and one is overwhelmed by the smell of sex. It's an intriguing mix of your son's unusually sweet cum - something else I'd like to learn more about, by the way - and the potent smell of women in heat. Even down here in the basement, the air just screams, 'Let's fuck like rabbits!'"

Her mix of lies and truth was designed to set herself up as the Plummer family sex advisor. She didn't want to be paid; she just thought that would be a fun thing to do, and it would give her an excuse to visit frequently (not that she really needed one).

Susan laughed. "We do our best. Of course, Xania, you're always welcome here, as long as you remember the house rules: hot big-titted women like yourself have to spread your legs for my son whenever he wants it. Or drop to your knees and suck. Or fuck him with your tits. Or, well, you get the idea. But now that you're broken in, and doubtlessly been thoroughly fucked by him like you deserved, I don't think that will be a problem."

"No, I don't think it will," Xania agreed, grinning. "That's the best thing about these case studies: the firsthand participation."

She was surprised that Susan's unusual conditions didn't bother her in the slightest. Normally, she would have been outraged at the audacity and hubris, but her overriding thought right now was how good it would feel to have sex with Alan again.

Susan asked with great interest, "So have you done other studies like this? Do you know of other families like ours?"

"No. You're unique. Definitely."

"Darn! So you don't know of any other boys with full-fledged harems?"

"Again, no. I imagine that's extremely, extremely rare. Your son is very exceptional."

Susan beamed brightly. She clasped her hands to her chest. "I know! Both of my children make me so proud, every single day. My son is turning into a natural, well... let's call him a harem leader, for now, and Angel is coming into her own as an EXCELLENT fuck toy for him!" She wanted to use the word "master," but she was reluctant to do so with Suzanne and Xania there.

Xania suddenly came up with another inspired lie that would allow her to reveal her actress experience to Susan. "Your family's case is unique. But I am conducting another sexual case study right now, in a more formal manner. Since I live in L.A., I thought I'd look at the porn industry. But what's funny is that I approached them pretending to be an actress, and people liked my looks and soon I was getting all kinds of jobs. You can actually find movies with me in them! Not great movies, mind you, but I have some minor roles in some actual mainstream R-rated films."

"Wow. Amazing!" Susan was impressed.

Xania wanted to be more open and honest about whom she really was, but couldn't tell the complete truth because she also enjoyed her psychologist/sex therapist role she'd developed with the Plummer family.

She was more direct and honest (but still not completely honest) with Alan for a variety of reasons. The main reason was that Susan had a lot of emotional investment in Xania's psychologist role, while Alan didn't. Xania's professional seal of approval on Susan's incestuous and lesbian activity was very psychologically important to her, so Xania tried to maintain more dignity with the whole "case study" concept. She was glad to weave her acting career into her cover story, though.

That resolved, the conversation drifted to what Xania had been doing with herself the last few years. She could answer fairly honestly, now that Susan at least knew of her acting work. They also finally got around to actually exercising.

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