6 Times a Day

Chapter 849 I'm The One Who Really Loves You, Alan!

Meanwhile, Heather felt triumphant about the spread of her new rumors against Amy, and especially Glory. She hoped that at the very least Alan would be forced to curtail his contacts with his girlfriend and teacher while at school for fear of inflaming the rumors even more. She figured that would mean that he'd spent more time with her.

Heather was in Glory's third-period class. When class began, it became obvious to the astute Heather that there was something unusual about Glory's demeanor.

Glory taught like she always had, and her words and actions were as typical as ever, but there was a pained expression on her face. She seemed distracted, and practically tortured at times.

Heather thought this meant that Glory, with her interest in hearing all the school rumors, had already heard some of the rumors about her. Heather rejoiced in Glory's misery. She imagined Glory was deeply shaken and desperate.

In fact, Glory's facial contortions were caused by the Televibe. Even though Alan kept his promise not to change the settings while Glory was teaching, she was so aroused from all the constant stimulation all morning long that she remained very horny. Even the lowest setting, the zero, helped keep her buzzing with constant arousal, especially when combined with the unfamiliar feelings caused by the anal dildo. She was actually in heaven while Heather thought she was in hell.

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) When third period ended, Heather left Glory's class nearly ecstatic. She wanted to gloat. Then she ran into Alan in the hallway. He had Glory's class right after Heather did. Recently, he'd been arriving at class at the last possible moment to avoid running into Heather, but today he got there as quickly as he could to catch her before she got far.

He walked right up to Heather just before she reached a group of her friends. Cutting her off, he said in a polite voice, "Hey, Heather, how goes it? Can I talk to you for a moment?"

So they moved to a quieter spot in the hallway, though it didn't have complete privacy since it was still the busy hallway. She knew she should stifle her gloating around him, so she said in a light and normal tone, "How you doin', Alan?"

He just looked at her. A part of him was flabbergasted at the clothes she wore (in this case a sports bra underneath an unbuttoned shirt that allowed one to inspect the shape of her nipples, even when they weren't erect). Once again, he wondered how she got away with wearing what she did and somehow didn't get generally known as the slut that she really was. He tried to avoid looking at her curvaceous and deeply tanned body and just focus on her face.

He concentrated his anger mentally by remembering the details of what Amy had told him about the rumors that Heather had concocted. His look turned to a glare, then the glare turned into a menacing, penetrating stare.

Heather's smile retreated from her face, as she wondered what was coming over Alan.

Then he said, piercingly, "I know. I've heard the rumors, and I have proof you were behind them."

She expected more of an explanation from him, or even a threat, but he simply continued to stare her down until she withered under his malevolent gaze and turned away, unable to face him any longer.

"I'll deal with your ass later," he said under his breath, with all the cold, brittle anger he could muster. "Put a stop to it now, if you want to cut your losses." Then he stormed off without looking back.

Heather was stunned. Her exuberant mood was history. She felt devastated. She'd carefully developed a cover story for her rumors, and was going to blame them on the football players, pretending that it was part of their campaign to get at Alan by striking at his favorite teacher and girlfriend.

She was rocked to the core of her being. Shivers of fright ran up and down her spine. She was so unaccustomed to anyone discovering her trickery that she had no idea how to react.

She stood alone in the busy hallway and thought, Fuck! I'm so fucked! This wasn't supposed to happen! This NEVER happens! How the hell did he find out? I had it all worked out!

Maybe he's bluffing. He must be bluffing...

No, hes a pretty bad liar, and I'm convinced he was extremely pissed off at me. I was certainly terrified, that's for sure! He MUST know. Shit. That really pisses me off because I had such a perfect alibi! It was all so brilliant. Fuck!

What am I going to do? Well, for one thing, I'm going to have to tough it out. Act like it's no big deal when we meet later.

She thought of Glory. That skanky bitch! It's all her fault. Fuck!

At least I have the satisfaction of bringing her down a bit with these rumors. It's not like Alan can stop their spread now. I need to talk to him during lunch and get this sorted out. But how can I when he's gonna get all lovey-dovey with that ugly 'ho teacher of his and not even leave her classroom? It makes me SICK to think of them together. Laying his thick pipe in her when it belongs in MY ass! I'm the one who really loves you, Alan! FUUUUCCCK!please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

She went to her fourth-period class fuming at herself and at Glory. She irrationally blamed Glory for Alan finding out. But after a while her anger died down and she tried to concentrate on possible solutions. Think, Heather, think! Alan's going to be soooo pissed. I wonder if he's going to take it out on my ass.

She squirmed around in her seat as she delightfully imagined all the things he might do to her rear end as "punishment." But then she remembered his face as he simply said "I know." Worse, she remembered her desire to be his girlfriend, and then realized just how deep of a hole she'd dug for herself.

Come ON, Heather! Focus! This is serious! I've really fucked up this time. Like he's ever going to want to be my boyfriend now. I'll be lucky if he wants to keep me as his lunchtime cum dump at this rate! Arrrggh! I've got to come up with something clever to get myself out of this mess, and fast!

But first, damage control. Shit, I need to do a lot of damage control. I guess I do need to put a stop to the rumors. Otherwise, this hole I'm in is only going to get deeper and harder to climb out of!

She felt a yawning pit of uncertainty and despair start to take hold in her belly. I might really lose him completely if I can't contain this!

— — —

Alan made it to his third period art class taught by Mr. Jackson with seconds to spare. He looked excited and flushed.

Christine had a seat next to his, as she generally did in the classes they shared together. She looked at him with skepticism and even worry as she watched him try to calm his breathing and appear normal.

Typically, she was loathe to talk to Alan or anyone else once class actually began. But this class started with another student asking Mr. Jackson a question that was irrelevant to the other students, so she leaned towards Alan and whispered to him, "What the heck is going on, mystery man?"

"What do you mean?" he whispered back.

"You've been acting strangely lately, but today takes the cake. More and more, we've been walking and talking between classes, right?"

He nodded.

"But today, you made it to first period with, like, three seconds to spare. Then, the instant the class ended, you took off like a bat out of hell, and just barely made it to second period, again with seconds to spare. Then the exact same thing happened just now, between second and third periods! What's going on?!"

He check to see that Mr. Jackson was still engaged with the student. That was unfortunate for him, because he didn't have a good answer at hand to tell Christine. Obviously, he couldn't tell her the truth, that he was preoccupied with Glory and the Televibe, and he'd deliberately ditched Christine so he could fiddle with the Televibe controls without her noticing.

He went with the first reasonable excuse that popped into his head. He whispered, "It's complicated. But I had some important stuff going on with someone that's kind of personal. Sorry, I can't say more about it, since, you know... it's personal."

Christine just nodded. The teacher finished answering the student's question at the same time and began addressing the entire class, so she couldn't really say more anyway.

She maintained a poker face, but she was secretly pissed. God dammit! I'll be anything that he's been doing something with one of his floozies! Why the hell I put up with him I don't understand.

No, wait. Check that. He and I are just platonic friends. What he does on his own time with other girls is his business. Besides, he could be talking about someone like Sean or Peter for all I know. And what could happen between classes in the middle of school anyway? It had to just be talking.

Ugh! So why does it upset me so much?!

While she was thinking, he was thinking, Shoot! I feel bad, like I'm cheating on Christine. But that's silly. We're not intimately involved in any way. It's not like we have to stick like glue to each other between classes. And playing with Glory and the Televibe is such fun. But Christine can't know, or I'll be really screwed.

Dammit. Why do I feel bad? It's irrational. Nothing can happen between us, and nothing should. I'll just have to be more careful when I play these games. She's with me or near me an awful lot all through the school day.

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