6 Times a Day

Chapter 851 Everyone Talking About Alan

Amy again worried slightly that she might be saying too much. But she was so proud of Alan and so determined to explain to the others how great a boyfriend he was that she didn't have much self-restraint.

Again, there was a stunned silence from the others (except for Simone). They were surprised by Amy's possible implication that she engaged in lesbian sex, because until recently most of her female friends hadn't thought of Amy in a sexual way at all. But lesbianism was a sensitive topic and no-one wanted to touch it at the moment.

Donna frowned, and said, "I'm shocked! And appalled! Amy, that's wrong. Very wrong!"

ραпdα Йᴏνê|(сòm) Simone chastised her, "Oh Donna, stuff it already. I know you've been in orgies before, 'cos I've been in a couple of them with you. So don't be such a hypocrite."

Donna shot back, "Simone, shut up! You can't talk about that kind of stuff! That's a secret."

Simone rolled her eyes. "Yeah, big secret. Remember what you did in full view of everybody at the party by the lake last year?"

She turned to Amy and again gave her support. "Amy, I can't say I fully understand your situation with Alan, but I've seen that you've been even happier than usual lately, so thumbs up." She emphasized that point by giving her the thumbs-up sign with both hands.

Melissa pressed, "Amy, the main thing I wanted to ask you about is what makes him so great, you know, sexually speaking. You're calling him some kind of sexual superman. Why do you say that?"

Amy said, "Well, I'm not all great at explaining stuff. All I know is that he makes me feel soooo good. I mean, super duper incrediwonderliciousallyfantasmorgasmically good! So good that nothing else even begins to come close. Like, have you ever just had sex and you're lying there panting, and you're thinking, like, 'WOW!'? When I'm with him, gosh, if he just even smiles at me, it's just the bestest of the very best feeling in the whole wide world!" She gazed off into the distance in fond remembrance while flashing a smile that seemed brighter than a lighthouse searchlight.

Roxy said sarcastically, "To put that into English, I think what she's saying is that she likes it." Addressing the others, she said, "But everyone here knows that Amy's never had a boyfriend before this rather surprising hookup. Maybe she'd be over the moon with almost any guy."

Melissa turned to Simone. "Hey, you've had sex with Alan too. Is he really all that?"

Simone looked to Amy. "Is it okay if I speak my mind?"


So Simone considered the question carefully. "Well, that's hard to say. Keep in mind that I've only had sex with him once so far. It was... I'd have to say... it was good, really good. In fact, now that I think about it, I can't think of any guy who's been better. But on the other hand, it wasn't like he was so head-and-shoulders above everyone else. I've had a few other guys who were on a pretty similar level. Not many, but a few. But also, I'm not in love with him. I'm sure everyone here can agree that sex with someone you love is much better in every way. So I can only imagine how good he must make Amy feel."

Melissa followed up with Simone, asking, "So would you say he's as good as the best of the other guys, or a little better? And what makes him so good?"

Simone thought back to her one encounter with him, just two days earlier. She began to grow aroused as she remembered how Alan had made Heather lick his erection while he slid it in and out. That was the biggest sexual thrill I've ever had, and I've had a lot of partners. But was it mostly because of the way he humiliated Heather? Was he doing that knowing how much I'd love it? What would he be like without Heather there?

She finally said, "He's a little better than any others, I think. But again, not THAT much better. I mean, when you really get down to it, what does a guy have to do but push his dick in and out at a nice rhythm? We're not talking rocket science here. He does have a nice long, thick one, though I've had bigger a couple of times. But he's got this intriguing combination of being sexually aggressive at times without being an asshole about it. And he's got pretty impressive stamina. Amy's definitely right about that part."

Amy was nodding her head madly in agreement as she leaned against the tree. She said, "Simone, you don't know the half of it! He can last for hours! It feels soooooOOOOoooo super great! And once his thingy goes down, it always bounces right back up again. Well, almost always. He can do it over and over and over! And don't forget his cum. Imagine your favorite food, and then it's twice as delicious as that!"

The others looked to Simone for confirmation.

Simone smirked, then joked, "Heck if I know about his cum. Donna, the next time Heather rubs Alan's stuff in your face, make sure to get a taste."

The others laughed (except Donna), but then they waited for a serious answer.

Simone was wary. "Well, to be honest, I did taste his stuff, but only a few drops' worth. Yes it was unusually sweet, but I think Amy may be looking at things through rose-colored glasses a little bit too. Just look at how much she obviously loves him. However, I do have to admit that Heather, of all people, has praised Alan's cum lately, which is pretty remarkable considering how much she usually hates blowjobs, as I'm sure you all know from the way she's always complaining that girls who give head are 'weak.' So maybe the taste grows on you or something."

Amy jumped in. "It does! It's like, pretty yummy at first, but then you're like, 'MMMM! I want more!' And then you have some more, and you're like, 'WOW!' And then pretty soon it's like you just wanna suck on that big fat spermsicle all day long! 'Move over and let me share some of that!' You know what I mean?"

Donna said flatly, "No."

Melissa, however, was growing enthusiastic and more than a little aroused. She'd never participated before in a talk about sex like this one. "I don't know about anyone else, but I find this all pretty amazing. I mean, the very fact that Heather would even have sex with a nerd, much less blow him and like it... He must be something truly incredible."

Donna though, wasn't convinced. If nothing else, she had a knee-jerk reaction of wanting to knock anything that Heather was praising. "Awww, come on, how can he be all that? So he's a nice guy with a big dick who has some stamina. I'm sure he's not the only one in this school with that combination. But my main objection is that he's got all the baggage. No one can deny he's a total geek. I mean, TOTAL grade-A nerd. You can hardly get any lower than him. I still can't believe Heather will even TALK to him. Plus, I hear he smells."

"He does not!" Amy complained with righteous indignation. "If he smells a little funny at times, that's probably just a lingering sex smell. Geez! That's mean. It must be the smell of perfume and strange pussy. And he's not THAT nerdy. You're just afraid of guys who are smart!"

Roxy didn't want to get on Donna's bad side just because they didn't see eye to eye on Alan. She said, "Donna, please don't get upset at me; I'm just thinking out loud. Don't think of this as being about Alan. The key thing is Heather being involved with this guy. What does that mean?"please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

Donna saw strategic possibilities with that, but didn't want to mention them with Simone right there. So she just said, "Whatever. I don't care." She hoped Roxy would get the hint and save that discussion until later when they were alone.

Melissa leaned in to Amy and held her arm. She said in a conspiratorial but friendly voice, "Don't listen to Donna. If she wants to be stubborn, that's her problem. Personally, I don't care if he IS a bit nerdy. Simone says he's the best she's ever had, which means something. Say, since you're so open to sharing, do you think maybe you could set me up with him? I'd just like to try him out one time, 'cos I'm in between boyfriends and I've never had my bell really rung, if you know what I mean?"

Roxy butted in. "'Between boyfriends?' Ha! Just wait until Jimmy hears about that!"

"Hey!" Melissa turned to Roxy, suddenly embarrassed and worried. "Who says he has to hear? It's like what Donna said, what's wrong with a little fooling around in secret? If no one knows, no one gets hurt. Maybe I can learn some new things and teach them to Jimmy."

Now Roxy leaned in to Amy. "What a slut! I'd never cheat on MY boyfriend, but it does happen that I'm not going steady at the moment. Do you think you could introduce me to Alan? I don't want to steal him away-"

"Hey!" Now it was Donna's turn to butt in. "Roxy, what kind of friend are you? I said Alan is a nerd. AND he's Heather's boy toy. I would assume you wouldn't give him the time of day. Whose side are you on here?"

Roxy knew she couldn't cross Donna, since Donna was nearly as ruthless and powerful as Heather. So she thought quickly, and said, "Your side, obviously. Sure, Alan plays Star Trek video games or whatever it is that nerds do, but that's not all there is to him. I've been checking him out. He used to be gangly, but have you seen how he looks lately? He looks GOOD! He's been on the tennis team for a while now and has developed quite a muscular ass and buff chest."

Amy smiled and happily nodded in agreement.

Roxy added, "He can't REALLY be a nerd if he looks that good and is that good in the sack, can he? So what if he's got weird taste in movies or whatever? Anyways, it's not so much about him as the fact that Heather is into him. We need to know what's going on between them to use it against her, and that means getting closer to him."

Simone coughed, and said, "Duh! Roxy, you must be forgetting I'm here. Hell-looo. Heather's best friend? Remember? You're not stealing him from Heather, that's for sure. If you or Donna even tried, Heather would take the gloves off and go completely medieval on you. Heather has some strangely powerful feelings for him that I can't say I fully understand yet, but I know enough to warn you off. Really. Ignore this warning at your extreme peril!"

Simone wasn't the type to utter dark warnings, and normally if she did she would want to lighten the mood again almost instantly with a joke and a laugh. That she didn't try to make light of her warning told the others that she was, for once, quite serious, which in and of itself was actually fairly ominous.

For her part, Roxy had indeed forgotten Simone was there since Simone was sitting back and hadn't been talking for a while. She blushed and avoided looking in Donna's direction.

Melissa remained the most insistent about getting together with Alan. She took advantage of the awkward silence to lean in closer to Amy. "Amy? Girl? You didn't answer my question. Do you think you might be able to swing some kind of meeting with this wonderboy of yours? Forget about my boyfriend Jimmy; I can drop him like a hot potato to get some of this Alan stuff."

Amy was feeling awkward. "Sorry, I'm not some kind of social secretary for him or something. He's the one who decides who he wants to fuck, and I don't have any say in the matter. Why don't you just talk to him?"

Melissa sighed. "I already did. You know, I've been hearing all these rumors about what a stud he is for weeks now. I came onto him pretty strong a few days ago, before I even knew he was your boyfriend, but he just brushed me off."

She grimaced in remembrance. She didn't get turned down all that often, and Alan's refusal had stung her pride. He'd been very polite and nice about it, but firm in his answer that he was "too busy."

Amy suddenly stood up. "I'm sorry about that. He is pretty busy that way, but maybe you should try again. He really is great and I truly don't mind if you do sleep with him, if that's what he wants. Just make sure you use protection and stuff. But I've got to go. I'll see you later."

In fact, Amy didn't have anywhere to go to, but she was feeling uncomfortable with the way Melissa and Roxy were pressing in on her as they grew increasingly excited about Alan. It was clear from the looks in their eyes that they were going to keep pressuring her to arrange hook-ups, and she didn't want to have to deal with that.

Her doubts grew about whether she'd said too much. She also hoped that Alan wouldn't sleep with any of them - Melissa, Roxy or Donna - because although she grudgingly conceded that they might all be "Alan-worthy" in appearance, they each gave her a bad vibe. She did like Simone, though, despite the fact that Simone was Heather's best friend and was spreading bad rumors.

Amy walked off with her food tray after hardly eating anything. As she left, she again noticed Christine sitting near the others but still not joining them.

Christine appeared to be leaning in to listen as the remaining group continued to talk about Alan. She was staring into space with an intense look on her face, almost as if she was trying to record every word. (In fact, that's exactly what she was doing, thanks to her excellent memory.)

She could see from her peripheral vision that she'd been spotted listening in on the group. But once she saw that it was "only" Amy, she didn't worry about it and kept up her eavesdropping.

She heard Roxy ask Donna, "Do you believe any of what Amy just said?"

Donna replied, "A fraction. No way can that all be true. Maybe Amy believes it, but she has a loose connection with reality at best. I think she makes up tall tales about her boyfriend just like she makes up her weird words."

Roxy replied, sarcastically, "Super duper totalistically." She added more sincerely, "I wish we knew just how much of that was true. If I could believe only half of the rumors about him..." Her voice faded as she lost herself in thought.

Christine thought back to Alan's strange behavior of disappearing during each break between classes, and wondered if there was a connection with what she was overhearing. To her frustration, she didn't see any link.

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